This is my August article although I am still talking about events that happened in July, and some that are still to happen. The first eclipse was a solar eclipse on July 12/13 depending on where you live. It was on July 12 here in Seattle. That was a very powerful eclipse because the sun and moon were in exact opposition to Pluto, the transformer, or the god of the underworld. Pluto is in Capricorn and that sign rules governments.
Saturn is also in Capricorn and is on 4 degrees of that sign. Pluto is on 20 degrees and the difference between them is 16 degrees. This means the midpoint between those two planets was right over Washington D. C. at that eclipse. This means that Washington, D.C. was the main point of that eclipse. There has been a lot of talk about Trump and his meeting with Putin since then. The sun and moon were also in Cancer (water) which rules the East Coast and there were large storms all along the coast last weekend.
The word Trump adds up to the number 16. In the Tarot Cards number 16 is the Tower Struck with Lightning. The meeting between Trump and Putin was on Monday July 16th. The outcome of that meeting really shook up some people in the United States because many of them thought Trump had given the United States over to Putin. This caused much dissension in our world and the result is more chaos.
Because the name Trump adds up to 16, it means he became president so he could tear down the structure of our government which is affecting the whole world. He is doing a good job. We have needed something to shake us up so we can move out of the control of the Matrix. We have been caught in the Matrix long enough and it is time we open our eyes and get ourselves out of that control. We need to be free. Here is an article about the Matrix that you might like to read. Do you choose the Matrix or Truth?.
Donald Trump was born with his Saturn on 23 degrees Cancer. The dwarf planet Eris, which is the Goddess that rules chaos, is on 23 degrees Aries making a perfect 90 degree angle to Trump’s Saturn. This means that he came in to cause chaos and chaos has been the name of the game since he came to office. Right now Vesta, the powerful fire Goddess is on 23 degrees Sagittarius making a perfect trine to Eris the goddess of chaos. These two dwarf planets will be in that same aspect until mid-September when Vesta moves into Capricorn. Be open to many changes as we continue to move through this chaotic energy.
We are about to enter the new Mayan Dreamspell year of the Red Moon on July 26, 2018. The Red Moon is a year of very intense feelings and emotions so it will be a year of working on staying balanced. This New Year also corresponds with the total red blood lunar eclipse on July 27. Mars will also be at its closest point to Earth at that time and will be making a 90 degree angle to Uranus. This creates a very unexpected and explosive energy. Mercury also turns retrograde at that time. This will add to the chaotic energy. This will be a very powerful full moon.
July 27-28th, 2018
This upcoming total lunar eclipse will be on July 27 at 1:20 PM PDT. The moon will be exactly conjunct the south node which will be an accumulation of things from the past that will surface and come to light. Mars will be conjunct the moon and the node at this full moon and square Uranus. This is explosive fire energy and it will be over North Korea. It could also manifest as volcanic eruptions in various parts of the world. I hear there was a large fissure that just opened in Yellowstone. Here is a link: Hidden Falls closure is indefinite, for now. We are in the time of fire which can also cause angry feelings. Try to keep calm and stay balanced.
The meaning of this eclipse degree is “A council of ancestors is seen implanting the efforts of a new leader. The root foundation of past performances will power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual”. This sounds like what is happening in the United States government. Vesta Is in Sagittarius and is in a perfect square to Eris which means the energy for jury trials is in the air.
The trial of Paul Manafort will start in this upcoming week and who knows what will come out in that trial. He was the campaign manager for Trump. We know the Russians interfered with our election and Trump also knows that. Will this come to light in this upcoming trial of Paul Manafort? The moon will be conjunct the south node which means that things from the past will come to the surface and Mercury is in the shadow of being retrograde.
I really do not like to write about politics because everyone has their likes and dislikes and that is their choice. I try to remain neutral and be an observer because it is as it is. I am writing about this because politics is affecting the whole world right now and we have reached the crisis point of this energy. We are going through a major change and we could be living in a whole new environment soon.
August 11th, 2018
The solar eclipse that will be occurring on August 11, 2018 will be on 18 degrees Leo, which is on the degree of Christ Consciousness. Those who are ready will be able to start manifesting that energy. I think that is great. Christ Consciousness is Love. On August 11, 1999 there was a total solar eclipse in England with a perfect fixed cross in the heavens. This was the beginning of the opening of Christ Consciousness. It has taken us a long time to go through the process of learning how to manifest that energy by releasing our past. It is now time for us to stand up for what we believe and start manifesting our great light. We are magnificent Beings of light.
The Lion’s Gate starts to open on July 26th when we enter the New Year of the Dreamspell Calendar. There is a black hole on 3 degrees Leo. That sign has the symbol of the Lion and that is why they call it The Lions Gate. This Gate will probably stay open until the eclipse on August 11, 2018. The ancient Egyptians celebrated this event at the time the star Sirius rose in the heavens over Egypt. It was a major celebration.
White crystals are Christ energy in a solid form. We have been working for a long time to turn our bodies into crystal bodies of light. There will be a large influx of light during this time period and we can now start shining our light for all to see. The Earth also has large crystals at its core. These crystals are being activated and will also start glowing with a lot of light. The light has won. It is only a matter of time before this becomes apparent in our world.
Please join us in meditation at the time of the lunar eclipse on July 27 at 1:20 pm PDT, if you feel inclined to do that. I don’t know what time the eclipse will be where you live so just meditate at the time of the eclipse in your area. Let’s fill the Earth with love and light so it shines like a jewel in the heavens. So Be It!
Written in love and light by Mahala Gayle The Yellow Star in the Dreamspell calendar.