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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Viajes Astrales. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, marzo 19, 2014

On Telepathy and Dreams – MultidiOcean 19 March 2014

 untitledHi guys! Just wanted to share a little about my experience wtih telepathy for the past few years and see if any of you share similar experiences. First of all, I have mentioned dreams lately and communication through dreams. This is along the lines of collective dreaming and telepathy, as more than one other person was involved, in reoccuring dreams about the same person several nights in a row. I have to admit I have had several similar episodes in my life over the past 4 years or so, when it has been obsolutely clear to me that the connection in dreams was a very real connect, as it continued in the awakened state all those times.
I have also had telepathc communications with ETs while asleep, but funnily enough, that did feel like a lot more than a dream.. The brain was able to experience and of being aware of telepathic conversations with Galactic beings while asleep.

domingo, marzo 09, 2014

Brain scans of a self-reported out-of-body experience March 8, 2014 by Janet Fang

Photo credit: activated regions of the brain while the participant claimed to have extra-corporeal experiences / A.M. Smith & C. Messier, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2014

To be clear, this was a type of hallucination. This was not a bona fide out-of-body experience the likes of paranormal activity or the astral projection powers of Shannen Doherty’s character on Charmed. But it’s still cool because it’s the first attempt to scientifically analyze and document a non-pathological, self-elicited out-of-body experience.

Suzanne Lie – Doing The Work – Part 2- Beam Me Up – 9 March 2014

Because of the meeting with the Arcturian and our “dream” interpretations of that message, Jason and I began the process of changing our lives. First, instead of worrying about the “important work meetings” we missed, we took it as a divine message to remain in our simple lives. In fact, we began to cultivate the sunny area behind our small cabin, which had always been filled with weeds, and created a garden to grow our own produce.
We kept our self-employed jobs, which gave us time and energy to begin to hold small meetings in our cabin on once a month on Sunday afternoons. We started with a few friends, but soon our group grew so large that we had to rent a space at our local library.  Since, we loved doing the meetings in our home, we decided to have more meetings and keep them small.

jueves, febrero 27, 2014

Suzanne Lie – The Greater Work – The Next Morning – 27 February 2014

After the Arcturian left our house we both fell onto the nearby couch. We immediately slipped into a sleep/meditation, as we were not sure to which reality we were awake. How could we be talking to a being of wavering light one minute, than sitting on our couch the next? Gradually, we fell into what must have been a real sleep, as I had a very important dream.
When I awoke it was the next day. After I recovered from a night of sleeping on the couch with each of us pulling on one small blanket for warmth, I realized that I had slept through a very important work meeting.

lunes, febrero 24, 2014

Suzanne Lie – The Merging Part 4 – Answering The “Door” – 24 February 2014

I guess we were NOT back in the 3D because when I went to the door no one was there. However, shortly after I opened the door, Jason and I felt a very strong sensation. In fact, it was a multidimensional sensation. Because our physical eyes could not see anything, we looked at each other with puzzled expressions.
However, we both had a strange feeling that we were not alone. In fact, the feeling we were having was immensely familiar. We stood very still, almost as if we didn’t want to interfere with this unique energy that had entered our home.

viernes, febrero 21, 2014

Laura Multidimensional Ocean - My Dreamflight of the 20 Feb. 2014 – Peace Missiles :) - February 21, 2014

images (2)Well I had an amazing dreamflight on Aurora.. Indy woke me up a few times during the night and my partner too, but every time i was awaken, I was blown away by what was going on my dreamflight!!
I sadly don’t recall much.. other than when i woke up.. a few glimpses that i tried to recall..
glimpse 1: I was among a team of friends, all very strongly connected. We were reviewing my life, but not in a scary or negative way.. no we were just looking at it from a detached and curious point of view, with no prejudice. Just a bunch of friends and collegues trying to help me out on a few Earthly things  was just awesome to feel their energy and love in the same room with me. Part of me did feel as if i was back at school when i woke up, i mean in the way that one is surrounded by friends and in the way their energy felt young and vibrant.

martes, febrero 18, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Merging – Part 3 – Calibrating To Our Multidimensional Minds – 18 February 2014

Within the orb of light that was created by the joint consciousness of the Arcturian, Mytrian, Mytre, Mytria, Jason and myself, the feeling of unconditional love and abundant joy was almost too much to bear. How could it be that Jason and I had become so accustomed to the fear, hustle, work, challenge and stress of our physical lives that unconditional love and joy was “too much?”
Fortunately, the love and joy within our orb quickly erased that message from my mind. It was then that I heard someone talking to us. Again, I knew what Jason was thinking, just as I was sure that he knew what I was thinking. In fact, within our orb we simultaneously heard everyone’s thoughts, even the Arcturians. Strangely enough, we could still understand all of them.

martes, enero 14, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 4 – Portal Of The High Heart – 14 January 2014

Sandy and I went to different corners of our small house to write our experience of the meeting on the Mothership. Much to my surprise, when I relaxed into allowing my fingers to speak through the computer, I wrote about a different meeting that I did not remember attending. In this meeting we were in the same room and Sandy was sitting beside me. Mytre and Mytria were standing by the Arcturian as It spoke to us.
I was so touched by what I wrote about that meeting that when Sandy returned from her corner of the house, computer in hand, I said, “Sandy, can I please read mine first?

miércoles, enero 08, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 3 – Out Visit To The Mothership – 8 January 2014

After Sandy and made up in our bedroom, in our bed, we fell into a deep sleep. We were lying so close to each other, with overlapping arms and legs that we feel asleep in the same moment. As we later discovered, we had the same dream. In the “dream” we were back on the Mothership, but this time we sat side-by-side in the meeting room with beings from all over the Galaxy.
The room filled with human, as well as non-human, beings from all over the Galaxy. At the front of the room we saw the pulsing light-form of the Arcturian. When we say Mytre and Mytria standing beside the Arcturian we almost burst into tears. Our joint consciousness was thinking that we were having a wonderful dream. However, when the Arcturian seemed to be looking directly into OUR eyes, we began to wonder if, perhaps, we actually were on the Mothership.

jueves, enero 02, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspectives – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 2 – We Are One – 2 January 2014

While Jason and I sat around the table eating our brunch, we talked about my dream and our confusing feelings about Mytrian.
“I am so happy that I had this dream and the intimate experience of being with the Arcturian,” I said as I sipped my coffee. “I have to admit that I have really missed Mytre and Mytria. Have you had any more of your dreams about Mytrian?”
“Yes,” responded Jason. “In fact, just a few days ago I had a dream in which Mytrian was with the Arcturian. However, I am still having difficulty understanding how one person or being, as I am not sure Mytrian is a human, can have all those different component of SELF.
“I mean, supposedly you and I are part of Mytrian’s Multidimensional SELF, which includes Mytria, Mytre and the Arcturian. How can that be?  How can one being hold that many different frequencies of consciousness in one form?”

martes, diciembre 31, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Ascension – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Sandy’s Birthday Dream - December 31, 2013

I woke up with a sweet kiss as I heard Jason say, “Happy Birthday My Love.” It took me a moment to fully awaken as I was having the most wonderful dream. Finally, once I was awake enough to open my eyes, I saw Jason’s loving face.
“Oh Jason,” I said. “I just had the most wonderful dream. Can I tell you now before I forget?”
“Please do,” said Jason, as he propped himself up to see me while he listened.
“Well,” I began as I looked at the ceiling to not get distracted. I didn’t want to forget this dream. “The dream began with the feeling and flowing presence of the Arcturian. It said to me, ‘Happy Birthday. Today I give you the gift of remembering. In other words, you will not forget.

miércoles, diciembre 04, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Back To The Mothership – Part 4 – What Is An Oversoul? – 4 December 2013

After we asked our very embarrassing question of, “What is an Oversoul?” the Arcturian shined what felt like an understanding smile. With infinite patience the Arcturian said,
“The seventh dimension is the resonant frequency Oversoul,
the eighth dimension is the resonant frequency of Planetary Logos,
the ninth dimension is the resonant frequency of Solar Elohim,
the tenth/eleventh dimensions are the resonant frequency of Stellar Elohim,
and the twelfth dimension is the resonant frequency of Source.

martes, noviembre 12, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Back On The Mothership – Part 2 – Transmissions To Earth #1 – 12 November 2013

SuzanneLiePleiadian Perspective on Ascension, Book One and Two available as ebooks at:
Immediately after our welcome back to the Mothership and our brief conversation with Mytre, Mytria and the Arcturian we were hustled off to a huge room with a large viewing screen. Via this screen we could see the Arcturian who was about to commence Its latest transmission to Earth. Within this room there were many of our new friend from Inner Earth Lemuria, as well as from the “time” in which the Circle of Completion gathered.
We saw our ancient expressions of Landar and Landar, as well as Laetara and many others. We could see that some of them wore their ancient form, but others wore whatever form they were wearing in their present NOW. It was very interesting that we could recognize them by their feel even though their faces, bodies and even genders were different.

jueves, octubre 24, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspective Book Four – Where We Left Off – 24 October 2013

Jason and Sandy had finally found the “twelfth floor,” on which the Inter-Galactic Light Convention was gathering within the NOW of the higher worlds. They were welcomed by the inter-galactic members, who created a path directing them toward the vortex at the far side of the room. Jason and Sandy looked through the vortex to see an infant world. This world was the infant Gaia, the ray of hope for the beings who had used Earth as their “schoolroom for ascension.”
From their timeless state of consciousness they understood how that new reality was beginning, ending, shifting and remaining still. The Arcturian then flashed before them. Looking deep into Jason and Sandy’s eyes, It sent them the image of Jason and Sandy joined as Divine Complements within the Divine Complements of Mytre and Mytria.

sábado, octubre 12, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Epiloque – We Will Remember – 12 October 2013

“From the dungeons of destruction comes the hope of new life,” Jason and I said as one being. We looked up to our three guides and said, “Yes, we will return and care for Gaia. We realize that She has been reborn just as we have. But how do we return?”
“Through the twelfth floor,” we all said in harmony.
Instantly, a bright light surrounded our joint form of Sandy and Jason. As we surrendered into the light we became aware that the dream we had tried so hard to remember was so vivid because it was NOT a dream. Instead, it was a future experience that we had partially remembered. However, as the light turned into a swirling vortex all thoughts of our past disappeared.

sábado, septiembre 28, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Back On Ascending Earth – Part 4 – Researching Our Dream – 28 September 2013

Fortunately, we are both were self-employed now, but we did have to take care of some business before we could focus on further deciphering our dream. However, since I was already on the computer for my work I had some time to research the Internet. I started my search by looking for articles on DNA and webs of light, which was re-defined by my research to be called energy fields.
I found fascinating information and was just compiling my research when Sandy walked in the door. She was excited to hear what I had learned and made us some coffee while I put my research into a sequential fashion so that it would more understandable. We drank our coffee and talked about our day so far. After relaxing a bit, I was ready to give my presentation. Sandy was all ears and eager to understand what we had experienced the day before.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Andy Bojarski - My Conscious Time Travel Experience Last Night – WOW - Sep 7, 2013

Time TravelHello everyone.  I wanted to share with you what happened to me last night.  It was really amazing.  I actually time travelled in my conscious state.  So here is what happened.
I was asleep in my bedroom (we will call this bedroom #1 – you will see later why this is important) at night and all of a sudden I am awoken by a loud knock (4 knocks to be exact), like someone is knocking on the door.  But there was nobody at the door as our door is downstairs and far away from the bedroom.
This knock was very loud and in my ear and woke me right up.  I smiled and said “Who is it?”  HAHA.  As I am now full awake, pondering and tuning into this knock, my 9-year-old son, about 15 minutes later, starts to come into my bedroom from his bedroom as he could not sleep.  So he is lying next to me and he becomes really restless.