Dear ground crew, this message is especially for you today. Many of you have entirely forgotten who you truly are. You have become identified with Earth’s history and personal goal. In time you will have to go within and to distance yourself from the daily activities that all humans are involved in, and to elevate yourself above those daily concerns in order to be able to see the bigger picture and to sense your part in the Earth Ascension.
We are by your side on regular basis, our dear ground crew. Although we usually are not allowed to openly communicate with you in your awaken state, we are in constant contact with your subconscious, through telepathy, empathy and dreams.
We know how difficult life on Earth can be for all of you, and hear your cries for your return home. We love you very much and acknowledge your true merit for having volunteered for this dangerous mission for your soul.
We want to tell you of what awaits you once you have contributed to the planet’s Ascension. You will join your designated Galactic fleet, who will debrief you and help you review your Earth life. This team will also help you deal with your life mission, but also with its pains. The healing process can be a lengthy one sometimes, when souls have not come to terms with some people and with some events. Your “home” team will help you clear any residual karma, on many occasions directly with the souls concerned.
Once this process has begun, you may need additional time to heal completely and review events on your own, on your home planet.
However, the vast majority of the volunteers among you will experience an instant healing thanks to the many light beings involved in this Galactic scale mission.
The second thing that will need looking into is your body. The light body that you will ascend with will have many new abilities. However, some of you may still like better to be returned to the original form in which they came in. This will also need to be discussed and decided upon.
Finally, the last part will be the return home. The journey home will always be a special treat for all of you. It will take longer to get home, so that you are given additional time to heal, to experience the new light body or your previous light body again. Many of you will have their Galactic home family with them onboard, and their spouses, their friends.
It may take many of you time to regain your full memory, as strange as it may seem to you, dear ones. It will be required of you to deal with much emotional residue, and to open up to your own Galactic family. Regaining your full powers and letting go of your old life will not be an easy journey for all, especially when Earth families will be involved, and when it may be necessary for you to live on a different planet from your Earth families.
Although there is never any real separation, distance, even in the higher realms can be difficult to deal with from time to time.
Once the relationship situation has been dealt with, you will take part in your own celebration of your achievements on Earth.
Once this stage has passed, you will be able to return to your home planet and decide on your next assignment. Many of you, however, will chose to remain Home, for a very long time. Which is entirely understandable after such a mission.
You will be able to rejoin your own brothers and sisters in light, you will be in your own home, on your own planet, with unlimited access to abundance and love from the entire galaxy.
Many of you have their own fleet within the Galactic Federation, others are independent souls, always learning and traveling independently. Some of you will return to what you would call civilian life on your planet, and enjoy living in the moment, connected with the Universe, with our Creator, and with all that is.
Many of you are part of the Angelic Realm, and in that case, all doors are open for you.
Peace and tranquility will be in your heart and soul for eternity, and Creator will forever be in your debt for your endeavor on Mother Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and look forward to the Reunion Day.
Thank you
Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean.