Good night, my beloved brothers, my angels.
There are some of you who wonder: “How can I help someone else … I
don’t leave the house, don’t know many people … How can I help the World
at this important time of its elevation? “
My beloved ones, is as simple as your breath … You can help just
with a smile. That’s right, a smile of where you are. When you wake up
in the morning and greet the sun in the sky, when you thank for another
day, when you thank for the food that’s on your table, when you forgive
someone who attacked you … All this, my angels, makes a great energy, a
great vortex happens around you and this force is released and taken to
all situations in the world that need the loving support of love.
Allow yourselves to be, dear angels, the adorable beings who you
are. Have no doubt about it. Do not question how or when you will act.
You are already acting at the moment when you read these words of mine.
You are already helping thousands of people in need of care and love,
only to read these words of mine, and by the grace of your acceptance at
this time, raised your vibrational pattern and that’s what matters,
that’s what is useful at this point and it generates light, and light is
brought to the hearts lacking of light.
How many times have you asked for help, how many times have you
cried in sorrow because you thought you were alone … And the help came
when least expected, calmed your thoughts, your emotions, and returned
to the state of grace where Faith sustains you heavily. At this moment,
the help came to you from various parts of the world. The help of the
prayers, of the good deeds of your other brothers, from us … Everything
flows to your right, it’s a great movement, where the action of one
influences on the state of the other, because we are interconnected,
beyond what you can imagine.
Continue with your good deeds, with your smiles, with your sweet
gestures for everything around you. This only brings good things for
you, it only makes easy your way back home. With every attitude of love,
with every kind gesture, with every thank you, with every smile, you
release more and more people from pain, fear, discontent, because each
of you has the key that frees one another.
Yes, I know that each one have their share of responsibility, that
each must learn from their own experiences, that each one needs to open
the padlock that has remained you stuck on the idea of separation. The
key that opens your padlock is in the hands of your brother, and which
opens your brother’s is in your hands, because we are One. When you
realize that, when you, as you wake up to full consciousness, realize
all our minds are connected, and that there is always a great synchrony
between all things, between the movement of the planets, the galaxies,
the universes, the systems …
It’s a great movement, as a great ballet where the synchrony is
perfect between the dancers. You are hitting your steps now, and will
feel increasingly love for your brothers, increasingly will feel to take
care of them, increasingly it will be your joy and you, their joy.
That’s how we feel here from the position we are in, and here is your
home, this state of consciousness. There is only a thin veil now to
separate what you think you are from your true nature, only a thin veil.
When this veil breaks, you can see the vastness of galactic brothers
who are now here to applaud you, the number is so huge that if you could
see and hear you’d be amazed.
My beloved angels of God, I Am Raphael, and in Grace I bless you
and call you to me now, my beloved ones. So my love be with you, the
love of you may be with me, and together we can continue the great dance
with the orchestra of the Almighty Lord, the Creator.
I love you, I am you. We are One, and this time I let me feel on
your side … This … close your eyes … Breathe, I’m on your side. Feel me …
Feel me …
I’m asking Gabriel that bring you a link for a song so you can listen while I hug you …
I love you.
Gabriel: (Tears. ..) Thank you, my beloved brother … Thank you.
Recommended music by dear Raphael:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6jTgF4YQ4w
Translation: Carolina Barisch