My Beautiful Blessed Ones, Understanding the LOVE held within your being can be difficult at times. So long upon the earth have you had to battle against the old energy that you have grown accustomed to living that way. When the old energy would push, you had to push back with such a force that it would rival even the greatest of those Warriors upon the planet. This was appropriate, because you were Warriors of the Light.
Throughout all this time, you had grown to view love in this way. Protection, battle, good vs. evil. Yet, now you are being asked to let go of all these concepts and embrace the Christ Consciousness that is here now upon the Earth.
When we speak of New Souls, that does not necessarily mean naive or first-timers. Many of us who are Indigo’s or Starseed’s were present in Lemuria and Atlantis, but instead of being in an embodiment upon the Earth we have existed in many life cycles as guides, Ascended Masters, Fairy Beings, Cosmic Ones, Angels, and so many infinite and varied forms.