The Cave Before the Wave
You may have noticed a resistance to sharing your journey lately; a need to be silent, quiet, reclusive. I call it the Cave before the Wave. The personal revelations have begun and they must be honored. Often that means keeping the information to oneself, and integrating the brand new experience without external interference. We have an opportunity now to see our true self, meet our divine teams in the physical, and experience dramatic shifts in our reality.
During this time we may experience a separation from our Ascension tribe, our spiritual friends, or the people we have been able to share experiences and side-effects with in the past. For me personally, I have not wanted to speak to anyone. It is not the (sometimes exhausting) energies, it is because my personal revelations need to be honored. Many of these experiences – first contact, DNA changes, revelations of Self, merging with the Higher Realms – cannot be accurately described. It belittles the experiences to put them into words right now.
There is a lot going on; June insists on my attention. I set up camp and spent a few chilly nights on the mountain (campers; it has been in the 30s at night at 7000 ft but is warming up this week), and the contact, energy and lightship interactions have been powerful. This cranial expansion of mine is coming online, like a telepathic crown, and I AM amazed at how different communication feels with my higher levels. This type of communication cannot be translated easily into words, which may be another reason for keeping quiet at the moment.
It tends to lessen the personal experiences when we describe it to people who need to react/judge/comment rather than feel into/honor what is unfolding for us. Let’s keep that in heart as we move through these months of personal revelations. The conversation has changed for many of us, so the litany of symptom talk or regurgitation of what is or isn’t happening will not serve us at this time.
Honor this passage properly – it is new and deeply private level and will show you the truth of You. The series of veils between you and your Higher Self (Christed Self, I AM Presence, Multidimensional Self), your Divine Team, the Masters, your Star Families and Galactic levels are disappearing for a while. It is a divine opportunity for advancement, clarity, acceleration of your process, and private AHA moments. It is happening already, however it will grow very strong as we move through June.
Some notes to assist; more on these topics later:
Intense Energies: The current energy is provided by the area of space we have moved into. Certain areas of the photon belt have different effects, and they are laid out perfectly for our Ascension process.
The eyes-wide-open experience: If your focus is on 5D and above, the 4D realm may appear like a field of orbs, sparkles, zipping light in front of the beings you are connecting with. You are looking through lower levels of consciousness to connect with these Higher realms, so the 4D layers may look like a meteor shower or pinpoints of light. Attune (look) past these layers if you desire to connect with 5D and above. High 4D light effects still occur in most of my contact experiences so far.
The Afternoon Activations: Many of us are receiving the afternoon activations from 1-3pm. This happened back in March, and we all know what Equinox brought in. It isn’t every day, and they are different each time. It is remarkable that folks all over the world are experiencing this in the same hours in their time zone. Brilliant. If you welcome it, energetic upgrades and adjustments are available to assist in this passage of revelation. You need to upgrade in order to experience something new. Some of the upgrades can be overwhelming, as they expand our consciousness in a quickened way. If you feel the energy coming in, lay down, go into a meditative state, or just be still and feel it. Depending on the day and circumstances, you can receive a lighter activation by acknowledging when the activation hits, and accepting it consciously into your energy fields and body. Say thank you.
Viewing Your True Self: You may see your higher twelve aspects if you are on the Cosmic Christ path. Or your Divine team, which might expand as you Level Up. Typically, Wayshowers in service have hundreds of high-level beings working with them. Again this is not third eye vision, it is a blending, merging of the third eye with our grounded vision, so it becomes an eyes-open perception. Easier when it is nighttime (less distraction from the grounded scenery), however daytime is stronger since our perception is willfully attuning to the truth.
Interaction with your Higher Levels, Star Beings, etc: This is new to both sides of the veil, so work out a comfortable exchange for your experience. I was asked to describe the experience when we connect; what I see, feel, hear as I interact with my Higher levels, Team and Higher Beings. Go ahead and tell them out loud what you see. Example: I see the giant swirling field of light, it is magenta colored, as it enters my body and fields I feel expansion and clearing … or I see 12 tall beings, your facial features are clear but the body looks like a pillar of light. Beyond you I see rows of other beings, some with gold, violet or diamond auras. etc. This assists your own personal team with interaction, so they may know what you are or are not perceiving. I ask questions or state I don’t know who that is when describing the scene. The beings respond and adjust accordingly. It is beautiful and fascinating to bridge our worlds in this way.
Every contact should feel good, calm, loving. I understand there are many fears about first contact, the who is benevolent and who is not game. Take a look at your belief systems if suspicion is your first reaction. Are you in command of your energy and lifestream, or not? Understand that HUmans resonating with Divine Love are being held in a sacred space for this to unfold. Many of us have pre-arranged timelines to serve as liaisons or to simply experience the truth of first contact before others, in order to feed the truth into the collective consciousness. Frankly, first contact is not what you might think it is. Keep your sovereignty in check and remember vibration = vibration. Always.
Pay no attention to lower consciousness. It may sound less than compassionate, however the high vibe tribe must step into the brand new, right now. There is a significant drag on the collective consciousness from fear programs, and that includes the When are they going to land and As soon as the reset happens waiting games. Please do not write me about these topics, or the Earth changes expected this year. If the awakened tribe cannot handle change with grace, calm and wisdom, what does that say? How long do we want any sort of mass awakening to take? Level up, please. Pretend the Shift depends completely upon you. In your own lifestream, it does. In the collective experience, the sorting out of experiences continues. Choose wisely.
The Waves get Bigger, and it is Perfect.
I understand that many are dismayed by the intensity of the energy. Yes, it is hard on the body. Yes, you need to support it in every way possible. These waves are working at a cellular level. Many of our Divine HUman codes are in our bones, which can make you feel heavy, slow, aching all over on some days. There is a complete description of body changes and how to support them in the Ascension Course.
Many have asked when the energies will calm down. Let me state again: They won’t be easing up. We are in prime time; the great moments we prepared for all of these years is upon us. These are insistent commands from Source itself which cannot be ignored by awakened beings choosing to experience the New. Treat it with gratitude, let things get bizarre for a while. All is well.
For the June gateway, I choose the most powerful experience available. To honor that, I will be up on the mountain a lot for the next few weeks. This is a powerful gateway and Shasta is changing. I have limited internet at the moment, however I promise to post more on the above topics soon.
Healing Conversations
I had a beautiful high-vibe conversation with Lauren Galey on Healing Conversations, which will be broadcast on Wednesday, June 4. To compliment that connection, she is offering the Ascension Course for $222 (that is a $111 discount) for a limited time on her website. Sign up HERE to receive a link to the show on Wednesday. We truly had a healing conversation, and I honor her work of assisting many teachers and healers.
(Lucas: I would LOVE a donation today, thank you for your support! : says Sandra as a lightserver to all as I am doing this blog also… You can support Sandra and her work via the original article link and go to the donation button on her blog.) / link to original article