When was the last time you sat back and watched the sunset? How long has it been since you stared up at the night sky, enjoying the universe’s beauty?
How often do you let yourself kick back, cut loose, or generally enjoy this existence? How often does most of humanity attune to the voice of spirit and let that voice flow with information and insight that helps them along their growth?
Not very often.
Unfortunately, most of humanity’s stuck in a rushed, busy, materialistic existence that keeps them from opening up to the amazing things spirit has to offer, but those of us who are starting to become aware can take a different route.
We can go out of our way to seek things that fill us with livelihood; wholeness; the feeling that this existence is far more meaningful than we give it credit for. We can enjoy ourselves and our existence on this beautiful planet, and we can make sure we aren’t brought down by its pains if we keep in mind that we’re here to anchor a higher vibration that’ll help the rest of the planet transcend pain.
One of our missions here on earth is to rekindle the sacred flame that seems to have been extinguished in the minds and hearts of most of humanity, and to do so, we have to make sure our vibration is as high as we can get it in every moment.
We have to be willing to joyfully sing and dance, whether or not we sing or dance particularly well.
We have to be willing to cut loose and enjoy ourselves, especially when freedom or liberation seem far away. They aren’t, but they need to be sought to be attained. We can’t just make a wish to be free and suddenly liberate ourselves – we have to pursue freedom to be free.
We have the potential to completely liberate ourselves from the aspects of this reality that bring us down, and all we need to do is reclaim the love and joy that have always been with us but seem to have been lost in favor of pain, stress, and fear.
Love and joy are meant to be constant factors of our existence, and pain and fear aren’t meant to cover them up. Why should we let them?
In reality, we have no reason to let pain or fear replace the growing love we’re feeling within, but if we do, our existence could become much more difficult, whereas letting love and joy in will liberate us like never before.
We have the potential to feel and experience so much joy; so much love; so much freedom from the oppressive matrix, which has been created by man and holds no place in our spiritual reality. Everything we could possibly seek already lives within, and with this understanding in mind, we can seek things that fill us with as pure of a vibration as we can find.
I understand that some of you will have trouble transcending the difficult circumstances around you and flowing with a purer perception, but however difficult it is, it’s what we’re asked to do. However painful the process of cutting our lower-vibrational ties might seem, it’ll be worth it in the end when we recognize that it’s a necessary aspect of our growth and learning.
Let’s fill ourselves with as much joy and livelihood as our expanding minds and hearts can handle. Let’s go all-out and fill ourselves to the brim with joyful elation, because if we don’t, the planetary vibration could very well remain in the place it’s always been.
Consciousness is obviously rising, but if we want it to grow to new heights, we have to be willing to raise it ourselves by embodying a constant higher vibration and enjoying ourselves as much as we can along the way. We’re on the earth to do a lot of amazing and revolutionary things, one of which is to embody the freedom we’ve always been meant to enjoy.
We’ve always been meant to be free, and we don’t gain anything by forcing ourselves into difficult or confining situations that drain our light and make an enjoyable state of consciousness harder to find. Instead of forcing ourselves into preconditioned boxes we don’t fit in, let’s exit those boxes with the understanding that we’re divine beings who aren’t meant to be limited or confined in any way.
Let liberation replace physical and spiritual confinement, and let it happen on a widespread scale. A few hundred seekers empowering themselves and reclaiming their sacred freedom will go a long way, but it won’t have nearly the effect that everyone freeing themselves from self-instated oppression will.
Those of us who are starting to empower ourselves can help others do the same, and in my opinion, it’s essential that we do if we want to introduce any kind of significant change. I think people need to be reminded that they’re meant to be free, because far too many people are too confined to really enjoy themselves or their lives.
Too many people deal with ridiculously confining circumstances on a daily basis, and they aren’t allowed to soar in the way a growing number of seekers are able to. These people really need our help, and if it were up to me, everyone would be able to live a free lifestyle instead of working tirelessly to pay for things that are essential to their survival.
The manner in which this planet functions is very backward, and if the conscious public had any say in the matter, the entire world would work together to create and enjoy necessities that’d be freely available to everyone. People would still work, of course, but their work would be nothing like it is now.
In my ideal world, everyone will be able to choose their jobs and the work they want to do, and nobody will be forced to do something that doesn’t work for them. Freedom would be an honored aspect of everyday existence, and dullness would no longer replace the livelihood that keeps our spirits going.
The new world we strive to build will be rooted in freedom, love, and harmony, and even though we have a long way to go to build it, we’ll eventually look back on what we built with the utmost joy and appreciation for the efforts of everyone who was involved.
Our efforts will be worth the trouble it took to make them in the end, and one of those efforts will be to reclaim our freedom by doing things we enjoy instead of things that hold us back or temporarily halt our spiritual evolution. Hopefully, this isn’t too tall of an order!
Wes Annac – Flying freely and encouraging the rest of you to do the same. Trust me, you’ll be very glad you did!
www.wesannac.com / link to original article