see change in the hearts of many who previously lived lives of anger and
resentment as the higher resonating energies pour to earth at this time
allowing more and more people to open to the experience of compassion
regardless of any previously held prejudices. Every unfolding awareness
adds another spark of unconditional love to universal world
consciousness and helps to bring about the changes you all seek.
love does not mean you must seek an emotional connection to everyone,
but means that in spite of any appearances to the contrary, you
recognize everyone is the manifestation of the Divine even if they
themselves do not know or care. This is unconditional love and the
practice of it does not prevent you from saying what may need to be said
to someone behaving in ways needing to be addressed. When words are
spoken with an awareness of the other’s Divine nature they flow on an
energy of Light whereas those same words spoken in the energy of duality
and separation, carry a low resonance.
on earth is about learning to move through and then beyond the false
concepts and beliefs that constitute the third dimension. This is
evolution. Mankind is creative by virtue of being in and of the Divine
but because most have been unaware of who they really are, your world
universally and personally has shown forth the perfectly created
manifestations of duality and separation. This will only change as
mankind changes and begins to create his world in and through truth.
It is
time to become aware of and examine any lingering concepts you may
still hold with regard to what passes for “life as usual”. Concepts are
simply untrue beliefs passed down and accepted through time as truth.
Listen closely and be guided by those intuitive nudges that pop up when
you are quietly thinking or in conversation with another. Every issue of
normal daily life is spiritual activity overlaid with third dimensional
concepts. This is why there is no need to separate your spiritual life
from your every day life as so many do–it is all spiritual. The work is
to see the underlying reality of all things.
example of this could be that you are seeking a new home. You look and
look for the perfect home and cannot seem to find it. If you can realize
that you are never separate from your perfect home (Divine
Consciousness) the physical interpretation of this realization will
manifest in the outer. This is how you reinterpret everything in the
physical world through new eyes. Practice seeing through any and all
appearances to the spiritual reality that constitutes what you are
disease actually existed in Divine Consciousness, it could never ever be
healed because it would exist eternally as a reality. Do you
understand? All that is real is held in place by Divine law and cannot
be altered in any way. It is only mankind’s’ false interpretations that
see good and evil. Intelligence, abundance, harmony, peace, joy, love
(oneness), completeness, wholeness, etc, etc. are infinitely embodied
within Divine omnipresent Consciousness and must be recognized and
accepted as your real Self. Nothing exists outside of Divine
Consciousness and all appearances to the contrary are simply false
interpretations. These truths constitute your journey from metaphysics
to mysticism.
reflect the thinking of the timeline in which they occur and reflect
whatever the state of consciousness was at that time in that location.
Some concepts dissolve as society evolves, but others just as erroneous
come to take their place if states of consciousness remain the same.
Evolution is the process of moving beyond concepts and into the Truth
about God and man.
was a time of when it was believed that the burning of healers and
light-workers as witches was an appropriate way to deal with “evil”. The
dense consciousness and its accompanying belief system of those times
did not permit anyone but God to have spiritual gifts. God was a man in
the sky with rules and regulations to be followed under fear of
punishment and evil was a red man with horns called Satan or devil. This
is a glaring example of how the consciousness of duality and separation
ignorantly manifests in the world.
has evolved beyond burning people for having spiritual gifts, but still
holds many concepts just as obsolete and still permits unduly harsh
punishments for those who may have chosen to disregard some aspect of
currently accepted dogma.
an individual chooses to live governed by some dogma and its
accompanying rigid rules of right and wrong, he chooses to live in
bondage. Regardless of whether the dogma comes from a religion,
government, or a person of authority, it still simply represents
someone’s interpretation of truth–their concepts and beliefs. This is
why you are urged to go within, to practice meditation and get your
information directly, YOU DO NOT NEED A GO BETWEEN. Reality is free,
loving, joyous, birthless, deathless, changeless and is infinitely held
in place by Divine law and IS WHO YOU ARE.
are ready dear ones to take the deeper steps of reinterpreting
everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell into its spiritual
reality which means living each day doing what is given you to do, but
seeing through any bad or good appearances to the reality. It is a
removing of the labels from everything.
The world is not an illusion, but false concepts of the world are the illusion.
is the work dear ones, this is how you shift your world into a new state
of consciousness, and it is indeed work, especially at first and no one
can do it for you. This is why you chose to be on earth at this
powerful time. There are many who hear and read truth, even pretending
to be serious truth students but are unwilling to release their
comfortable old beliefs. Many feel that mystical truths are too
impractical to take seriously, and so choose instead to stay in the
status quo of what they already know.
this time you are clearing physical cellular memory as well as your
emotional and mental bodies–everything that cannot be carried with you
into higher dimensional energy. Physical, emotional, and mental
clearings frequently manifest in ways that may be uncomfortable on many
levels so learn not to panic but to pay attention to these experiences
which are sign posts indicating what you may still hold that needs
forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love–for self as well as
light to your physical cells telling them to release any old and
finished energy they still hold from this life time and past lifetimes.
Inform your mental body that you now choose to let go of all false
beliefs. Consciously choose that your emotional body release any toxic
negative emotional energy and be replaced with unconditional love.
This is the work dear ones, and you are ready and fully able to do it, should you choose.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/30/13