sábado, junio 07, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - The Birth of the New Logos-Gods of Gaia and Humanity - May 30, 2014

Elohim and Other Messages Since November 28, 2013, the Day of Our Ascension and Return as Logos-Gods of New Gaia
by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, May 30, 2014
By Georgi Stankov
This unique collection of messages, which my dual soul Carla Thompson has received from the highest realms of All-That-Is in the last six most dramatic months in the long history of this planet, is our legacy to humanity as the Logos-Gods of the New Gaia-5 (5D Gaia with a waning current 4D overlay) on the eve of its final ascension to 5D.
Indeed, the planet, on which you now dwell and read this website, has nothing to do with the old earth, even though you may have not noticed any of the profound, global transformations that have taken place since I stopped editing this website and dedicated myself fully to my new mission as Logos-God. Take now a chance to change and expand your narrow point of view.
We are on the eve of the ascension of Gaia and humanity, when the threshold of ascension can be reached any time between now and the summer solstice, even though linear time has already ceased to exist and no exact dates can be given. It is, however, a matter of fact that humanity failed to awaken to the very last moment, notwithstanding our gargantuan efforts and that of a few active light warriors of the first and last hour.
This deplorable fact explains the many prolonged delays in the ascension scenario. Below, you can read why and how all these delays happened and why many corrections and ingenious solutions had to be made by our higher selves in the ascension process in order to avoid the worst case scenario – the complete extinction of this planet.
Our efforts and that of a few active light warriors to ascend Gaia has been, nonetheless, a resounding success. No power in this omniverse can alter this outcome – it is divinely decreed by the Source, whose representatives on earth we are, and assured by us long time ago. Precisely, when we both ascended on November 28, 2013 and returned one more time on a new timeline of Gaia – this one – as Logos-Gods to become the creators and stewards of the new Gaia-5.
Before you challenge this information, ask for clarification from your higher selves and the many fragments of your souls, who have, in the meantime, died as incarnated personalities in the lower timelines of this Gaia-5, so that this upper hologram can finally ascend to the 5th dimension. And please, start thinking finally in a comprehensive multi-dimensional manner, as I have taught you for three years on this website. There will be no individual ascension without a clear mind and only you are responsible for the clarity of your own thoughts and the purity of your feelings.
November 28, 2013, 10:00 a.m. in Lofer, Austria, The Elohim
“The realms of light move with the divine grace of God to hold the perfection of purification for this expression of All-That-Is. We are the Elohim and in this moment we bring great news of joy, of wonder!
Many levels of rapture unfold to embrace this expression, this world you call Gaia, and within her great halls, her story borne of great pain and suffering, very shortly comes to an end, where resolution re-incorporates to her Being, where distinction resumes [where it was once lost to the world].
Begin by re-arranging your light upon the Earth, by re-inventing your creation to reflect the grace and harmony and love from which the Prime Creator chose your path.
Return to the inward focus, do it today! Refrain from speech, social gathering, all inter-action with the world, today! Turn toward your Self! Today is a celebration of You!
Know you are of Divine orientation, that you need only your internal reference points, the points of God alignment, that one can only know from the inner embrace, the inner reflection.”
November 28, 2013   at 2:00 pm,  The Elohim
“Greetings, we are the Elohim,
Humanity shall celebrate its arrival into the New Age of Enlightenment through recognition of its divinity and its pure intent to go within and joyfully embrace All-That-Is, first from the perspective of an individual and then as a collective, as One, within the Unity Field.
As one now brings forth all the inner strength available, the inner strength to embrace equally the Pain of this existence as well as the Rose… the Rose is the salve for the pain. It is the wholeness of this existence that is the pure reflection of the Divine…”
Note (all Carla’s notes below are written for George): This message was not written up initially because as you can see, it is not very clear. I had a severe cc-wave that began during this message, and this was actually following the severe and sudden stabbing pain behind my right eye, you may recall this event. It really is not a significant message in my opinion. However, in my notes I make reference to all the angels being present, at around 4 pm. and in my opinion, this was significant.
November 28, 2013, 8:18 p.m.,  The Elohim
“Welcome!  We are the Elohim!
You have been brought to this place (Lofer, Austria) as a sealed portal, where neither heavy energies, nor stray mal-incarnates shall affect you.
The area of this Gaia holds profound protection for you as Ascended Masters, protection from low frequential adjustments to timelines and dimensions beyond your current location.
Crystalline caves fill these nearby mountains within their cores, and these are interconnected to Gaia’s crystalline grid within which the energies flow. These energies lift Her and all those who have previously followed suggestions to go within. These expressions shall be lifted with Her, as One.
You, as Ascended Masters, are now connected to this sacred crystalline light, as you are fully in your light bodies, your frequencies meld with those of the inner mountains. One supports the other in a symbiosis. You are now experiencing a Unified Field of light gestalt.”
November 29, 1:00 pm,  The Elohim
“Greetings to you, we are the Elohim!
Night turns to day and day to night, as you are caught within the stream of ascension! What is up is really down and what is down is really up.
This is a time of great flux, and a time of great import. Hold the line unto the end!
Everything moves forward, onward and outward as All-That-Is expands itself into conscious awareness.”

viernes, junio 06, 2014

Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – Update Alert! You’re Not Who You Thought You Were! – 6 june 2014

judithThis is Judith with a “Hit of the Day” that feels lke a BIG one– which the celestial team confirmed by fizzing through me before I even finished getting it onto the page! What they added is the “Aha” as to WHY my “hit’ felt–and is– a VERY big one that is also very important to share. 
So here we all are! I tust you’ll have no trouble discerning the more earthly frequencies from the celestial ones, and so will have no trouble telling us apart (even though I often can’t anymore these days…)
Update alert! You are no longer the being you define yourself as! Trust me.
Better yet, the minute after you read this, check that out for yourself.
Sit down with pen and paper, and list your self-descriptions.

Breaking News: Fireball Meteor Event Seen in at Least 4 States CO/ SD/ NE/ WY

"The Beast" Potentialy Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8

Activating the Crystalline Body Day 1 Free Day

Arcoiris Zócalo Ciudad de México 5 de junio 2014

Mi Ciudad - My Hometown - Para los mexicanos que viven fuera de México les dedico este video

"Earth In The Future" [2014 Documentary]

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - The Momentum For June 2014 Is Ascension - Jun 1, 2014

Collectively, as Sons and Daughters of God, WE HAVE TURNED THE CORNER! This is the Victory our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven have been striving for since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago. Since that fateful time, when we closed our hearts so we would not feel so much pain and literally blocked the flow of our Father-Mother God’s Love and our awareness of the Divine Feminine—our Mother God, our I AM Presence has been trying to reclaim the Path of Divine Love that is our destiny. Unfortunately, our fragmented, fear-based human egos have been successfully fighting tooth and nail to prevent us from remembering our Mother God and from accomplishing that Victory.

Santa Rea via Philipp: A Message from my Higher Self ~ Crossing the Finish Line - Jun 5, 2014

Santa Rea: A Message from my Higher Self. Channelled by Philipp. June 5, 2014
I am Santa Rea, your Higher Self.
I address this to you because humanity has reached the point which it has awaited eagerly for such a very long time. You are about to cross the finishing line.
The Universal Mother has gifted you with the Tsunami of Love. You are constantly flooded with her energies and in the last couple of weeks. These energies have taken on a momentum which led humanity to its destiny.
I ask you and all your fellow sisters and brothers, come join us now for finishing this game. Without you, the full effect of the Tsunami of Love cannot reach your shore. This Tsunami of Love is a sacred undertaking based on the sacred partnership with your Mother. You are the Tsunami of Love!
You bring forward the energies and help to spread the Love all over the world and, consequently, help to lift humanity out of the mud.
We informed you, asked you and even implored you to see and imagine how you ride Mother’s waves of Love energy. Now it is time to understand and fully comprehend that you are not only riding the wave but you are the wave!
You, every single Lightworker, Lightholder, Wayshower or what every term you prefer, are the wave targeting to reach humanity’s shore. Meditate on this, see yourself as the big Tsunami of Love wave that is rushing over the sea, playing along with the dolphins, the whales and the sacred water Elementals, reaching for the shores of Gaia.
See how you are flooding Gaia with the brilliant Light of Love and how your Light beams out in the Universe. It is time for action, my sweet Angel. It is time to truly step forward and say:
“I am here to fulfill a job, to do my part in this Sacred Union with the Universal Mother and I am more than ready and willing to complete this. Dear Universal Mother, I am your child and I am here to help you. Bring it along and I am helping you to spread your Love to my fellow sisters and brothers.”
I am Santa Rea. Go with my Love. Farewell.

Espectacular flotilla de OVNIs sobre el cielo de Roma. 2014

Fotos de John Hyatt:¿Prueba de existencia de Hadas? / Photos by John Hyatt:Evidence about fairies?

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 6 June 2014

Time such as you experience it is an illusion, but necessary for you to progress within the limitations of the Third Dimension. Nevertheless, you are beginning to sense that greater opportunities exist beyond its confines. Indeed, you are stepping into the higher vibrations, and providing you are refining yours you will remain on the path to them. Such progress is inevitable as it is time to leave the old vibrations behind with those souls who remain within them by choice. We have told you before and repeat again that it is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a New Age. At such times great changes occur that unavoidably result in chaos before settling down, but out of them will come that lasting peace that every soul seeks.

Suzanne Lie - Creating Your Own Reality Part 3

Eliza: On Surrendering to Love - June 6, 2014

Eliza: On Surrendering to the Love that you are
Has it only been two and a half weeks since Wesak? We all seem to be encompassing lifetimes in a matter of days.
For me, it has been all about eating healthier. I have managed on a primarily fruit diet, although I get strange looks from my co-workers when I go by with a bowl full of grapefruit slices instead of a sandwich. I still eat other foods, but not to the degree that I once did. Most sweets are out now, as I am also gradually weaning myself off of sugar, except in its natural form, fruit. A nice salad with some tuna fish or boiled egg gives me some needed protein and an array of vitamins from the dark greens. Then an occasional handful of nuts or one half of an avocado gives me fat/protein. It is a simple diet, with virtually no or little cooking.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Water Displacement” – 6 June 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
As we are now in the process of Saka Dawa and leading up to the Full Moon of Humanity, the last of the three annual sacred Full Moons, we are also under a lot of influence with Neptune.
And the Neptunian energy causes a lot of interesting things around water. So my caution today is about water and on all levels: within the body, bodies of water on the planet and the planetary water content in general.
We are seeing the effects of water displacement on all levels.  So, for example, in your body, you might drink plenty of water but the skin is still dry or you don’t drink enough water so the stools get too loose or whatever.

UFO sighting near the Sun - June 5, 2014


Suzanne Lie – Back From Lemuria 3 – Our New Life – 6 June 2014

After my meeting with the Arcturian, Jason guided me to the table and made some coffee so I could get more grounded. As I sat there waiting for my coffee, I started flipping through the stack of mail I had set on the table. After going through a bunch of bills we could not pay and a lot of junk mail, I came to a letter from a lawyer for Jason.
Obviously, the letter had followed him over several address changes and finally found its way to his current address. It looked like one of those envelopes that had a check in it, so I called Jason in to open it. He came in with our coffee and sat down to open the official looking letter.
“Oh,” he said. “This was my rich uncle’s attorney.”

jueves, junio 05, 2014

The Council of Nine via Tazjima: True Change Starts From Within Self - Jun 5, 2014


Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Nine. We come to you today to speak of developments in your world and within yourselves.
There are many among the light workers who are presently undergoing various stages of waking up to whom and what they truly are. And then there is the greater population of the planet that has existed for numerous centuries, locked into an endless karmic wheel, unable to get off the unmerry-go-round.
So, what is the difference between these two groups of people and why should we bring it to your attention?

Anna Merkaba - The Journey of Your Soul – Your Soul Splits into 16 parts… not 2! - Jun 5, 2014

The Journey of your soulMany misunderstand the idea of twin flames, and are searching for that one special soul, usually of the opposite sex, to spend their lives with. In truth there is not just one other half of you out there somewhere walking around, but many more pieces of your soul. And yet it is with only ONE such other piece of your soul that you are to unite into one magnificent WHOLE.
So how does this happen? When your soul, your OVERSOUL is born at the source, it is born into a soul family of other such souls who are all closely related. These OVERSOULS will continue to interact with each other over and over again in various physical lives, and etheric ones. A soul family is different than an OVERSOUL.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

4 o’clock in the morning

Beloved Ones,
The ascension process increases in intensity in the next few months and what has been so far, is not the end but the beginning of the end. This is somewhat “crazy”, because very often it was announced that the end is already taking place. 
And it is true. Because truly: Beginning and end are one and it is now.

Shanta Gabriel – Messages From Archangel Gabriel – Opening The Stargate Of The Heart – The June 21 Solstice Activation – 5 June 2014

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideDear Ones,
Within the empowered presence of the Divine, new portals are opening in conjunction with celestial events. One such event occurs on June 21 as the portal of the Solstice opens the Stargate of the Heart. This 2014 Solstice Stargate is connecting the academy of Ascended Masters in company with the Archangels to bring forth a new level of Grace and teachings to the Earth.

Within the ancient seeds are awakening codes that have been fired through the power of the activity of Light in April. These were anchored into the heart of the Mother of the Earth throughout May, and on this Solstice, a new depth and awareness will be awakened. This activation is within the vertical alignment that connects the human being with the Ascended Masters and Archangels guiding the awakening of all humanity with the Earth. The power available represents a connection to Source energy which is unprecedented.

martes, junio 03, 2014

Judith Kusel - Celebrating the Rites of Womanhood - June 3, 2014


We as woman have forgotten the Ancient Rites of Passage – the rites of the celebration of life in all its form.
In a society which worships the teenager and youth – in form and being, it is worshipping but a minute timeframe of life, which is but a puff in the wind.  As teenager, you have not even moved past the first threshold of life (as much as they might protest otherwise and think they know it all).
True maturity in astrological term only comes at the age of 60!  When an astrologer once told me this, I had one of those AHA! Moments, and I looked back on my life and the I thought: “Yes, the rest of life is but the university, the training ground, for the true LOVE, POWER, AND WISDOM which comes when one has reached that blossoming maturity, which has experienced it all, and at last has found that inner peace, contentment and basic KNOWING, which spans time and space.”
There has a lot been written about women in later life, and what is called “mid-like crises” or the menopausal state.  I remember my mom saying to me, that she never had time for all the nonsense, because she never had time to feel sorry for herself.   Later on I researched this topic for someone and then found an interesting article by a woman doctor, where she reckoned that menopause, since it was labeled, has become a psychological label and something that the pharmaceutical companies have honed into.

Pamela Kribbe - Paraíso en la Tierra - Jun 3, 2014

Pamela canaliza a Jeshua


Traducción del inglés por Sandra V. Gusella

Queridos amigos, hoy les doy la bienvenida aquí y los saludo a todos desde lo más profundo de mi corazón. Mi mayor placer es estar con ustedes. Los admiro por vuestro coraje y perseverancia.

Han venido a la Tierra para aportar algo en este tiempo de transición. Todos ustedes llevan un precioso regalo: el regalo que ustedes son. Y quieren dárselo a la Tierra, porque ustedes la aman. Han estado en la Tierra muchas veces y una parte de ustedes pertenece a ella.

Best UFO Sightings Of May 2014, AnonymousFO

Brenda Hoffman – You Have Become A Literal Light Beacon – 3 June 2014

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
The summary of Brenda’s April 26, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Those at the forefront are shifting faster and deeper daily. An apt analogy is a pre-cell evolving into a tooth or hair cell – part of the body, but with a unique role. As you evolve in new earth, your joy path may evolve also – just as was true when you became an adult. Each of you, including those newly awakened and those yet to awaken, is an important member of the Universal choir with the perfect voice/vibration for that choir
The next “Creation Energies” show will be channeled either Friday, June 13 or Saturday, June 14.
New “Brenda’s Blog” channels WILL CONTINUE to be posted weekly.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “No One Can Dictate Your Joy”

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 3 June 2014

AishaNorthAs many of you have already attested to, this last Gathering of yours was indeed a resounding success, and even if the outcome of it may not be perceivable to all of you just yet, know that what you accomplished will indeed have far reaching consequences, not just beyond the shores of your little Pond, but in the realms beyond yours. You see, what you did was nothing less than a complete anchoring of a vast field of energetics, and as such, you have in many ways created a cloud of energy that will be permanently based around your globe, much like that electronic “cloud” many of you utilize whenever you access your electronic devices. In other words, you have helped to format a frequential layer that will be utilized not only to store but also to download vast amounts of information, information that hitherto only has been accessible by individuals, but that now will be used for mass upgradings and collective efforts, such as the one you have just completed.

Emmanuel Dagher - Energy Forecast - Graduation Day - Jun 3, 2014

Hi my Beautiful Friend,

It’s such an honor to share in this way with you again.

During this time of year, children and adults all across the world receive the opportunity to celebrate their academic achievements with a graduation ceremony.

A graduation usually brings up a multitude of feelings. For some, these feelings may include a sense of accomplishment for what they have achieved. For others, it may bring up a little sadness over the fact that the student life they are so accustomed to is no longer there for them.


andromeda council copyThe Andromeda council welcomes you aboard the Equitarian ship. The Equitarian ship. For indeed the life giving energies of the life force currently in play on planet earth have given rise to the subterranean cultures to ascend from the east to the west, from the north to the south. And so, as we begin the following discussion of the present affairs of the human culture and genome, let us begin to revive the informational decree currently in procession into the human vehicle known collectively as humanity.
For in essence all that exists in the human understanding of things is within the core of their sub atomic particles and structure.

Raising Vibrational Frequencies & Opening Hearts! Lisa Transcendence Brown

Suzanne Lie – Back From Lemuria Part 2 -Asking For Guidance – 3 June 2014

When Jason and I first got our assignment to visit other areas of Gaia to learn how to communicate with the elements and elementals, we were so excited. We laughed and planned while we made breakfast together, but when we sat down and started to eat, the reality of our lives began to set in. How could we possibly travel around the country? We could barely survive with our two jobs.
There was NO way we could afford to stop working then somehow find the money to travel around the countryside. This fact began to settle into our consciousness while we ate our first meal, in who knows how long. We had been jumping in and out of time so long that we could only imagine the time unless we looked at the Sun or a clock.

Sandra Walter – June Wave: Take It Personally – 3 June 2014

SandraWalterJune is a deeply personal passage for those on the Ascension path. We have been fortunate to share common experiences, side-effects and phenomenon through the Shift, however this may change for you as the June wave begins to arrive.
The Cave Before the Wave
You may have noticed a resistance to sharing your journey lately; a need to be silent, quiet, reclusive. I call it the Cave before the Wave. The personal revelations have begun and they must be honored. Often that means keeping the information to oneself, and integrating the brand new experience without external interference. We have an opportunity now to see our true self, meet our divine teams in the physical, and experience dramatic shifts in our reality.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Energies of June 2014 - Las Energías de Junio 2014 Por Jennifer Hoffman 3 de Junio 2014

I would like to start this month’s insights with a heart-felt ‘On your marks, get set, go’ but that will be for July, not this month. June begins, quite auspiciously, with a Mercury retrograde that lasts until June 30, and some other activity that will give us lots of energetic support for our final energetic and emotional house cleaning. We can start moving the furniture back in, so to speak, in July, if we have any left. This has been quite a year for release so far and it does let up this month, encouraging us to prepare for the action we can take in July. There’s another aspect to June, on a wider scale, and that has to do with revelations and truth. The question for each of us this month is what truth do we believe for ourselves and are we willing to stand for our truth? We’ll have some opportunities to do that this month.

Awakening may start now – and we await you on the other side – Ashtar through Marc Gamma dated June 03, 2014

AshtarThere is great joy at our side and this is the reason why I am coming to you today in order to submit this joyful message of light to you.
We, and thereby meaning the Spirtitual Hierarchy, the Galactic Federation of Light and Miriads of souls on planet Earth are passing now through some very important phase of transformation and this is why I’ve come to you in order to prepare you for everything which is to come now.

Multi-Dimensional Shifts, In-Between Dimensions, Frequency Roller Coaster Ride

lunes, junio 02, 2014

Celia Fenn: Time Travel 102 – Navigating Timelines - Jun 2, 2014

Image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at www.eyewithin.com

Life on timeship earth has been remarkably tense and intense the last few weeks. Surpisingly, the solar activity has been relatively low, so it is safe to say that this intensity is coming from another source. This source is our new relationship with time and our work as “crew” on timeship earth.
In the last few weeks time has become a major source of conflict as the earth collective consciousness decides whether it will be “reverse engineered” back in time through timeline manipulation, or whether we will move forward and into a higher spiral of conscious evolution that aligns us with the divine plan and the divine creative intelligence.
As we have ascended into fifth-dimensional consciousness, it has become important that we also understand the fourth dimension of time and the way in which we manifest and create on the new earth grids. Those who are masters of this skill are known as timeline engineers. These ones are aware that time is not linear and unidirectional. They know that time is fluid and that it moves in many directions, including forwards and backwards.

Andrew Bartzis - Interview from the "Spanish Show"

Lee Harris - June 2014 Energy Forecast - What's new, and what's possible now?

Lee Harris

Hi everybody and welcome to the June 2014 Energy Forecast.
It’s beautiful out here today. It’s warm. It’s sunny.

And yet, the strongest energy I feel to start this forecast with is to address grief. Because this is an energy that is coming up collectively for everybody, and I‘ve noticed this is very much at the forefront of people’s issues right now.
Each month I hold a live Q and A broadcast which is available to members of The Portal, and since last month, to everybody. And in the last three months of holding these broadcasts, I have noticed an enormous amount of grief and panic is the ongoing theme through people’s questions.
So certainly, the last few months have been more intense than we’ve experienced before. But as I have repeatedly said over the last year or so, the key for all of us is that the intensity outside of us is not going to die down. So the only way that we can actually improve our experience of it is to learn to better work with it or to work with our innerselves – and often it’s both that are required.
So for example, those of you who are feeling grief around what you’re seeing going on on the planet, you will want to look at activism around those areas – conscious activism. So that you’re bringing your voice, your energy towards the area that you are most grieved about.

Cosmic Weather – Monthly Snapshot for June 2014

June, 2014: Superheroes, Mirror Stars and Rabbit Holes
Hello friends, welcome to the month of June and another round of Mercury Retrograde (6/7-7/1) before you recoil in horror, I actually have some encouraging words about this one. :)
One prevailing New Age metaphysical view is that you have attracted *every* single person, dis-ease, place or circumstance into your life. Well, yes and no. It's not exactly as cut and dried as that in my opinion. According to the ancient karmic system laid down in ancient Buddhist teachings such as the ones eludicated in "The Diamond Cutter," and in my experience as an akashic record reader, your "samskaras" (imprints) do draw certain experiences to you. Imprints can be both positive and negative, and often the higher the emotional charge the more profound the imprint that is created. Also, actions made in full awareness have more karmic impact than actions that do not. As in, if you willingly seek to harm to someone as opposed to misfortune that simply happens. So when you have a negative experience with someone, say in social media for example; does that mean you have a karmic connection with that person? Not necessarily, but you do have an impression in there somewhere that has drawn that energy in the first place. The interesting thing is, so does the other person. So basically we often are getting into a "clash of the samskaras" with people and from a certain level, it's actually rather funny and absurd.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 June 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 1° al 8 de Junio 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

You have been passing through many portals through the last few months and now comes the process of assimilation of the energies and the shifting into a new perspective on your personal and collective journey. Many of you are arriving and perceiving, however dimly at first, the underlying potential that lies like magical seeds within the garden of your life. You are realizing that it is YOU who does the creating of the direction your life should go and it all involves the constant use of your focus and your thoughts. It is important to remember that your thoughts are now in position to be more potent and more powerful than ever before, for the energies you have passed through have cleared many obstacles that were standing in your way forward.

Wes Annac - Forgiving the Cabal, Here and Now - Jun 2, 2014

Reader Anny shares her thoughts on forgiving the cabal.
“I have read your articles about the need to forgive the cabal, once they have been brought to justice, a couple of times now. I could not agree with you more.
“However, I think we need to take it even a step further. I think we should not wait until that time. I think we, or at least the ones that are able to, should forgive them NOW, this minute, and shine all our light and love on them, even before they have been brought to justice – which they will be, because love does not stand in the way of that.

Jim Self - Planetary Update - June 2014

Lena Stevens - The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.

There were many other phrases and words that came to describe the month such as “commitment”, “just do it already”, “go for it”, “step forward”, “decide”, “responsibility”, “overcome fear”, “be proactive”, “get off the couch”, “get over yourself” etc., but I chose CHOICE because it really does cover all aspects of what this time frame is about and what it can teach us.
Claiming your CHOICE in something is the shortcut to eradicating any vestige of Martyrdom or being the Victim of circumstance. This is not an easy month but it can be a really good one in what it teaches you. This month will require a commitment to a daily practice of CHOOSING how to be proactive in your life.

El curioso fenómeno de los anillos de humo / Mysterious black ring appears in the sky in England

Mahala – Planet Alert June 2014 – 2 June 2014 – Does Chaos Rule, Or Does It Not? – 2 June 2014

MahalaBy Admin on behalf of Mahala, on June 1st, 2014
How many of you feel like you are living in total chaos? Does the pressure feel very intense? Have you wondered why you need to live on the edge all the time wondering where the next dollar will come from? Are you tired of living this way, isn’t it time for a change? I have seen many people who are moving through this period of their life very well. I have also seen others who are in chaos and don’t know where to turn for help. It seems like it is the light workers who are experiencing the most difficulty right now. Could it be because they agreed to spend a lot of time helping the world to evolve into a new type of civilization?  The cardinal cross really stirred up the energy of change, and this has forced people to look at their lives and decide whether they need to change their life, or the way they look at their life.

John Smallman – The Forces Of The Dark Are In Disarray! – 3 June 2014

Here in the spiritual realms, where we are right beside you in fact, we are watching with delight as you move forwards so determinedly towards your inevitable awakening.  Signs of the imminence of this long awaited event can be seen all over the world as more and more of you turn inwards and allow the Love that envelops you all to embrace each one of you personally.  Accepting God’s loving embrace opens your hearts and dissolves the fear, anger, or resentment to which many have been clinging in order to justify unloving behavior in which they have engaged, or as a result of unloving behavior to which they have been subjected over many lifetimes.  This is a time of release, forgiveness, and reconciliation, it has been ongoing for a number of decades and has recently been gathering increased momentum.  As we have been telling you repeatedly: “You are to awaken.”

Wes Annac – Enlighten Yourself: Acceptance And The Angelic Realm – Part 1/3 – 2 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Staying true to the decision I outlined in a recent article, I’d like to start examining some of what’s been said by the prominent spiritual teachers of our past and present about the path of enlightenment. I’m starting to realize the relevance of enlightenment to our spiritual evolution, and as such, I’d like to present as much material about it as I can.
Expect plenty of future reports about enlightenment, life after death, and various other interesting and important subjects, because the mission of the conscious seeker is to spread as much awareness and enlightenment as possible. If I can do this by writing directly about enlightenment and all of the other relevant spiritual subjects, then I’m happy.

Pronóstico Mensual – Junio del 2014 por Lena Stevens - Jun 2, 2014

2 de Junio 2014

Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El Tema para junio del 2014 es ELECCIÓN.

Había otras muchas frases y palabras para describir el mes, tales como ‘compromiso’ ‘justo háganlo ya’, ‘enfréntenlo’, ‘den un paso al frente’, ‘decidan’, ‘responsabilidad’, ‘superen el miedo’, ‘sean proactivos’, ‘levántense del sofá’, ‘sobrepónganse’, etc., pero elegí ELECCION porque abarca realmente todos los aspectos relacionados con este marco de tiempo y lo que este puede enseñarnos.

Reclamar su OPCIÖN con respecto a algo es el camino más corto para erradicar cualquier vestigio de martirio o de ser víctima de las circunstancias. Este no es un mes fácil pero puede ser realmente bueno por lo que les enseña. Este mes requerirá de compromiso para mantener una práctica diaria de ELEGIR cómo ser proactivos en sus vidas.

domingo, junio 01, 2014

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: On Unconditional Love - June 1, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Unconditional Love
Channeler: Tazjima Amariah Kumara
Greetings, again, dear ones; I am the Lord of the Pleiades, Lord and Archangel Adrigon. And yet, I tell you that these titles mean little to me except as indication of my spiritual attainment, my duty and my commitment to the Ascension of GAIA and the collective of humanity.
We are your brothers and sisters. We love you. It is as simple and as complex as that. Our love for all humanity is unconditional. We can observe what you do to each other without judgment and understand that it is the outworking of karma and the experience of the extremities of polarity that drive some of humanity to do what is termed “evil” in most of your societies. Yet, we see only those who have lost their way temporarily, before they will be gathered to the bosom of the Lord of Light.
We understand that many of you have little comprehension what unconditional love really is in truth. We place no conditions on what we see, hear and observe of your lives. Although this may seem heartless to some, in terms of the suffering of many on your planet, let us remind you that you ALL chose freely to come here.

Wes Annac – The Next Big Thing – 1 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
A mother takes her child to the grocery store for some shopping. The child, having only been on the earth for a few years, is enamored by all of the interesting, glittering things around him. All of the food; the drinks; the snacks. How he wishes he could grab up all of the snacks in the aisles.
He remains silent, enjoying his trip out with his mother, until he sees it.
He and his mother just happen to walk past a small toy isle, and he sees a toy that the television has been advertising in between his favorite cartoons. Suddenly, his composure’s gone. Suddenly, he’s jumping for joy and doing everything he can to get his mother’s attention on this alluring toy, hoping he has a chance of getting it.

Communication and the new relationships – understanding a totally new concept of cosmic love - Jun 1, 2014

Communications from the heart and soul
In essence our souls are pure and therefore in the eyes of the Divine, we are perfection.  The Divine does not see flaws in all of creation, because he/she created perfection.
Then why is it that we, as human beings, have such difficulty in communicating from the heart and soul and constantly hone into the perceived flaws in ourselves and others?
I believe in the beginning this was not so, for we communicated telepathically.  So other people could read our mind and energy fields.  When you communicate telepathically no-one could lie, for in reading your mind, they would soon see if you are living a lie or living your innermost truth.

DL Zeta – A Call To Lightworkers: Amplify Your Light And Join In Consciousness – 1 June 2014

DLZetaMany lightworkers have undergone constant waves of change in recent years. At times this change has arrived with tsunami-like force, obliterating existing life structures and leaving you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stretched beyond what seemed reasonable human limits. The energies of this spring were so powerful you may have felt yourself buckle at times. Much as we might hold to our ideals, we may find it difficult to remain in a perspective of perfect trust and grace at all times. Sometimes we may look and feel like we’re falling apart; we may act out small dramas we thought we were done with years ago. We may say and do things we wish we hadn’t. In short, we may act like we’re human beings.

John Smallman – Saul – The Heat Is On And The Illusion Is Melting – 1 June 2014

All on Earth are soul extensions of your true and higher Selves.  It is as though you dipped your higher Self’s index finger (if it had such an appendage!), which possessed all your physical senses, into the illusory environment that humanity appears to inhabit to test it and found the experience enthralling, indeed captivating.  So much so that it forgot Itself and became totally engrossed in the tiny – and I assure you that it is indeed tiny! Environment into which it had dipped that finger.  So engrossed that it altogether forgot Its own magnificence and the joy that Its eternal existence at One with Source, in Reality, in Heaven, brought It in every moment.

Aisha North – A short Update On The Energies For The June Gathering Around The Pond – 1 June 2014

AishaNorthDear friends!
The constant companions wanted me to share this update with you today as we get ready to connect at 21:00 Oslo time for this month’s Gathering around the Pond:
“As you already know, this evening you will begin a new phase of your co-creational efforts, for as you once again sit down to connect, you will find connective doors that has so far been kept hidden from you, and through these doors, your combined energies will start to coalesce and merge in such a way, they will literally serve to wash away any resistance that may still linger anywhere in your systems. For you will truly become as if one, and you will truly merge into a field of energetic empowerment that will serve not only you, but this entire planet. And so we say again on behalf of All of creation, thank you for what you are about to begin, for you are about to set off a chain of reaction that will sweep through the entire human race, and you are about to set off a chain of reaction that will sweep the slate clean of any hindrances standing in your way.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – 1. June 2014: Important Personal Update! – 1 June 2014

My dear friends,
there is an interesting pattern in my life that constantly repeats itself. It is a pattern that big and exciting changes happen very quickly and suddenly for me, without much notice in advance.
This time it is about leaving Australia and returning to Europe, to live on the Canary Islands!
And now I have a little less than 6 weeks left to prepare for this major move. And this is a really big jump for me :)

Mahala – Astrology Report For June – 1 June 2014

MahalaGuest article by Dorene Carrel @ Astroconnections.
June is a moderately active month, with four planetary stations, Mercury retrograde and another Grand Sextile pattern. The cardinal Grand Cross will be activated again, though not as intensely. The Summer Solstice in Cancer also occurs in mid-month.  We begin June under a recent New Moon in Gemini, which began on May 28, with a focus on communication, education and mental patterns.
The dwarf planet Ceres turns stationary direct in Libra on June 1.  This may signify a growing public awareness of issues connected with our food supply, such as the effects of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), radiation threats, pollution, factory farming, etc.  Ceres in Libra also suggests striving for more personal balance in the areas of nutrition and diet.


Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command have been sending message to Earth Governments for years about weaponization of space, and sending missiles into orbit. They have been told that sending these into orbit will be deactivated and will be monitored daily. This is example of Russia Proton-M rocket launch on 16th May 2014, a message sent to Russian Government that this won't be allowed. And clearly that's the case, as Lightship flew though and shut down the electronics of the rocket. - www.GalacticFederationofLight.com, www.AshtarGalacticCommand.com
"The [Galactic] Federation has neutralized nuclear missiles and nuke suitcases. Most of Earth's population has no idea how many times we have stepped in behind the scenes to influence, alter or stop certain very destructive events and the misuse of numerous `black-op' highly classified weapon systems and projects very destructive to Mother Earth, which would have wiped out much of the life on the planet.

"If it had not been for our constant vigilant monitoring of Earth, . to stop these very dangerous incidents and many other forms of Intervention, as bad as the environmental conditions are at this time, this planet would literally be in eight times worse of a mess than it presently is!" (Ashtar through Michael Ellegion
"The Galactic Federation has been quite directly involved in your planet in many, many ways for your planets whole history. of late we have been bringing great many ships into the environment of your planet in order to assist with numerous subtle duties. I can list a few: assisting with the balancing of your magnetosphere, working against your destructive tendencies by disallowing nuclear explosions and similar, beaming in an balancing frequencies of light that assist in the ascension process, severely curtailing the negative activities of other self-serving space races and so on and so on. The list is long. - Cdr Adamu
On more than one occasion, you were intending to bring about a nuclear war. ... Your actions could have destroyed your Earth. We wish you to be aware that we have acted as your guardians for many thousands of years and you would not have been where you are now without our help, indeed you would not have reached this high point in evolution." - Atmos
"The Galactic Federation is meanwhile keeping a firm watch on the military bases, so as to ensure that they do not interfere with the process of change. They too like all of the armed forces will become converted to serve peaceful purposes. War has absolutely no place in the future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive employment.

"Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods. Think peace, love and beauty as so much on Earth is ugly and has been despoiled by Man." - SaLuSa

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Accediendo A Los Cristales Guardianes Del Registro Del Átomo Simiente De La Tierra - RONNA -


Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Queridos Maestros, en el ojo de su mente, comoquiera que lo perciban, visualicen que están viendo a la Tierra desde una gran nave de Luz, y juntos nosotros, las fuerzas angélicas y la multitud de Seres de Luz universales que representamos a nuestro Padre/Madre Dios, ponemos de manifiesto los patrones energéticos vibratorios del maravilloso esquema Divino en preparación para la habitación de la humanidad en la Tierra. Durante las intrincadas y complejas etapas de preparación, se implantaron grandes cristales sensitivos profundamente dentro de la Tierra en lugares estratégicos alrededor del planeta. Una porción de cada cristal inmenso brotó desde la superficie de la Tierra como un centinela irradiando energía e información hacia el cosmos, a la vez que operaba como un receptor de Divina Luz, Sabiduría y Poder desde nuestro Padre/Madre Dios. Durante muchos eones de tiempo, a medida que tenían lugar los cambios en la Tierra mediante los cuales las cadenas montañosas se elevaron hacia los cielos, las masas de agua se hundieron bajo las aguas y los continentes se desplazaban y cambiaban de forma, la mayoría de estos grandes cristales fueron destrozados y enterrados

sábado, mayo 31, 2014

EL LINAJE de Jesus y Maria Magdalena

Drones Over Blue Whales, Gray Whales in Surf, Megapod of Dolphins off Dana Point Whale Watching

Natalie Glasson – Soul Connection Power By Archangel Michael – 31 May 2014

natalie glassonIt is with love and a deep vibration of peace that I come forth to embrace you in the angelic and Creator light. I am here to bring forth a dispensation of light to those who are ready to receive and awaken the same within their beings.  There are many beings, angels and masters who are being asked by the Creator to channel light vibrations and frequencies into the Earth at this time but especially into the souls existing within physical bodies upon the Earth. In this time of great evolution for the Earth and humanity there is a need to allow yourself to enter into a state of receiving, this allows you to be open to all that is the Creator, it is akin to surrendering all that you are to the Creator in order to allow  appropriate activations of Creator consciousness and qualities to emerge within your being. Light dispensations will come forth from many guides and beings of the light as we all, even on the inner planes, consciously surrender all that we know and recognise ourselves to be to the Creator in order to receive the vibrations of the Creator aiding inner activations. Many of these activations from the soul within your physical body have not emerged or been present with you while you are conscious upon the Earth. This means that you are all entering into new stages of yourself and your awareness; it is the time of soul awakening on a deep and in an advanced way.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: On Free Will and Choice - May 31, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Free-Will and Choice
Greetings, it is I, Lord Adrigon, presiding over the Pleiadian High Council and many other councils, as well. It is with great reverence and joy that we continue our discussions.
Last night, as our scribe communicated with her Sirian friend (who is also incarnated on GAIA) she realized that she has been recording our words for quite some time. We first came to her as the collective “voice” of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. And even earlier in her experience, one day out of curiosity she asked the air, knowing that someone was listening, “Who sent me here?” And promptly, she received the answer, “The Council of Nine.” She was able to accept that answer despite having no knowledge, whatsoever, of the Council before that very day. Her heart knew, even if her mind was unable to comprehend.

More healing codes – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2014

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(Translated from original language german)
My beloved child, my son Raphael gave you already some codes for healing purpose and for transmutation of harmful substances in your food. From me, you know also the codes for improvement of your drinking water. Today I will give you still more codes which you can all use for healing. They are suitable for adults, children and babies and animals alike. They have a fail-safe safety feature that makes them safe in their application.

St Germain via Goldenlight 5-31-14: Hold Fast The Finish Line is in Sight

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration when reposting this message.
Dear friends, I just received a vision of all of us running a long-distance marathon with this entire RV/GCR process and with us being in the final last small stretch with the finish line in sight.
Hello St Germain, I’m picking up on a vision of us being at the finish line…
Yes and as you know and have sensed there are many thousands now who have been participating in this collective manifestation since we last spoke.. YOU ARE ALL STILL IN THE PROCESS OF MANIFESTING THIS GLOBAL ABUNDANCE IN THE NOW TIME AND NEARING THE FINISH LINE NOW. Many, indeed hundreds of thousands of people, started visualizing and manifesting this collective co-creation since my collective manifestation message.. And this has created a cascading, catapulting energetic force to be reckoned with wherein your energetic powers of creation have catapulted events toward the successful conclusion of this global manifestation of abundance.. You are now entering the time of its deliverance and the new time of money wherein it will be used for beneficial purposes.. Those of you who have invested in this will be a part of this new paradigm..

Mother Mary: You Touch Source With Your Deep Reverence of Yourselves and Others – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – May 31 2014

mary-magdeline.jpg (640×480)

Mother Mary:

Hello Sweet Ones. I come before you and within you today to bring sweet refrains of Love Essence that you are delving into and refining ever so much. I bow to your essence as you bow to mine and together we mesh in sweet abundance of Love everlasting.
Come with me now as we go deeper into your Love Essence, into your sweet all-encompassing abundantly-aware LOVE, for you are ready now to go deeper and to own more of your essence, your sweet essence of LOVE everlasting.
The fabric of your life is changing, dear ones. You can feel it, I am sure. You have entered a new sojourn, a new level of refinement. Have you noticed, dear ones, that you are more refined in your capture of your Love Essence?

viernes, mayo 30, 2014

Selacia – Mastering Fluctuating Emotions – 30 May 2014

Selacia- 5 Tips for Success  
by Selacia
Are you curious about how to master fluctuating emotions that seem to come out of nowhere and leave you feeling disheartened?
Especially now, given the latest cycle of more supportive energies, you may be wondering when things will calm down and what you can do to restart a more sustainable forward momentum.
In this article, I will help you understand why you feel like you do, the big picture of what’s really going on, and how to ride our current energy wave more skillfully.

Wes Annac – Fly Freely – 30 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
When was the last time you sat back and watched the sunset? How long has it been since you stared up at the night sky, enjoying the universe’s beauty?
How often do you let yourself kick back, cut loose, or generally enjoy this existence? How often does most of humanity attune to the voice of spirit and let that voice flow with information and insight that helps them along their growth?
Not very often.
Unfortunately, most of humanity’s stuck in a rushed, busy, materialistic existence that keeps them from opening up to the amazing things spirit has to offer, but those of us who are starting to become aware can take a different route.

Suzanne Lie – The Arcturians Speak – Layers Of Reality – Higher Light YouTube – 30 May 2014

SuzanneLieReality is in layers of frequencies that are embedded on the holographic projections of 3D and 4D Earth. Your difficulties on these levels of reality are not just about the persons known as the cabal or the dark ones, but have to do with the frequency of reality to which each of you are attuned.
If you look at the fourth-dimensional lower astral pane and the lower survival levels of the third-dimension, you can see that the cabal is still in control on those frequency layers of reality. In fact, many of those who desire power-over others have migrated to these lower levels of reality because they cannot tolerate the higher light that is flowing deeper and deeper into Gaia’s third and fourth dimensional layers of reality.