Learning to take the time for understanding our challenges and triumphs is a way to accept the new part of ourselves that is enfolding within us. The months of January, February, and now into March have taken us into a new dimension of acceptance. We have been pushed and prodded to be more than we should be. It has taken us into many levels of thoughts and emotions swirling within ourselves.
We now stand at the forefront of great changes once again. Sometimes we can be so involved with the issues at hand that we do not see the higher purpose of our challenges. This past trimester has taken us into new levels of “finding our core essence”. It does not matter how long you have been on the mastery pathway or even if you are still struggling in the muck and mire of your darkness being unawakened. This winter has taken us deeper than we ever wanted to travel into the core of our Heart Essence.
It seems that each time we go through a cycle such as we are experiencing presently, we think that we have seen it all happen. We all know that this is not so. The energies of GAIA are taking us deeper into ourselves as it pulls out the debris that no longer belongs within us. The peeling of the onion continues. We all know it can be very debilitating and may cause our energies to be in those lower places of darkness. This is when we really have to step up to the challenge and remind ourselves, “that is not me any longer.”
How do we do that when each of the cycles of this earth are hitting us deeply with the moon and the sun, the changes occurring on a planetary basis are painful to our bodies and our minds, and not to mention the electronic waves being created by the weather patterns in all areas of the world. Each of us is being affected dramatically by the conditions within GAIA whether it is rain, snow, wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes erupting, or even a plane disappearing through the ethers. This is all engineered to deeply affect and stop us from accelerating personally and globally as a planet towards the New Earth.
At this time, the energies are very dense everywhere so we are being affected greatly with our body, sleep patterns, emotions, and thoughts. The debris of energy is everywhere and it is important that as the initiates of Ascended Mastery that we stand up to the battle by increasing our light energies. It is the only thing that we can do. We must use our tools, our ability to stand within the light, and even at the darkest moments to stay above these lower frequencies.
When Will It End?
At this present time, we are in the deepest thick of the darkness. There are wars going on in the Galactic levels to make sure that GAIA receives her light frequency but it is very challenging right now. It is not for any of us to be into battle but just hold the light deeply and expand it out of ourselves to others, especially the ones that do not understand what they are going through presently.
On Sunday, March 16th, 2014 we will be experiencing another Full Moon cycle at 10:08 AM Pacific, 1:08 PM Eastern, and 17:08 GMT which is the Pisces/Virgo axis. This means to us that we are dealing with the tools and techniques of both the physical self trying to work with the spiritual self. It is teaching us about balance in our world between work and service, criticism with acceptance and how to incorporate the practical energies from our lower self to blend with the higher self. Yes, another crossroads to step into. Which way will you turn? That is a huge question and it depends upon what you have done through the last three months to help you remove the old self in order to accept the “new you” that is trying to become more active.
I believe that this Full Moon is going to take us deeper into what we have already been experiencing but on a more conscious level. It is so important to have your realizations become manifest within your consciousness, to look at how you live through your experiences in a balanced or unbalanced state. This means that your Emotional Self has just as much credibility in your life as your Mental Self. It is important to take this time to look at these aspects within the full moon as they are reflected in our experiences. Talk to each of your subtle bodies of your emotions and thoughts so that they can come to an understanding within your physical existence. Allow your intuition guide you and accept the changes that your inner thoughts are trying to convey. They must work together cohesively so that there can be a unanimous moment of creation. It is time for each of us to fully express who we are on all levels within us.
Walking Terra Christa is having a ceremony for the full moon on Saturday, March 15th at 10 AM Pacific. Details can be accessed via our website, http://walkingterrachrista.com/tele-calls/.
The Full Moon is going to prepare us for the Spring Equinox, March 20th, 2014, 16:57 UTC, 9:57 AM Pacific. It is at this time that we are going to move into more light waves upon the planet. This equinox is going to be just as powerful as December 21, 2012. It is one of the major reasons that we are experiencing the density of darkness within the planet presently. It will be a very powerful time for each of us, as we now step more fully into our awakened essence. Walking Terra Christa will be having a ceremony for this event on Wednesday, March 19th at 5 PM Pacific. It will be open to all individuals. Please register on our site, Telecalls, http://walkingterrachrista.com/tele-calls/, to receive the conference information. Additionally, we will be posting a message from the Unified Whole Command on what this equinox is going to represent.
So it is essentially important to stay above the lower energies* that are trying to stop us from accelerating. We have to remember that if they were not trying, then we would not be as successful as we have been. Continue with your tools, your breathing of the Rays of God, sending them to GAIA, and expanding your essence beyond your physical mind for others to receive.
In Expressions of Oneness,
~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee
*Read more about the current March energies in the New Earth Frequency Update.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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