A Cosmic Joke that has the Scientists Rolling in the Aisle
As I often do, I asked the Arcturians to assist me to deeply
understand this message in a manner in which I could integrate it into
my daily life. Below is the message I received:
Our Dear Ascending Ones,
Your bodies are transmuting at a cellular level to resonate to a
higher frequency of reality. Hence, you are remembering to recognize a
higher frequency energetic reality along with your physical reality.
Whenever you perceive a higher frequency reality, your body adapts to
the resonance of that reality for as long as you can perceive it. Hence,
whenever you experience a higher energy field of reality, your body
adapts to that frequency of perception
You have been taught to believe that only the physical reality is
REAL and that other version/frequencies of reality are “a figment of
your imagination.” However, your body believes in you, not the ones who
programed you. Therefore, once you begin to perceive these higher
frequencies of reality, even if only for a few seconds, you perceptions
send that information to your body. Your body then begins to adapt to
that version of reality.
The New Normal
There is an inner threshold of “normal” that is based on your
perceptions. For example, if you move from a very cold environment to a
very warm environment, over time your body will realize that your
external world has changed in temperature and inner workings of your
body will begin to adapt to life in a warmer world.
Another example is your bodies’ adaptation to an increasingly
polluted world. Once air pollution would create a great response in your
body, but now you have largely, and unfortunately, adapted to poor air
quality. In the same manner, you will adapt to a higher frequency of
reality. Whereas now you may be able to maintain a higher frequency of
consciousness only while in meditation or engaged in a creative
activity, as you meditate more and fill your life with creativity, your
body will adapt to a higher resonance of “primary state of
For example, you have been taught that the beta wave consciousness
of total focus on the external (holographic matrix) world is your real
world. However, as you consistently remember to begin your day with
calibrating to your alpha wave consciousness through meditation,
enjoyable exercise and/or creativity, your perceptual field begins to
focus on a higher resonance of your environment.
As the baseline resonance of your consciousness raises your
expanded abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience begin to habitually
augment your physical senses of sight and hearing. Furthermore, your
clairsentience naturally expands as you incorporate telepathy and
empathy into your life. Additionally, your perceptions of smell and
taste provide you greater information about the food your transmuting
body requires.
Believe in Higher Perceptions
When you remember to “believe” what your higher perceptions and
your bodily sensations communicate, you reinforce the changes that are
occurring within your earth vessel on a cellular and molecular level. In
your third dimensional reality, you were trained to believe that your
body was something over which you had little control. Yes, you could
choose to look in a different direction, have different actions and
behaviors, but your body was a mystery that was healthy or sick of its
own accord.
As you continued to awaken you began to realize how much influence
your thoughts and emotions had on the health and welfare of your
physical vessel. You are aware how your body feels if you are depressed
or anxious as opposed to how your body feels when you are happy and
having fun.
Once you continually choose to keep your consciousness high you can
perceive flashes from the fourth and fifth dimensions. These fleeting
perceptions of higher worlds assist you to realize that the frequency of
realty that you choose to perceive is the reality that you live.
Furthermore, the calm recognition of these observations directs your
body to accept the frequency on a cellular and molecular level.
At the same time, allow your belief system to fully embrace the
fact that you are resonating to a higher frequency so your perceptions
will seek out higher frequencies of reality. For example, your vision
will also look for the aura of each person, plant, and animal. Once you
include the fourth/fifth dimensional aura in your mundane perceptions,
you further activate your higher perceptions.
However, you will only be able to perceive the higher frequencies
when your consciousness is calibrated to alpha waves and beyond. You are
still wearing a physical earth vessel and are in engaged in all the
challenges of a third dimensional world. Therefore, there may be many
times when you are “just physical.”
When this drop in consciousness occurs, love and forgive yourself
unconditionally. You are in the midst of a transmutation of all life,
without a rulebook or a map. Therefore, be good to yourself and accept
that there are times when you must still function as a third dimensional
human. Enjoy these times, as you will miss them more than you think.
Activating Your Higher Perceptions
As you continue to activate your higher perceptions, your
experience of “realty” will expand into the multidimensional fields of
the fifth dimension. Many are still calibrated only to their third
dimensional perceptions, so they will begin their evolution by
perceiving more of the fourth dimensional world of auras.
On the other hand, your Lightworkers have stabilized that expanded
perception and are moving on to conscious, daily perception of the fifth
dimensional resonance that is now perceivable via your daily
consciousness. We say “daily consciousness” as most of you have a daily
consciousness that is largely in alpha waves.
With the increased inner awareness of alpha wave consciousness you
will quickly identify when negativity enters your heart or mind. When
your consciousness, and hence your perceptions return to the
third/fourth dimensions, you will easily identify the feeling of
density. Please remember that you are still wearing your earth vessels,
no matter how altered they are. Hence, you need to pay bills, drive in
traffic, and clean your house or whatever task lowers your resonance.
Monitor Your State of Consciousness
It is vital that you recognize when your consciousness has dropped,
as your perceptual field will soon follow, as will your reactions to
life. When your consciousness rises again and you re-calibrate to your
new expanding reality, your feelings of joy, love and hope will return.
Then, you can more easily attend to the flickers of fifth dimensional
reality as they pierce the waning veil of third dimensional illusion.
When you experience the perceptions and feelings of your new
reality you can consciously choose to use your higher perceptions to
give you greater information about your physical and higher
frequency surroundings. As long as you are wearing your earth vessel,
you will be able to also perceive your physical reality unless you are
resonating to higher theta or delta wave consciousness.
Remember that your brain must be calibrated to your mind and your
mind calibrated to your cosmic mind. Otherwise, you will be responding
to the outdated 3D computer of your brain. Also, remember to connect
your physical heart to your High Heart so that you can integrate your
expanded perceptions with the wisdom, power and love of your Three Fold
When you unite your physical form with the heart and mind of your
Lightbody, you can easily choose to focus on love and release all
concepts, thoughts and feelings of a fearful nature. You are no longer
limited to your physical earth vessel, but the illusions of the physical
world can make you forget to connect with your Multidimensional SELF.
Reshaping Your Life
You begin to reshape your life by training yourself to consistently
modulate your state of consciousness to alpha wave and beyond. As your
higher states of consciousness become normal, your expanded
perceptions become normal, your emotions of calm, loving acceptance
become normal and your multidimensional thinking becomes normal.
When multidimensional thinking is normal, you will perceive a
temporary slip in consciousness into 3D thinking as a short journey into
the physical, from which you can easily return. You will remember that
your physical body and physical realty is your connection to Gaia, your
Earth Mother with whom you have promised to enter into the partnership
of ascension.
With a firm sense of partnership with Gaia, the third dimension
will no longer be the lower frequency, which causes you problems, but
the reality that you volunteered to enter. With the reminder that you
chose your present incarnation you can choose to live in the higher frequencies of reality but “go to work” in the physical world to fulfill your birth contract.
With the knowing that you chose your reality and wrote, and are
currently writing, your own script there is no room for being a victim.
Please remember that you chose your lessons in order to learn what is
necessary to fulfill your earthly mission Therefore, you may have to
unconditionally forgive your SELF for choosing some of your challenges.
With the full awareness of your multidimensional nature, the higher
frequencies of reality are always a choice. You make that choice by
calibrating your consciousness to the frequency of reality that you wish
to experience. In other words, you are no longer trying to ascend.
Your Power of Choice
You can choose to live in the knowing that you are ascended and
your primary state of consciousness is no longer restricted to the
physical plane. However, because you are new to this SELF-image, you
will likely have many temporary excursions into the challenges of third
dimensional Earth. However, remember to instantly readjust your
consciousness back to alpha wave and beyond.
Be patient with yourself.
Be loving and forgiving of yourself.
You are a great multidimensional being who has volunteered to
venture into the depths of illusion in order to assist all the beings on
planet Earth. What you are doing is unique to your Universe, as you are
ascending a planet and its inhabitants into the fifth dimension without
physical destruction. Remember to be loving toward those who choose not
to participate in the ascension process.
They have taken this incarnation to learn about ascension, but they
desire further incarnations in the physical plane. Ascension is a
choice and not all of Gaia’s humans will make that choice. However, they
have grown immensely by taking an incarnation during Gaia’s time of
transmutation. Therefore, release all judgment about what others should
Focus on your own choice and on the others who have chosen a
similar experience. Furthermore, release the concept of time. Time is an
illusion of the third/fourth dimension. If you focus on “when it will happen,” you lower your consciousness into the realms of time.
Live in the NOW
Live every moment in the NOW. If you don’t know how to do that,
look to your pets, the plants, the sky, the earth, a pool of water. The
fifth dimension and beyond is free of time. Hence, all experience occurs
within the NOW of the ONE. We know that this concept cannot be
understood by 3D thinking. Therefore, take a long walk in nature with no
watch, ride your bike, do yoga, paint a picture, play a song, go to a
concert etc. etc.
When you engage in creativity your sense of time becomes distorted
and you move into the NOW. When you live in the NOW you resonate to the
higher frequencies of reality. Fortunately, your creativity will greatly
expand as you continue your journey back to your SELF. In fact, you
will be consciously creating your life with your every thought and
Therefore, remember to be the master of your thoughts and emotions.
Your thoughts and emotions create and stem from your state of
consciousness. It is one thing to perceive the fifth dimension and even
to visit it. It is another thing to release ALL habits of third
dimensional thoughts and emotions so that you can remain in that
When you were a baby and learned to walk, you did not become angry
with yourself for falling down. You simply stood up and tried again.
Eventually, your crawling was replaced with walking and even running. Go
into your Divine Child to regain that patience with yourself and the
childhood wonder of exploring an expanded version of reality.
We are with you NOW,
The Arcturianswww.suzanneliephd.blogspot.com / link to original article