Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sharon Taphorn. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sharon Taphorn. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Sabiduría Angélica - Todo Es Energía – via Sharon Taphorn - 04-09-2013

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Ustedes son un asombroso campo de energía y se beneficiarían sobremanera del trabajo energético, tanto dando como recibiendo.

Todos sus cuerpos vibran a una tasa diferente y aunque el físico, que es el más denso, es el que recibe la mayor atención, es importante considerar a todos.
Activen sus manos sanadoras y corazón. Pidan a sus Ángeles que los inicien con su Amor sanador y pídanles que ustedes se conviertan en un conducto de Luz sanadora.
Abran sus brazos y su corazón y estén listos para recibir esta oleada de Amor. Permítanle despertarlos y sentir la energía a medida que empieza a fluir de ustedes a aquellos a quienes desean enviar Amor y Luz.

lunes, septiembre 02, 2013

Sabiduría Angélica - Acepta donde estés en este momento – Sharon Taphorn - 30-08-2013

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No se trata de conformarse con menos de lo que te puedes imaginar, se trata de aceptar donde estás ahora, trabajando con los medios que tienes en estos momentos y también de saber sin duda alguna que las cosas se están mejorando de ahora en adelante.
Ahora mismo tienes todos los medios en tu interior, es sólo que no siempre confías en que es así.
Y a veces hay cosas que no puedes cambiar o que no cambian en tu vida y ellas pudieran sentirse como restricciones reteniéndote atrás, y sin embargo no lo son.

sábado, agosto 24, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Aim High - August 24, 2013

Increase your expectations and expect more for yourself. As you do this, more can then be bestowed upon you.  This is truly an abundant Universe and the angels want for everyone to reach their highest potential in all that they do as that is all that can ever be asked. Don’t settle for less than your pure heart can imagine.   Now that you have asked your angels for assistance, be open to receiving it. Open your arms, your heart and most importantly notice your senses, visions and feelings as this is most often how your angels communicate with you. Meditate and connect with your divine guidance and be open to the messages you receive as well as how the answers you seek come your way. While you are waiting for the divine timing of all things, take time to relax, be still and enjoy some muck needed self-care and indulge in activities that bring you peace and joy and while you are feeling this energy, envision yourself succeeding in all areas of your life.

lunes, agosto 12, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spirit Self - August 12, 2013

Blend with your spirit self
Acknowledge who you are, what you desire and what your needs are and then take the steps that are necessary for you to meet them. First and often the hardest part is deciding what these are and then as become aware and start taking the steps to meet them, you next begin to work on understanding patience and divine timing. The key is to keep your thoughts focused and positive and keep hope alive in your heart. Trust that there are forces more powerful than what you can see who are assisting you and want nothing more than for you to have your hearts desire. Often they are just waiting until you figure out what that is. So spend some time doing some introspection and contemplation by going within. Still your mind and quiet your emotions and ask the angels to help you become aware of your talents, achievements and your gifts. Ask for healing in any area of your life that has been out of balance and to help inspire and guide you.   Remember who you truly are – an evolving spirit disguised as a human. Align yourself with your spirit self and begin to soar.
Affirmation: “I am a divine spark of Creator Light expressing itself; All things happen at the perfect time and I am inspired and guided by my guides and angels with each step that I take.”   And so it is.
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう   Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved. Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author. ♥♥♥

domingo, agosto 11, 2013

Arcángel Rafael – via Sharon Taphorn ~ Ayudando al mundo a sanar - 21-07-2013*2jt-4OMSf3rcZsAm0sadDOZx*Yi0DvCDXH0bjHoTyNI6JmtFnSIoNvY9RPrQHuE/ArchangelRaphael2.jpg.scaled500.jpg

Ayudando al mundo a sanar, el Arcángel Rafael es el ángel de la sanación.
Él apoya a quienquiera sea un sanador, y también trae la salud, la sanación y la abundancia a quienes lo llamen para recibir su guía y apoyo.
Él también los puede ayudar a desarrollar su intuición y a confiar en sus visiones internas.
Llámenlo a cualquier momento en que necesiten su sanación, o tal vez sean llamados a ser un sanador pues los Sanadores vienen en muchas formas.
Hay por supuesto sanaciones donde uno pone las manos sobre la persona que la va a recibir, lo cual es una maravilla para quienes están experimentando dolor o cualquier incomodidad como resultado de los cambios vibratorios pues el cuerpo físico es el último de nuestros cuerpos a procesar a través de él, ya que es el más denso.

lunes, julio 29, 2013

Sabiduría Angélica - Sharon Taphorn ~ Permanezcan Asentados - 12-07-2013

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No siempre es fácil hacer la trayectoria humana y hay ocasiones en las que ustedes sienten que se están tropezando en la oscuridad tratando de encontrar su camino.
Y luego, allí, en la distancia, ven una Luz centelleante y ven ante ustedes la respuesta que buscan. Confíen en su guía y estará allí iluminando su camino.
No siempre les parecerá de esta manera, pero de verdad eso es solamente por un momento, un abrir y cerrar de ojos, y luego la vida cambia.
Vayan con el flujo pues el resistir el cambio es lo que causa los obstáculos y retos que les gustaría evitar.
Encuentren su paz y liberen el resto. Sostengan pensamientos puros de aquello que desean y sepan que vendrá.
Liberen cualquier pensamiento de menos que o cualquier otra cosa que los esté previniendo de ver la belleza y la riqueza disponible a ustedes y sepan que su resultado deseado ocurrirá – tal vez no exactamente como habían pensado que sucedería, pero su esencia será lo que ustedes pidieron.
Mantengan sus pensamientos y palabras positivas y enfocadas, y pregunten de corazón, y recibirán las respuestas que buscan pues ellas ya están allí, es solamente que todavía no las han visto.
Afirmación: “Siempre estoy a salvo en medio de los cambios constantes de la vida; confío en que recibiré la guía angélica que busco y estoy listo ahora para avanzar adelante con facilidad.”
Y así es..
Ustedes son muy queridos y apoyados siempre. Los Ángeles
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete.
Canalizadora: Sharon Taphorn
Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach

miércoles, julio 24, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Teachers July 23, 2013

Many of you are the spiritual teachers of this coming time and it is time for you to begin to take your places. The changes you have been experiencing are divinely directed by your desire to be living your life in your purpose, and opening yourselves up to more love, more growth, and more guidance. Some of you have the ability to counsel others, some of you are the healers, and others are both. It is all a needed and necessary part of these coming times and you will find you have a strong desire to do what feels good, brings you joy and what is right and best for all.  

lunes, julio 15, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Completions July 15, 2013

Do not Worry   This time around, just let certain things unfold, take the time to pause and reflect upon what is happening around you and keep it in perspective. Realize that things are changing and it is a time of discovery, change and adjustment. The end is near and you will understand things more clearly as you release and let go any need to control, fret or worry about how this change will come about. Keep your thoughts and feelings on how good it will feel when the cycle has been complete.  
There is no doubt that change is happening, so release any anxiety over the how’s and envision yourself and the situation as healed and that everyone involved has played their part well and also feels a sense of relief that they too can now move on to whatever is next to transpire. Life is always changing, and lately at a faster rate and so many feel they are out of balance.

domingo, julio 07, 2013

Learning to trust your feelings with Archangel Raguel by Sharon Taphorn

You receive messages from the Divine through your intuition and signals through your physical body. For some this is stronger than others and if you do not yet understand them, do not be sad. All of us are works in progress. Everyone and everything on this beautiful earth are working at something and with a purpose, just as the guides and angels are, and therefore we are all learning as we go along. Sometimes it takes time to develop and learn to feel and trust these feelings as some of you have memories of a time when you thought you were so sure something was right, and later you felt it turned out wrong, or badly and you still bear the scars deep inside of you and vowed to never do that again. It is time to let that heal, release it and move on as it is the very transformation that you seek so that you can feel and trust and know what to do.

lunes, junio 24, 2013

Sabiduría Angélica via Sharon Taphorn ~ Pausa en Acción – Esto es sólo temporariamente

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Es tiempo de respirar profundo y relajarse, de disfrutar consigo mismos un poquito, de hacer una revisión y prepararse para la siguiente gran oleada que viene.
Pasen algún tiempo en retrospección y decidan adónde quieren ir a partir de aquí pues ése es el mejor uso del flujo de energía al que ustedes están entrando.
Hay cambios sucediendo todo a su alrededor, permanezcan centrados y calmados y observen dónde caen las piezas en su lugar y entonces estarán listos para actuar.

miércoles, abril 17, 2013

Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael April 6, 2013

Ask your angles to help you release any toxic energy that you may have absorbed, or are holding in your energy field. Ask Archangel Raphael to work with you, supporting your healing and your healing work.
Many of you are empathic and oftentimes the challenges and problems that you are feeling are because you are carrying the energy of others in your auric field. You are not sure where you leave off and they begin. This can be troublesome on an earth that is changing so much as it is. It is therefore important for you to regularly clear yourself and your field. This will not only help you feel better, less emotional or even less anger, it will help you know what is yours to be working on and getting the chance to work on your things.

lunes, abril 15, 2013

Sabiduría Angélica via Sharon Taphorn ~ Tómense un tiempo - abril 14, 2013

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Tómense un tiempo para sanar..Tómense un tiempo para perdonarse a sí mismos y a otros.

Tómense un tiempo para sentirse balanceados e íntegros de nuevo a fin de que puedan regresar a ser su yo considerado, creativo, cariñoso y hermoso.

Tómense un tiempo para conocerse a sí mismos y revisen su vida con amor y comprensión, de la manera como sus ángeles ven su trayectoria.

Manejen sus retos amable, compasiva y comprensivamente, y se maravillarán de cuán velozmente se vuelven en algo más.

Está sucediendo un gran cambio, tanto en el plano interior como en el plano exterior. Sean pacientes y amables, tómense tiempo para explorar concienzudamente su vida y sopesen cuidadosamente sus elecciones y decisiones.

Confíen en su verdad y sigan su pasión, pues ésa es una importante parte de su maestría en esta vida. Y vayan adelante osadamente como los magos que ustedes son, confiando en sí mismos y en su poder de creación. 

Afirmación: “A medida que sano cualquier desequilibrio en mi vida, estoy libre para avanzar adelante y seguir mi corazón”.

Ustedes son muy amados y apoyados siempre. Los Ángeles

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

Canalizadora: Sharon Taphorn

Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn

All rights reserved.


Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach


sábado, marzo 30, 2013

Sabiduría Angelical - Sharon Taphorn - Marzo 30, 2013


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Esto significa el final de una situación difícil, así que abraza el cambio encaminado a tí y confía en que las cosas mejorarán cada vez más de ahora en adelante.

Hay algunas oportunidades nuevas y excitantes o cambios de carrera o profesión encaminados a tí; asegúrate de estar abierto y listo para recibirlos. Éste es el tiempo perfecto para cambiar tu vida y seguir tu pasión.

Permite que tus sentidos psíquicos despierten dentro de ti y evolucionen a un nuevo nivel. Exprésate a ti mismo y tu creatividad con risas, luz, música y danzas.

Esto te ayudará a despejar lo viejo y traer nuevas ideas e inspiraciones que te conducirán a tus creaciones deseadas. Decide claramente lo que quieres y no te enfoques ni preocupes de lo que otros piensan; esto se trata de tí y tus deseos.

Afirmación: “Libero aquello que ya no me sirve y doy la bienvenida a esta energía nueva y vibrante en mi vida con gran amor, anticipación y pasión”.

Ustedes son muy amados y apoyados siempre. Los Ángeles

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

Canalizadora: Sharon Taphorn

Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn

All rights reserved.

Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach



domingo, marzo 24, 2013

Mastering Thoughts and Feelings March 12, 2013 through Sharon Taphorn

There is so much more to discover and much more of your own unfolding yet to come. Humanity is growing in leaps and bounds right now and it is time to make some plans about your dreams. It is time to explore your thoughts and your feelings and see what they now mean to you. It is when you go within to the undiscovered country of your mind, thoughts and feelings that your world expands. As you discover more, you will see you know so little and that there is much to learn from trusting in this process that is unfolding.

There is a need to balance the emotions and the mind; some seem to feel too much, others not at all. Mastering the emotions is one of the greatest challenges in being human. Mastering human relationships is a continuing process and one of the reasons for taking on a physical incarnation and doing the human journey. When you are not in physicality you are aware of your connection with everything, each other, and all that is. When you are in physicality, you feel the separateness and long for that loving reunion once again.

It is important for you to feel love and all of its emotions as it is a natural feeling  and a part of you that is remembering deep within  you the love of home, and oftentimes it feels like everything inside of your is competing with each other and that it is counterproductive to what you really want.

Spend time in quiet meditation and you will better understand the range and depths of your emotions and why you chose to experience life in such a way that you did. It is part of your understanding and your progress in the development you desire for your soul as a whole. This is not always easy to understand and sometimes doesn’t even seem to make much sense when you are a human. This is when you know it is important to take the time to see the bigger picture so that you can allow it to heal and transform you into something more.

martes, marzo 19, 2013

Graduating to the Next Level

Graduating to the Next Level with Sharon's Beings of Light

You have been through a tremendous surge of growth and now a drop in the energy has left many of you to ponder what is up and what to do. Use this time wisely dear Ones, as it is a respite and a time of analyzing your focus and re-evaluating your plans and goals so that you can move clearly ahead when the time is right. You are graduating to a new level in your evolution.

Like the butterfly, emerging from the cocoon, you are awakening to a new you and beginning a new journey as you are expanding your understanding of life, the universe and everything. You will begin to see everything from a new viewpoint and with newly awakening senses. At times this can seem overwhelming and you will feel unsure what to do next. Take the time to go within and you will better understand and can learn to work with your own entourage of Lights who are awaiting your command.