This is Judith, with a BIG hit that I am getting equally BIG celestial encouragement to share with you… so take it in BIG!
It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that it is the perspective through which we experience absolutely everything in our lives right NOW that determines its meaning. And of course, that means we pulse out frequencies to activate connection with whatever resonates with our “meaning of choice.”
Which means, essentially, that whatever we say is true is confirmed by external reflections. Which means that as energetic beings who create “reality” through frequency, we can do no wrong as far as energy is concerned. What we say GOES.
As a result of this awareness, I have become extremely observant of the words that come out of my mouth. It NOW seems amazing that I lived for so many years without listening to myself, and then often felt victimized by the external reflections that matched the frequencies of my very own words!
Needless to say, none that resonate with frequencies of blame, judgment, helplessness, or any others that project power over me to anyone or anything, are allowed to pass without correction any longer.
As our Sagittarius moon peaks to fullness, I suggest that it might be useful for you to notice what you have reaped as your “reality” over the last month, and how it aligns with the words that fall from your mouth, through your own voice.
Then decide what adjustments you want to make in your own self-perceptions, in order to speak your truth ANEW. After all, the human voice is the most powerful frequency in our universe (just in case you’ve somehow missed the evidence of that…).
So align with your truth, say what you mean, mean what you say, and KNOW the power of your words! They are carriers of frequency born of thought waves, and they WILL, as always, produce forms to match them.
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