Many of the so called “older generation ” continue to hold
themselves back through the belief that there are no better ways of
doing things than their life experiences have taught them. They have
become comfortable in routine, refusing to even contemplate other ways
of seeing the world and are missing opportunities to spiritually grow.
Allowing oneself to contemplate new ideas does not mean living lives
without joy or fun in work and activity, nor does it mean that your
current way of doing and seeing either globally or personally is wrong
and has to change. Being open simply means a willingness to let go of
resistance and not being so locked into what is known and familiar that
any change is impossible.
Arcturian Group wishes to speak about energy. Energy is the
essence of all things, for it is Divine Consciousness and the substance
of all form . Energy in its purest, is white Light and is interpreted
according to the consciousness of each individual. The halo of light
seen around saints and masters is simply their energy field, so filled
with pure light that many can see it.
Energy, being Omnipresent Consciousness can never be lost, and only
changes form. You are aware of and experiencing energy at all times,
but are not always aware of what you are feeling. You may sense a
heaviness in places like old battlefields that still hold the vibration
of fear and suffering. Bars often carry a very heavy third dimensional
energy which can be felt immediately. Most have experienced the peace
and lightness of a cathedral or simple country church where the prayers
of many throughout time have created almost a “presence” of light
energy. The healing energy of nature in an undeveloped forest or beside
a flowing stream is felt by almost everyone and is the reason these
powerful and sacred places need to be protected.
All humans experience energy but do not always understand what it
is they are feeling. Channels often say; “The energy is not yet in
place.” for this or that to happen. This means that the level and
alignment of energy needed to bring a particular event into
manifestation has not yet been reached. All living things feel energy
and interpret on the level of their state of consciousness.
Scientists will most often interpret it as physical, psychiatrists as
emotional, and intellectuals as ideas and brain power…these are
interpretations based on their states of consciousness–their belief
system. Animals are very receptive to energy and easily sense and
respond to the fear, anger, love, or whatever that is being projected
by others…human or animal.
Color and the sacred Rays, are facets of Source energy, pure Light
each carrying unique vibrational qualities but still in and of Light.
As evolution moves to ever deepening levels, new colors never before
seen will manifest. Every aura has varying colors representing of the
energy of the individual. This is why individuals are drawn to or look
best in certain colors, and this is why purple is considered a royal
color (the perfect blending of red-physical and blue-mental). Ancient
healing temples (and some healers now) used color therapy to adjust
vibrational frequencies.
Make use of the Violet flame (seventh ray) as taught by Adamus/St.
Germain for it is the vibrational energy of transmutation. Flood
yourselves with it and flow it to the world and others if guided
(without attaching any purpose or goal). Use this tool often in your
meditation and inner work as the violet flame transmutes denser
energies into the lighter, dissolving all that has no law to support
it. All energy is Light, but its frequencies are lowered through the
thoughts and beliefs of the un-evolved third dimensional consciousness
thus moving it into slower, denser vibration…Light vs dark–duality.
The human eye is as of yet unable to perceive the lighter faster
frequencies and this is why most do not see their Guides or those in
light bodies and believe that the material/physical is all there is.
This will change.
Because of ONEness, each vibrational level draws to itself
similar…ideas and people of like frequency. This is what makes
relationships work… not looks, money, status, or anything else the world
may believe. Relationships are built within a somewhat same level of
resonance. This is why many are drawn to those of Light, they are
seeking their own Light but don’t know that it is within and so look
outside to others.
At this powerful time of change the vibrational frequencies of your
physical, emotional, and mental bodies are becoming lighter which is
why many are having physical symptoms requiring the need to lay down
and rest. The releasing of old dense energies stored through lifetimes
in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies takes a lot of basic
physical energy, leaving many exhausted for no apparent reason. Trust
the process, rest when you need it, and drink lots of clean water. This
process will complete at some point following the clearings,
integration of lighter energies, and the DNA activations you are ready
Energy is all these things, and MORE, much MORE. Energy is the
vibrational frequency expression of the Divine, and as you evolve ever
more deeply into truth, your personal energy field will become lighter
and brighter, more representative of the reality of your true essence.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/30/14