lunes, marzo 17, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 17 March 2014 many of you have noticed, the energetic fluctuations you have been experiencing now can in many ways be likened to the pull from a riptide, a pull that will seem to be dragging you along at an ever increasing speed while it at the same time will serve to bring you seemingly ever further out to sea, into unknown territory. And what do we mean by that? Simply that you are all being submerged within brand new levels of frequencies, like different layers within a whole structure, and as they interact with your own personal magnetic field, it will start to have an effect unlike anything you have ever experienced before. For now you are not merely being subjected to a new set of frequential messages that will serve to upgrade your own system, no, this time, it is more akin to sitting in front of a whole orchestra of energetic players. And as each and every single component of this whole orchestra will affect you, the combined effect of them all “playing out the new tune” simultaneously will have far reaching effects not only on you, but on the whole planetary field that surrounds you and everyone else on this glittering, blue globe you inhabit.

Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves - You are a creature that is a facet and child of the Divine. Period. – channeled by Ron Head - March 17, 2014

Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves
We said in our last message that we would be addressing the topic of soft power, of your power, of what and how you could best use the energy of the amazing beings that you are becoming.  We shall do that.  Now the channel should be aware that this is not a simple and short topic.  There is nothing completely new that we shall be telling you here, but in this case, we wish to cover much more than we usually do in these short paragraphs. 
It has been the wonderful case that there are many reading these who are relatively new to the ranks of the awakening who need more information than those of you who are already well along in your understanding of light, energy, and how you personally use it.  We trust however that you may read something you had not considered or that will be a welcome reminder.

Archangel Uriel - Align With The Energies That Are In Line For You - Jennifer Hoffman - Mar 17, 2014

The energetic foundation for the Earth and for humanity has reached new levels and this has caused a great deal of friction for those of you who remember being in previous ascension cycles. Each time you have achieved a similar place in your previous incarnations, the results have not been as you expected and now you are afraid of the possibility of failure or of non-completion. You are aware that this new energy resonates at frequencies previously unknown to humanity and you feel you must be on guard so it is used in the highest and best way possible. Since humanity is at a new foundation, the misuse of this energy will not achieve the results you believe may be possible, which is the return to non-ascension timelines. Because the basic frequency of humanity is higher, previous outcomes cannot manifest in the same way now.  Your alignment is essential because the energies are already ‘in line’ for you to connect with.

Anna Merkaba - THE POWER OF MERKABA - March 17, 2014

~Merkaba Vehicle is more than simply a representation, for in essence it is a key to unlock the very depth of your heart space, for the six pointed star, a highly intuitive star is the representation of the HEART code, the HEART space, the HEART chakra.~
Someone asked me a question about the reason that Metatron’s Disc was created the way that it was. When I posed this question to the Akasha I have received the following information about the Merkaba…

We Are From the Future

Karen Downing - The Quest for Truth - March 17, 2014

The planet has now reached a time in which the border between realms is very thin. As such the energetic bridge between them has become quite short, and now is providing increased support for the inflow of energy from the 5D to the 3D.
One of the great benefits of this shift is that the incoming energy will affect even more positive change; however this does not eliminate each individual’s choice as to how they react to the energy. The energy that is coming through will facilitate the knowledge and ability for each individual to understand what the outcomes of their choices will mean, but the ability to choose is what makes the Earth plane such a unique place of learning. Thus, choice will continue to be a part of Earth’s existence, even as things change on the dimensional level.

Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Marzo 2014 ~ CAMBIO EN MARCHA ~

Traducción: Margarita López

Marzo comienza con un tsunami de intensidad. La nueva energía que ahora está llegando es tan fuerte que es casi aplastante. Podemos sentir las corrientes profundas de algo tan maravilloso, tan vasto, tan "Fuera del Mapa" que está naciendo y eso nos llena de una mezcla de asombro y profunda gratitud y emoción. Todo está pulsando con el cambio. Continuamente nos bombardean Huracanes de Cambio, no sólo Vientos de Cambio. Por eso es tan importante mantenernos en nuestra Veracidad en todo momento, es el lugar del ojo de la tormenta.

domingo, marzo 16, 2014

Karen Dover - GOD message to the children of the New Earth - March 16, 2014

Beloved ones, I am the energies that are placed for you in the context of GOD and I am here to communicate with you through my channel in order to prepare you at a very human conscious waking mind level for ALL that will now unfold around you, through you and within you upon and within planet earth at this time. There is much conversation among and around the human race in relation to what will unfold in what is termed the “EVENT” and I am here to help you anchor the full unfolding of your dream in TRUTH into the New Earth reality that is now breathing and expanding upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.
I place before you the GARDEN OF EDEN and ask that you throw off the shackles that have been placed around your wrists and your ankles, so long have you worn these vibrational shackles that many of you have not even stopped to take them off or to notice them pulling at your human vehicle. YOU ARE IN FREEDOM, this the birth right of ALL sentient BEings in the UNIVERSE of 3 and the FREEDOM is in each breath, each moment of each moment and you are asked to anchor this fully at a cellular level in order that you can align fully with the ACTIVATED sacred geometrical energy patterns that are now taking effect.

Steve Rother - Predictions, Comments & Questions April 2014 In Channel -1080HD - Mar 15, 2014

Laura Tyco - Quick Energy Update from Higher Self by Multidiocean – 16 March 2014

yoga-armswideWell the energies are running high and low I believe. While the world manifests an outwardly layer of fear, injustice, war, all enhanced and exaggerated by the media corporately owned hype. The media purpose is truly to keep us worried, scared and interested in their updates, while they are keeping us stuck in the reptilian part of our brain, or else also called the fight or flight mode.
Truly this is designed with intent and purpose, as we will then carry those vibrations into our heart, head and homes, spreading those vibrations reflecting violence and fear all around us, like a virus that is airborne.

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – 16 March 2014

marilynraffaeleGreetings dear ones. Once again we come to speak to you of ascension. All are in different phases of ascending into the higher dimensional energies. Not all will fully ascend at this time for many are not yet ready to embrace the fullness of their inner soul. However, all are experiencing the Light pouring onto Gaia at this powerful time and all have the free will choice to grow from or to reject it.
Remember this as you observe the many changes taking place within you and in the world. Change can be very upsetting to those still holding tightly to lifelong teachings and beliefs that no longer work for the highest good, but that is the way evolution works…it is a gradual (sometimes not so gradual) shift into new and more evolved thinking, being, and doing, and old beliefs cannot stop it as the majority awakens and adds ever more Light to universal consciousness.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Sending A Full Frontal Wave Of Love – 16 March 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEach day there is a need for you to venture forth into a higher cellular awareness, entering extensions of your soul that are finally available to you. Extend yourself past the boundaries of all that you can imagine ‘you’ to be. At that point, the edge of your imaginings, is where the true ‘you’ begins. Do not settle for what is.
What you have fleeting about you are energetic trappings of every particle of thought that you have entertained from your very first breath as a human. You psychically align yourself with what is yet to be seen. Energetically you have activated dormant extensions of your soul into a point that no longer grieves what has passed.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 16 March 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 16 al 23 de Marzo 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,
The times you are living in now contains all the elements that could possibly be found in a world of duality. For those of you who have been focused on rising above the fray and fall out of the dying paradigm, it may seem that the world has gone mad and only chaos rules the day. Please keep in mind that these are the end times spoken of before and that those who have been wielding power over the masses are desperately trying to continue to instill fear within the hearts of humanity so that they can be controlled. The good news is that the majority of the world’s people are not buying into those old programs of belief. They are simply going on with their lives and working toward their own goals and not giving any credence to the happenings that are seemingly about to overwhelm the world. They are seeing that it is only the world as seen through the lens of the entertainment news industry.
The people themselves are hungry for change and wish to thrive in their experience of incarnation in a human body. They want to reconnect to the natural elements in the foods they eat, the environment they live in and the other inhabitants who share this world with them. Because of the easy access to the technology and information that is readily available, each person can simply go online and do searches to discover the information that helps them move forward in their understanding of a given subject. It takes but a few moments to see that what is being touted on the entertainment news channels is nothing new or different. It is simply another version of the formula of create a problem, create the reaction and then provide the solution that they wanted to implement in the first place. When people understand what is at play, they simply move on and do not give their energy and attention to it and this is what is happening now.

Méline Lafont – The Pleiadians – Equinox Portal And Conscious Contact – 16 March 2014

MelineLafontNew (267x357)Greetings, we are the Pleiadians and we come forth in Grace and with Unconditional Love for every being upon this plane and beyond. We come with a deeper understanding and a knowing about your Planetary Ascension and the stages it is lingering in. As a deeper consciousness is being achieved by many of the collective upon your planes of reality, there are many new opportunities and possibilities being created and even manifested into your own collective – and your personal reality.

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - The Bridge of a New Essence ~ Lord Metatron Speaks on the Spring Equinox - March 15, 2014

bridge-fbAs we stand on the bridge of the new essence arriving into Gaia, we bring you this message of love and joy about the Spring Equinox of 2014.  It is my divine pleasure to speak to you at this time.  I Am Lord Metatron calling upon the forces of Light to be ever present in your existence as we become One Being of Creation.
We always look forward to the Spring Equinox each year as it brings more light into the planet on a deeper level.  This year is the same but so very different.  I first want to talk about what you have been experiencing within the planet and why the challenges have been so very intensified.
When you chose to be here on Earth and help by being the Light Bearers to hold the frequency, we knew that it would not be easy to create.  But yet, I don’t think any of us on this side of the Inner Plane ever realized how deep the creation would take us and the journey we would experience together.  In fact, we were not even sure that this project would come to its fruition.  There were times we thought it would have to be aborted in order to create a New Earth in another dimensional frequency.  But each of you have proved us very wrong and continue to do so.

The Keshe Foundation has released their FREE ENERGY files ~ DOWNLOAD FAST!

17 Keshe Free Energy Files can be downloaded here at the moment. These places have been being shut down so please move fast!
Project Camelot has a LIVE radio show tomorrow 3/15/14 with Keshe here
Alfred Weber’s post these past minutes on this situation, copied and pasted below as was uploaded by Alfred to Facebook.
The content of the Keshe Technology USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group
Mr Keshe suspects his life is in danger, and he has now opened up the USB stick data to the peoples of the world, to begin the technological change that is needed.
Here is the full contents of the legendary USB drive that was previously offered to the governments of the world by the Keshe Foundation.
Please distribute this file far and wide, so it cannot be suppressed!
.iso version:
Alternate link with .rar files:,.rar&authkey=!AFAmO1xmRy2YY2Y
“Hello Sir, I want to inform you that KF make disclosure of information from USB .
the content of USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group Today, 04:51 PM We have been informed by the Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group, according to our request, that they have today released the full contents of the USB stick given to governments of the world in 2012, which has been given to them by their government. The content of the USB stick was released to selected people around the world as per our wish today first that it could not be blocked by others. From today the knowledge for production of free food, health systems, materials, energy and motion is fully given and delivered to human race, unconditionally and as gift from us to humanity. We hope now this stops all the wars and conflicts as now you have enough to create enough food, energy, motion, all materials and keep the man healthy through the health patents released anywhere in the universe, which has never been disclosed before. Now we are not the only group or organisation, which through simple systems can save the life of the man from any illness on this planet and beyond. Now you can help yourselves with all your medical, food, materials, motion and energy which you might need through development of these simple systems. Our mission is complete. Through our workshops we will teach you all the methods of the production and use of all systems. Now the health program of the Foundation through the patents which have not been disclosed before, through the release of the USB stick content by Taiwanese government to public they have become the world population intellectual right property. We thank the government of Taiwan and the honesty of the Keshe Foundation team in this country for sharing their gained information with the rest of humanity. This link has been provided by Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group for all the content of the USB stick.…FAmO1xmRy2YY2Y
Or in another format as done by The truth seeker…VQTmNGZmc/edit
We advise you to spread this documents as fast as you can to as many people and groups that the human race starts the new cycle of developments all together on equal opportunity and fair chance. I thank all our supporters around the world and hope you find peace and prosperity with this disclosure. Please do not forget that these documents carries the world peace treaty paper, Sign yourself to it, that you never use this new knowledge to harm no one and use the information and technologies within these patents and blue prints and what to be gained from them, for peace and prosperous society for human-race and those beyond the boundaries of this planet. M T Keshe

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - "Eliza: We’ve been waiting for you!” - March 16, 2014

Eliza: “We’ve been waiting for you…”
Today I heard these words from Master Melchizedek spoken through his disciple, Meleriessee. You see, dear ones, in the higher planes of being, I AM already a member of the Priesthood and in this lifetime am going through the stages of initiation. Only this time, I AM in the process of descension that is bringing the essence of my Higher Self into my three lower bodies (physical, mental and emotional). And I am not alone in this process; there are many people on the planet now currently undergoing some form of initiation.
According to Theosophy, there are nine primary planetary initiations, seven of which that can be taken while in physical embodiment. I am in the latter portion of the Third, the Transfiguration, named so after the stages that Jesus passed through until he ascended and beyond. I was told that I would soon enter into the Fourth initiation, sometime this spring. According to the Theosophists, the Fourth Initiation is known as the Crucifixion. No, I won’t have to “die” on a cross, but it is a cross-road where one decides to release personal self-determination to one of service, guided by the Higher Self and by one’s spiritual mentors.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – A Word From Your Hostess Of Light – 15 March 2014
All of us are prepped like soldiers waiting instructions. Not understanding why we are on edge, but everything around us says ‘be aware’ something does not feel right. Our bodies experience unusual phenomena not understood by medicine. Our hearts beat different as if we have two.  Our emotional bodies encircle us like binary moons looking to land. We all cycle together.
We move forward with caution as if we are walking in shifting quicksand or a minefield. Knowing at any minute the paradigm can change and we could be flapping on the outskirts of emerald city. We look to nature for understanding and insight but she looks back at us, just as confused. The rules have changed for all of us. Like Neanderthal man finding an I-phone, we bang our heads trying to figure out what to do next.

Karen Dove - Expansion into CREATION in TRUTH - March 16, 2014

As the New Earth continues to expand and the reality that is termed the old 3d earth created reality begins to crumble many in human form will trigger hugely.  Anything that you came here to experience under the old 3d earth created reality which involves a “karmic lesson” will attempt to ignite. This may see many of you at this time wonder what on earth is happening as scenarios that you had “thought” had long been dissolved APPEAR to ignite and to begin to manifest.  In my own personal life this has seen much shift and move with certain people who were karmic lessons once more appearing and shouting louder than ever.  However detaching from the drama and understanding that that the illusion is attempting to lower my frequency sees it dissolve once more.  Often at SOUL level WE have created these scenarios in order to show ourselves at a very human conscious waking mind how far we have shifted in our vibration and how expansive our energetic signature has become.ace-of-cups

For many of you who have gone through various trauma this may seem to be the very last thing that you wish to do and I am not for one moment stating that you need to go back and dissolve ANYTHING, for this is not the point of the scenario being presented to you. It is presented to you in order that you can compare “something” to “something”, to show the evolution of your frequency compared to the original scenario and for many of you this will be before you consciously “woke up”.   It is vital that you do not feed the scenario and indeed you will find that any attempt to do this shifts your frequency again, a bit like you are “bouncing” off the frequency that is attempting to persuade you to align with it once more. At a human conscious waking mind level this may appear to make no sense at all and I remind you that logic plays no part in the unfolding of the New Earth around you, through you and within you.

sábado, marzo 15, 2014

Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: What Happened in the Last Four Days – A Must Read! - Mar 15, 2014

20140303_140819Ascension is a gradual process where you return to the Divine Father’s heart.  It is when you become light again.
White symbolizes the light of eternity.  This is what you are and have always been.  You are eternal beings and children of God and have the Divine Presence within you.  When you become light, you are then ready to ascend.
When you ascend, you then enter into the Divine Father’s heart.  When you enter the Divine Father’s heart, you reach a higher state of consciousness allowing more growth of the soul in the higher light dimensions of love.
It is actually the Divine Mother and Father’s heart given that they are merged as One, but the Divine Father’s heart will be used for illustrative purposes in this transmission.

Denise Le Fay - Ready or Not here comes much more Reality Humanity! - March 15, 2014

A few days ago Stu, an old Starseed friend emailed me and asked, ‘What do you think has happened with the missing airliner Denise?’  Because I’ve been so very busy with multiple physical doings and non-physical Conscious Creating and Intending and constant escalating Embodying etc., I haven’t even answered him yet but have decided to do so through this short but important article. [Please also see the link to what Cosmic Awareness has said so far about the "missing airliner" below my article.]
Like I said, I’ve been unusually busy with multiple physical things since February and I know this isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. I’m learning how to “do” when needed, “not do” when needed, exit linear time when needed, reenter linear time when needed, “be” when needed, “be” whenever I feel like just “being” from my High Heart Consciousness Center, and, further embodying the approaching NEW March 2014 Equinox Energy Wave. My ears ring constantly and my body reacts to the NEW higher frequency Light Energies getting closer and closer to Earth and feels the weight and pressures from them building, but what’s new about that at this point right? We simply continue doing, being, embodying and radiating what we have been all along as Volunteers/Wayshowers. ;)

Shanta Gabriel – Drinking In The Essence Of Balance – 15 March 2014

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideDrinking in the
Essence of Balance
An Equinox Teleconference with
Shanta Gabriel and Kelly M. Beard
Thursday, March 20, 5:30 PDT (8:30 EDT)
A highly-charged spiritual quality of Balance will be available during this spring’s Equinox.
Through Equinox celebrations all over the world, this powerful balancing frequency will be grounded on the Earth — and the essence of Balance will bring more Grace to the process of change that will be sweeping the planet during the coming season.
Archangel Gabriel states that energy frequencies containing the essence of Balance will act as a living substance of nourishment for the human energy system.

Questions for Jim - How Do I Stay Sane While Those Around Me Are Going Crazy?

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

No day is like the other, no time is like another,
everything is in constant change, everything is subjected
to transformation; everything is part of the great divine plan,
part of the great will of human Beings and part of a fundamental
intent of all life: Forming new life out of life – mutable and immortal.

We are the ELOHIM

Connections by MultidiOcean – 15 March 2014

1146566_10152260303665435_744237724_nHi everybody!
Just wanted to give a little update on me. At the moment and for the next 3 weeks, I am real busy. I feel so strechted out physically, emotionally and intellectually between being away from loved ones abroad, having to work and study my bottom off at my own expenses, and having to do research as well… so I am sorry for not doing any channeling work right now, just no real time and not in the right state for this kind of work …
I did have a few experiences though.. really interesting.. especially with dreams etc.. i cannot really make direct sense of it, other than the fact that  this entire week has been about proving me that we are all so connected. Even with the people who do not consciously know us, and i had much proof of that of late… but i don’t want to bore you all with my stuff right now..

DL Zeta – Void States Carry Us Into Life Tracks That Are More Spiritually Alive – 15 March 2014

DLZetaIn times of change we enter a void – the space between what has been and the future we’re creating. The void is a natural and necessary passage in which we release the past and open to new visions and new ideas. A void offers access to new portals of joy and fulfillment and brings us into connection with souls who have agreed to play a role in the movie of our upcoming timeline. As we move deeper into these new realms, we connect with the version of ourselves that will lead us into the next phase of our lives. While void states may feel uncomfortable, they offer a rich and fertile ground for new seeds we are planting to take root and grow.

Massive UFO Fleet Heading Towards Earth 2014 HD Available

Natalie Glasson – Supporting Souls In The Era Of Love By Lord Maitreya – 15 March 2014 of the Christ I bestow upon you and activate from within your being, let the Christ active energy of love weave its way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.
I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies, it is currently a centre of activity but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts. Allow me to work with your heart chakra to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed, it is throwing out all negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being, while assisting you in moving the vibrations of your being to be aligned with a new dimensional vibration of light. Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause pain and suffering of the past to return for acknowledgement or to reactivate, in this state of evolution acknowledgement and compassion is important while attachment and identification with the energies will only cause more suffering. Beloved ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally.
You may wish to say;

TESLA - "Modern Spaceship" Commercial (HD)

Origines Galactiques - L'histoire secrète de la Terre - Galactic origins - Secret history of Earth - Origen Galáctico - historia secreta de la tierra

Compilation & traduction : " Fox2502 " sur Youtube
✰ Je ne détiens pas de droits d'auteur sur l'œuvre d'origine :
« Légende de l'Atlantide - Aube des Dieux ( Version Éditée ) » :

La suite de cette vidéo ici :

► Cette vidéo est une initiative personnelle qui ne promeut aucune mouvance ni organisation. L'auteur ne vend rien et ne propose rien d'autre que ses quelques connaissances sur le sujet. De même, il ne tente pas de convaincre qui que ce soit : libre à chacun d'accepter ou non ce qui est présenté ici.

► Il s'agit d'une compilation d'extraits tirés du documentaire « Légende de l'Atlantide » qui relate la véritable histoire du genre humain. Les aspects historiques, matériels & spirituels sont ici abordés : c'est un tour d'horizon bien ficelé et très instructif. Certains points ne sont toutefois pas abordés.

► Sceptique ? L'existence de la (Con)fédération a été mentionnée publiquement par l'ex-ministre Canadien de la défense, Paul Hellyer. C'était fin décembre 2013, en direct à la télévision russe :

Ne prenez rien pour acquis. Faites vos propres recherches, documentez-vous, questionnez & remettez en question.

Évidemment, il ne faut pas confondre avec les extraterrestres & sociétés secrètes malintentionnées. Pour bien faire le distinguo et en apprendre plus, consultez la chaine Youtube « Arbre Solaire »

► Le documentaire n'est pas récent et certains points peuvent faire l'objet de discussions. Des termes tels que " Dieu " ou " Élus " ne doivent pas être pris au sens religieux ou sectaire. Discernement, toujours.

Arbre Solaire ღ

Remerciements à Fox 2502, dont j'encourage à visiter la chaîne Youtube. Vous y trouverez un concentré d'Histoire ainsi que des enseignements très profitables :

Suzanne Lie – Doing The Work 3 – About Oversoul – 15 March 2014

As soon as we began to follow Mytria we blinked off the Ship and found ourselves in the living room of our house. We could remember being beamed up and our wonderful greeting, but as soon as we began to follow Mytria we arrived instead in our 3D house.
OH, we felt so very lonely. Maybe we forgot what happened in the rest of the ship so that we could return to finish our mission on Earth. In fact, that is the thought that Sandy and I both had in our minds whenever we wondered why we had forgotten so much.
Also, when we looked at the clock on the living room wall, we saw that it was just a few minutes after we had decided to go outside. Therefore, if our experience was an illusion it began not with the ship but when we first went outside to check the sky for scout ships. NO, we both proclaimed. The events we just experienced were NOT an illusion. They were real, but could they be in a different reality?

Michael El Legion Interview with Alexandra Meadors - 140311

Karen Doonan - The return to INNOCENCE for the human race in TRUTH - March 15, 2014

child and stars

Many of you may have woken up this morning (in a linear context) and felt an overwhelming sense of relief, for many of you there may be tears just about forming on the edge of your vision and yet you may have no “rational” explanation for how you feel at this moment.  It is vital at this time that you begin to understand that the separation of the worlds is a REAL EVENT and that the frequencies of the old 3d earth created reality will have little or no effect on your energy signature from this separation onwards.  The separation of the worlds will begin to “solidify” for want of a better human word in your outer waking reality over the coming linear days.  ALL SOULS have made a choice and this choice will now be shown to you at a human conscious waking mind level.

Stay in balance – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn March 15, 2014 - Bleibe in Balance – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 15.März 2014

(Translated from original language german)
My child, I ask you to stay in balance and in your heart. This is just now so important. Stay calm and unruffled in all that is happening. Observe but don’t engage in what happens around you. In this you stay in your beautiful high vibrations and can thereby help your fellow people staying calm. Let your light shine brightly around yourself and send your wonderful warm love into all hearts and into all events. You know you aren’t alone, all Angels and Archangels are with you and ready to help you when you ask them. Know that all is well, because I know already the wonderful outcome of my divine plan for you. Hold on still a bit, especially in the energies that are now getting even stronger and more intense. I know you are groaning so often under them but they are necessary to bring forward all these transformations. Trust your heart and your Higher Self, they know exactly what to do. I love you so much, my child, I love you indescribable and wrap you into my boundless eternal love. ~
Your Divine Mother

viernes, marzo 14, 2014

Meredith Murphy - Breaking Free: Learning Perceive the New Reality - March 14, 2014

Breaking Free: Learning Perceive the New Reality

Message from My Inner Knowing as Ashira
Cosmic Telepathy, March 14, 2014
The Emergence of New Emotions in Humanity, and Learning to Perceive the New Reality

Living within this moment is re-orchestrating Creation. The Earth-realm is realizing news dimensions of focus for intelligent life, and this is re-orchestrating Creation. What is meant by this is that love is opening up new facets of the material. This opening to the newness is unprecedented and mysterious. As it unfolds, it is revealed. It is not possible any longer to predict what is happening and those that do so limit their experience of Creation at this time. The impossibility that is occurring is the expansive range of diversity of experience within a realm. Those who continue to believe that one thing will happen, is happening, are of course simply stating their perspective. This again is a choice of focus that creates parameters of perception. The more expanded landscape defies perception. One can, however, experience it. It may not be fully absorbed consciously yet it can be experienced energetically. This is the dawning of a new age.

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - New Earth Frequency Update ~ March 14th, 2014

New Earth Frequency UpdateThe TIME IS NOW!

Greetings to all Divine Beings of Light,
It is our pleasure to connect with each of you at this time.  We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and The Great Divine Director at your service.
We know that each of you is feeling the intensified energies coming into the planet at this time.  We also know that you want to know when it is going to change so that GAIA and all her inhabitants can be more restful with peace within their hearts.
Please know that this transition you are experiencing presently is probably at the height of what you have experienced within the planet.  The density that you are experiencing is due to the fact that each of you are assisting greatly with the re-structuring of the planetary system even though it feels like everything could fall down at any moment.  Please know that this is not entirely true but it may be the feeling that comes into your essence at times.

Sandra Walter – Equinox Gateway Preparations – 14 March 2014

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
As this wave comes in for Equinox, I AM offline more than on as this Gateway becomes my focus. Obviously the energies are growing more intense. Remember this energy is consistent through June Solstice, with a turning point in the dimensional energies sometime in June. While we expect a mass awakening to light for the population, and a bit of chaos from the collective as they interpret/misinterpret the new light, it can also be a challenging time for our Ascension process as choices are presented for what we want to experience. Day by day, moment by moment, we must be conscious in selecting what serves our Mastery.

EirePort - Estuaries of Pax are committed to engagement of all shadow paradigms - Mar 14, 2014

14 Mar eireport_logo_thumb_1Estuaries of Pax are committed to engagement of all shadow paradigms, at this moment.
Fluttering anarchists separate from humanity and are transmuted to the soaring Eagle and Condor.
Specialties of Gaia Feminine come to fruition, as sputtering masculines lose their wind.
Prepare for this Magnificence… In this Moment… It is Now…

NESARA WILL BE ANNOUNCED SHORTLY – St.Germain through Marc Gamma, dated March 14, 2014 ( bilingual ) - NESARA steht kurz vor der Veröffentlichung – St. Germain durch Marc Gamma ~ 14.03.2014

To Whom It May Concern

Further to the Audio-Message of St.Germain through Marc Gamma I received the German transcript of it today and I translated it into English – as I presume that the “English-speaking Realm” would like much to share it together with our German readers as well. … and who knows perhaps there will be still those with another mother tongue than ours her – come and translate it too for their readers to share the most valuable contents of this first message of St.Germain on what he reveals here to all of us what NESARA really entails ….

If there are still some glitches here or anything not spelled quite right – please forgive me … I will proof-read it in the next few days and make due corrections then. This message was quite lengthy and I set down to translate it the very moment I received it. As I deem it so important and vital for all of us I want to post it right away without losing any time ….

As always with unconditional love and compassion


P.S. scroll down for German Transcript, please!

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Mind Over Matter – 14 March 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Vibrant pink. Or even a vibrant pink purple color is going to be very good for most people now. It’s going to help stimulate the mind and we do have some high creative energies available this week.
Let’s also talk a little bit about mind over matter. You might have tried to use it from time to time and maybe were successful or partially successful or perhaps did not have success with it.
So this is an opportunity to practice it more. Be I’d say more specifically able to train the mind to think a specific way. So if you’re working on positive thoughts and positive actions that follow the positive thoughts, this is a very good time.

Suzanne Lie - Trip to Venus Meditation

Karen Doonan - ALL is frequency and the separation of worlds begins NOW - March 14, 2014

 It has long been stated that the New Earth reality is a SEPARATE reality from that of the old 3d earth created reality and as many of you are now experiencing this will now manifest at a human waking conscious outer reality.  The ability that many of you have to interact with the old 3d earth created reality on any level will now fully dissolve, this will see you “float” in the void until you can establish a RESONANCE with the higher dimensional reality that you dream into your outer waking reality.  This is what I have termed the “overlap”, the energetic space where the old 3d earth created reality is visible underneath the transparent New Earth reality.  It is whilst in this space that it is vital to place ALL of your energy into the New Earth so that you can begin to solidify the New Earth reality whilst ALLOWING the old 3d earth created reality to fully dissolve beneath you as it were.
The movement into the New Earth reality is PERSONAL and UNIQUE and is not ONE solid path, by this I mean there is not just one reality that is available to experience. This is in direct contrast to the old 3d earth created reality where the bondage of the karmic dimensional timelines saw you live a very constricted and suppressed reality that allowed for ZERO expansion at any level of your BEing.  This allowed you at a very human conscious waking mind level to allow your human logical mind to anchor contexts such as “fate”, “books of life” etc. These are CREATED reality concepts and are not TRUTH therefore there are not supported in the New Earth reality.

Ufo Available 2014 Destroys Meteor 2014Real Meteor 2014UFO Japan 1080p Destroys Japan Ufo Available

SaLuSa, - Mike Quinsey - March 14, 2014

Dear Ones you are being pulled this way and that way until you get quite frustrated or confused. The reason is that so much is happening all at once, and in your position you find it difficult to know where it is leading. Stay focussed on your own position and path and keep spreading the Light, as it is needed more than ever. So many people are confused and worried about the future, and that is not surprising when so much is changing. These times also give the dark Ones and their cohort’s opportunities to add to the confusion, as they will soon have to admit that their time is up. Indeed, they will find that they are losing their power and influence. It is all part of the changes that are taking place all over your planet, which will continue until the New Age really takes hold.


Pamela Kribbe - Confíen en la Tierra Pamela canaliza a la Tierra

Queridos amigos:

Soy la voz de la Tierra. Sientan mi presencia aquí dentro de ustedes y debajo de vuestros pies. Estoy presente en vuestro cuerpo; fluyo a través de todas vuestras células. Y es a través de vuestro cuerpo que están conectados con la naturaleza, con todo lo que los rodea que crece, vive y respira. Sean conscientes de la presencia viviente de la naturaleza alrededor de ustedes aquí en este momento. Sientan los árboles alrededor de este edificio, la tierra sobre el que está establecido. Sientan las plantas, los pájaros y los árboles. Si observan de cerca pueden sentir cómo vuestra presencia también afecta a aquellos seres vivos. No sólo ustedes los sienten a ellos, ellos también los sienten a ustedes. Incluso este edificio está vivo porque todo con lo que originalmente fue construido contiene las energías de la Tierra. Hay conciencia en todo lo que los rodea. La materia es conciencia animada. Sientan la energía, la conciencia, en este edificio, la historia que tiene y lo que ustedes le aportan. A menudo ustedes subestiman el efecto que ejercen tan sólo estando en algún lugar.

Suzanne Lie - 01 Innervisions - Learn how to meditate #1

jueves, marzo 13, 2014

Karen Doonan - creativity and flow in the New Earth - March 13, 2014

dove inside sphereThe New Earth is now birthing fully and is discussed on the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio Show where I use a further analogy of where the UNIVERSE wishes you to place your energies at this time. As the old 3d earth begins to dissolve and to collapse it is VITAL that you pour your energies into the New Earth for that is what you are here to BIRTH into your outer waking reality.  As the old 3d earth reality begins to dissolve it will shout very loudly, it will create dramas in order to pull you back in and it will try its best to persuade you that you have “unfinished” business there.  This is now fully negated with the birth of the New Earth, there is nothing that serves in the old 3d earth created reality and you are asked to pour ALL of your energies into the creation of the New Earth and what YOU personally and collectively are here to birth into said reality.

Maryann Rada - Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine: Now Is Here - March 13, 2014

Do you anticipate some sort of collapse and inevitability regarding your planet’s movement into a more enlightened state of being? You are already seeing the foundations shake. Soon everything will shift into a more comfortable arrangement for your own movement into a state of transformed being. When the last domino falls, in the game of winner-take-all, when the last card is traded by mercenary hands, you will know the movement is in full swing. At that point, we will be able to communicate more directly with you as a people fully awakening en masse. At that point, you will be able to hear what we have been unable to disclose except in carefully worded literary works such as this one you are reading now.

Brenda Hoffman - Love Yourself Enough to Play With Creation - March 4, 2014 - Ámense lo Suficiente Como Para Jugar con la Creaciónpor Brenda Hoffmann - 4 de marzo 2014

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are pining for a certain something or someone. You have stated your intent to yourself and others – and accepted that you have the right to create what you want. Yet nothing changes or happens. Why are you the only one who does not seem to know how to create? What are you missing? What is holding you back or down?

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 403 – 13 March 2014

AishaNorthWe have come to you today on a most important mission, for we are here to prepare you for what you have in store in the next few days. As many of you are already aware, the period we are referring to, is the one that leads up to that point in time that you have specified as the midpoint of the year if you see it as divided into two equal parts, both of them encompassing the same amount of light, although divided into two. This is as you know a roundabout way to describe the day of your recurring Equinoxes, the days that your planet seems to stand at a midpoint, a point of balance if you will, for then to start to shift ever so slightly on its axis yet again. We know that for many of you, this time of the year has always been considered an important one, and rightly so, but this time, we cannot stress enough just what an important period this will be. Or rather, what an important period it already is. For this is not just a one-off, a one day event that comes and goes as quickly as that. No, this is something far more important, and the lead up to it is already well on the way.

Live UFO Sightings Broadcast on Mexican TV - Video - Noticias de Jaime Maussan en Paso de Cortés, Avistamientos OVNi en VIVO

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - Understanding the Abyss of Transformation - March 13, 2014

Learning to take the time for understanding our challenges and triumphs is a way to accept the new part of ourselves that is enfolding within us.  The months of January, February, and now into March have taken us into a new dimension of acceptance.  We have been pushed and prodded to be more than we should be.  It has taken us into many levels of thoughts and emotions swirling within ourselves.
We now stand at the forefront of great changes once again.  Sometimes we can be so involved with the issues at hand that we do not see the higher purpose of our challenges.  This past trimester has taken us into new levels of “finding our core essence”.  It does not matter how long you have been on the mastery pathway or even if you are still struggling in the muck and mire of your darkness being unawakened.  This winter has taken us deeper than we ever wanted to travel into the core of our Heart Essence.

miércoles, marzo 12, 2014

more about the missing plane taken from an email conversation with a friend – multidimensional ocean - Mar 12, 2014 about the missing plane taken from an email conversation with a friend:
 i know, it may sound a little far fetched.. and it may have been, but as you may have read a few weeks ago, i did post that weird dream about being in a plane, where i was asleep in a bed, the air hostess came in with breakfast or tea into my room. She was wearing a green uniform, and then suddenly hit the plane super violently and suddenly.. at the same time, alarm syrens went off in the plane, and we quickly started losing altitude and control of the plane. for some reason i knew that the plane was hit by a missile, by accident, and that the front of the plane was hit. and the pilots had lost total control of the plane, because of the hit.. in fact i even wonder if the pilots were still in the plane, or if the missile took them out.. which could explain the no may day call … and this happened in my dream over the ocean.. and i knew that there was nothing that could be done at this point.. this was as sure as hell.. this was my dream.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Revolving Door - March 12, 2014

What goes up must come down, what goes in must come out, and what we invite into our lives has to wait to enter until we release whatever is currently occupying that space. We can’t be happy until we release our sadness, we can’t have abundance until we release our poverty consciousness, we cannot be a victor until we decide that we will no longer be empowered by our victim status. It’s a basic law of physics, two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
If we do this in the right way, it’s a revolving door, where the thing that leaves is walking side by side with whatever is coming in to replace it. If not, then we feel like we’re waiting for something to happen and that can feel like a really long wait.

EirePort - Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force - Mar 12, 2014

12 Mar eireport_logo_thumb_1Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force.
Surging of all elementals proceeds swiftly as a result and continues at full pace.
Formidification of structural components of all elementals is in process.
Sensitives are to be avoided, and those in need of assistance are asked to ask.

UFO (ORB) Fires Its Gun into Chemtrail!! Twice!!

Questions for Jim - How Do I Stay Sane While Those Around Me Are Going Crazy?

Patricia Cota-Robles – You Were Born For This Moment! – It Is Time To Fulfill Your Purpose And Reason For Being – 12 March 2014 - Ustedes Nacieron Para Este Momento! Es Hora de Cumplir con Su Propósito y Razón de Existencia por Patricia Cota-Robles - Mar 11, 2014

March 11, 2014
We have all been preparing for lifetimes to be able to fulfill our facet of the Divine Plan during this unprecedented Cosmic Moment in Earth’s Ascension process. On many occasions, we felt like we were walking through tar into 150 mile-an-hour winds as we stumbled through a valley of tears striving to make even the slightest progress in our movement toward the Light. 
In spite of our pain, we were willing to endure every hardship and difficult experience that our fear-based human egos created, because we believed that one day the lessons of separation and duality would come to an end and we would return to the Oneness of Christ Consciousness. We KNEW that once that happened, we would be able to reclaim our Divine Birthright as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and we would return to the Path of Divine Love that is our destiny.

Movie Time - Tiempo de Cine - We Are from the Future (with Danila Kozlovsky - Russian movie)

Jahn J Kassl - 3D AND 4D- LIFELIGHT, SANANDA - Mar 12, 2014 - 12. März 2014 3D UND 4D- LEBENSLICHT, SANANDA

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz

Indeed the “President” (Russian President Wladimir Putin,
remark JJK) ensures that in all dimensions of the incessantly
newly created 3D-worlds the total control of the dark structures
is lessened and the President also ensures that on the higher
constantly newly created 4D-levels this massive darkness stays

martes, marzo 11, 2014

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Mar 11, 2014

We knew deep in our hearts that this day was to come! Now we celebrate its arrival and prepare for the time when we can openly address you on many critical matters.
by PAO

4 Chicchan, 8 Ceh, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with much to say! Over the past few weeks events have started to manifest. These events are the key to your global prosperity and include a series of currency re-evaluations in preparation for a much anticipated global currency reset. This is to be closely followed by a worldwide return to the gold standard. All of these actions will spell the demise of the private holding company known to you as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. The folding of this entity will create a reason for the end of the "Federal Reserve Note." This is preliminary to forging new governance for America and the world. Another major turning point will be the delivery of the Count Saint Germain World Trusts "prosperity funds." These events are to be what makes a formal disclosure of our fleet possible, and we watch these events with the knowledge that first contact draws ever closer by the day. Our mass landings are merely the beginning of your final steps before your grand transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light.

My Take on the Malayasian plane by multidimensional ocean - Mar 11, 2014!_(4676723312).jpg

As a regular passenger on flights, I have to share something here about the Malaysian missing plane.. 239 passengers on board … plane missing over the sea.. Do people recall me having had a dream that i was in a plane that was shot down by a missile – possibly by accident over the ocean? i was onboard in my dream… now this has happened… how odd.. Frank Tobin, i do also recall your experience with the dream of the plane that crashed into the ocean 3 weeks after you had your dream..
I do genuinely believe, and i pray that this is the case for the people.. that the plane was somehow rescued by our galactic brothers, if it was indeed shot down by mistake during some shooting exercice..

10 conseils pour la Divulgation Extraterrestre

Wes Annac – Thanks And Praise For Channeled Messages – 11 March 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I’m going to be vulnerably honest about a subject that’s pretty close to my heart: channeled messages. I’m aware that some seekers don’t resonate with them and others think that only certain forms of channeling can be valid, but personally, they’ve helped me find an incredible sense of liberation from the physical matrix that I’m eternally grateful for.
I respect that some people just won’t open up to channeled material or the wisdom and light that pour from genuine messages, and their stance is understandable. It’s understandable that some people don’t find channeled messages very credible, but they’ve helped me more than I can express and my fascination with them continues to grow.

Denise Le Fay - 2014 March Equinox & April Makeover - March 11, 2014

In years past at TRANSITIONS I often referred to the current disintegration and death throes of the global patriarchy and their systems, structures, beliefs, “church & state” lies and con jobs upon mass humanity etc. as The Downfall of Atlantis Part II.  This topic about the NEW is a big one so for a while you’re going to be hearing about it from many sources. Each of us talking about the NEW in 2014 and beyond will of course do so from our personal current levels of awareness, perception, unique abilities and our remaining filters and beliefs. All you need do is what you’ve always needed to do; discern all information from everyone, including me, and take what works for you at this moment and toss the rest or let it ride for the time being.