You have by now been exposed to these brand new energetic frequencies for a short time period only, but already, you are all showing signs of the deep change that has taken place. For some of you, this is also becoming apparent in numerous sorts of ways, while for others, the deep changes have yet to become noticeable to the outermost layers of your being.
Let us explain. As you are already aware, the totality of your being is indeed an incredibly complex one, and even if a small minority of you have already been able to reconnect to every single layer of you, for most of you, this process will take a little longer. Again, this is not any kind of race or competition or any proof of ability or prowess, it is simply a sign of the different roles you are playing in this huge and complex process. For you are all exactly where you are meant to be, and for some, this will entail accessing their full repository of knowledge earlier than most, while for others, it means that they will be guided in a slightly different way.
Again, nothing will be left to chance here, so the work that is carried out by every single individual involved in this whole turnaround process cannot be eliminated or replaced by anyone else, simply for the fact that you all carry your own unique programming specifically tuned to fill that one designated slot in this huge orchestra. So just as a violinist cannot exchange places with a percussionist, no matter how skilled a musician he or she is, none of you can simply decide to switch places with any given person involved in this huge galactic orchestra at any time. And so, we urge you once again not to compare notes in the wrong kind of way, as in comparing your “success” or seeming lack thereof with others. For you are all a success story in every sense of the word, but as you all move forwards, you do so at a specified pace and in a very specific direction, unlike that of anyone else’s. This does not mean that your path will not correspond with that of someone else’s from time to time, but when it does, it does so because it is meant to be so. So when you find yourself seemingly diverting from the general direction that others are taking, it does not necessarily mean that you are moving in the wrong direction, that you are stalling or falling behind. That is, as long as you know deep within that you are following your own inner guidance.
For as we have told you earlier, you are the one with the hand on the wheel and the foot on the pedal, and so, if you choose to disregard the signals your higher self is sending you continuously now, you might be apt to get entangled in a cul-de-sac somewhere. But this is something else entirely, and we are certain that you will all know the difference between honoring your own path and going against your own inner knowing. Be that as it may, at this stage of the proceedings, many of you will find yourself abruptly turning down one for you perhaps surprising side street, at least compared to the choices others around you are making. And we would not be surprised if many of you will find that this seemingly quiet, unassuming street suddenly turns out to be an expressway towards a very intriguing destination, one that you did not even know you had a desire to visit.
In other words, this has turned into av very different “ballgame” now, to use a phrase many of you are familiar with. For now, the force fields within you all and indeed the totality of the gravitational field that encompasses not only you, but this whole planet, has changed to such a degree, there are many, many new opportunities coming into being even as we speak. For now, there are brand new carriageways opened, roads that have been untraveled for eons, but now lie there beckoning you to come and take a look. And all of these new roads or highways and byways if you will lead up to some very, very interesting conjunctions, places of interest, but not simply for the views. In other words, you will all be lead down brand new roads taking you to gateways that have once again been declared for open and accessible for all. That is, as long as you choose to take these new and for you extremely unfamiliar roads.
For there are no signs pointing you in the direction of these new and untraveled roads, or rather, there are clear signs to follow, but they are not marked as distinctly and in the same manner that the more “normal” life paths are staked out. So now, you will be asked to search deep and to listen even more intently, and we would also like to remind you not to dismiss anything that does not ring a bell as it were at first sight. In other words, you must muster the will to stay open and inquisitive, and to be willing to heed some signals that may seem indistinct or unfamiliar at first. For many of the old and more traveled upon paths are still there, beckoning those of you more inclined to choose the known over the unknown, and as such, it behooves you all not to simply walk ahead without even taking the time to look around you intently before you decide upon the next step. For over there, obscured by some kind of superficial conundrum, might lie an important passage that will speed up your own journey exponentially, and so, this is indeed a time for evaluation, reassessment and clarity.
And why are these important pathways so hidden, we hear you ask. The answer is simply this: they are not hidden, but as you have yet to get accustomed to taking in the totality of your surroundings through the senses not encompassed simply within the scope of a human mind, you are still very much apt to overlook what will become more obvious as you train yourself to become fully awakened. For this is what this is all about, awakening the dormant senses, the ones that have been there all along, but has become neglected as a result of the reprogramming that you all have suffered, the reprogramming that was done in order to make you all feel so much smaller and less incredible than what you truly are. So again we will use the parable of the unused muscle, and so you need to start to train those still half dormant muscles. For just like in a physical body, your natural instinct will be to favor those muscles already working at full capacity, and so, if you do not consciously choose to engage those still rather feeble feeling and untrained parts of your being, you will literally miss out on information that could help you to speed up your own progress.
So again we say, help yourself to fully awaken by not giving in to the temptation to simply step forwards without even taking the time to sit down and survey your surroundings in every direction. And when we say every direction, we are not simply referring to a 360 degree sweep around the horizon. We are also referring to the other directions, as in up and down and most of all, inwards. For you are truly multidimensional beings, but as yet, you have very little training in existing as such, and so, without making an effort, you will continue to exists on a singular level like you always have. And that is why we say it is incredibly important that you take the time to acknowledge the fact that now, everything has indeed become much more complex. And do not let that tempt you into thinking it will be too much and therefore it is better if you close your eyes to it. For this time, the one thing you would want to do, is to finally open your eyes for real. For if you do, you will see behind this thin and simple minded illusion you have been staring upon for all of your lives, and when you do open your eyes in every sense – and with every sense you do have, not just the ones that are defined within the boundaries of a human existence – then and only then will you be able to truly live at your full potential.
For you are all set up with an incredible array of abilities, but as yet, they lie there undiscovered, like long forgotten treasures in a deep closet. But now, that door has been flung open, but if you continue onwards thinking you can find this treasure by simply being the same old you, you will most probably walk right past that door without you even noticing it is there. For remember, we cannot force you to find your own hidden treasure, we can simply do what we have always done, remind you of its existence. But if you allow yourself to become a seeker and an explorer in every sense of the word, that is, constantly pushing yourself beyond what you already think you know, then you will certainly find yourself staring in awe at the treasures lying before you. And then, you will know that you did what you came here to do. For you have come to rediscover the wonders that are YOU, and even if you have all already found much joy in discovering the truths that lies beyond the old versions of you, there is still so much more to find.
So do not let this chance pass you by, as you are all set and ready to become truly complete for the very first time ever at the earliest of opportunity. But if you disregard the call from within to search for that more elusive road, you might fall for the temptation to rush ahead down the first well trodden pathway you can find. But that does not take you in the right direction, for what you seek, lies a little bit more hidden than that. After all, it is for you to find, not for someone else to simply stumble across on any given day.
So again we say, go and seek, and ye shall find. And yes, it might bring you some frustrations along the way, for it is not certain that the first opportunity you meet is the one and only way to go. We know this will cause more than a little irritation in some, for you can already sense that you are tantalizingly close to discovering this seemingly elusive treasure trove, but we do hope you will find some consolation in the knowledge that this impatience you do feel, is indeed a certain sign that you are fully committed to the task. And so, what you do, will certainly serve to make you not give in to simply tagging along with anyone else without making those all important personal choices you must make to find YOU.