“How close are we, in any given moment, to any of these timelines? I suppose what I mean is, is it normal now to feel the effects of one timeline if one is not currently on track to experience it, or is “feeling” this timeline an indication that one will indeed experience it? I’m not sure if I’m resonating with the Severe Earth Changes timeline at the moment, but I keep experiencing bouts of intense fear and panic about some big catastrophic event like a magnetic pole reversal, although I’m doing my darndest not to focus upon it. It seems to pop up randomly, and I become paralyzed for an hour or two, until I latch onto something else–reading and connecting with the energy of The Temple Master Hotei, for example.balsamicmoonAnd then it is as if I never experienced such debilitating fear, until it rears its ugly head unexpectedly a few days later. This all feels bigger than me somehow. Is something happening now, in another timeline, at this moment? I suppose everything is happening Now, but is something big and horrible “close” to us at the moment, perhaps that stunt the Powers are attempting to pull?”
This was in Comments under another
article but because it’s such an important question, I wanted to give it
the focus and individual space it deserves. Thanks balsamicmoon for
asking it. ♥ And thanks too Beth for the positive nod to The Temple of Master Hotei . ♥
Because I’ve known balsamicmoon – Beth online for about ten years now, I’m familiar with why
she’s sensing, perceiving and emotionally reacting to a future timeline
where there are dramatic Earth Changes. In my 2013 revised edition of The Temple of Master Hotei I
talked in the Introduction about this and other related
life/death/ascension lives and timelines and us here now living the
Ascension Process. This alone is a multi-layered topic and one I plan on
writing much more about from here on out.
Balsamicmoon had a male “past” life in
late Atlantis and was alive when the great physical disaster–the
Downfall of Atlantis–happened. That male “past” life “self” of hers felt
tremendous personal guilt and responsibility for what other
Atlantians did that helped cause the physical disasters that destroyed
their lands and much else. Her “past” life male self died from the
horrific destruction that took place in Atlantis and the surrounding
areas at that time. This traumatic “past” life event and its death
has bled through into this current life and timeline, and balsamicmoon
has struggled for years to untangle this particular past life energy
knot. This is why she now feels and often responds to other Earth worlds
that do experience escalating and serious Earth Changes.
In other words, balsamicmoon in this timeline resonates
unusually well with other timelines and Earth world realities that do
experience more severe physical Earth Changes due to her “past” life in
Atlantis when it went below the sea and that past life male self died
because of it. Balsamicmoon resonates with the other
timeline(s) where much larger and more severe Earth Changes DO happen,
primarily because of her Atlantian male “past” life death and lingering
guilt and huge sense of responsibility in her current life and this
Ascension timeline.
Many of us are experiencing very similar
sorts of past life bleed-throughs into our current lives in this
timeline because of the Ascension Process and how we’ve been
pressured–especially over the past 25 years–to finally deal with, feel and heal any and all “past lives” unresolved, not yet integrated stuff. Why?
Because the Ascension Process and the ending of the entire massively
long Evolutionary Cycle requires that we transmute and clear-out our
past karma which is unresolved energies that are typically stuck emotional energies from both this current life and certain “past” lives as well.
Back To Multiple Timelines
Balsamicmoon asked how close we are at
any point to these other timelines, and can we feel them, can we be
effected by them and so on. Because this happened very recently, it’s
still fresh in my mind so I’m going to use it as an example of this.
On August 1st and 2nd, 2013 I felt a large global push and attempt by the human Team Dark members to Bait & Hook
as much of the masses around the world as they possibly could. This of
course isn’t anything new at all, quite the contrary! However, in 2013
these old tried and true Team Dark tactics of Bait & Hook, and/or Lisa Renee’s great term ‘Smash & Grab’
on humanity are NOT working like they always have before the Expiration
Date—12-21-12. There are very important reasons for this which is the
primary message behind this article.
I reused my image above in this article
as a reminder of where we are now within this Process of compression
before, during, and for the Nine Months after the Expiration Date. Many
timelines with their very different realities and different Earth-like
worlds etc. have been squeezed together, compressed closer to each other
than usual due to the Ascension Process and this great transitional
period. Cosmic Awareness has called this time we’ve lived and are still living the ‘Hourglass’ and you can read or reread it here.
We’ve been in the most intense phase of
this great transition for a while now but certainly during these Nine
Months in 2013! We’ve literally been in the bottleneck area of this ‘Hourglass’
where multiple timelines and worlds have been and still are today all
squeezed in close together as we all move through this bottleneck space.
For anyone that’s sensitive, empathic, clairvoyant, able to consciously
shift from one timeline to another and another and another etc., this
current period of us all squeezed together trying to move ourselves and
our worlds and timelines through this Nine Month bottleneck area have
been able to much more readily feel, sense, See, and be effected by
some of those other worlds and timelines all packed in around us and
vice versa.
Because of this unusual close proximity
of many very different worlds, Earth-like worlds, non-Earth worlds each
with their different timelines ALL compressed in close to each other
now, some of us are feeling, sensing, seeing, hearing, smelling etc.
some of those OTHER worlds and timelines from our world and timeline.
This is what I felt and saw attempted on August 1st and 2nd 2013 when
Team Dark tried to Bait & Hook people with a new fear about familiar
“bad guys” on the “other side of the planet” getting ready to do more
“terror” type activities to some humans.
These old patriarchal Team Dark jerks tried, I repeat tried to
Bait & Hook the global masses with what they did and said on and
around those days I mentioned, but, and here’s the really great
difference and point to all this — it didn’t work because it couldn’t hook into anything or enough people to anchor into this world and timeline which was exactly what they were trying to accomplish for their own reasons. Why
didn’t it work this time in 2013 when it always has before? Because
there’s so much Light in this timeline we’re in now that the Dark could
not hook into and anchor on to this Earth world and timeline. They
tried, people panicked briefly, then it all fell flat and continues to
disintegrate. This type of old familiar Team Dark tactics are not and
will not be able to work anymore in this Earth world and
timeline. It will in another or other timelines but not this one for the
reasons mentioned. The shoe is finally on the other foot and it feels
The next thing I want to share that’s
related to this topic of multiple timelines was something that I’ve been
extremely aware of because I’ve clairvoyantly seen it, felt it, been
aware of it for many years already. It too is one of many timelines
still trying to bleed-through and Bait & Hook into this particular
Earth world reality and timeline but won’t and for the same reasons —
there’s so much Light here now that it cannot hook into and anchor on to
this timeline. It has however succeeded fully in another
timeline(s) as a primary or core belief system and absolute “reality”
there. “IT” is humans greatly desiring to have more and more machines
put into their physical bodies.
A few days ago I watched a 2013 TV show
talking about this and there were many (primarily males) people talking
about how they cannot wait to be able to have machines replace certain
physical body parts! This subject is one that’s already well-developed
in another Earth world and timeline that, in my opinion, is very Dark
because those people can’t wait to shed more of their humanity and
become more heartless, less humanly conscious and aware, less human
generally and more machine-like.
This potential reality has been crammed
down humanity’s throats and minds for decades via TV shows and big
screen movies about bionic body parts, computerized brains, nanobots and
so on. This is Team Dark doing everything possible to remove more of
humanity from humans and Nature from the Earth world. It’s a very dark,
very negative, totally controlled Earth-like world and timeline and it
has broken my heart for many years… but to each his own.
So we have other Earth-like worlds in
their timelines that, during these Nine Months after the Expiration Date
(12-21-12) are all squeezed in near each other with some of them trying
very hard to bleed into this world and timeline and take over or derail
it. Those who are more sensitive to these other worlds and timelines
that are compressed in around us now are feeling, seeing, sensing some
of them and no doubt being rather confused by it all.
What I want those of you that are
perceiving, feeling, clairvoyantly seeing one or more of these other
worlds and timelines to keep in heartmind now is that you have
the ability, the responsibility, the personal power and awareness to
exist within which ever Earth world and timeline you want to exist
within now and tomorrow and next week and next month etc! This
is another learning aspect of the Nine Month extension period we’ve all
been given; to realize that what we focus on mentally and emotionally is
what we’re naturally and energetically drawn to and vice versa. If you
want or don’t want machine parts in your physical body and that’s what
you’re focused on knowingly or unknowingly, you’d better become conscious of your consciousness
and what it’s focused or fixated on because that’s the “reality” and
timeline you’re attracting via your very mental and emotional focus.
I do not want anything to do with any
reality that worships machines over evolving human consciousness and
spirituality and so, even though I’ve long seen and been aware that this
other world very strongly exists in another timeline, I do not focus on
it and let it go its own way. By doing this I’ve acknowledged that it
exists and am not suppressing or denying anything, but am consciously
choosing to NOT be involved in any way with that world or any others
like it. I intentionally focus elsewhere and on what I DO want to be
involved with.
What I do is focus on and intentionally
direct my imagination towards is the NEW Earth world with its timeline
that I see is totally free, balanced, sane, and run by wise empowered
spiritual individuals with High Heart as the core reality and all humans
and animals are treated with respect and all is shared equally with
all. None go without anything. This is the NEW ‘Planet A/B’.
I also focus on the NEW ‘Planet A’ which
is a nonphysical 5D Earth-like world reality. I also occasionally focus
on a much higher level of being that exists far beyond Planet A but I
know I’ve got more work to do here first.
Just like 12-21-12 was a cutoff point and
Expiration Date of the old Evolutionary Cycle, the upcoming 9-22-13
date is another cutoff point and end to the Nine Month period. At one
level of awareness both dates seem and/or look like nothing at all
happened physically. However, the deeper level truth is that both of
these dates—12-21-12 and 9-22-13—are very much cutoff points, major
Shift points for all of humanity and Earth and life on many, many other
timelines on other worlds.
Many of you may not be able to perceive,
see, feel, sense or know this immediately (and some of you have and
will) but you will increasingly over time. You’ll find yourself seeing
and feeling how much has already and continues to change for the better
here on this Earth world and timeline and that’s when you’ll know for
yourself that these two dates were in fact major Shift points. I’ve
talked before about how important it is in physicality for these major
changes to unfold slowly over time so that we don’t break under the
intensity of it all, but even with time these huge positive changes are
happening faster now than I’ve EVER seen in this incarnation and that is
great, great news. I look forward to the Comments in this article because a lot of important information can be shared under this important subject.
August 9, 2013