My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Michael speaking and as previously promised I am returning in order to submit to you another special message through this channel.
I know that my first message has been well accepted by you and I am pleased that it has been understood by most of you that you are the ones playing an essential part for earth-ascension.
This is the sort of basic foundation for all lessons to come which I thoroughly shall discuss with you. And now let’s start with the topic of today resp. of today’s message:
I’d like to look up with you what is entailed in each of your individual procedure of ascension. Everyone has got one of his/her very own and each personal procedure will differ from all others. Whoever does compare his own way of proceeding to ascension to those of others will be about to lose something very substantial. Please, concentrate on your very own way of proceeding to ascension since this is the only one which counts. Every other procedure to ascension should be regarded as irrelevant for you and I do hope you are able to follow me comprehending what I mean with such explanation.
In such respect I’d like to give you an example since it will simplify this matter altogether. Just imagine that there is one special way of development for each and every soul incarnating here on earth differing from others. And this mode of development is simply unique because of its conditional framework of one’s own incarnation, its particular place and family chosen for this special incarnation on earth.
This is how some very individual story will be established for each soul and thus each and every Life-Story will differ from anyone of the others. This also is the reason too that your particular Life-Story of your soul in comparison to your Life-Story of your Incarnation here on earth will be often of considerable difference (as I mentioned already above).
This is also why you should comprehend now that you never – ever must let yourselves be drawn into any mode of comparing yourselves to somebody else’s. You have chosen some individual path to walk along which is a special one and most unique. It is your very own path to proceed on and along and it is solely that one which finally will be accounted for when you reach that moment of transgressing the Great Portal of Ascension.
Please, understand my Beloveds this is a lesson which must have your full comprehension of it!
There are still too many of you falling into the trap of comparing yourselves with each others. To many of you believe somebody else is acting in the most rightful way and it is you which resort to failing and unsuccessful activities. Please, keep away from such attitudes since these are contra-productive and will not bring about results so much desired. First of all you have to comprehend and grasp really that it is you – and solely your own activities – which are truly considered and finally accounted for.
Here I am already about to conclude this my somewhat shorter message today. I do know that his channel here is not pleased at all when I give you some sort of survey regarding matters which – in some way too – are falling also into his personal concern and since being aware of his feelings we take duly note thereof with a broad chuckle …
This my channel and I – we both are one and the same – equals – in a sort of way. My channel and I – we are sharing all experience he is having here on earth.
And it is us two – my channel and I – which will co-operate mutually with you in a very close way when proceeding to final ascension in due course. As it is only by this sole and close co-operation that we shall finally gain our mutual success.
I want to assure you that I shall do everything to achieve every rightful success there is for us. It is for quite some time that my channel has been working on some project of integrating matters here which will turn out to be of some great support for his mission to be in due course.
This is something difficult and even some challenging matter and again I’d want to draw your special attention to some particular matter to which my channel frequently has made some due reference in past times. We all are considered “Equals” before our All-Creator – and why then someone or somebody else should be especially highlighted?
This is in strict contradiction to our All-Creator.
Basically I am in agreement with above statement – still, human mankind has to be notified of the particular fact that Archangels have meanwhile incarnated here on earth. Not all of them are here and likewise not all of them are being given a great task or mission to carry through. However, there is something which they mutually are sharing: “they will guide and lead Human Mankind into the 5th dimension since this is our all and mutual target.
So, please, go forward my beloved humans and start here at this very moment never to compare yourselves ever again with somebody else.
It is solely you (and no-one else) which is the most important person for your own very life since it is you – being the essence – the vital turning point – that finally matters.
If you really comprehend this statement – it is then that you successfully have made another step forward towards your further evolution!
With such great love to you Humans here on Earth
Your Archangel Michael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.