June is a moderately active month, with four planetary stations, Mercury retrograde and another Grand Sextile pattern. The cardinal Grand Cross will be activated again, though not as intensely. The Summer Solstice in Cancer also occurs in mid-month. We begin June under a recent New Moon in Gemini, which began on May 28, with a focus on communication, education and mental patterns.
The dwarf planet Ceres turns stationary direct in Libra on June 1. This may signify a growing public awareness of issues connected with our food supply, such as the effects of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), radiation threats, pollution, factory farming, etc. Ceres in Libra also suggests striving for more personal balance in the areas of nutrition and diet.
A Grand Sextile pattern occurs on June 5, providing a day of opportunity for those whose planets connect with this pattern, which covers the earth and water signs of 7 through 21 degrees. These signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. At this time, decisions can be made that may be important to your future, especially in the areas of home, family, security and finances. Creative efforts made now may bring increased prosperity.
Mercury turns retrograde on June 7, beginning at 3 Cancer and ending on July 1 at 24 Gemini. With Mercury retrograde in Cancer (June 7-16), arrangements around home, family and security may require review and renovation. When Mercury is in Gemini (June 17-July 1), be sure to double-check all details and sources of information. There may also be miscommunication, as well as travel and technology problems, so allow for more time and flexibility.
On June 9 Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde at 7 Pisces 35. When Neptune is stationary, we can feel an increased sensitivity, along with more receptivity to inner realms. You may receive special guidance through your dreams and visions at this time. As there may likely be more confusion or deception, especially during a Mercury retrograde cycle, it is best to avoid making hasty decisions. This week would be an excellent time for a spiritual retreat.
The Full Moon occurs on June 12 at 22 Sagittarius. We can now experience growth in optimism, benevolence and truth-seeking, while the shadow side is extravagance and being overly judgmental. At this time,it is favorable to broaden our horizons to incorporate a wider and deeper perspective. We might explore journaling as a way to enhance our growth process. The Sabian symbol keynotes for this degree, “The growth of spiritually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated mind,” and “Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present,” suggest the higher growth that can be achieved at this time.
From June 14-25 we will move into the third cardinal Grand Cross, which involves Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Here again we are challenged to move out of old patterns and mindsets, especially in the areas of relationships, home/security, identity and work/life path. The more we are resistant to change, the harder our life can become during this time. This cycle begins with Mars in square to Pluto on June 14. The process of tearing down old structures can lead to renewal and a new sense of purpose.
Chiron turns retrograde on June 20 at 18 Pisces. Unresolved issues from the past may re-emerge for healing at this time. The Summer Solstice on June 21 gives added potency to this process. On June 25, Mars opposes Uranus, which increases our urge for change, innovation and breakthroughs.
The New Moon occurs on June 27 at 5 Cancer 37. It opposes Pluto and is in a trine to Neptune. The focus will be on issues connected with home, family, security, and our emotional/feeling side. Issues around power and control in relationships may surface at this time. This lunation also widely activates the cardinal Grand Cross, reminding us we are still in a period of intense changes. The benevolent Neptune trine brings inspiration, faith and grace that is readily available. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “Game birds feathering their nests; an instinctual dedication of self to new forms of life,” suggests taking a supportive stance as we nurture new forms of growth within ourselves and our relationships.
On July 1 Mercury turns direct, so we can move forward again with more clarity and confidence. Blessings for a peaceful and prosperous summer!
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer
with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart and
transit/progression readings. Donations to support this column are
always appreciated. For more information, contact Dorene at dorenea5@yahoo.com.
All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle ofTransformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.Check out my astrology blog at www.astroconnections.blogspot.com for ongoing astrological observations on current events, people, trends, etc.
blog.mahalasastrology.com/ link to original article