Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.
And dear ones, you are no doubt feeling an expansion, a stillness within your expansion, and a sweet knowing of your True Essence is creeping in and taking firm hold more than ever. My Love for you is immense and I see that your Love for yourselves is becoming deeper and more entrenched. That is wonderful, my dear ones. You are arriving at your greater knowing of yourselves. You are feeling a greater knowing of yourselves, and thus an expansion out into the depths of eternity as you breathe in your Divinity and prepare yourselves even further for your holding of the Christ Consciousness now and forever more within you and extending outwards.
What a beautiful sight and spectacle. I cannot tell you adequately how beautiful you all are, in your expanded state of Christ Light, in your beautiful crystalline bodies, emanating and sparkling in divine glory. Keep breathing it into your cells and your whole physical being and your whole essence. Feel the lightness and the quintessence of your Being: It is Love. It is Divine. It is Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. Know this. And keep expanding on it. Keep spreading it out. Keep BEing this beautiful specimen of the Divine.
Expand your boundaries now. Feel the Golden Light expanding out from within your Divine Heart Center and outwards. Rest within it and radiate within it and allow it to expand out, always. Not just in your meditations, but always. This is You now. This is the Real You. Feel the warmth of the Golden Light radiating within you and without you, always allowing an increase in volume and magnitude.
Get used to walking around in this state. Make it feel like Home. Make it feel comfortable and natural as you experience it more and more as your natural state of Being. What you answer to is this Golden Light of Love and it rules everything you do and say. Get used to it. Feel it, enjoy it, float within it; float amongst it, while grounding into Gaia with it always.
You are my precious ones, my precious forerunners – those that lead the way. You have no precedent -You ARE the precedent. How gloriously courageous you are. How gloriously brave you are. How gloriously Divine you are. We thank you with all our hearts, we of the Celestial and Galactic Realm. You are spreading your Divine Love wherever you are; you cannot help it now. And what an impact you are making on the World.
We Love you. We cherish you. We honor you. We thank you. Please continue, dear ones… you have come so far and by no doubt are feeling it now. You are much more comfortable now in the stillness, in holding your Light for all, and in spreading your Divine Love and Light out globally, universally, and multiversal-ly. We cherish you for this.
You may be noticing now that the Love you give yourselves is the Love you give to others is the Love you give to yourselves, and on and on infinitely, building to a sweet crescendo of sustaining Love Essence in, for, and all. The frequency you have attained is so high now that it may leave you a little light-headed; but at the same time, you are acclimating to it so much more quickly, as you climb the stairs to your greater Divinity, your whole Divinity, your Whole Selves.
You are becoming one with your Higher Self and your Monad and your I AM Presence, and with Source. Doesn’t it feel expansive and wonderful? What you have been aiming for is happening with greater frequency and certainty, and establishing a new timeline of BEing for many of you. And you have set the stage for millions to follow. Honor that, take that in, and continue on without stepping in your way by trying to gage it or figure it out. Allow it to happen. Breathe it in and BE.
So, my sweet ones, enjoy the altitude of this new step into your Divinity and as soon as it feels comfortable, you are set for even more expansion. You are the World. You Are the Universe. You are the Multiverse. You are Source. Feel it and Believe it. Get used to it. Enjoy it.
I bid you farewell in terms of this message now, but I leave you not, really, for I am always just a breath away.
Mother Mary
A Special THANK YOU to Christine Burk for the image on this post ♥
©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.