I guess we were NOT back in the 3D because when I went to
the door no one was there. However, shortly after I opened the door,
Jason and I felt a very strong sensation. In fact, it was a
multidimensional sensation. Because our physical eyes could not see
anything, we looked at each other with puzzled expressions.
However, we both had a strange feeling that we were not alone. In
fact, the feeling we were having was immensely familiar. We stood very
still, almost as if we didn’t want to interfere with this unique energy
that had entered our home.
“This energy feels very familiar,” said Jason. I nodded, not
wanting to disturb the atmosphere by speaking. Gradually, a growing
awareness came into our consciousness, “Is it the Arcturian?” we both
asked with amazement in our voices.
“Yes,” replied the Arcturian speaking through our clairaudience. “We are pleased that you have perceived us with your multidimensional perceptions. We will now assist you to expand your multidimensional consciousness by sharing some important information with you. Please listen closely to our multidimensional communication.”
I was just realizing that Jason was as astounded as I about the
Arcturian actually visiting our home when the Arcturian continued, “We
are not visiting your home. We are visiting your multidimensional
consciousness. Because you have calibrated your physical brain to your
multidimensional consciousness you are able to perceive our presence
within your joint consciousness.”
“Yes,” said Jason, “It feels like you are in our home, but I
understand that you are actually in our consciousness.” I nodded in
“We are pleased that you can grasp these higher dimensional
concepts,” continued the Arcturian speaking within our consciousness.
“Since you have merged with your higher expressions of Mytre, Mytria,
Mytrian and our Arcturian essence, it is important that you understand
more completely what is occurring in your NOW. Since you are fully
connected to your Multidimensional SELF, you have become an open portal
through which we can directly speak to awakening humanity.
“You see, dear grounded expressions of our SELF, the physical structure of form in this quadrant of space is preparing to burst into the higher frequencies of spirit. By
‘spirit’ we mean that which is infused with the light of creation. This
light of creation serves as a higher dimensional palette upon which
thought can be projected and enlivened by the ‘colors’ of emotion.
“The Arcturian’s galactic service is to be of assistance whenever a
transmutational moment comes into the NOW of any quadrant of space. We
have many ways in which we facilitate this process. The greatest
challenge is that uninformed humans may perceive the transmutation into
lightbody as a form of ‘death.’ However, death is merely a release from the 3D matrix of illusion.
“In fact, this release is actually a bi-location. We remind you that nothing can die
within the multiverse, but it can transmute into a higher or lower
frequency of expression. The consciousness of humanity is about to
transmute into higher frequencies of expression that resonate beyond the
illusion of time.
“With the completion of this transmutation, you will experience
myriad realities within the ONE of the NOW. You will then realize that
you can maintain a conscious awareness of one or more of your higher
dimensional realities while you still maintain and/or wear an earth
“Unfortunately, many humans are still so attached to the physical reality which they have known as real
for myriad incarnations that they resist the process of transmutation.
The power of this resistance creates a waver in the energy field of
transmutation. This waver stalls the transmutational event in a manner that frozen moments of lower frequency reality are created.
“Those who are afraid to allow a smooth transmutation of their reality will become trapped in those frozen moments of 3D time.
Thus their perceptions will remain limited to the third dimension, and
they we not be able to experience the impending transmutation into the
higher realities. Because they have chosen the path of fear rather than
the path of unconditional love, they will cling onto the “known” and
fear that their reality is destructing.
“Conversely, those who have chosen the path of unconditional love
have released the shackles of time and eagerly accept change. Hence,
they will perceive the very same event as constructing a pathway into a higher frequency of reality. Thus, while the inhabitants of these frozen moments
cling to their physical version of life believing that all around them
is being lost, the transmuting ones are creating a perceptual pathway to
fifth-dimensional New Earth.
“The inhabitants of the frozen moments may even believe that they
are the final ones to survive what they perceive as destruction. Because
of their resistance to change they will no longer be on the third
dimensional matrix, as that matrix will no longer exist. However, they
will not be able to believe, conceive or perceive the fifth dimensional
reality. Thus, they will bravely settle in to their lower fourth dimensional reality.
“This lower dimensional reality will be filled with fear, due to
the belief patterns of the inhabitants. However, it will allow those who
have lived a life of selfishness, power over others, anger and/or
cruelty the need to work with others in order to survive. In this
manner, the frightened victims and victimizers of the frozen moments
both have a reason to care for others, find their power within, and
allow the sadness and fear that was the basis of their lives to be
“We perceive these ‘islands of resistance to transmutation’ as
hospitals in which those who cannot accept change can experience more of
the illusion of time to prepare for the transmutation of
darkness into light and love. Most of these lost ones fear change
because of their own unresolved trauma. As they resolve their inner
trauma by assisting others, their fear of change will be released.
“Fortunately, there are many who are more than ready to release
their fear and return to their innate unconditional love. This release
of fear, resolved or not, will lighten their consciousness more than
they can imagine. Those who are still bound to the third-dimensional
paradigm believe that it takes a long “time” to heal trauma. However,
since time no longer exists in the fifth-dimensional matrix, the release
of trauma can be instant.
“On the other hand, while their consciousness is attached to the
time-bound, 3D matrix, even transmutation takes time. Time was put into
lower matrix realities so that the inhabitants could slow down their process of creation
to understand exactly how thoughts and emotions combine into ONE to
create portals. These portals are two-way in that they allow their
creators to enter and/or leave any given reality.
“Many of our volunteers for ascension are taking the time to
heal their lower frequency experiences within their ‘past, present or
future’ lives so they can learn to assist those who are so lost in
darkness that they cannot perceive the onslaught of light. When they
move through time to heal what they perceive as other lives, they must understand the illusion of time.
“The breaking down of the NOW into time is much like one of
your motion pictures. There are many individual pictures strung together
on a long film to which the light of the pictures can adhere. When this
film travels very fast, the pictures blur into one motion picture. Of
course, in your present reality film is no longer needed and many motion
pictures stream through a ‘cloud’ to invisibly move from one
computerized device to another.
“Those trapped in time are similar to the motion pictures in that
something is in-between every picture. This something in-between causes time.
When a ‘movie’ is streaming through a ‘cloud,’ which is of a frequency
that is not perceptible to third dimensional perception, the physical
person can easily capture that frequency of light to display the motion
picture on their electronic device.
“In the same manner, your consciousness can capture the ‘motion
pictures’ of fifth dimensional reality, but it can only do so if your
perception is calibrated to the frequency which can capture those light
images. Of course, if you believe that perceiving the fifth dimension is
impossible, then it will become impossible.
“However, once you believe that you can expand your consciousness
into the higher frequency of perceptions, you can calibrate your mind to
the fifth-dimensional ‘cloud.’ Once your consciousness is calibrated to
the frequency of the cloud that is transferring these motion pictures of fifth dimensional earth, you will begin to project this movie onto your inner mind screen.
“If you believe that you can calibrate your consciousness to
receive images from the fifth dimension, you will move towards that
possible reality. In the same manner, if you believe that a fearful
event will occur, your consciousness will seek out that possible
reality. What you must remember now in preparation for fifth-dimensional
New Earth, is that your every thought and emotion creates the
picture/reality that you paint on your reality screen.
“In this manner, you create that which you perceive and perceive
what you have created. In fact, in the higher dimensional realities,
creation and perception are the same concept. You create your reality by
the perceptions to which you choose to attend, and you perceive the
reality that you created with your thoughts and emotions.
“Even while holding an earth vessel, unconditional love expands
your consciousness enough to allow you to capture higher dimensional
‘motion pictures’. Unconditional love also has the innate power to
realign that which is out of alignment so that you are a clear corridor
through which higher frequency information can flow.
“Unconditional love, being the healing force of the multiverse,
reveals that most dis-ease is due to misalignment with the higher
dimensions of reality. Fortunately, even that which is calibrated to a
lower dimension can be pulled into alignment with the ONE via the power
of unconditional love. While in alignment with the NOW of the ONE time
and the separation that time creates transmutes into the NOW. Within the
NOW, you are infinitely connected with all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
“Your Multidimensional SELF chose to ‘visit’ the lower frequencies,
much as one would visit a university of learning. What YOU wanted to
learn in this university is how to ascend a planet without destruction.
Unfortunately, many of you fell out of alignment with your SELF and
became lost within the third dimensional paradigm of time and
“That is when you began to forget that you are beings of light that
cannot be harmed in any manner by the illusions of a lower frequency
reality. The third dimension is similar to an old-fashioned movie
theater where light from the back of the theater carried the moving
pictures to be displayed on the screen.
“If you were to stand between that screen and the projected light,
the moving picture would project onto you. These projections of light
could not hurt you unless you had the fearful thought that the moving pictures could
harm you. Since what you think and feel is projected onto the matrix of
the 3D hologram, your concerned thoughts and fearful emotions actually
create a version of reality in which you suffer harm.
“In fact, it was in this manner that the lightbodies of our away
team became so absorbed with the lower dimensional pictures that they
believed they were the frequency of the projection screen rather than
the frequency of the projected light. Then, they began to believe that
they WERE the character in the movie rather than the light that created
the character.”
Jason and I were so awestruck by this message and by the fact that
the Arcturian was speaking to us, that we could not move or speak. It
was then that Mytria and Mytre came to our rescue by entering our
consciousness and projecting their light through us. At this point the
Arcturian said, “Do you feel the difference when the higher light of
your Multidimensional SELF beams through you?”
We were in such bliss and euphoria feeling this higher light within
our forms that all we could do was smile and nod our heads in
“Once you realize that you are living in a projected reality you will begin to understand that you
are the light that is projecting that reality. Hence, you are NOT the
holographic screen upon which that light is projected,” continued the
“As you become fully aware that you are the light rather than the
screen onto which this light is projected, you can no longer avoid that
fact that YOU are the creator of your reality. As that information
becomes familiar to all the wounded and victimized components within
your unconscious and conscious mind, your attitude toward life begins to
“If you are the creator, then you are only a victim to your self
and/or the victim to the reality that you chose to enter within your
current incarnation. We are aware that there are many earthlings that
are barely surviving and go to sleep hungry every night.
“We also know that there are wars waging all over Gaia’s dear
planet and that horrible atrocities occur to humans every day. We
realize that a very few rule your world, and most of them are the
remaining forces of the Brothers of Belial who took down Atlantis.
Therefore, we ask you why you chose to enter that holographic
“Why did you create this reality for your self? Once you ask
yourself that question, you are on the Path of Mastery and ascension.
Ascension beyond the physical reality that YOU have created is not
an escape. Also, ascension is no longer just for YOU. Once you remember
your Multidimensional SELF, you realize that you have already ascended,
as your SELF is continuous through all the dimensions and back to
“Therefore, you chose to descend into Gaia’s Earth during
Her time of ascension. Yes, it is not just humanity that is ascending.
In fact, humanity is the primary block to all forms of ascension. If it
were up to the plant and animal kingdoms, Gaia would be fifth
dimensional and beyond. It is humanity that is holding back Gaia’s
“However, Gaia’s ascension is not actually being ‘held back,’ as it
is well on its way. It is just that many humans are unaware of this
fact because they are still trapped in the illusions of their own
projections. It is for this reason that we, your galactic family, are
willing to communicate with those humans who are awake to their true,
multidimensional nature and are ready to take full responsibility for
the reality that THEY have created.
“We have come to you within your NOW to give you your earthly
mission, which is to share the truth that you have gained from your
connections with the higher dimensions. Dear earthly expressions of your
SELF, it is for that reason that we are communicating with YOU!”
With that statement the feeling of the Arcturian began to fade from
our awareness and Jason asked, “ Dear Arcturian, you do not have a
physical form. How could you knock on our door?”
With what felt like a smile the Arcturian said, “We did not knock
on your door, we knocked in your mind. Then you ran to your door, which
made more sense to 3D brains, and you let us in to your consciousness.”
“So, the whole running to the door to let you in was an illusion of our own creation?” I said.
“Yes,” replied the smiling Arcturian.
Jason and I looked to each other and said, “The Arcturian has a sense of humor?”
Was that a laugh we heard as the Arcturians´ energy expanded beyond our perception?