Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Viajes en el Tiempo. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Viajes en el Tiempo. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, abril 23, 2020

Diane Canfield - Time Travelers Revealed/ The Great Awakening Has Ascended To A New Level - April 23, 2020

Blessings Everyone,

We have shifted to a New Timeline as the dark players and dark agenda are exposing themselves.

More light is able to enter the Planet and create the NEW Earth as more dark players show their hands. This then creates a higher vibration of earth itself and all its inhabitants as more earthlings wake up to what has really been going on.

martes, agosto 20, 2019

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Tiempo, el Viaje en el Tiempo, y la Teletransportación del Alma - Agosto 18, 2019

El Tiempo, el Viaje en el Tiempo, y la Teletransportación del Alma
Arcángel Metatrón a través de J. Tyberonn

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, y saludo a cada uno de ustedes en un vector de amor incondicional. Dediquen un momento a sentir la energía, cierren los ojos, y sientan un capullo de nutrición tibia que los envuelve... se reúne un entorno.

jueves, diciembre 01, 2016


"Crash Landings" are rocking many physical reality worlds for collectives who are awakening fast/expanding huge, staying expanded (we are supposed to) and then "unexpectedly" contracting back down into the physical where it's "real" and not knowing/realizing how to navigate with ease.

Everyone has to do this... repetition and understanding are key.

This is just a small part of how StarGates and Multi-Dimensional Existence/Quantum Light "travel" works....

Expand into bliss & magic, seeee how exquisite all is, experience it, love it, play in it and then contract back down into an old physical reality to DEAL WITH IT.... Align it yourself... move through it AS YOUR HIGHER SELF/SOURCE aspects.... Every physical reality that you need to resolve/work through... you'll go through each one of these cleansing/clearing and raising your overall vibration higher, then it's "time" to do another bigger jump... Each jump gets bigger than the ones before.

jueves, agosto 25, 2016

Jonette Crowley - ¿Qué es el tiempo? por “MARK” - Julio 25, 2016

Traducción: Natalia Lescano
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Jonette canaliza las respuestas de “MARK” a las preguntas sobre el “Tiempo”

“El tiempo es lo que evita que todo ocurra a la vez”
– Psíquico John Wheeler

Pregunta: Si el tiempo no existe y todo ocurre en el mismo momento, ¿por qué tiene que ocurrir ahora? ¿Es lo mismo ocurriendo una y otra vez? ¿Por qué?
El Tiempo se parece mucho a los ceros que fueron inventados en vuestro sistema numérico. Los Ceros son marcadores de posición. Marcan la diferencia entre un céntimo y un trillón de dólares. Sin el cero vuestro sistema numérico no tendría sentido. El tiempo es como los espaciadores que les permiten experimentar eventos de manera que éstos no puedan colisionar dentro del Todo. En el Todo no puede haber experiencia. Cuando no hay tiempo, tampoco hay USTEDES fuera del tiempo. Cuando no hay tiempo no hay espacio. Hay solo existencia condensada. En esa existencia condensada no hay ninguna experiencia. No hay ningún experimentador. No hay observador. No hay ningún evento. De manera que los ceros fueron colocados para poder tener una experiencia de la existencia. El Tiempo fue puesto como una dimensión para que ustedes puedan entender. Pero más allá de la dimensión que incluye al tiempo, todo ESTA sucediendo ahora. Como los humanos no pueden descifrar todo lo que ocurre a la vez los espaciadores se colocan para que ustedes puedan experimentarlo.

martes, abril 29, 2014

Time travel one step away! Large Hadron Collider Experiments


Two Russian scientists claim a device created to investigate the origins of the universe "The Large Hadron Collider" could become the world's first ever time machine. Scientists say the vast atom-smashing machine at the European Particle Physics Centre near Geneva could create a time tunnel.

Time Machine Successfully put together, Time Displacement Unit - The First Time Machine 25/04/2014

Worlds First Time Machine Constructed...
GE C2O4 Time Displacement Unit
According to John Titor, the ability to time travel is discovered in Geneva, Switzerland at CERN, during (I'm assuming) experiments involving the Large Hadron Collider. I can assume that because he also said:
"The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and 'circular' facility...The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online." -- January 31, 2001

After the technology was discovered, General Electric then began producing the displacement units. Titor outlined the basic specifications of the units that allow time travel:
"1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsingularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsungularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)"

Before going any further, you might be interested in what John Titor had to say about the development of time travel in general, and how that process evolved.
If so, I've set up a page with one of Titor's lengthier posts, in which he walks us through the basics of how his machine operates and the science behind it. Check it out: John Titor & The Invention Of Time Travel

Time travel & Stargate portals are Real and Exist on Earth Today!

miércoles, abril 16, 2014

Tiempo de Cine - Movie Time - Supercollider (2013)

After the Hadron Super Collider in Switzerland and France, few thought anyone would ever attempt a larger Collider but Cytron corporation, with a consortium of companies, built it. The Eisenberg Collider, called EC-1 was over 60 Kilometers long, nearly triple the Hadron. Its mandate was to create a new energy source to power the world. On September 9th, 2013 at 9:05AM the first test of the EC-1 Collider was about to commence.... at 9:06AM, that same day, the test was classified as permanently delayed; the program was to be shut down due to lack of funding. What had happened... or what happened that had changed everything? 
Sinopsis: Cuando un super colisionador de hadrones genera un desplazamiento temporal, por culpa de su funcionamiento defectuoso, un científico solitario debe restablecer el orden natural antes de que el mundo se destruya por completo.

domingo, enero 12, 2014

Educating Humanity: Time Travel,Top Ten People Who Time Traveled, Worm...

Ten People Who Traveled Through Time

If one wants to travel through time, the only way we know of is to get your hands on a speeding DeLorean with a Plutonium powered flux capacitor. There are probably a bunch of other ways to do it we just don't understand all the nuances of the our own earth yet, let alone the wonders of the universe.

Some scientists think that it might be at least theoretically possible to travel through time, no one (as far as we know) has devised a sure-fire way to make it happen. But that's not to say that people haven't reported traveling through time. There are many fascinating stories from those who say they seem to have quite unexpectedly visited - if only briefly - another time and, sometimes, another place. These events, often called time slippages, seem to occur randomly and spontaneously. Those who experience these events are often bewildered and confused by what they see and hear, and afterward are at a complete loss to explain them.