there is an interesting pattern in my life that constantly repeats itself. It is a pattern that big and exciting changes happen very quickly and suddenly for me, without much notice in advance.
This time it is about leaving Australia and returning to Europe, to live on the Canary Islands!
And now I have a little less than 6 weeks left to prepare for this major move. And this is a really big jump for me :)
On the Canary Island my ancient Lemurian family is waiting for me (of which one is my beautiful daughter!) and there we have the intention to create heaven on earth to shine for all humanity.
During this time of preparation and move I will probably not have much time and attention to stay in contact with you via this blog. But who knows! Perhaps I can manage short messages meanwhile. But this is not a promise.
So please be patient with me until mid/end of July.
Thank you!
Much love and Many Blessings!!
Donations to support this move are greatly welcome, needed and appreciated!! (Lucas: Donations to Ute you make on Ute’s blog!)
Thank you!
Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Link to original article
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