At this time you are being a part of this whole integration of the I
AM Presence of Light. Beautifully expanding, living the Now moment and
embodying the Christed Self in consciousness. As the Giant Cosmic web of
I AM Presences has formed into a solid foundation of Light, it is
emanating all of its frequencies and light quotients, bringing it back
to the Source that you ARE. This grid of Light has been expanding for
many Earthly linear years upon your reality and it has now finally found
a way into your consciousness to expand through that as well and to be
able of being perceived by all of you.
This is the growth process and expansion process of your Christed
self that one is in embodiment with at this time. As all former
realities are losing their expansion of density and lack of Light, all
is being filled now, like wholes in the ground, with liquid Gold Light
of Christ. Now Earth is ready to finally be re-balanced in Her Feminine
and Masculine energies of Supreme Creator of All That Is just because of
those massive waves of energies that are being exposed to Earth.
As the Self learns to re-embody its Christed Self, the I AM
Presence of such beautiful being is allowed and granted to step to the
forefront of one’s consciousness and merge into deeper ways of your
being. Such activations come from the heart and the re-balancing of
one’s own Divinity and of their Feminine with Masculine energies is
therefore taking place. Such processes are indeed prerequisite for one
to step into a deeper consciousness as the acceptance of their own
Divinity and the Masculine re-balance with the Feminine is of much
importance for allowing the process called “Ascension” or the
re-integration of Self to unfold.
At this time all are in the midst of this and therefore the brain
system will be remodulated into the heart system which is being done at
this time and it is only failing it’s goal if One is not in a balanced
state or does not flow at One with the heart.
To remodulate is all about reintegrating your true Self and
allowing the body to cope with this on the most wondrous ways of your
being. It is all about allowing your Self to achieve this kind of state
and allowing your self to truly be in the Now before this can unfold.
When that is upon you, a physical and etheric translation will be made
within the field of the mind, expanding itself and allowing to be
changed into other light codes now pouring in and through the heart,
bringing such heart energies into a manifestation.
That is what the new body and new reality is all about; the
re-embodiment of a specimen or fractal of your True Self. And as we grow
into this manifestation from working from the mind to being in the
heart, a great deal is coming aboard during this process as it is not a
one time fix. A lot of integration has to take place in order to allow
the physical body to ascend along with the true consciousness that you
are at that time.
When one is allowed to merge with his/her true Self there is a
space created in your reality where your consciousness is lingering into
a pure state to the extent of what it is; a true force and Source of
Love. The ego has than to step aside and allow this process to unfold,
that is which is called the Self Mastery.
As times ahead are going to be quite a hard labor to say the least,
a more complex state will linger and reside in each and everyone of you
allowing you to learn more and grow more into the infinity that you
are. There will be no more time and space for linear thinking and no
joining forces with the lower mind/the ego. So a real detachment from it
will make it easier upon you to create in a more refined and pure state
of being. But again, the Self Mastery of it will be the most
challenging part of this all for all energies are eternally existing,
just taking on other forms.
The wish and gratitude of Love are expressed within this field of
understanding and embodiment of me, channeling the message from my I AM
Being. With all my Love.
I AM that I AM
Eyah Asher Eyah
Méline Lafont/Lady Portia
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and / link to original article