Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alerta Planetaria. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alerta Planetaria. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, agosto 28, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert September 2018 - August 28, 2018
Today is the full moon day of August 26, 2018. This is a very powerful full moon. At the time of the full moon this morning a reverse polarity sunspot appeared. This sunspot was strange because its magnetic polarity is reversed. Then a crack opened in the Earth’s magnetic field and solar wind poured in to fuel a strong G3 geomagnetic storm. It is my understandings that reverse polarity is feminine energy. I think this solar event opened us up to a whole new energy. We will see what happens next.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
domingo, agosto 12, 2018
Mahala - News Flash August 2018 - August 11, 2018
I am writing this article at the time of the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018. The major event connected with this eclipse is the fact that the sun and moon are both on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This is the time we have been waiting for and it has taken us 19 years to reach this point. Let’s take advantage of this degree and open our hearts and let love flow through us. We just walked through the Lion’s Gate and who knows what is now ahead of us. We have entered the unknown.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
domingo, julio 22, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert August 2018 - Jul 22, 2018
This is my August article although I am still talking about events that happened in July, and some that are still to happen. The first eclipse was a solar eclipse on July 12/13 depending on where you live. It was on July 12 here in Seattle. That was a very powerful eclipse because the sun and moon were in exact opposition to Pluto, the transformer, or the god of the underworld. Pluto is in Capricorn and that sign rules governments.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
jueves, junio 28, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert July 2018 - June 28, 2018
The Summer solstice was awesome this year. Solar energy caused the sky to light up over the Pacific Ocean and part of the United States on the Solstice. The energy was so strong that it knocked me out for a period of three days. Some people felt the energy as very euphoric and others felt it in their bodies and emotions. I felt a combination of both. You can look at and look under June 21, 2018 and there is a map that shows the area where the sky lit up. Here is a link to the solar flare that caused that event. Solar storm hits Earth – storm FOUR times size of Earth disables radio technology.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
sábado, junio 02, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert June 2018 - June 2, 2018
We just passed the full moon of May, which was on May 29, 2018. I would like to share with you the meaning of the degree of that moon. It was on eight degrees Sagittarius. This degree means that within the core of Earth new elements are being formed. This alchemical fire will purify and transform the Earth. In other words, Mother Earth is giving birth to new elements that are on a new frequency.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
jueves, mayo 24, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert Video - May 24, 2018
Here Mahala covers the transit of a few planets
particularly Mars through Aquarius, Uranus through Taurus, Jupiter in
Scorpio, along with others. With Uranus just moving into Taurus it
brings birth of earth energy. The video is just under 30 minutes. Feel
free to comment.
Written in love and light
Written in love and light
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
sábado, abril 14, 2018
Mahala - New Flash April 2018
The planets are very intense on this 13th day of April 2018 and will stay that way until the full moon of this month, which is on April 29, 2018. The sun is now in the fire sign Aries which is ruled by Mars. The sun plus Mercury, which is still retrograde until April 15, are in Aries along with Uranus and Eris. Mars activates a lot of energy, which can be either positive or negative. (I just heard on TV that the war energy of Mars was activated and the United States, France, and England are now bombing Syria). It looks like the negative side of Mars was activated. Syria is a possible trigger point for more war energy in the Middle East. Jupiter is over the Middle East right now and is activating the Aries sun.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
Reporte de Energías
sábado, marzo 31, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert April 2018 - March 30, 2018
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
martes, febrero 27, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert March 2018 - February 27, 2018
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
Reporte de Energías
lunes, febrero 12, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert February 2018 - February 11, 2018
Planet Alert February 2018
Posted on February 11, 2018 by Mahala
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
viernes, enero 05, 2018
Mahala - Planet Alert January 2018 - January 4, 2018
Here we are experiencing another new year. What will happen this year? I’m sure it will be a very interesting year with lots and lots of changes. We started this year with a Super Full Moon on January 1, 2018 at 6:24 PM PST. The next day Uranus went direct in conjunction with Eris the planet of chaos. This is a very big deal. Uranus has been spinning his wheels and now he is in direct motion and will cause a lot of chaotic energy and fast acting changes.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
domingo, diciembre 17, 2017
Mahala - News Flash December 15, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
Portales Estelares
lunes, diciembre 04, 2017
Mahala - December Planet Alert 2017 - December 2, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
viernes, noviembre 03, 2017
Mahala - Planet Alert November 3, 2017
Here we are experiencing another full moon that will occur at 10:22 PM on November 3 PDT. This one will be a Super Moon because it will be at the closest point to Earth on November 6. The Goddess rules this moon because both Eris (Wonder Woman) and Lilith will be taking their stand in the heavens. Eris will be activating Uranus, the planet of light, and Lilith will be activating Saturn, who has been considered the controller in the past. Because Uranus is light and Saturn rules our dark past, it looks like a lot of our past energy will be released to make way for the new energy that is coming in now. How many of you have been in a major release of old energy for the past month?
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
domingo, octubre 01, 2017
Mahala - Planet Alert October 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
martes, septiembre 19, 2017
Mahala - News Flash September 19, 2017 - September 19, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
sábado, septiembre 02, 2017
Mahala - Planet Alert September 2017 - September 1, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
viernes, agosto 11, 2017
Mahala - Planet Alert August 2017 - August 11, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
jueves, julio 20, 2017
Mahala - New Flash July 20, 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
sábado, junio 10, 2017
Mahala - Planet Alert June 2017
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Alerta Planetaria,
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