domingo, agosto 11, 2013

Arcángel Rafael – via Sharon Taphorn ~ Ayudando al mundo a sanar - 21-07-2013*2jt-4OMSf3rcZsAm0sadDOZx*Yi0DvCDXH0bjHoTyNI6JmtFnSIoNvY9RPrQHuE/ArchangelRaphael2.jpg.scaled500.jpg

Ayudando al mundo a sanar, el Arcángel Rafael es el ángel de la sanación.
Él apoya a quienquiera sea un sanador, y también trae la salud, la sanación y la abundancia a quienes lo llamen para recibir su guía y apoyo.
Él también los puede ayudar a desarrollar su intuición y a confiar en sus visiones internas.
Llámenlo a cualquier momento en que necesiten su sanación, o tal vez sean llamados a ser un sanador pues los Sanadores vienen en muchas formas.
Hay por supuesto sanaciones donde uno pone las manos sobre la persona que la va a recibir, lo cual es una maravilla para quienes están experimentando dolor o cualquier incomodidad como resultado de los cambios vibratorios pues el cuerpo físico es el último de nuestros cuerpos a procesar a través de él, ya que es el más denso.

Conversaciones con SaluSa - Cambiando las Energías Solares - Océano Multidimensional - 07-08-13

tiempo distorcinado dos

El Sol no se moverá físicamente, solo su polaridad será revertida.

Las Energías los están afectando en una corma muy positiva por el momento.

Siempre disfrutamos que su planeta esté floreciendo gente que está incrementando su consciencia y alegría.

El resplandor extra del sol es un evento espectacular para que nosotros lo observemos ya que el sol está pasando por su ciclo natural de revertir su polaridad, lo cual no es para estar nervioso en absoluto ya que es un evento muy regular.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Tu camino a la Ascensión - 05-08-13

madre divina dos

Mi hijo(a), hay algunos puntos en los que deberías trabajar si también quieres ascender.

Amate a ti mismo(a) incondicionalmente, y ama a los otros seres de mi Creación.
Perdónate por todo lo que te has hecho a ti mismo(a) y a otros y perdona a todos los que te han hecho algo a ti.
No te juzgues por supuestas fallas, debilidades y otras cosas y tampoco juzgues a otro ser en mi Creación. Sabe que tú eres UNO con todo lo que hay en la Creación.
Solo hay UNO de nosotros. Lo que le haces a otro, también te lo haces a ti mismo(a).
Cuando vives de éste modo, no puedes escapar a la Ascensión a la dimensión superior, mi hijo(a). Y eso puede pasar más rápido de lo que crees.
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Jesús - Amar es despertar y despertar es Amar - John Smallman - 04-08-2013

libertad dos
El deseo intenso y constante de cada ser humano por Dios – la fuente de infinito Amor y sabiduría que acepta a todos sin excepción – es el resultado de de un profundo conocimiento interior y del recuerdo débil y tenue de tu verdadera naturaleza en armonía con El. 

Fuiste creado en el Amor y nunca se puede borrar por completo la memoria de esa verdad divina.
Así, a pesar de la elección de construir un ambiente ilusorio en el que se podía jugar, de una forma muy realista, a estar separado de Dios, del Amor que Él es y de su naturaleza, no se podía y no se puede eliminar el intenso deseo de ser uno con Él, ya que es tu naturaleza eterna e inmutable.
La ilusión es un lugar de juicio, dolor y sufrimiento, como muy bien sabes, y no es un lugar en el que puedes encontrar a Dios!


el-morya dos
Saludos en avance, Yo Soy el Maestro El Morya. Expreso mi gratitud por esta oportunidad de compartir un mensaje con todos ustedes, porque hay mucho por hablar sobre lo que está tomando lugar en estos días y no deseamos perder la oportunidad de compartir nuestras energías con ustedes.

Todo tiene que ver con la próxima capa de una cebolla la cual estás lista para salir y nuevamente descubrir nuevas capas permitiendo mayor crecimiento y evolución.
Como es comúnmente conocido cada capa tiene su propio propósito y composición por lo que cierta madurez debe ser alcanzada antes de que la siguiente capa se despliegue y la vieja capa haya completado su propósito en este entero proceso de crecimiento.
De esto se trata la Ascensión y mientras cada capa trae su propio propósito y sirve a su propia función, así también evolucionará la Ascensión mientras cada cambio conlleva otro intenso proceso del cual muchos individuos pueden aprender y experimentar llevándolos últimamente al siguiente cambio.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - ¡Sean Extravagantes con eso! - 08-08-13

daniel-leones-cueva DOS
Arcángel Miguel: El Portal de la Puerta del León está ahora abierta en toda su extensión, y las energías vertiéndose en su mundo, y por lo tanto en sus cuerpos, físico, emocional, mental y espiritual, son más grandiosas de lo que hayan experimentado hasta ahora.

Los cambios resultantes en ustedes mismos, y por ende en sus sociedades y su planeta se volverán más evidentes y más grandiosos también.
Así es como funciona, como ven. Vean con más detenimiento ahora la evidencia, las tendencias que finalmente serán tan obvias para alentarlos a que lleven un poco de alegría a sus corazones.
Claro que una de las cosas más fáciles de notar para ustedes será la alegría creciente en sus corazones después de todo.
Ustedes son más USTEDES como nunca antes. Y los efectos resultantes de esto serán evidentes también.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Meditación - 08-08-13

madre divina dos

MI hijo(a), te digo muy a menudo que medites, pero eso no significa exactamente que debas siempre sentarte en silencio y en calma y estar en tu corazón para entonces contactarnos.
También hay otras clases de meditación. Cuando escuchas música y te sumerges en ella y te olvidas de todo a tu alrededor; cuando observas niños y animales jugando; cuando estás afuera en la naturaleza y escuchas a los pájaros cantar su canción o miras las nubes en el cielo.
Todo esto es meditación también y mucho más. Significa que estás completamente en el AHORA y Uno con tu Ser Superior y conmigo, mi hijo(a).
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Mira del Alto Concejo Pleyadiano a través de Valerie Donner - 06-08-13

Saludos, Yo soy Mira del Alto Consejo Pleyadiano actualmente trabajando tiempo completo con el Consejo de la Tierra.

Los saludo hoy con buena voluntad y amor. Van a pasar por cambios monumentales que pueden sentirse insuperables a veces.
Les aseguramos que esta es una parte natural del proceso de ascensión. Es necesario que se separen de sus viejas fijaciones.
Tienen que enfocarse en las energías impulsoras de la nueva creación. Esto pasa enfrente de ustedes.
No se trata de lo que queda atrás de ustedes porque eso ya se terminó.
Les sugiero que recuerden éste hecho. Ustedes son parte del equipo de Ascensión de la Tierra.
Estamos trabajando con ustedes doblemente con todas las fuerzas de la Creación para asegurarse de que la Tierra tenga éxito en su ascensión. Monitoreamos la suya también.
Lo que puedo decirles en éste momento es que el escenario está puesto para varias ocurrencias inusuales. Habrá eventos ocurriendo que nunca hubieran imaginado.

Sheldan Nidle - Nosotros, vamos a ser vuestra estrella polar, …apuntado claramente el camino ..ahí fuera, esperándolos - 30-07-2013

Nosotros, los Maestros Ascendidos, vamos a ser vuestra estrella polar, …apuntado claramente el camino ..ahí fuera, esperandolos.
1 Imix, 4 Pop, 10 Caban
¡Selamat Balik! ¡Volvemos con más noticias! ¡Primero de todo, y con retraso, un Feliz Año Nuevo Galáctico a todos!
Este es el año 10 Caban, un año galáctico que está principalmente reservado para el descubrimiento interno y externo.
Os impulsa a saber más sobre quiénes sois en realidad y a mirar vuestras capacidades originales en una nueva luz, y son esas energías las que se están haciendo tan prevalecientes en vuestra realidad.
Os estáis embarcando en un periodo de manifestación y descubrimiento sobre lo qué pensáis que va todo esto de la Vida, y en consecuencia en qué clase de mundo queréis vivir.

UFO and Moon first quarter-ValPescara-Italy-Aug.10,2013

The Journey – Message from White Wolf from the Collective Spiritual Planes by Multidimensional Ocean 11 Aug 2013

images (1)Strong energies from the Heart is being poured all over the Earth, on many dimensions. We rejoice in your healing and spiritual powers returning to you in full abundance.
The collective spiritual planes are being crossed at high speed by the many, your understanding from the heart is accelerating everything on the planet.
We rejoice in your union and working together as one. We are the spirit of the higher realms. Carry on spreading your love and light for the benefit of all those who suffer, who fear, who are in a lost place inside of them, and who do not recall their way back home.
You are the ones opening the track for the others, the others will follow you, as long as your heart and intentions are pure and of good to the collective spirit and to Gaia.
Follow the tracks to the return, the journey is nearing, the journey continues and will never end.
We are one.
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

sábado, agosto 10, 2013

DL Zeta – ‘Crossroads Moments’ Offer Glimpses Into Your Parallel Universes Of Self – 10 August 2013

DLZetaWe have many parallel universes of self – that is, alternate selves existing along timelines that run parallel to our present life track. These alternate selves exist in realities spun out of the energetic template of the hologram for our present lifetime.

Jeshua - ¿Por qué piensas que ustedes tienen tantos terremotos, tornados, huracanes, sequías que han durado meses en partes de tu país? - Judith G Coates - Agosto 10, 2013

tornado dos
¿Por qué piensas que ustedes tienen tantos terremotos, tornados, huracanes, sequías que han durado meses en partes de tu país?
Eso ha sido para que unos puedan ser “reducidos” a quién y qué son ellos en realidad. Ellos no son su trabajo.
No son su casa. No son nada de lo que pensaron jamás ser
Visit our website:
Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach

The whole System is about to tilt – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 10.08.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
This is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking. Again another week has passed by and here I am again to submit my message to you. And today we shall jump into the topic right away and it is a very interesting subject which I have prepared for you. I am sure it will rouse much interest from your part.
My channel beforehand has warned me not to communicate anything about him nor his given tasks and his wish shall of course be granted (chuckles) by me.

Natural Society - Pharmaceutical Damages 5x Worse, more Widespread than Publicly Known - August 9, 2013 11:08

pills water 263x164 Pharmaceutical Damages 5x Worse, more Widespread than Publicly KnownRegardless of what members of the medical monopoly bound by Big Pharma reveal as dangerous or fraudulent, their viewpoint still holds pharmaceuticals as the only medicine that works, never mind herbs, alternative medicine, whole organic foods, and supplements.
That’s the medical monopoly mindset, which is shared by both innocent ignorant believers, whose livelihoods depend on doing what they’re told while practicing denial, and the duplicitous manipulators who control the snake oil show and benefit the most.

viernes, agosto 09, 2013

SaLuSa 09.08.2013 - MADAD
We see how the Light is rising more each day on your planet and also feel how you are getting more into the oneness with her, which allows Mother Earth to clear the remains of negative energies. There will be some weather changes necessary but surely no catastrophes as some still want you to believe. Focus yourselves on positive energies that are coming your way and let all the doubts be cleared and gone, as everyone is exactly on the right place and moment in time to experience that, what they have planned, before coming to this life.

Denise Le Fay - Feeling Surges from Different Timelines Ascension Process & Symptoms - August 9, 2013

Expiration Date & Paradigm Shift
Expiration Date & Paradigm Shift
“How close are we, in any given moment, to any of these timelines? I suppose what I mean is, is it normal now to feel the effects of one timeline if one is not currently on track to experience it, or is “feeling” this timeline an indication that one will indeed experience it? I’m not sure if I’m resonating with the Severe Earth Changes timeline at the moment, but I keep experiencing bouts of intense fear and panic about some big catastrophic event like a magnetic pole reversal, although I’m doing my darndest not to focus upon it. It seems to pop up randomly, and I become paralyzed for an hour or two, until I latch onto something else–reading and connecting with the energy of The Temple Master Hotei, for example. :) And then it is as if I never experienced such debilitating fear, until it rears its ugly head unexpectedly a few days later. This all feels bigger than me somehow. Is something happening now, in another timeline, at this moment? I suppose everything is happening Now, but is something big and horrible “close” to us at the moment, perhaps that stunt the Powers are attempting to pull?”

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: Claim Your Rightful Place Amongst The Masters In Your Ability to Love And To Create - August 9, 2013

Hello dear ones. By now you have realized that you have reached a crossroads, a crossroads of true unequivocal belief in your divine nature. We have been telling you for quite a while now of the magnificent essence that is you, naturally and never-ending and eternally, and many of you have accepted it with open arms and true belief in your true nature.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Invisible Light Of The 8:8 Stargate – 8-8 As Above So Below – 9 August 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 340 - August 9, 2013
The time is rolling by, and you are perhaps more than a little bit anxious as to what all of this energetic upgrading will result in. For some, it may feel like you are starting to fall apart at the seams, and you will tell yourself ”I simply cannot take this any longer”. But for others, they will look around and think ”where are these heavy bouts of energy that the others seem to suffer from? I do not feel anything at all, am I in the wrong here, or have I been left out of everything?”.

Archangel Indriel: Your Greatest Tool Is Your Life Experience, channeled by Bella Capozzi. August 8, 2013

Precious Beloveds, once upon a day, so very long ago by way of linear thinking and time, sprung forth from Source the most luminous sparkles of Light. A breathtaking sight to behold it was, these intricately faceted and complex creations, countless as the number of infinity, grew and multiplied until all of the Heavens were ashimmer. Designed by Father. Birthed by Mother. They wept, they sang, they danced in jubilation, did our Dear Creators.
You, the children of their One Heart, would now embark upon countless journeys and adventures, experiencing everything in the novel manner by which your Parents had yet to ever experience before. All that has ever been required of you is a willing heart and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. And so you went. The learning, it has been glorious! The raw physicality of being presented deep, unprecedented intensities of emotion.

Wes Annac - Astral Travels: Blessing War - August 9, 2013

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
“Until the philosophy which hold(s) one race superior and another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war.” – Bob Marley (“War”, a song inspired by a speech given by Haile Selassie.)  
This week, we’re going to bless warfare and in doing so, expand upon our previous blessing of the hatred and separation that’s brought war about for centuries on this planet. It’s uncustomary for us to war against each other, and we’re a strong collective that can thrive if we work together.

The Pope Establishes The Financial Security Committee – 9 August 2013

2013-08-09 L’Osservatore Romano
Pope Francis has issued, on Thursday, 8 August, a Motu Proprio for the prevention and countering of  money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Pursuant to the steps already taken by Benedict XVI in this area with the Motu Proprio of 30 December 2010 for preventing and countering illegal activities in the areas of finance and currency, today’s Motu Proprio reaffirms the Holy See’s commitment to the goal of preventing and countering money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Encrypted Email Service Shuts Down: We Will Not Hand Over User Data to NSA - August 9, 2013

'The first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this,' Levison wrote. Photograph: OJO Images/Rex Features‘The first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this,’ Levison wrote. Photograph: OJO Images/Rex Features
Stephen Cook: Now this is a first. A major encrypted mail service provider – believed to be the one used by Edward Snowden -  has shut its entire business down rather than comply with government requirements and NSA surveillance regulations to hand over customer information and private communications – which the company owner calls “crimes against the American people”. You have to admire his integrity.

Fairies, Fairies Everywhere! A Mini Reading For August 9, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi

tumblr_ljv3pi2xym1qfmvbio1_400~ We are finally seeing it happen all around us.  Old systems are crumbling, the truth is emerging (slowly, but definitely surely), and one by one the people are finally beginning to take notice.  As the Veil of Forgetfulness gets thinner and thinner, people will also begin observing and sensing something else;  the clear and very real presence of their un-incarnated family and friends.  They take a fascinating variety of forms!  Lovely Angelics;  Light Beings presenting themselves as delicate and colorful Orbs;  Galactic Brethren-so much like us ,yet of a much lighter vibration;  the Sacred Cetaceans, so playful and happy;  the list is endless, and I could go on and on for hours!  Today, however, it’s all about the Elemental Realm and in particular, the Fairies.

Anna Merkaba – Pleiades High Council of Light 9 Aug 2013

1146506_176972735817951_690271594_n~New Energies & Their Effect on Your Body – Extreme Fatigue, etc., – The reason is that many of you are being withdrawn from your bodies, and are taken to various places to meet their higher selves, and to meet their soul families, in order to learn more and bring that wisdom back to earth where it will manifest in the words that you speak, and the actions you take in your life, where your high vibrations will begin to influence more and more those around you and like a sphere of light you will embrace those that come near you. ~
— Dearly beloved children of the universe as the time to the opening of the gates approaches, your bodies are beginning to be cleansed and bathed in a variety of energies from the cosmic essence of existence, it is now in this very moment in the next few days that you may be experiencing the following symptoms:
-Extreme tiredness and sleepiness
-Inability to coherently express your thoughts
-Difficulty speaking
-Lack of energy
-Lapse of Time
-Mood fluctuations
-A feeling as if you are being lifted out of your bodies (which you are)
For you are leaving all the old behind and are entering a new era where your bodies will no longer function as they have been for eons. Your Pineal Glands are opening up to the universal energies of truth, and your body is beginning to process a mountainous amount of information that you are then to deliver to the rest of humanity. You are beginning to feel yourself immersed into the 5D structure more and more each day.
Worry not, for everything that you are experiencing is but part of an ongoing process of shifting to another level of ascension. For yet another fraction is being removed from your psyche and from your bodies cleansing you and preparing you for the new world for the new day and so many of you have been experiencing the rise and fall of energies , many have began to see a variety of beings visiting them, many of you are experiencing lapses of time, extreme forgetfulness, and disconnection from the physical reality.
The reason is that many of you are being withdrawn from your bodies, and are taken to various places to meet their higher selves, and to meet their soul families, in order to learn more and bring that wisdom back to earth where it will manifest in the words that you speak, and the actions you take in your life, where your high vibrations will begin to influence more and more those around you and like a sphere of light you will embrace those that come near you.
All of your perceived fears will slowly begin to fade away, your perceived hurts and pains will recede and you will find yourself wondering why were you ever upset at this or that situation, for it will no longer matter to you, for you have graduated and have moved past the misunderstanding of human life, and are finally truly remembering your mission at hand.
Look within our dearly beloveds, look within and understand that everything that you are experiencing is coming from the purity of your intentions, the purity of your soul to be in this moment, here now, to facilitate the return of human souls home. Home to their true selves. And so when you find yourself in such states, realize , understand and remember, that all is well. For all is unfolding as it should
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –
Pleiades High Council of Light


Visitez la Confédération Galactique des Nations Stellaires

Alien Pilot The Extraordinary Plane, UFO In Transformation, Aug 5, 2013


Humano galactico dos
Estamos en la conclusión absoluta de nuestro viaje hacia las profundidades de los reinos materiales, y el foco primario del viaje y la exploración fue para investigar y explorar cada posible rincón y grieta, cada posible experiencia en los más profundos niveles de los reinos materiales.

En los reinos materiales, en las dimensiones inferiores de los reinos materiales, los aspectos físicos de las creaciones físicas deben sobrevivir y reproducirse; esa es su función primaria ya que esto es lo que la personalidad humana entiende del estudio de la biología, lo cual es la medida actual del “éxito” de una unidad biológica o una especie.
Por lo tanto la mentalidad, lo cual es lo que está terminando en este época, la mente reptilina representa simplemente un foco, un intenso y estrecho enfoque que es necesario para que los seres biológicos – especies e individuos – sobrevivan y se reproduzcan y continúen y se expandan en los reinos materiales.

jueves, agosto 08, 2013

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Teaching Your Parents - August 8, 2013

pamela kribbeJeshua: Teaching Your Parents, channeled via Pamela Kribbe, August 6, 2013 –
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I am here with you. I am not visible to your physical eyes, because I come to you from an inner space, directly from the heart. Feel my presence.
I salute you all, individually. Feel my energy move around this room. Feel my embrace as I receive yours. We are friends, we are like roots of the same tree. It is our common goal to deeply root into this Earth in order to create a beautiful and strong tree that will provide shelter and shade for others.
I celebrate this day with you, and doing so fills my heart with joy. We are family, a spiritual family that transcends the ages, and that does not depend on time and space. You can always tap into our common source, our common roots, when you need to do so, because I know and see that life on Earth can be lonely for you. But I see your courage, too, and I deeply love you for it.

AA Michael - Get outrageous with it! – channeled by Ron Head August 8, 2013


This Lion’s Gate portal is now open to its greatest extent, and the energies pouring into your world, and therefore into your bodies, physical, emotional mental and spiritual, are greater than any you have experienced so far.  The resulting changes to yourselves, and therefore your societies and your planet will become more evident and greater, as well.

This is how it works, you see.  Watch ever more closely now for evidence, for trends, which will at last be obvious enough to encourage you, to bring a bit of joy into your hearts.  Of course, one of the easiest things for you to notice will be the increasing joy in your hearts anyway.  You are more YOU than ever before.  And the resulting effects of this will become evident to you, as well.

Simon NightStarr – Divine Self: Attention - Seth Dennon - August 8, 2013 very wise one once said, “Be independent of the good opinion of others.” What did he mean? To be free of attachment to the beliefs of your brothers and sisters. All human thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, religions, philosophies, sciences and “facts” are but opinions, which are simply interpretations. This applies universally to all channelings as well. It applies equally to all creations, for by definition all created things are “channeled” into material existence. Divine Truth is not an interpretation and cannot be encapsulated in thoughts, ideas, systems, nor in words. God’s Truth doesn’t depend upon anything in creation.

GRAFICX - Nube con extraña formación y zumbido - Agosto 8, 2013

Sun Magnetic Pole shift could effect the entire Solar System Aug 08, 2013

Valerie Donner – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 8 August 2013

valerieDonnerGreetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.
I greet you today with good will and love. You are all going through monumental changes that can feel insurmountable at times. We assure you this is a natural part of the ascension process. It is necessary to wean yourselves from your old fixations. You need to focus on the skyrocketing energies of new creation. This is what is in front of you. It is not about what is behind you because that is over and done. I suggest you remember this fact.

2013 – A Difficult Year – a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Sunday, 14 July, 2013 at Laguna Hills, California (posted 8 August, 2013)
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In this moment, in this room, it would appear that there is a switch or a change in energy. Those who would sit and listen may not be aware of the profundity of what has happened to my partner, corporally, in order to channel. In this moment, all of the cells in his body recognize the state he is in and they have suspended all unnecessary corporeal processes.
They have suspended the aging, digestion, and even pain. They have suspended all of these things so that they can be listening and be ready for the energy of the pineal. It is opening with as few filters as possible, and this will allow the voice that they know is in them to come through. The voice is the one from home. That’s what happening.

SaLuSa 06.08.2013 - MADAD

Your vibration level is rising exponentially each day and those of you who are preparing themselves for even higher vibrations are feeling the change within already. Your ability to absorb the incoming Light inside has increased immensely and it is to be seen shortly also on the outside. Another wave of clearing has passed by for you and for Mother Earth and you can literally sense it in the air. The Light from your Sun is brighter because you are now able to receive higher frequencies than ever before. Look around you and see it for yourself and feel the fresh energy that is everywhere. The old energy of suffering and sorrow is being replaced with the new one full of Love and compassion for everyone without any difference. The more you clear yourself the more you will feel this freshness and Love around, so do not hesitate for a moment and finish what you have started long ago and was very hard and painful, but now even the most heavy issues can be cleared with ease as the frequency has risen “countless” times and of course you have become very well aware of this process by already knowing when something needs your attention. Some might decide to ignore and it is absolutely your own choice at what speed you do it, but we want to remind you that it has never been easier for you to fully step into the Light, as it is now.

Send Your Light - In Unity With All The Other Yous

Celestial city of New Jerusalem photographed by NASA’s Hubble space telescope Posted on April 30, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – Despite new repairs to the Hubble Telescope, NASA refuses to release old photos or take new ones of Heaven!
In 1994, a researcher smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.
Now that the Hubble has been repaired and NASA is officially releasing some of its new findings, the Weekly World News editorial team believes it is NASA’s responsibility to further investigate this space anomaly!
NASA has yet to respond, but take a look below for our exclusive report on the first photo:
February 8, 1994
Just days after space shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the edge of the universe – and photographed heaven!

miércoles, agosto 07, 2013

The Elohim Message - The Event - Jahn J Kassl - Georgi Stankov - August 05, 2013
first published in English on August 7, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Ascension in the Historical Perspective
by Georgi Stankov

Ascension of Gaia and humanity was, is, and shall always be the divine plan for this planet and civilisation since the very beginning, which is the Now. The final and most decisive phase of the ascension process began two years ago when the PAT connected the dots and hoped to ascend, while opening the pivotal stargate 11.11.11. 
Creation is the striving to achieve the optimal result in each moment in the Now. Every ascension test run, that has be accomplished by the PAT since then, and there were very many, and has ruined our health, had to be accomplished as if it were our final ascension, otherwise neither we, nor humanity would have reached this energetic threshold when the FINAL EVENT as described by the Elohim below can take place. This includes also the ability to overcome the personal disappointment, while waking up on the next day still on this earth, only to begin with your Sisyphus work again and again.
Before you read this latest Elohim message below, let me remind you that we were already there two years ago as documented in my famous article “Your Hilarious Future is Knocking on the Door”  that actually brought me only infamy, after we did not ascend on November 2011. Today we are wiser, but our longing for the coming ascension has not been diminished a notch:

El Anora - Leslie Hicks: The Pleiadian Collective Passionately, Incitefully, Lovingly Urges you to Empower YOU - August 7, 2013
Beloved Light Beings,
We are the Pleiadian Collective Consciousness that is the explosive Love that comes from the direct Source of the Creator. We Love you. YOU are Eternal beings of Light Flowing through the Cosmic in beautiful and absolute Love and we are always with you. We have said to you, dear Ones, that we would not be landing upon the Earth. That it was for you to find within your own Consciousness and Power that is deep inside you, for you are magnificent.
But there is another reason we would not be landing upon the Earth at this time: It is that in a Quantum state we are always with you, do you SEE through to this?

India Declares Dolphins Non-Human Persons, Bans Holding Them in Captivity - August 7, 2013

dolphinSource: Real Farmacy
Cetaceans should be regarded as non-human persons with their own rights and  therefore it is morally unacceptable to keep them in captivity – this is the new  ruling by the Government of India, which in a landmark decision has taken an  important first step in establishing global animal welfare rights.
The decision was taken by India’s Minister of the Environment and Forests,  who banned dolphin shows. All Indian states have been warned by the Government  to reject proposals to hold dolphin shows or open dolphinariums, be these  requests public or private.

Brenda Hoffman – Come Alive – Stand Up And Cheer For You! – 6 August 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s August 4, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Many of you have experienced AHAs or changes in perception the last few days. Those changes are coming to fruition for you now. You have lanced the boil. The miracles – big and small – of the next few days are your building blocks of self-worth and love.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Energy Gifts are of Earth Forever”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Jesus - Do not be disheartened by the violence reported in the media - August 7, 2013 by John Smallman
I just want to reassure you of God’s infinite Love for you, for all of humanity, and that that is the most real thing that you can attend to and focus on.  The reading you have just been doing, spelling out the horrendous activities undertaken by people of many different religious persuasions “in God’s name” throughout the ages is shocking.  But remember that the physical environment you experience as embodied humans is unreal, imaginary, illusory, and although the horrendous treatment of some humans by other humans, for whatever reason, is monstrous, horrifying, and unconscionable, it did not really happen.

Never compare yourselves to somebody else – It is you solely that are of essential importance for your Life and Destiny – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 07.08.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Michael speaking and as previously promised I am returning in order to submit to you another special message through this channel.
I know that my first message has been well accepted by you and I am pleased that it has been understood by most of you that you are the ones playing an essential part for earth-ascension.

Julie Miller – Archeia Lady Faith: Give Yourself the Love you Deserve - August 07, 2013 has a way of creeping into your head just when you are about to step forward doing a task that requires a certain amount of effort and focus, and the words you may hear, “You can’t do it” is heard. The fear of failing what you are working hard to complete begins to eat away at your confidence and faith in your own abilities. Taunting words always seem to arrive out of nowhere, creating a lot of havoc within your mental and emotional faculties. No matter what your goal is, when these taunting words come, they get stronger and more controlling and before you know it you begin to think critically of your own efforts and potential of not completing a certain task.

The Hathors – Lion’s Gate Portal August 8th & 25th – THEME MAGIC – EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Anna Merkaba - August 7, 2013

thehathorslionsgateWe are the Hathors, and we come to bring you a message. A message that a new MAGICAL wave of light is about to sweep your planet and YOU are NEEDED yet again. For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC.
On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th.

Releasing Time - Suzanne Lie

Franquoix and I decided to show the group that we were friends. Franquoix moved his camp next to mine and smiled when the camp was asleep and went to the Temple to be with Mytria. In fact, we began to develop a genuine friendship. Franquoix was the only one, except Jackal that I could talk to about my concerns. My primary concern was stabilizing the fifth dimensional frequency of our reality, as our community was still only resonating to the threshold of the fifth dimension. The cohesiveness of our group was not yet strong enough to create the unity consciousness necessary to fully ground our community in a fifth dimensional resonance.It turned out that Franquoix was secretly a High Priest of one of the Draconian spiritual orders. In fact, he had psychically known we were attempting ascension and joined us not to invade but to assist. Of course, the Draconian troops did not know of his secret mission. Franquoix was actually a member of a Draconian spiritual order that had been secretly working to end the Galactic War.

SaLuSa on Shifting Solar Energies – 7 August 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

The Energies are affecting you in a very positive way at the moment. We are always enjoying your planet blooming with people’s increasing awareness and joy. The extra sunshine is a spectacular event for us to watch, as the Sun is undergoing its natural cycle of polarity reversal, which is nothing to be nervous about at all, as it is a very regular event.
Around this time, there are extra radiations being emitted from the Sun, preparing for its polarity reversal. This energy is being dispersed over the planet in an even manner, and envelops the planet in a gentle soft blanket of light. Many of you are feeling its effect, and are feeling the effect of the magnetism changing direction, which can happen in the next 2 to 3 months according to the current readings.

Mahala – Planet Alert August 2013 – 7 August 2013

mahalaHow did you experience the energy of July? It was very powerful. There were several important aspects that happened last month. The first was the activation of the Emerald Flame on the new moon of July 8,at least here in Seattle which is called The Emerald City. I’ve heard there is going to be an activation of the Emerald Flame in California where the Sequoia trees are located. The Earth keepers are having a large gathering on August 16-18. It has been 26 years since the Harmonic Convergence on August 16-17, 1987. It’s celebration time. Check out their web site

John Smallman – Saul – What You Focus Your Attention On Intensifies – 7 August 2013

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms we are all cheering very loudly as humanity moves ever closer to the grand event for which you have been hoping and praying for eons, and towards which you have been progressing so forcefully for the last few decades.  If you could see a graph of that progress you would see eons of time during which an almost flat horizontal line follows the timeline across the graph until late in the 18th century, at which point it takes a gently upwards slope until the 1990s, and from there till the present, a sharply increasing upswing then becomes impossible to ignore.  Now, it has become, to all intents and purposes, a vertically upwards sweep with virtually no horizontal movement in time.  Focus your attention on the reality of that incredible acceleration towards your awakening, and know that that is what is now occurring.

8.6.13 New Leo Moon- Energies to Play, Heal, and Expand With - Judith Dagley
This is Judith, prompted by the celestial team to share this with you–
We have a Leo new moon tonight, the energies will be with us for at least the next 48 hours, and with the planetary aspects that are influencing thiis fiery new moon, we’re receiving Leo at its finest. This is Creator energy that springs from the playful eternal child in all of us. It can be used to reconnect us with our own essence (rather than our fear-based ego programs), and so, alchemically, with one another, as well (since we are not, and never have been, really separate).
This dynamic energy has already inspired me with an intention to suggest that you set within it. Before doing so, I “tried it out,” myself, of course. In the doing, I was surprised by some healing “steps” that came up to be integrated in the process. As I did, the impact was profound, and so I will share those with you, as well–

A short update on the energies by Aisha North - August 7, 2013
Dear friends!
I got this message from the CCs this morning, and it seems to confirm what many of us have been feeling lately:
“Thank you for once again checking in with us. You see, the lines may feel like they are less than busy at the moment, but in fact, they are more busy than ever, but now, so much is going on behind the scenes, it is best to keep you out of it. Not because we do not trust you in any way, but because what is happening is of such magnitude, it is beyond the capabilities of a human mind to even try to penetrate it. You see, the realms that are so far hidden from your inquisitive eyes, are at all times at high alert as it were, and we do not leave anything to chance. Hence, the seeming lack of information being filtered through to you all.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 7 August 2013

SheldanNidle8 Lamat, 11 Pop, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with more to discuss with you! At the end of your Gregorian year of 2012, a large dose of heavenly Light showered down upon your realm, and then on July 29th of this year, triple that amount was applied to your world by means of the special astrological alignments on that date. This is setting the energies for what is about to occur. The dark’s long stranglehold on your beloved planet is at an end and the time has come for you to rejoice and for those changes which officially shift your reality to the Light to take place. The first act in this cavalcade of events is, of course, the release of the various funds which mark the segue of your globe’s monetary setup from dishonest fiat currencies, so prone to unbridled speculation, to those backed by precious metals. These new true-value currencies are to trigger a global re-evaluation, and indeed, the first of these is ready for distribution. Further, the initial rounds of the prosperity disbursements are also ready to be launched. These financial adjustments will effectively drive the old interests from power and allow the inauguration of legally based de jure governance. As you know, these are only the opening moves of what is to come.