Let us take the energies of this week and the Pink Flame, to now fully bring forth that essence into all parts of our body.
We talk about the Pink in relation to the Feminine Divine, but how much of it do you incorporate fully into all areas to relax the body, and to let the energies move you into alignment?
This Flame represents Creative and Active Intelligence. What that truly means is the creation of the Light within the Pink Flame allows the movement of action to occur within your physical existence. It allows you to see things from your Higher Heart instead of your physical Heart, so you can merge and blend together in order to help the mental mind to be fully illuminated through the Higher Mind. That is the creative action that occurs through this process. Of course, it gives us the blending of Compassion, Joy, Love, and Surrender that helps us to move into a higher state of existence instead of the physical existence that can be so predominant upon this Earth.
As you breathe deeply into that essence, what is it that you feel inside yourself presently?
Let it empower you. Let it shine deeply within you so that you can accept yourself in a completely different consciousness than you have previously. Feel the relaxation that occurs within your physical body as you continually breathe in this essence and accept more of your Divine Being than you did a moment ago.
We like to utilize the Pink Flame in Telos to assist us when we become argumentative with each other. Yes, we do have arguments. Not heated arguments, but we help to control the energies by allowing this Flame to be within us. So when we have intense meetings, we turn on the Pink Light. We allow that Essence to be fully within us, so that we will not come from a lower state of existence. You know what happens when people argue. They find all kinds of things that can be wrong and thus, the focus of the argument is deterred away from the main element. All kinds of assumptions can be made in that state. So it is important to have the realization that you can fully surrender to what it is that you may be arguing about, so that it truly does not matter in the higher consciousness. What matters is the end result of it, the focus of the argument, what you want to create and why you started the argument. That way all parties can come together and meet within Oneness.
This is exactly what is happening on the Earth Plane presently. There are so many different variables. These variables come in the form of intelligence, feelings and thoughts. Individuals have opinions, and within that 4th dimensional construct, the 3rd dimensional body that is encased within the Upper Earth erupts into chaos through the process. Presently, this is what you are experiencing on the Upper Earth. There are many different ways of thinking and doing things, so the Lower Mind gets in the way of allowing the Higher Mind to fully ascertain the moment and what it truly means to an individual in their experience. Let us face it, when you experience an element from the 4th dimensional construct or your 3rd dimensional mind, wherever you may be, it becomes limiting. There is no expansion occurring.
So let us utilize the Pink Flame to bring in that element of Peace and Love. That is what we are going to be experiencing tonight with Heros and Amora. It allows the frequency of Light to calm you down. That is when the Mental Illumination happens, as the physical mental level is no longer in command. We will be accessing this plane through the Divine Beings of Light; the Elders from the Throne of Grace, overseen by the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional frequency. It all filters from that level into the level you are accessing.
This is imperative, because as we are seeing upon the Upper Earth, changes are happening quickly. More people are awakening.
It is a true fact, but people are in need of assistance. They have awoken, and they see that there is more to themselves than what they thought, but where do they go for guidance? How can they help themselves?
Some of the constructive coaching that is done presently is very limited. It does not bring in these Higher Essences. I know individuals are not going to be ready to fully understand what a Ray may mean to them, but they know what a color means. So we have to assist as much as we can by incorporating these energies within ourselves. This will eventually help having cohesive exchanges with others. And is that not what each of you wants – To be able to communicate and be free with your communications? But sometimes the energies you are experiencing may have more precedence than the true element that needs to be spoken about.
So we bring forth the Pink Flame to assist us with balance and the empowerment of the Feminine Essence, as she starts to feel the ability to speak better. Feel her coming out of her shell as the masculine energy can now do his job in order to assist, not to take over. This is the process that needs to be done presently. We need to flow more upon the Upper Earth, and that is why I am very dedicated to sharing this knowledge through Walking Terra Christa via Meleriessee.
If we start to understand from the higher perspective, it will filter into the physical body eventually. However, you must allow it to be. And that is how we help others through this process. At this time, during this week, there are no intense movements I want to share about, because we are on a level of maintaining presently from the Full Moon. Maintaining represents the ability to step into your power with your Masculine and Feminine Divine at the same level; not one higher than the other, not one lower than the other, but understanding one another. This is what I wanted to share. An understanding does not necessarily have to come from your mental mind.
If I reflect this energy unto each of you through Meleriessee, letting the Pink Flame flowing within you, do you feel understanding?
You may not be able to analyze it, because on this level there is no analysis. There can only be acceptance. And that is what this flame does for each of us. It allows us to fully understand through the receptivity of the Feminine Divine and her extending the energy onto the Masculine Divine so that he can fully relax. That is mental illumination. We are going to experience it this evening. The power of these energies is beyond what I can share presently. Each of you is experiencing it. Each of you is going through your changes, your initiations, and your tests, but everyone is experiencing it on the level that they are presently standing in.
It takes great diligence to continually allow your Higher Essence to be fully within you. I embrace you deeply for your consistent movement, but allow this Pink Flame to assist you in the process. Remember you cannot do it all on your own by just waking up and saying this is what I am going to do; I am going to work with the Rays in this moment. Feel it instead. Feel it from your Higher Essence.
What is he or she telling you?
Surrender must fully take place. Say to yourself “I am no longer in full command, I am working through my Higher Self”. Do not give the Higher Self all energy – they do not want that. Your Higher Self wants to become One with you, and that Oneness must occur through the integration and merging with your physical existence.
It is the beauty of allowing the Pink Flame to flow within you and extend it out of you. We can assist more individuals by working through these processes than we can by picking up the phone and telling someone that they need to do a meditation or they need to do an affirmation. Expand it out of you through your energetic exchange because your auras are changing as your chakras are becoming more intensified through the higher energies.
We bless you deeply for allowing us to share this information with each of you as it is our divine pleasure to fully come into Oneness with the Upper Earth.
I AM Lord Adama at your service.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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