We recommend that you review, with your head if emotional access is too difficult, all the things that you feel you wish were different in your life. You need to see what is going on, and be patient with yourself.
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Laura Tyco. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Laura Tyco. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, agosto 12, 2014
SaLuSa 12 August 2014 – Multidi Ocean
We recommend that you review, with your head if emotional access is too difficult, all the things that you feel you wish were different in your life. You need to see what is going on, and be patient with yourself.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Federación Galáctica,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional,
jueves, julio 03, 2014
Higher Divine Source via Multidimensional Ocean – 3 July 2014
That energy is always aroun…d you, it inhabits you, it embraces you and loves you. This is what comes directly from Source, it is present in all of us. It has infinite knowledge and infinite love. Listen to its wisdom and it will bring you more and more consciousness.
Let the magic take place within yourself, consciously, every moment of every day.
This high divine energy Source is what you truly are. It coexists within the gravity of your human body, it is associated with it for this life.
It is not your body, it is not limited by the body either. It can travel freely anytime.
Much love.
Higher Divine Source via Multidimensional Ocean See More
It is not your body, it is not limited by the body either. It can travel freely anytime.
Much love.
Higher Divine Source via Multidimensional Ocean See More
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
martes, junio 24, 2014
Multidimensional Ocean - SaLuSa on Higher Love – 24 June 2014
First, I would like to point out that higher love belongs to the higher dimensions, and that what you call love belongs to the 3D world. It is not a matter of word difference, but the differences also lie in different realms or worlds.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, junio 15, 2014
Higer Self on Twin Flame Connection – Multidimensional Ocean 15 June 2014
Indeed not all souls chose to incarnate into two distinct beings, one male and one female. Some souls do this split in order to experience both sides of the coin so to speak at once. Others would alternate incarnations as male or female on this planet or on others.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
jueves, mayo 29, 2014
Twin Flames Don’t Hurt One Another – Multidimensional Ocean - May 29, 2014
It is important to understand for me that very little twin flame material available is helpful and genuine. It is an experience that goes beyond rationality, beyond love, it bends all 3D rules, but is has nothing in common with usual man/ woman carry on in life.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
lunes, mayo 26, 2014
SaLuSa wishes to make us dream of the spaceships tonight – 26 May 2014 by Multidimensional Ocean.
Dear ground crew, this message is especially for you today. Many of you have entirely forgotten who you truly are. You have become identified with Earth’s history and personal goal. In time you will have to go within and to distance yourself from the daily activities that all humans are involved in, and to elevate yourself above those daily concerns in order to be able to see the bigger picture and to sense your part in the Earth Ascension.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
viernes, abril 18, 2014
Heaven Opening Gates and Twin Soul Energies – Multidimensional Ocean with Higher Self – 18 April 2014
After having had a few particular difficult moments yesterday and in particular last night, I had a breakthrough last night and this morning the whole world and grant scheme of things in the universe finally made sense. I could see beyond the energy of my loved ones, and literally see their angelic energies and presence.
It was a wonder moment of opening, awakening, realization, self-realization, and understanding the higher picture.
It certainly has been all worth going through yesterday ups and downs of the flow of waves and storms to come to this realization and understanding. I have no idea for how long will I be enveloped and protected in this veil of blissful communion with the world? But having the experience once in my life feels enough to be at peace for ever now.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
Small Talk with my Twin Flame Higher Self – Multidimensional Ocean 18 April 2014
Laura: my twin flamé’s higher self (Usakhar) has been around me literally all day long, which is a wonderful experience, very pure, and brings me back to my childhood, and reminds me of the love you used to feel now. I have never felt that unique love before since then. It is truly a remarkable experience and very unique. Anyhow, I decided to try channel him, since he is always here :) !
Laura: would you have a message for my readers?
Usakhar: yes, i do. I just wanted to tell them not to loose faith in their own love and abilities to love. One day, their twin flame will appear to them, when they will expect it the least.
Of course one has to realize that the Earth incarnation is not separated from the Higher Self incarnation. The connection between both is constant. However, we do like to carry a different name. I am Usakhar, he has his Earth name and life of course. His life will end when his life is meant to end and his body shall return to Mother Earth, while I shall continue to live in the higher dimensions, as I do know. your Earth twin soul incarnation is an extension of me in the material world, but I am still part of both the material world, and of the spirit world.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Llamas Gemelas,
Océano Multidimensional
martes, abril 08, 2014
Message of Joy from Higher Self and my Guides by Multidimensional Ocean 8 April 2014
Higher Self and Guides: Yes, we have good and wonderful news. We whisper and chant the days when glory, peace and harmony will reside upon the Earth. We wish to say to you that those days are no longer far. Those days are here now, present, fear no more. Be saddened no more dear ones.
Those of you who have accepted to live on up to this turning point in time are ready to rock the boat as it were.
You are all souls committed to the Earth global ascension and to the embodiment of peace, love and light in its purest and highest form.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, abril 06, 2014
Short Message From SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 6 April 2014
as the Earth Allies are making considerable progress towards world peace, the time has now come for you to consider the possibilities that await you and your planet when the world finance will no longer be poured into the War Industry.
Let us imagine a world full of life, love, joy and without fear. Peace and harmony on your planet are really dear to our heart.
Many of those in power know that the war industry is a monster that needs constant feeding according to those into power. The feeding with as many innocent lives as possible against an imagined enemy. For in truth, dear ones, there was never a real enemy, other than your own self and dark side.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, marzo 22, 2014
Baltic Sea UFO fiction story part 2 by MultidiOcean – 22 March 2014
Laura: hi guys, you remember the first part of this story? If you don’t here is the link to it:
http://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/baltic-sea-anomaly-inspired-story-12-june-2013-by-multidimensional-ocean/Hope you will enjoy the 2d part too ! J
Nadina fell into a deep coma as she hit her head during the crash. A
pile of rubble fell on top of her, which caused her to lose
consciousness. Nothing could have prevented this outcome.As she slept into a deep coma, her thoughts were for her husband. He was on their home planet working in an isolated outpost on his own, in the middle of cold, water and ice.
She visited him a few weeks before she left on this secret mission and he looked so happy to spend two weeks with her.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
miércoles, marzo 19, 2014
On Telepathy and Dreams – MultidiOcean 19 March 2014
I have also had telepathc communications with ETs while asleep, but
funnily enough, that did feel like a lot more than a dream.. The brain
was able to experience and of being aware of telepathic conversations
with Galactic beings while asleep.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, marzo 16, 2014
Laura Tyco - Quick Energy Update from Higher Self by Multidiocean – 16 March 2014
Truly this is designed with intent and purpose, as we will then carry those vibrations into our heart, head and homes, spreading those vibrations reflecting violence and fear all around us, like a virus that is airborne.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
sábado, marzo 15, 2014
Connections by MultidiOcean – 15 March 2014
Just wanted to give a little update on me. At the moment and for the next 3 weeks, I am real busy. I feel so strechted out physically, emotionally and intellectually between being away from loved ones abroad, having to work and study my bottom off at my own expenses, and having to do research as well… so I am sorry for not doing any channeling work right now, just no real time and not in the right state for this kind of work …
I did have a few experiences though.. really interesting.. especially with dreams etc.. i cannot really make direct sense of it, other than the fact that this entire week has been about proving me that we are all so connected. Even with the people who do not consciously know us, and i had much proof of that of late… but i don’t want to bore you all with my stuff right now..
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
miércoles, marzo 12, 2014
more about the missing plane taken from an email conversation with a friend – multidimensional ocean - Mar 12, 2014
i know, it may sound a little far fetched.. and it may have been, but as you may have read a few weeks ago, i did post that weird dream about being in a plane, where i was asleep in a bed, the air hostess came in with breakfast or tea into my room. She was wearing a green uniform, and then suddenly hit the plane super violently and suddenly.. at the same time, alarm syrens went off in the plane, and we quickly started losing altitude and control of the plane. for some reason i knew that the plane was hit by a missile, by accident, and that the front of the plane was hit. and the pilots had lost total control of the plane, because of the hit.. in fact i even wonder if the pilots were still in the plane, or if the missile took them out.. which could explain the no may day call … and this happened in my dream over the ocean.. and i knew that there was nothing that could be done at this point.. this was as sure as hell.. this was my dream.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, marzo 11, 2014
My Take on the Malayasian plane by multidimensional ocean - Mar 11, 2014
As a regular passenger on flights, I have to share something here about the Malaysian missing plane.. 239 passengers on board … plane missing over the sea.. Do people recall me having had a dream that i was in a plane that was shot down by a missile – possibly by accident over the ocean? i was onboard in my dream… now this has happened… how odd.. Frank Tobin, i do also recall your experience with the dream of the plane that crashed into the ocean 3 weeks after you had your dream..
I do genuinely believe, and i pray that this is the case for the people.. that the plane was somehow rescued by our galactic brothers, if it was indeed shot down by mistake during some shooting exercice..
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, marzo 08, 2014
Message from higherSelf - Multidimensional Ocean – Experience - March 8, 2013
The expression of this can be joy, love, peace, but also stress, anxiety, work, anger and all rainbows of experiences available to you on Earth.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
sábado, febrero 22, 2014
You Can Live in Both Worlds – Message from SaLuSa and my guides – Laura Multidimensional Ocean - February 22, 2014
We do all that we can to support you emotionally in many cases, and to have you with us as much as possible. For many of you, this is the life path that was agreed upon, or simply the consequences of karmic law. We have no right to interfere in your ordinary life and decisions for this life. You must experience what was agreed by your life planning.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Federación Galáctica,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional,
viernes, febrero 21, 2014
Laura Multidimensional Ocean - My Dreamflight of the 20 Feb. 2014 – Peace Missiles :) - February 21, 2014
I sadly don’t recall much.. other than when i woke up.. a few glimpses that i tried to recall..
glimpse 1: I was among a team of friends, all very strongly connected. We were reviewing my life, but not in a scary or negative way.. no we were just looking at it from a detached and curious point of view, with no prejudice. Just a bunch of friends and collegues trying to help me out on a few Earthly things was just awesome to feel their energy and love in the same room with me. Part of me did feel as if i was back at school when i woke up, i mean in the way that one is surrounded by friends and in the way their energy felt young and vibrant.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional,
Sueños Lúcidos,
Viajes Astrales
martes, febrero 18, 2014
Be at peace – Message from my Higher Self and SaLuSa – Multidimensional Ocean 18 Feb. 2014
We encourage you to do things slower than you usually would, to sleep longer, and to eat healthy, natural foods in order to replenish your body with the energy that it needs. The additional and longer cold in the northern hemisphere is adding on stress and muscular tension in your lives. Make sure not to neglect your body, to give it plenty of exercise and plenty of gentle loving care.
Do not be afraid of probing your own inner tensions, manifesting through your body as muscular tension and sore points in your body. The first step in liberating yourself from this toll is noticing these energies and releasing these negative spots by just acknowledging them. No need to “do” anything, just probing them is enough to send a nervous signal to your brain to let go.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Federación Galáctica,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional,
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