Part 4
Thank you Saint Germain. We have about maybe 10 more minutes, so maybe this is the last question and I’d like to get your thoughts on this. Changing topics a little bit. The question I’d like to know and some other readers would like to know is how do you envision disclosure happening globally and who will introduce this to the mass media? Is it going to be Lady Portia, Obama, and other leaders?
And also, where exactly are we with ascension right now at this NOW moment globally and what still needs to happen for this global ascension to occur and to move forward
Saint Germain
Ascension is happening now. It’s happening for a long time but we are now at the highest level of requirements as you can name it at the ascension process. The most critical and important one, the important phase, the beautiful phase. What will come now is indeed disclosure because this is needed to be brought to humanity for it will open the gates and the floods will come.
At this point, we are still awaiting some changes. I know. Disclosure has been awaiting for a long time now and people are getting tired of it and they want to have disclosure straight away. I do agree on that my dear friends, because I want it too. But humanity needs to bring Disclosure at this time.
Read the whole story of part 4 at : / link to original article
Part 5
Thank you Saint Germain. And lastly, as a closing, what words of comfort can you give at these times to people that are listening to this video. Maybe, I thought about what people can do at this time with their own individual ascension.
But what can you state, given what you know, to help people feel more comfortable or better about their on ascension and how that can maybe progress. What words of comfort can you maybe give?
Saint Germain
I can give you the comfort and the certainty that ascension is happening and achieving at this time. And I can tell you that a lot of people have stepped into the new world, 5D, 6D, and even higher. They are all here and they stay here to assist all of the ones who are still learning and going through the process.
And even they who are already in the higher consciousness are here as well at the same time because they keep on evolving as well. We all do. The comfort that I can give you is that you are not alone. Nobody is abandoned. Everyone in incarnation, every soul, every heart is surrounded by guides of light.
Read the whole story of part 5 at: / link to original article