Took a long walk outside, enjoying the air of the last few days of summer. Was feeling nostaligic and sad for having to leave the country and my loved ones behind for a while.
Looking up in the night sky, the usual light ship was out, following me, flashing all the rainbow lights: red, green, blue, orange, white, etc.. then the light split in 2 a few times. I went to see my partner, as the pilot of the ship said it was ok, that he was going to stay for my partner to see the ship also. For the 1st time in over 3 years, my partner has just seen the ship come closer and lower to us, and clearly flashing all the lights. The ship was never so close and low to the ground before.
It usually decloaks for about half an hour or one hour, and it stays more or less stationary, it moves locations also sometimes.
I conected with the occupant, this time SaLuSa was not onboard, but the watch pilot on duty replied to me. He said that they have been watching over me and my family for some time now, this would be in terms of years.
He also confirmed that a good medium friend of mine, who can see beyond normal eyes has been seeing them even when they are above my head in the room with me. He said that they have a protective extension shield around me also, around my physical body.
He said that many of us have a similar guardianship from space, and also on their physical level.
He also said that i need not worry about the safety of my loved ones while I am away, and has demonstrated that they are HERE, Watching 24/7
He also shared and confirmed the fact that more and more of the beings doing a similar duty as him, will also decloak and make personal contact with the people that they are in charge of protecting.
He is looking forward to the day when he can step in physical around me, and when i will acknowledge him and his mates as who they are and interact actively with them.
He said that more of the guardians and protectors will do the same with their protege, and will interact more directly, openly if their protege is ready for contact and welcomes them. He insists that they will have to decide of the level of contact that is suitable and appropriate for all of us. No need to hurry, there is no time as we know it.
Many of the beings on duty with the Galactic Federation look forward to making personal contact, it will be incremented in small step, for the whole family is they are all well on the way to ascepting that we are not alone in the universe and that there are many other inteligent species in the universe than what mainstream science would like us to beleive.
He also shared that sometimes he feels isolated, and cut off from the person that he protects. He said that these contacts will be renewed and will be closer and closer for those willing to meet in the open. He also said not to worry, as they will only go as far as we feel comfortable to do.
Hugs, Laura Multidimensionalocean
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