Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process. Read more below.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else. As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be
experienced in the same order. Some steps can take place simultaneously. The steps with an asterisk, are what different individuals are currently experiencing. Forerunners will be near the end of the asterisks, Second wave will be somewhere in the middle, and everyone else will be near the top of the asterisks.
Check out this great article for a more concise version of the chakra upgrade infromation on The Hearty Soul.
Chakra Upgrade Order
7 traditional chakras exist
Foot and Hands chakras increase in size, becoming primary
Lower Heart and Lower Throat chakras are created for temporary use
Belly button chakra is created
Universal Love, Spiritual Communication and Ultimate Being chakras sit above the crown Chakra (have been in existence in a higher dimension)
Nasal chakra is created
Universal Love chakra descending to heart center
3rd Eye and Nasal chakras open up to full expansiveness of new duties
Sacral and solar plexus start merge into belly button chakra
Universal Love chakra merges with Heart chakra (about 1 month)
Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras fully absorbed into Belly Button chakra
Heart chakra descends to Root chakra
Spiritual Communication chakra descending to throat center
*Ultimate Being chakra descending to crown
*Root chakra is absorbed by Heart chakra in its new home
*Lower Heart chakra merges into Universal Love chakra
*Spiritual Communication chakra merges with Throat chakra
*Lower Throat chakra absorbed into Spiritual Communication chakra
*Ultimate Being chakra merges with Crown
*Full Body Assimilation
*Final Activation
Please check back on this page for regular updates in the chakra adjustment process as it is made available. My thank you to spiritual teacher, Susanne Jonas, who has made a lovely diagram of what is taking place. You can learn more about Susanne’s work of sound healing and the chakras at her website
View the Chakra Diagram here
Further information on each of the chakras is explained below.
Need some extra help with cleansing, clearing and aligning your chakras with the New earth energy? I have developed a course that works on each of the chakras to release the old and make way for their new purposes. Read more about the Chakra Ascension Courses.
The content of this page was originally written in November 2010, and has been migrated from our original website, Aurora’s Message. Additional updates are noted. Please read our 10/26/2016 update below. **Please note, since the most recent update on this page, our timeline has dramatically sped up. This is because of all of the hard work that everyone has been doing to focus on healing, Love and unity consciousness! The timeline for completion of this process for everyone will now be done by June of 2018! That is 32 years faster than the original timeline.
Foot Chakra – The color for the Foot chakra is a brownish-red, like the color of brandy. The Foot chakra is for anchoring the soul to the Earth plane and also is associated with the strength to walk forward on one’s life path. The Foot chakra is located in the center of the sole of each foot. With the changing of the Earth’s vibration, the Foot chakra becomes necessary to connect us to the old reality, so that we can safely connect to it when we need to. The Foot chakra is also called the Earth chakra. This is active in all groups. Updated 5/29/15.
Root Chakra – The color for the Root chakra is a deep ruby red. The Root chakra is what holds the spiritual body into the physical body. When you find that you are clumsier than normal or feel a step behind, it is because this chakra is out of balance and you are not fully in your physical body, or are ungrounded. The Root chakra is also associated with sexual energy. The Root chakra is located where the legs meet the torso; when you sit down, it is directly between the rear end and the genitals. In the new energy the Root chakra will be merging with the Heart chakra, as this will be the new chakra center to connect with the new vibration of the Earth. You will also see how sexuality and love energy will be merging together in a new way. Forerunners, this is now complete. Second Wavers, this is now complete. Everyone else is experiencing the merging of these chakras at this time. Updated 10/26/16
Sacral Chakra – The color for the Sacral chakra is a deep orange. The Sacral chakra is the chakra of fertility, both for human life itself but also for Manifestation, creativity & success in arts, music and other endeavors. The Sacral chakra was what pulled an idea from the upper chakras into physical form. This duty will now be handled by the Hands chakra. The Sacral chakra is located about 2 inches below the belly button. This chakra will be going away altogether as the Belly Button chakra will take over for both the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Many children who are being born today with digestive issues are born without either the Solar Plexus or Sacral chakras, which is a sign of the evolutionary process of our spiritual bodies. Pathways are open to connect the Sacral chakra to the Belly Button chakra. The energy is being shifted in the groups as listed. During this shifting process, you may experience digestive discomfort and pressure in the sacral area. The release in the Sacral chakra can also be accompanied by the release of deep fear, especially fear of lack. This chakra is gone for everyone, as of October 2016. Updated 10/26/16.
Belly Button Chakra – The color for the Belly Button chakra is tangerine. The Belly Button chakra is connected to group energy and collective needs. The purpose of the Belly Button chakra is to provide nourishment for the soul and body. This is now where all digestion and nutrition are governed as well as bringing energy/knowledge from the world of spirit into the physical realms so that it can be put into action. This includes creativity, joy, and all forms of artistic expression. This chakra is/will be taking over many of the former duties of the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. The Belly Button chakra is located at the belly button, and is active in everyone. Pathways are opened up, to bring the energy from the sacral and solar plexus chakras to merge with this new energy center at the belly button. This is active in everyone now, as of August 2016. Updated 8/17/16
Hands Chakra – The color for the Hands chakra is gold. The Hands chakra is associated with giving and receiving things to/from the physical world such as wealth, knowledge, kindness, healing and so forth. When the Hands chakra is closed off, the person will have a tendency to dwell in victimhood or become withdrawn from the world and even miserly. This will be because of some perceived wrong from a past life or past experience. The Hands chakra is the physical extension of the manifestation process, and will work closely with the Lower Heart chakra. The Hands chakra is located in the center of the palm of each hand. As the Hands chakra takes on all of its new duties, you will feel pulsing, itching and even aches in the hands. This chakra is active in everyone. Updated 5/29/15.
Solar Plexus Chakra – The color for the Solar Plexus chakra is yellow. The Solar Plexus chakra is where we define ourselves and is associated with self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. This is also where the majority of the fears from other lifetimes are stored in the physical body. The Solar Plexus chakra is located about 2 inches above the belly button. This chakra will be going away altogether as the Belly Button chakra will take over for both the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Many children who are being born today with digestive issues are born without either the Solar Plexus or Sacral chakras, which is a sign of the evolutionary process of our spiritual bodies. Pathways are opened up, connecting the Solar Plexus chakra to the Belly Button chakra. The energy will now begin the process of being shifted. As this energy shifts, deep fears are being purged from the body, symptoms can be overwhelming anxiety, and fears that you can’t quite determine why they are creating such fear within you. It is like you mind knows not to be fearful of a certain situation, abut no matter what you do, you cannot help but feel fearful anyway. The fears released from this chakra include fear of abandonment, betrayal, being physically hurt, or a fear of being dependent on others. This chakra is gone in everyone as of October 2016. Updated 10/26/16.
Lower Heart Chakra – The color for the Lower Heart chakra is olive. The Lower Heart chakra is associated with having love for oneself. The Lower Heart chakra is located at the base of the sternum. This chakra is assisting in the Heart chakra shift. Once the Universal Love chakra reaches full capacity at the heart center, the Lower Heart chakra will be re-absorbed back into it. All 3 groups will have the same experiences with the Lower Heart chakra, as it is a temporary chakra to assist in the changing over of energies. Think of it like scaffolding for the new chakra system. This chakra is now already absorbed back by some individuals, and will follow shortly by others as listed: Forerunners, it is now gone. Second Wave, it is now gone. Everyone else, by mid-2017. Updated 10/26/16.
Heart Chakra – The colors for the Heart chakra are emerald green and rosy pink. The Heart chakra is the area of our body where we give and receive love to/from others. The Heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, about 3 inches up from the base of the sternum. It is now in process of merging with our Root chakra, as the Universal Love chakra is replacing the Heart chakra. Once the Universal Love chakra is rooted in the Heart chakra’s location, the Heart chakra will begin to merge with the Root chakra. Forerunners now have the Universal Love chakra in place at the heart center, and their Heart chakras are now descending to their new position. Second Wave are experiencing the 2 chakras connecting right now, and everyone else will have the experience beginning in April 2016. After about 1 month of merging at the heart center, the Heart chakra will begin its descent down toward merging with the Root chakra. For the 1 month of overlap, you will experience an expansiveness in the chest are that you have never felt before. This can be accompanied by coughing, intense internal heat, low fever, heart fluttering, and other signs of energy release. As the Heart chakra migrates to its new location, it acts as a firehose to force out any hidden emotions/energy in the lower chakras that are inharmonious to the new higher frequency of the planet. You can experience abdominal fluttering, muscle twitches, flatulence, stomach pressure and frequent bathroom trips during this time. However, once the Heart chakra successfully passes though the areas occupied by Solar Plexus, Sacral and Belly Button chakras, it will finalize the transition of the chakras in the abdominal area. Forerunners, the Heart chakra is now at the Root center, and has completed its merging. Second Wave this chakra is at the Root center, and has completed its merging. For Everyone else, the Heart chakra is merging with the Root area at this time. The merging process will be complete within the next 30 days. Updated 10/26/16.
Lower Throat Chakra – The color for the Lower Throat chakra is turquoise. The Lower Throat chakra is associated with channeling, soul streaming, and in bringing communication from spirit into the physical realms. The Lower Throat chakra also brings your own truth into action, so not only do you speak it, but you also live it. The Lower Throat chakra works in partnership with the Hands chakra and is located at the center of the collarbone. After the Spiritual Communication chakra merges with the Throat chakra, the Lower Throat chakra will be re-absorbed into the throat area. Because this is the other temporary chakra, (with Lower Heart) it only remains active for a short time before merging back into the new Spiritual Communication chakra in the following timelines. Forerunners, this is now complete. Second Wave, this is being absorbed at this time. For everyone else, this will happen by May 2017. Updated 10/26/16.
Throat Chakra – The color of the Throat chakra is a deep blue. The Throat chakra is associated with speaking one’s truth and physical communication with others. The Throat chakra is located at the Adam’s apple in the throat area. The Throat chakra is to changeover to the Spiritual Communication chakra. After that takes place, the Lower Throat chakra will be re-absorbed into it. As the Spiritual Communication chakra begins to merge with the Throat chakra, you can experience a double voice, as well as more telepathic broadcasts out to others. You also might find that as you release the Throat chakra energy, that you have words spoken out of your mouth that cannot be held back. The timelines for the merging of the Throat chakra with the Spiritual Communication chakra is as follows: Forerunners, full merging already completed. Second Wave, the Throat chakra merging is already completed, and Lower Throat chakra is currently being absorbed. Everyone else, this will occur by May 2017. Updated 10/26/16.
Nasal Chakra – The color of the Nasal chakra is navy blue. The Nasal chakra is associated with being receptive to the communication of others as well as Spirit, and with the senses of smell, taste and hearing. As this chakra opens, much of the energy gets cleared through nasal congestion and stuffy noses. This chakra was created so that the Third Eye could be entirely focus on vision (both physical and spiritual). The Nasal chakra is located at the tip of the nose, and is responsible for smell, taste and hearing. This applies to both physical and spiritual forms of these senses. When this chakra is open, you will smell more mystery smells (both pleasant and not so pleasant). These smells are mostly associated with guides and Higher Energies. You can also smell the decay process of the dismantling of the 3D world. (not pleasant smelling!) Hearing on both a physical and spiritual level become more fine tuned, and you may discover that you no longer have the taste for foods you once enjoyed. This is the chakra that receives the telepathic signals sent out by others, and works with the Third Eye chakra for this purpose. All 3 groups have this chakra active and functioning, some individuals in the final wave will be experiencing the congestion as this chakra opens up to its full capacity. All work on the Nasal chakra was completed by December 2015. Updated 3/31/16.
Third Eye Chakra – The color of the Third Eye chakra is indigo. The Third Eye chakra is associated with physical and spiritual sight and also the dreaming state. It is where seeing the energy of the spiritual realms is possible. The Third Eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead, and is what allows for clairvoyance and spiritual sight. The Third Eye chakra works with the Nasal chakra to be a receptor for telepathic communication. No chakra is replacing the Third eye, but it will have a much more focused purpose. This work has been completed in everyone as of June 2016. Updated 8/17/16.
Crown Chakra – The colors of the Crown chakra are purple and white. The Crown chakra is where the connection to Spirit occurs and is where the spiritual energy enters the physical body. In the new energy, the Crown chakra becomes much larger, almost like a column of light that will extend upward to meet the Ultimate Being chakra, before they eventually become one. The Crown chakra is located in the center of the top of the head. As the Crown chakra connects with the Ultimate Being chakra, you can experience sensations like, being pulled out of body, feeling ungrounded, and feeling as if you are much taller than your physical body. Forerunners have completed the transition to the Ultimate Being chakra now. Second Wave is experiencing the merging of the 2 chakras at this time. Everyone else will be experience this merging from 2017-2018. Before this last round can be completed, there will have to be the release of many hidden truths, otherwise this last group would not be ready for the change in reality that can come with this particular chakra merging. Updated 10/26/16.
Universal Love Chakra – The color of the Universal Love chakra is magenta. The Universal Love chakra is where interconnectivity to all living beings is fostered and is the place for unconditional love. It helps you to possess peace and tolerance for everything and everyone, including yourself. It can be considered the Heart chakra of the spiritual body, and that is why it is taking over for the traditional Heart chakra, as humanity continues to raise its vibratory state. After about 1 month of joining at the heart center, the Heart chakra will begin its descent down toward merging with the Root chakra. For the 1 month of overlap, you will experience an expansiveness in the chest are that you have never felt before. This can be accompanied by coughing, intense internal heat, low fever, heart fluttering, and other signs of energy release. This change in the Universal Love chakra has already taken place. The activation of the Universal Love chakra often is accompanied by a purging effect of anger, sadness, hopelessness and other deeply powerless emotions. The presence of the Universal Love chakra acts as a catalyst to pop out any emotion that is not of resonance with unconditional love. During the time from the activation of the Universal Love chakra, up until all the process is complete, you can experience the release/awareness of deep emotions such as fear, sadness, despair, pain, anger, powerlessness, and so forth. The Universal Love chakra is now active at the heart center for everyone. Updated 10/26/16.
Spiritual Communication Chakra – The color for the Spiritual Communication chakra is a silvery-blue, and it started out about 18 inches above the head. The Spiritual Communication chakra is where the Higher Self communicates with the spiritual realms and is where telepathy takes place. It can be considered the Throat chakra of the spiritual body. This is where beings in the world of Spirit transmit communications to one another. This chakra is now taking over for the Throat chakra in the body. This chakra is still in the merging process for some individuals: Forerunners, this is now complete. Second Wave, the Spiritual Communication and Throat chakra merging is already completed, the Lower Throat chakra is currently being absorbed. Everyone else, the Spiritual Communication chakra is at its destination, and will merge back together with the Throat (goes 1st) and Lower Throat chakras by May 2017. Updated 10/26/16.
Ultimate Being Chakra – The colors for the Ultimate Being chakra are gold and clear. The Ultimate Being chakra is where the connection with God/Source/Ultimate Being occurs. It can be considered to be the Crown chakra of the spiritual body, and is merging with the current Crown chakra. The Ultimate Being chakra starts out about 3 feet above the top of the head. It is quite a large chakra, having a radius of 18 inches. We experience the merging of the Ultimate Being chakra and the Crown chakra when the outside perimeter of the Ultimate Being chakra begins to touch the center of the Crown chakra. This chakra can also be called the God chakra, or Soul Star chakra; it is our connection to Oneness and All-That-Is. As the Crown and the Ultimate Being chakras merge, you will notice that your ability to tap into esoteric knowledge increases, or that you just seem to “know” something to be true. Eventually there will be no need to practice discernment in the same way, because you will be able to see both truth and un-truths for exactly what they are. Another benefit of the connection of these chakras is the facilitation of remote viewing, and bi-location. When you are connected to your Ultimate Being chakra, you can connect with the grid of time, space and the multiple dimensions of all Universes, should you choose to do so. This will be a learning process for you to re-learn the ancient esoteric practices once again. During the merging process you can have moments of extreme vertigo, spacey-ness, and feeling ungrounded. Forerunners have recently completed the transition to the Ultimate Being chakra. Second Wave is beginning to experience their merging at this time. Everyone else has not yet begun the descent of the Ultimate Being chakra, and will do so in 2017-2018. Before this last round can be completed, there will have to be the release of many hidden truths, otherwise this last group would not be ready for the change in reality that can come with this particular chakra merging. Updated 10/26/16.
Full Body Assimilation – After all of the new chakras are aligned and active, the whole body will experience an assimilation of the new energies. This feels like electrical pulses, vibrations in the body, heat/cold cycles and is also associated with a movement into even more heightened awareness/intuition. This is our upgraded chakra system coming online fully with the New Earth grid. You will know when you are completely upgraded, as you will experience the final activation, as described below. Forerunners are fully assimilated, and are currently experiencing their final activation. Second Wave will experience this in late 2017. Everyone else in late 2018. Updated 10/26/16
Final Activation – This is a electrical pingback that travels down from the Ultimate Being chakra into the Earth and back up the central meridian again. You will likely experience one or two “test” pingbacks before the final one. The pingback is an electrical surge down and then back up through the body. The successful pingback is quite effortless, whereas the test pingbacks can feel slightly uncomfortable. Once you have a successful pingback, you are all done! Think of this step as a big electrical switch being turned on. Forerunners are experiencing this now (92% completed by the time of this writing). Second Wave will experience this by late 2017. Everyone else by late 2018. Update 10/26/16
The timeline of the above steps are intimately tied in to our collective Ascension process. All that is needed for collective Ascension to take place is for the Heart chakra migration to be complete. That means that the Universal Love chakra will be active in everyone’s Heart center, the Heart chakra will have made it to the Root center, and we will have all completed the merging process in that location. This is our New Earth chakra system, and is setting our 3D Heart chakra as the new base chakra for our new reality. After everyone has completed those necessary parts to the chakra upgrade process, we will complete our shift. The other parts of the chakra upgrade process are able to be completed after the Event, known as Ascension. We have sped up the original timeline dramatically with our choices as a collective unit, and we can continue to do so. The more you connect with your own chakra system, and then visualize a smooth transition for all, using your own system as a mirror for all of humanity, you can help everyone in arriving at our destination just that much sooner. Positive timeline adjustments have been made to nearly every update to this page. With your positive focus and intention, we are almost there! Please share this page with those who you feel made benefit from this information. Thank you.