Today we are working with Lady Quan Yin of the Karmic Board, who represents Compassion and Mercy. Many of us connect with her essence. She also represents the 11th Ray of Pink Orange. It is the Bridge from the Old Self to the New Self, the Old World into the New World, and what we are presently experiencing upon the Earth.
We will reflect the colors within the Pink Orange Flame today, as well as Crystalline colors. Quan Yin would like to bring forth more Rays of God, so you are going to see:
Blue for Will and Power; Golden Yellow for Love and Wisdom; Pink for Active and Creative Intelligence; Crystalline for Harmony and Balance; White, Green and Gold for the Science of God; Ruby Red and Gold for Inner Devotion; Violet Purple for Ceremonial Magic; Sea Foam Green for Higher Cleansing; Blue Green for the Attraction to the Light Body; Pearlescent for the blending of the Masculine and Feminine Divine; and lastly Pink Orange for the Bridge from the Old to the New Self. As we walk into the garden, reflect upon those colors through the whole walk.
Hello, I AM Quan Yin. I am very, very happy to be part of the energies today. It has been a beautiful expression of Light within the planet very recently, and it is my Divine pleasure to be here at this time. Not only am I representing the Karmic Board, but my essence of what that may mean to each of you as well.
I would like to impart to you, to bring forth your own Compassion for the Journey that you are taking and what this may mean to you. Give blessings to yourself continually and understand the process that you have been under. Do not only speak it through your Mind, but allow those energies to come fully into your consciousness, into your Physical Body, and into all your elements.
Meleriessee speaks about the Full Body System, as we are trying to assist each of you to blend those bodies. However sometimes, we cannot blend them until we look at them deeply. There can be many phases. You may have a moment within a week in which you are looking within your Emotional Body, and in another week you may have to go back. This is due to your transformation.
As you allow your energies to move further into your physical existence, more is going to come out. It is the process you are undergoing. You are consistently moving. You are within that movement. It is much like a merry-go-round. The merry-go-round stops for a while. You get off and you experience the healing that you have gone through. After that, you get back on and it moves again because that is the process of ascension. It is about de-ascending these energies into your physical existence.
You truly have taken on quite a journey in this Physical Body. So I want to embrace you for doing so. I want to give you the Compassion and the Mercy that is necessary for this process. My role within the Karmic Board is to assist individuals with this, to assist individuals in way so that when they come to the Karmic Board before entering a Physical Body, I give them the ability to understand that the process they may be undergoing will be very challenging in the physical existence.
Of course, within the Soul’s existence the remembrance of the Physical Body is not as accurate as each of you are in your remembering stages now. At that point, I ignite within an ability to connect with that Being, that Soul, to assist them in having that Compassion within themselves. This is especially with individuals that choose very hard pathways, not the kind of pathway that each of you are on, but a pathway such as that of a paraplegic or with a disability; a pathway that has been riddled with such affliction within their body due to past karmic deeds.
It is very, very important to realize where you are within your own journey, as we share through the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Unified Whole to talk about your timelines. This is what is actually happening. Your timelines are coming up, so that you can heal those past karmic ties and so that you can step into a world of anti-aging, and not have to continuously go through this wheel of rebirth. The journey that you are upon in these moments, moves you to new heights within this body continually, so that you can heal it. You can heal everything that you have been experiencing on many different levels.
This is the Compassion I want to bring forth to you today for stepping into this world, for stepping into Ascended Mastery, for stepping into this pathway knowing that remembrances will appear. When those remembrances come up, embrace them and transform them as quickly as possible. Do not hold onto them. We are no longer in a state of conditioning where Souls upon the Earth within the Physical Bodies have to struggle, or have to step into this wheel of rebirth. We want to change that for as many Souls as we can. The Karmic Board being in Wholeness makes it much easier for Souls to understand their capability. Upon this Earth you are going through this process right now. Your Karma comes right back to you in the same lifetime depending upon the pathway each Soul has chosen.
I would like to bless you today, and embrace you for taking on this role, because it is going to assist your Soul’s pathway on a much deeper level. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand between the Physical Mind and the Higher Mind.
Take a deep breath. Allow everything that has happened to you in the last few days to dissipate. As we sit in this garden together, this is our reality. Hear the running water. Listen to the birds. Reflect within the Essence of this garden, and allow those beautiful moments of harmonious creation to be breathed into your Heart Center. It is this remembrance that is most important. If you take these Essences we are experiencing presently and put them into your other circumstances during the day, it will help you to transform whatever is coming up for you.
I, as Lady Quan Yin, take this moment to fully embrace upon you the fluidness of the Pink Orange essence. Your journey is a continuous bridge into a new space of your essence. It is the space of remembrance from your Higher Self, into your Monad, and I AM Presence. Your physical existence, your personality, can be reflected through those integrations of the Light that you are. So allow this Light to be fully within you. Feel the deep compassion that your Higher Self has for you in this moment, for accepting your role within this Physical Body.
Allow the essence of Pink Orange, with all the other beautiful Rays of God, of the Blues, the Pink, the White, the Ruby Red, Golden Yellow, Pearlescent, Blue Green, Sea Foam Green to blend within you. It does not matter where they go within your Chakra system. Think of your whole system as One Body of Light. They flow within you like sparkles of Light within this beautiful garden, as you now embrace whom you have become in this moment. It does not matter what your next step is. Take this space and allow yourself to stop. Breathe, and feel the beautiful essence of how far you have come. Allow that compassionate essence that you are to blend fully within your Being through this Breath of Light.
Oh! I AM Lady Quan Yin! I call upon the essences of the Compassionate Divine Being that each of you are to come into your Full Body System. Feel it in your whole Physical Body. Relax the body. Breathe through the essences. Feel all these beautiful colors of Light, sparkles of light, flowing within you as you think of these essences.
I have traveled far and I have traveled wide to arrive in this moment of time.
Today I embrace my journey.
Today I embrace my transformation.
Today I embrace all that I have become.
I feel myself walking across a New World. But today I must stop and reflect. I must allow myself to be Compassionate for the challenges, for the struggles, for the pain, but most of all for the joy, as right now I feel the essence of joy coming fully within me.
I allow myself to be blessed as I bless others continually.
I take the Light that I give outwardly and bring it fully within me.
I AM a Divine Being of Light.
I AM a Compassionate Soul that has traveled far and wide into the existence of my physicality. I now embrace this fully through my Earth Star. I feel it in my limbs, I feel it in my physical existence. It molds who I AM in this moment.
I breathe and I feel the essence of Pink Orange. It has helped me to travel from One World into another. This is my embracement in this moment.
I AM all that I AM in this moment and I will be more in another moment. But I must truly take time to reflect on how far I have come, otherwise I am moving forward too fast through my stages and I will not understand the journey if it is too quick. I may lose the structure that is needed for the balance in my world.
Today I have balance.
Today I accept and as I accept, I transform myself deeply.
Now, each of you, fully bring in your desirous thought.
What is your desirous moment?
What is it that you want to manifest in your world?
You have the ability to do it all. You can see that by the way that you have accelerated within your own existence. So now create it outside of yourself. Create the piles of Golden Light that is yours, and manifest them into what you desire. You have the power to create all that you are.
Let us take a moment and feel that reflection coming deeply within. See it, hold it within the palms of your hands. Hold your fingers on top of each other. This is the purest manifestation of what you desire. You see in front of you a Golden box. You open up that Golden box, and there are your treasures. These treasures may be particles of yourself that you need, or it may be something that you need in your present circumstance in this physical world. Create it now, create it now, and see it! You are at a perfect time in allowing the Light that you are to be you.
{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}
Breathe all that in. Become the desire. Become the manifestation. You must feel it within yourself. Only then it can be. We call upon Compassion and Mercy to be within every individual Soul in this circle, in this moment, in this beautiful garden. Say these words unto yourself.
I now allow my manifestations to be within me because they are me, my thoughts are my body, my emotions are my thoughts as I expand into my Full Body System.
I expand into my Higher Mind.
I AM my Higher Heart.
I allow this expansion to grow outside of me, so it becomes my structure upon this Earth.
I AM that I AM.
I AM a Divine Being of Light.
I allow my Compassion to go through the veins of my Heart into the thoughts of my Higher Mind as now they are One.
It is my pleasure to be here with you as Lady Quan Yin. I walk with you and share with you Deep Compassion of the beauty that you are. Blessings and Love in all ways.
We Are One. Let us breathe deeply.
Feel those energies as the beautiful Quan Yin is expressing them through us.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.