In this time of heightened awareness, we’re
encouraged to use discernment with everything we learn. We’re being
inundated with information from the higher dimensions about spirit, our
evolution, and the fall of the planetary elite, and it goes without
saying that there are forces out there who are bent on using
disinformation to cause confusion.
The planetary elite attempt to misinform
the awakening humanity in myriad ways, and this is why we’re encouraged
to be discerning. Only we can truly determine what helps us along our
journey, and if something resonates in our heart of hearts, we can
discern it as genuinely helpful.
What works for one might not work for
another, and ultimately, we’re the only ones who can decide what
resonates with us and what doesn’t. As long as we make it a point not to
accept anything we’re given at face value, we’ll benefit from the
genuine spiritual information that’s intended to help us learn and grow.
Discernment is a very simple thing, and we
need only to use the open heart space to determine what works best for
us and our growth. With the gift of discernment, our endless drive to
understand the truth will lead us to the right tools that’ll teach us
everything we’re meant to learn.
Here, I’d like to draw on what’s been said
from our channeled sources about the importance of discernment when
reading or absorbing anything. Our guides have discussed a lot of
important subjects with us, and discernment is obviously important
enough for them to speak about.
Especially when it comes to channeled
material, we’re encouraged to question the insights we’re given before
we automatically accept them. Our guides, who encourage discernment,
wouldn’t want us to follow their messages without questioning the
insights they contain.
First, Archangel Metatron through channel Natalie Glasson tells us about the discernment-raising effect seeking truth has on us.
“Seeking truth
can ask you to question yourself, your beliefs and your understanding.
Seeking truth asks you to be discerning and to clear yourself of false
beliefs while raising your energy vibration so that you are open and
awake to new inspirations and insights that fill you with love and
“Seeking truth
asks you to familiarise yourself with your own energies and your thought
processes so that you may pin point from where within your being your
truth is unfolding.” (1)
When we start seeking truth, we act on the
inner-drive to learn things we would’ve previously scoffed at. We’re
encouraged to keep our minds and hearts open when we learn anything new,
but we’re also encouraged to filter the truth from the unhelpful
Again, what seems like misinformation to
one seeker might be very helpful to another, because we’re blessed with
the gift of individual discernment. Certain information doesn’t have to
resonate with you for it to resonate with someone else, and in time, all
of humanity will learn the importance of respecting each other’s
interpretations of the truth.
Don’t get me wrong – there is all-out
disinformation out there, the only aim of which is to confuse and twist
things around, and for this reason, we should be vigilant. However, I
think there are far more genuine sources of spiritual and alternative
news than sources that aim to deceive. We’ve come a long way, even if we
don’t realize it.
We’re then told about the ego-driven mechanisms that can cloud our perspective when we initially become aware.
“If when you
access your truth or inspiration within you the ego activates and
egotistical reactions occur then you know that you have not yet
stimulated your inner truth.
reactions can be the feeling of wishing to prove another wrong,
manipulation, your power being enhanced while taking away the power of
others. Even sadness, negativity, lack, bullying, judgement and fear are
aspects of the ego which can cloud the truth or divine inspiration from
unfolding within your being.” (2)
The ego will try very hard to stop us from
becoming aware, but we can see beyond its programming and into the light
of a much less distorted perception as we discern its lower emotions
from the progressive ones that’ll lead us onward.
Emotions can either work for or against our
development. If we let it, the ego will use negative emotions to keep
us trapped in the lower state of consciousness that helps it thrive, but
we can transcend lower emotion in the name of the higher emotion we
have the opportunity to feel.
As we’re told below, our growing awareness will help us discern when we’re feeding into a negative state of consciousness.
“The more that
you become familiar with the way that you act and react in your daily
life the more you will notice when you are speaking, thinking or feeling
an illusion and when the truth is emerging from within your being. You
may see that seeking to realise your own inner truth which could also be
described as your intuition or the voice of the Creator is a powerful
process of learning and growth.” (3)
It’s a powerful process indeed, and from
what I’ve experienced so far, it seems like one that ferociously wakes
us up out of our deeply rooted slumbers. We become aware of everything
we do, think and say from a higher perspective, and we’re very easily
able to tell when we aren’t feeding into the higher state of
consciousness we want to experience.
Heart-centered discernment doesn’t just
help us confirm the validity of the things we learn – it also helps us
understand when we aren’t living up to our potential.
Continued in Part 2 tomorrow.
- “Archangel Metatron: The Sweetness of Life,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, October 24, 2013 at
- Loc. cit.
- Loc. cit.