The light body expels all that is not in resonance with it. That energy can be from this life, past lives, lives lived prior to this planet, and even collective soul group energies. If it is anything other than hope, trust, acceptance, and love, then it’s gotta go.
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Downing. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Downing. Mostrar todas las entradas
domingo, agosto 27, 2017
Karen Downing - Integrating the Eclipse Energy - Aug 27, 2017
How are you feeling post-eclipse? The energies have been taxing, as they are upping our light quotient by more than ever before. As our physical body integrates the light body upgrade taking place, we can be fatigued, dizzy, and experience a deep emotional purging.

The light body expels all that is not in resonance with it. That energy can be from this life, past lives, lives lived prior to this planet, and even collective soul group energies. If it is anything other than hope, trust, acceptance, and love, then it’s gotta go.
The light body expels all that is not in resonance with it. That energy can be from this life, past lives, lives lived prior to this planet, and even collective soul group energies. If it is anything other than hope, trust, acceptance, and love, then it’s gotta go.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
lunes, junio 12, 2017
Karen Downing - Crossing the Threshold - June 12, 2017
For over a week now, I have been receiving clear visuals about bringing our new “baby” Earth home. Like any newborn, our baby Earth is filled with the new energy of possibility, spiritual strength, and fullness of life. This baby Earth really isn’t a baby at all, but represents a world of new energy and possibilities to us. As I write this, the visual shown to me is new parents (humanity) waiting to step across the threshold, bringing baby Earth home. The front door had many locks to disengage, but those have all been unlocked. The door opened fully and fairly effortlessly, and now we are waiting to step through our front door.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, abril 02, 2017
Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old – Your Soul Mission - April 2, 2017
Ascension Chakras – New and Old – Your Soul Mission
Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process. Read more below.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else. As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be experienced in the same order. Some steps can take place simultaneously. The steps with an asterisk, are what different individuals are currently experiencing. Forerunners will be near the end of the asterisks, Second wave will be somewhere in the middle, and everyone else will be near the top of the asterisks.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
jueves, marzo 16, 2017
Karen Downing - A Breakthrough is Near - March 16, 2017

How do you know when you are approaching a significant breakthrough? There are 3 main signs that you can look for externally and internally. The difficult in pinpointing these signs often lies in how they are expressed: in balanced opposition.
The universe is a finely tuned balance of all things, at all times. And so, when a breakthrough is near, everything is amplified. This means that you can experience confusion along with clarity, heightened emotion along with detachment, calm along with urgency, and so forth.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
miércoles, octubre 26, 2016
Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - Oct 26, 2016
Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process. Read more below.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else. As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be
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Karen Downing
viernes, enero 15, 2016
Karen Downing - Question Everything - 15 January, 2016
One of the questions I am often asked is, “Do you ever question
how you get your information?” My answer. Yes. In fact, I feel that
taking regular time to question the process of your intuition keeps you
in check, out of the Ego, and even more importantly, away from the
influence of malevolent beings.
This is not a question of protection. If you wish to be protected, and ask for protection, you are protected. But, what if you have been unknowingly asking for protection from beings who have not been honest with you? How do you learn to discern the difference between your Higher Self and the Ego? Between malevolent beings, here to disempower, and benevolent beings, here to assist?
This is not a question of protection. If you wish to be protected, and ask for protection, you are protected. But, what if you have been unknowingly asking for protection from beings who have not been honest with you? How do you learn to discern the difference between your Higher Self and the Ego? Between malevolent beings, here to disempower, and benevolent beings, here to assist?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
jueves, noviembre 19, 2015
Karen Downing - Unity Transcends All Destruction - Nov 19, 2015
In the world today, it can be easy to look at the forces of destruction, anger and hatred, however in every single moment you have a choice as to the energy you feed. Are you going to feed unity, cooperation and harmony, or are you going to feed the other forces mentioned above? This choice comes up every time there is a news story about humans taking the lives of other humans. This unfortunately is not new news. This is currently a part of the human experience, at least until humanity is able to transcend it. And, yes it can be transcended, not by the few, but by the many.
Transcending destruction happens both individually and collectively; it is accomplished by making the choice to feed the forces of unity, love, forgiveness and compassion. Are you going to continue to give into the energy of destruction by adding your two cents to the judgment or hatred or fear that the media continues to stir up? Or, are you going to find a way to discover a peace within yourself, to see beyond labels to move into a space where you can connect with the humanness of each and every fellow person on the planet?
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Karen Downing
martes, agosto 04, 2015
Karen Downing - Past Life Patterns – The Prophet
Past Life Patterns – The Prophet This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, in order to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today. Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence. By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up your strengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key to uncovering your Soul Mission.
The Prophet Description – The Prophet seems to have a deeper understanding of the ways of the world. This comes from lifetimes as seers, sages, prophets, psychics and other similar predictive esoteric work. The Prophet is often seen as the know-it-all of the past life patterns; and it is not that they actually have the mental knowledge all the time, it is that they can tap into the deeper truths at a moment’s notice. Plus, their communication style is often one of boosting authority and over-explaining. They have been accused, more often than once, of “using big words.” The Prophet does have a fear that their information will be misused, misunderstood or manipulated by others for their own benefit, and that is a contributing factor to their communication style.
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Karen Downing,
Vidas Pasadas
martes, julio 28, 2015
Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - 28 July, 2015
Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but
have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only
now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a
place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. We are
now going to see in the coming years that we start to move from one
chakra system to another.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
domingo, julio 19, 2015
Karen Downing - Letting Go - July 19, 2015
There are things in life that cannot be monetized, like happiness, freedom and inner peace. Yet, many individuals do not know how to get to a place where they can live a life with these qualities. That goal can be accomplished through the practice of Letting Go. Letting Go is the process of identifying and releasing old patterns from your life.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
domingo, julio 12, 2015
Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - Jul 14, 2015
Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth
plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It
is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and
ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical
world. We are now going to see in the coming years that we start to move
from one chakra system to another.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages:
Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and
emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3
groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which
one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began
their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started
their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for
everyone else. As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it
easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what
wave someone is in, the events will be experienced in the same order.
Some steps can take place simultaneously. The steps with an asterisk,
are what different individuals are currently experiencing. Forerunners
will be near the end of the asterisks, Second wave will be somewhere in
the middle, and everyone else will be near the top of the asterisks.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
lunes, junio 22, 2015
Karen Downing - What is Your Soul Mission? - 11 June, 2015
Inside every one of us is a drop of the Divine. Our soul mission
is to learn about the Divinity within us and to grow it. The beauty of
this process is that each soul carries a different Divine drop. For
some that drop is about compassion, for others it is wisdom, or peace,
or joy, and so on. Our Divine drop is often called our Soul Essence.
And, it is the Soul Mission of each one of us to learn to utilize our
own Divine drop to its Highest benefit, both individually and
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
domingo, junio 07, 2015
Karen Downing - Own Your Energy, Own Your Power - June 7, 2015
People often ask, “What is the best way to move into a higher
state of vibration?” The simplest answer is to take ownership of your
personal power, how you use it, where you give energy to and how you
facilitate your emotional state.
One of the most common ways in which power is given away is through fear. Whenever you fear something happening/not happening you are in fact giving energy and power to the very outcome you do not wish for. It is extremely challenging to be the master over your fear, as humanity has been taught for eons to listen to it.
Fear comes from the Ego telling you that it does not feel in control of a given situation. That situation could be health, money, relationships, government, etc. Look at the areas of your life where you feel fear and anxiety. Ask yourself, why do I feel fear when it comes to my family, but not for my health? Or, why do I feel fear when it comes to my money, but not my relationships? Your answer, while you may think it is mere logic, is rooted in your past life history, and what you as a soul have personally experienced before.
One of the most common ways in which power is given away is through fear. Whenever you fear something happening/not happening you are in fact giving energy and power to the very outcome you do not wish for. It is extremely challenging to be the master over your fear, as humanity has been taught for eons to listen to it.
Fear comes from the Ego telling you that it does not feel in control of a given situation. That situation could be health, money, relationships, government, etc. Look at the areas of your life where you feel fear and anxiety. Ask yourself, why do I feel fear when it comes to my family, but not for my health? Or, why do I feel fear when it comes to my money, but not my relationships? Your answer, while you may think it is mere logic, is rooted in your past life history, and what you as a soul have personally experienced before.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
jueves, mayo 07, 2015
Karen Dover ~ The illusion of “patterning” - May 7, 2015
It can be
challenging to allow the human logical mind to reach out for patterns
and understand that the patterns are no longer supported. At this time
many of the foundation patterns that are taught to the human race in
TRUTH are coming up for personal “review”. This may see scenarios
presented to us at a personal level that appear to be “similar” to
“previous” scenarios in our life experience to date. The illusion that
is presented in order to prevent us moving into the expansion that lies
just beyond said pattern is what we are asked to focus upon and not the
illusion itself.
For example
imagine you are driving along a highway on a hot day, in the distance
“appears” to be a heat haze, it may appear as you drive towards it to be
something that almost appears “real” but on driving along the highway
the heat haze is never actually driven through, as you approach it it
disappears and appears further along the horizon.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
domingo, febrero 08, 2015
Karen Downing - Soul Mission and Life Purpose - February 8, 2015
Mastery of life is mastery of yourself. This is something that
can be achieved by each and every individual, but it takes careful
mindfulness, attention to your inner dialogue, and most of all,
patience. Each Soul moves through cycles of incarnating again and
again, learning things all along the way. During that process you also
transform some of the energy you held onto from previous lifetimes,
completing those specific lessons.
In your life now, you still retain all of the memories and experiences, and you can draw from them in different ways. Sometimes, that is by transforming the pieces you no longer want to carry, and other times, it is by playing up the expertise and experiences from before. When all of your experiences, expertise, and challenges line up together, they give you information about what you are here to do in your life now. That is what you call your life purpose. On a larger scale, your Soul also has a mission, a mission carried through all of your past lives and into this one.
In your life now, you still retain all of the memories and experiences, and you can draw from them in different ways. Sometimes, that is by transforming the pieces you no longer want to carry, and other times, it is by playing up the expertise and experiences from before. When all of your experiences, expertise, and challenges line up together, they give you information about what you are here to do in your life now. That is what you call your life purpose. On a larger scale, your Soul also has a mission, a mission carried through all of your past lives and into this one.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Downing
miércoles, julio 09, 2014
Karen Downing - Landing on Your New Path - July 6, 2014
Capitalizing on the May 19 slingshot energy, many individuals
have been feeling up in the air, in a space of not knowing where and
when they are going to touch down. You were shot up in the air on May 19
with the powerful combination of energy, utilizing all of the
astrological transits that April and May had to offer. Then for the last
7 weeks, you have been riding the arc of that slingshot trajectory,
feeling like you are floating with little to no idea of what is going to
happen next.
Add that to a chaotic feeling Mercury Retrograde period (ended June 30), and you can feel like you don’t remember which way is up anymore. This feeling is creating some physical symptoms to coincide with this spiritual launch forward. You can feel vertigo, nausea, dizziness, lower back pain, foot aches/cramping, restless legs, as well as an overall sense of confusion, like you feel unsure of the answer to even the simplest of questions.
Add that to a chaotic feeling Mercury Retrograde period (ended June 30), and you can feel like you don’t remember which way is up anymore. This feeling is creating some physical symptoms to coincide with this spiritual launch forward. You can feel vertigo, nausea, dizziness, lower back pain, foot aches/cramping, restless legs, as well as an overall sense of confusion, like you feel unsure of the answer to even the simplest of questions.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
lunes, marzo 17, 2014
Karen Downing - The Quest for Truth - March 17, 2014
The planet has now reached a time in which the border between
realms is very thin. As such the energetic bridge between them has
become quite short, and now is providing increased support for the
inflow of energy from the 5D to the 3D.
One of the great benefits of this shift is that the incoming energy will affect even more positive change; however this does not eliminate each individual’s choice as to how they react to the energy. The energy that is coming through will facilitate the knowledge and ability for each individual to understand what the outcomes of their choices will mean, but the ability to choose is what makes the Earth plane such a unique place of learning. Thus, choice will continue to be a part of Earth’s existence, even as things change on the dimensional level.
One of the great benefits of this shift is that the incoming energy will affect even more positive change; however this does not eliminate each individual’s choice as to how they react to the energy. The energy that is coming through will facilitate the knowledge and ability for each individual to understand what the outcomes of their choices will mean, but the ability to choose is what makes the Earth plane such a unique place of learning. Thus, choice will continue to be a part of Earth’s existence, even as things change on the dimensional level.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Downing
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