My dear precious harbingers of Light and Love. There was a time when I appeared before this channel and announced those very qualities in myself. But now I say them as applied to you all. For you have indeed turned another corner; a milestone in your development has been reached and you stand now so engulfed and encased in luminous Light and Love that you stand ready to spread it in an even more monumental way than previously.
For attached to you now is a sustaining connection to Source and Oneness, the likes of which have not been seen since your early days of inception. For the full glory of it is still to be felt and still to be understood, but know, dear ones, that you have arrived at a Pinnacle of Love never reached before. And I say to you now: enjoy it, embrace it and use it to create the world you want, if even in the words you speak and the gestures you make and the actions you take. Let them be from this new place of Love that is vibrating and reverberating within you now.
Let not your physical encasement be any boundary to your immersion in and expression of this love. Walk talk and Be it 24/7 now, dear ones.
Have you noticed that you see things differently now? That you interpret things differently now? It is all as a result of your embracing the “Tsunami of Love” as many have termed it. You may notice that your physical body is much more in-tune with it and much more capable of holding these massive amounts of love particles, adamantine particles, and although you may feel exhaustion at times, you are acclimating to the expansion of your physical body to accommodate the light infiltration.
For it may seem like you are floating at times, and yet in your encompassing so much light, it is becoming easier to navigate this new crystalline body that is forming and serving you more and more. And it makes it easier to mesh and commune with Source, does it not?
In your quiet moments of meditation, and yes, more and more when you are moving through your day, you retain an ethereal quality that used to be reserved to meditation. The more you concentrate and abide by the Now Moment, this is true. You are getting used to being and thriving in the higher dimensions even while you seemingly hang out and operate in your everyday life that used to be part and parcel to duality. It is now taking on a much different essence, is it not?
Many of you are experiencing rhythmic pulsing in your bodies, and often very loud “swooshing” and ringing in the ears. This accounts for a raised vibration and operating in the higher frequencies. If you try to focus too much on it, it becomes distracting. So we suggest that you just allow it and meld with it and know it is indication of your rising frequencies into the higher dimensions.
Love is all-pervasive now. It is the milieu in which you swim. And now you need not be tempted to get out of this “pool” in which you are swimming, for it is your natural habitat now. Get used to it. Get used to the soft yet exciting quality of the Love you are embracing now. It is you. It is your new way of Being.
The old thoughts and intentions of yesteryear’s duality are fading. Be careful not to try and re-enter this old world out of habit. You have a new springboard into the higher dimensions now that you have welcomed this new Light into your cells and this Love into your heart. Look for ways to utilize this new framework, this new way of thinking and Being. Don’t get pulled back to your old ways as they are fading.
Re-energize and re-dedicate yourselves every moment to living in your new life of Love, Harmony, Balance, Abundance and Peace. You are becoming more stable in it. Now is the time to take up the new “net” being cast and let it take you into the higher dimensions.
The Love you receive and the Love you give are now One and the Same, dear ones. It is a constant bandying of energy back and forth and within you as you learn to live within this beautiful “Net of Love”, taking everything and seeing everything from that standpoint, the standpoint of Love and Beauty and the sweet soft nurturing that Love is offering you now.
You have been the trail-blazers in this new era and even though it has been confusing and even anxiety-producing at times, you have heralded your new “Song of Love” with such Grace and Expertise, as we knew you would. You were chosen, and you chose yourselves for this task and you are executing it with such Grace. For you were born for this task and you are now receiving and remembering how to carry it out ever so much with Grace and Precision designed to bring it to all those around you.
Yes, you are the “Harbingers of Love and Light” and we bow to you and beseech you to carry on, dear ones. You are doing magnificently indeed.
All my love,
Mother Mary
©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are
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