So here we all are! I tust you’ll have no trouble discerning the more earthly frequencies from the celestial ones, and so will have no trouble telling us apart (even though I often can’t anymore these days…)
Update alert! You are no longer the being you define yourself as! Trust me.
Better yet, the minute after you read this, check that out for yourself.
Sit down with pen and paper, and list your self-descriptions.
Notice how many do NOT apply any longer– not more than “sorta, kinda, sometimes,” anyway.
That is because you are OUTGROWING them.
This is IMPORTANT to notice right NOW, so that you can let them go.
Quite literally, they are containers that have grown too small for your spirit.
Beloved, this is, indeed, an “update alert!”
Like one of your clocks that ring to get You up and alert, this one is ringing to get You “up to speed,” quite literally. Remember that You moved into a NEW Paradigm when You crossed the threshold of your Winter Solstice of 2012.
The frequencies that are your NEW milieu are higher than ever. You have been recallibrating your own to match them, and NOW it is time to integrate your NEW higher frequencies into your NEW Way of Being. That is why we told You that 2014 is your Year of Integration!
NOW, as You move close to the halfway point of your Summer Solstice, we urge You to prepare to cross it without old confining labels of limitation that no longer apply. You no longer fit into the boxes of “who You thought You were.” So throw them off, Beloved!
It is “time” to rise and SHINE.
How we love your Light! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team
P.S. From Judith– Regarding your rising/integrating/shining process, I just got prompted to give you a “head’s up” about a NEW creative project the celestial team and I are in the midst of developing. The purpose is to…
… playfully, effectively, assist your expansion into your New Paradigm as a C0-Creator Being of Frequenecy! Our Judith will share it here in a week or two of your linear time. Watch for it, Beloved!
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