For what you have done has propelled you further and further from the human you once was, and taken you across the border and into tomorrow with such a powerful sweep, you have blown away anything that might have been standing in your way. Not only that, you have also managed to pry open every last remaining door within you, so that you are standing before a vast and incredible library of knowledge that now stand there ready to be taken into full use. For now, you are truly the brand new humans, the humans that act as a vast repository for knowledge, a knowledge that will be utilized to rectify whatever it is in your surroundings that do not vibrate at the elevated frequency that you are all doing now.
Again, this whole operation is a resounding success indeed, but as usual it will take time before you start to see the full scope of the majestic work you have completed during the last 24 hours. For what you did during that time, cannot be likened to anything you know from before, and now, you will all be asked to step forward and enter those rooms that you have made accessible by that impressive show of light force that you all ingested.
And as you start to explore, you will find that you are truly filled with wonders within, and when you find these treasures, you will also know why you are here. For up until now, so much of what you have done have been in preparation for this. You have been priming your physical body for this huge lift in energetic vibration, and you have been preparing yourself for the task that is at hand. And now, that task will start to make itself known to each and every one of you. And as you start to access that vast repository of knowledge within, it will not happen accidentally. For you will each and every one be guided to the right “book” on the right “shelf” and you will be pointed in the direction of the right “page”. In other words, you will be taken along a route that leads you to the information you will need in order to solve the task that you came here to do, and you will also find yourself guided towards persons or indeed places that will enable you to fulfill this task. So now, you have all entered a brand new gravitational field and it will gently but firmly guide you ever onwards and forwards to your dream destination. / link to original article