martes, julio 23, 2013

Use your energies – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 22, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you can also use your energies beneficially on another way. You can for instance disintegrate a traffic jam. Visualize the accumulation in the oversight and then send your energy, your light, from your heart to there. See how the pile-up disintegrates now and the vehicles move again or move more fluid. You can convert this also to other fields. Use so your energy, your light, beneficially for your own and for the welfare of others. To act against your welfare and that of others brings only negative karma that you have to dissolve again then. As always, when you work with your energy, you must not doubt, but work in the knowledge that it will happen, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Overhaul of Vatican Bank Gathers Pace as Forensic Accountants Start Digging - July 22, 2013

A dedicated group of around 15 experts from the company have moved into the bank's headquarters, a medieval tower within the tiny sovereign state. Photo: APA dedicated group of around 15 experts from the company have moved into the bank’s headquarters, a medieval tower within the tiny sovereign state. Photo: AP
By Nick Squires, Rome, The Telegraph, UK  – July 21, 2013
Investigators are systematically combing through the 19,000 accounts held by the Vatican’s bank in search of money laundering and other crimes, in a long-delayed attempt to clean up the reputation of the tarnished institution.
The campaign to bring more transparency and accountability to the bank started under Benedict XVI, but has dramatically picked up momentum under Pope Francis since his election in March.

Archangel Gabriel - Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Love Known as Sincerity July 22, 2013

angel_as_being_of_light.jpgArchangel Gabriel: The Quality of Love Known as Sincerity, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, July 18, 2013 at:
Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as sincerity. This quality comes from deep within the heart of each soul and is like a pure, shining light that radiates outward.
When one speaks with sincerity, it is immediately felt in the heart space as truth in the one who listens. This quality when manifesting within an individual is one to whom others respond to in a positive manner. They know that this one can be trusted and that they are honest and truthful. Whatever an individual says and does, it is this quality which gives it the radiance of light.

Wes Annac - Astral Travels: Blessing Life-Threatning Illnesses July 22, 2013

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which we’re offering for $11.11 a month. The option to subscribe, which doesn’t need to be included in reposts (nor does this note), will be given below.
Thanks to my dear friends at Spirit Train Chronicles for the photo.
This week, we’re going to travel to our fifth dimensional New Earth and bless representations of people who are conflicted with serious and terminal illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS.
Last week, we blessed people afflicted with silent illnesses such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc. and for this week’s exercise, I thought it appropriate for us to expand-upon blessing this specific aspect of the illness prevalent in our collective consciousness.

Dana Mrkich – Full Moon (And Age) Of Aquarius – 22 July 2013

DanaMrkichFull Moon (and Age) of Aquarius
Mercury went Direct yesterday, and there’s a Full Moon on powerful 0 Degrees Aquarius tonight so there are a lot of decisions being made after previous to-ing and fro-ing, conversations happening after recent halts to communication and clarity emerging out of cloudy confusion.
The Full Moon is making this particular Mercury direct more emotional than most, so your heart and feelings (or someone else’s) will be taking a leading role in your decisions, conversations and clarity. 
This can manifest in several ways: finally listening to your feelings despite rational logic or fear telling you to do otherwise, making a tough choice that may upset others but is necessary for your emotional wellbeing, having closure on some matter that may cause equal amounts of sadness and relief, moving forward with a long delayed goal/dream/intention.
You may be on the receiving end of someone else’s need to be true to themselves, which for you doesn’t feel good but if you can see it from their perspective everyone right now is needing to do what they need to do.
Aquarius at this time, as an era as well as a Full Moon, speaks to us of the importance of being who we really are and doing what we came here to do, even if it makes us stand out as unusual, or is unconventional, untried or untested. When we are committed to really following our authentic heart and soul path, it benefits everyone in the long term (and on a higher level), even though it can be challenging in the short-term (and on the surface).
How are you all feeling?
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013 /link to original article

Twin Earthquakes Hit China’s Gansu Province - July 22, 2013

Gansu Prvince, ChinaPhoto: Gansu Province, China
Stephen Cook: Interestingly, this area of China is the country’s least densely-populated region.

Twin Earthquakes Kill at Least 47 in Gansu Province, China

Staff Writers, – July 22, 2013
TWO strong earthquakes have devastated parts of western China, killing at least 47 people and injuring 296 with villages cut off from contact.
The US Geological Survey measured the magnitude of the initial quake as 5.9 and the second at 5.6-magnitude in Gansu province. The Chinese government measured the first quake at 6.6 magnitude.
An estimated 380 buildings have collapsed and 5,600 more have been damaged in Zhang county, the Dingxi government said, Sina Weibo reported.
Eight towns in remote, mountainous areas have been seriously damaged in the earthquake and subsequent flooding and mudslides, Xinhua News Agency reported.
Power outages and communications were cut off in 13 towns in Zhangxian county, Xinhua said.
The Lanzhou military region has dispatched 1000 soldiers with Gansu Military police sending 500 troops to assist in rescue efforts, Phoenix News reported.
Rescuers are battling to reach survivors in remote areas.
The quake hit near the city of Dingxi in Gansu province, a region of mountains, desert and pastureland with a population of 26 million. It is one of China’s more lightly populated provinces, although the Dingxi area has a greater concentration of farms and towns with a total population of about 2.7 million.
Pictures broadcast on state television showed rural villages with rubble-strewn streets and houses crumbled. Locals in Minxian county in Gansu province, said they saw trees and homes shaking, with the quake lasting for about one minute.
Earlier, an official surnamed He from Minxian, said there were 19 dead and more than 200 injured in seven townships severely hit by the quakes. The Chinese government measured the first earthquake at 6.6 magnitude
The quake hit near the city of Dingxi in Gansu province, a region of mountains, desert and pastureland with a population of 26 million. That makes it one of China’s more lightly populated provinces, although the Dingxi area has a greater concentration of farms and towns with a total population of about 2.7 million.
Deaths were also reported in Min County in the rural southern part of Dingxi municipality, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Aurelio Mejia, interesante extraterrestre de Orión, habló y cantó en su idioma, explica levitación

The Hollow Earth - Video Presentation by Jan Lamprecht

Jahn J Kassl - Jesus Sananda - Prisoners of the Matrix – Part I - July 23, 2013 Sananda
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 18, 2013
first published in English on July 23, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Given on 18 July 2013
Loved ones,
We are very close to the time of the last truth. And the ultimate truth is described as the one that is revealed to you as the true nature of things. Why there was and still is this dynamics in the process of ascension and descent of the worlds? How is everything interrelated, where are the lines of connection, and how are these dissolved? Why were and are always changes and shifts, what is it that holds together the worlds and how comes that the waiting for redemption for those, who are ready indeed, seems so infinitely long?
Yes, now we shall give answer, for verily: The final truth shall be revealed, when man and the world are ready to abandon traditional ways and find new, previously unknown paths. The End of Time, end of the game, the end of this world and the beginning of a new reality in God. You are ready. In eternity.
Jesus Sananda

Karen Doonan: ELOHIM Message to Humanity – 22 July 2013 ones we are the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time upon and within planet earth, for the new earth frequencies are now taking hold both within the energy signature of mother earth and her children in their human form. We call out to ALL at this time, we ask for patience and we ask for BALANCE, for BALANCE dear ones is the key to the new earth frequencies in TRUTH. At times in your linear waking world it may seem as if all is chaos and yet within the illusion of chaos is TRUTH. We ask for you to go within, to find that space within the heart and to rest and to regain the strength that resides at SOUL level. For many of you are now preparing to enter the new world and meet with new races in the NEW GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND.

lunes, julio 22, 2013

Méline Lafont ~ My Higher Self of Source: Elohim of Light ~ Source and Descending July 21, 2013

With the most benevolent greetings of Love, the most deepest compassion of caring and the most loving intent, I address you now all with a message coming from the Source of this Being and from this individual part of Myself.
Let’s start with the beginning of Source, the birth of your descent and of your soul. For all that is you, all that is part of You s also part of the Source of All That Is.  As you have chosen to take on forms of  Lightbeings and Presences of Light, you have chosen to incarnate in Elohim, in Archangels, in Masters, in Angels, in Galactics and in Humans.  Much more is upon the incarnation plan and the taking on of forms, but for now it is best to be talking about your current choices in order to understand and grasp this in the best way possible.

Dolores Cannon - The Time Has Come

Jesus: Failure is Neither an Option nor a Possibility - July 22, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman
These final moments before your awakening are extremely trying and tiring for you because it seems that you have been waiting for eons – and in a way you have – even though it has been but a moment, and yet the waiting continues!  We, your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms, are with you to assist in assuaging your doubts and anxieties and to raise your spirits.
And to remind you, as you truly do know, that the divine plan – in which each of you has an essential part to play, an essential duty to perform that no one else can do instead of you – is perfectly on schedule for the unfoldment of humanity’s grand and illustrious awakening.  Keep carrying your Light enthusiastically on high for all to see, because doing so not only uplifts and encourages others, but it also strengthens your own faith, your own deep inner knowing that all is as it should be – because that is God’s Will.

Jennifer Hoffman – Surviving Our Children – 22 July 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225As a mother and parent, there are few things I can think of that would be more heartbreaking than the loss of a child and yet so many parents today are experiencing that. Bright, talented, loving, kind children are declaring their journey to be over and are deciding to join us from another plane. Why does it have to be like this? Can’t they choose to stay instead of breaking the hearts of their parents and families? While this is what we think, there are so many other reasons why this is happening, and happening now, and even when they pass on, our connection with them continues.

domingo, julio 21, 2013

Asking Questions With The Arcturians Part 1

Magatha de Agharta – La Ascensión Global y la integración que les espera a todos - Méline Lafont -13-07-13

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Saludos, amados hermanos de la Tierra. Los Aghartianos están de nuevo viniendo delante con el mensaje más amoroso. Una vez más tenemos muchas noticias qué compartir.

Después de nuestro último mensaje enviado a través de éste canal describiendo algunas de las Civilizaciones Galácticas de la Luz, muchos apuros en los procesos de Ascensión personal han tomado lugar en su realidad terrestre.
Más específicamente, muchas almas han comenzado el proceso de contactar su Ser Superior de una forma más profunda y se han conectado con incontables civilizaciones de la luz ya que nosotros somos Uno.
Un número de amorosos seres Galácticos de la luz ya han comenzado con la integración de su Ser con ellos y viceversa ya que la conjunción de nuestra consciencia con la suya de la forma más consciente se está llevando a cabo.
La humanidad ha evolucionado adelante y está más abierta a la integración de nuestro Ser con el suyo.

HILARIÓN – Los Coros Celestiales están cantando alabanzas a la humanidad - 14 al 21-07-2013 - Marlene Swetlishoff

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14 al 21-07-2013

Los Coros Celestiales están cantando alabanzas a la humanidad por el papel que está desempeñando en el plan cósmico desplegándose ahora.

Queridos míos: A medida que las oleadas de Luz continúan lloviendo sobre todo el planeta, todos los rincones ocultos del mundo que florecían en secreto y en negatividad están siendo ahora expuestos a la luz de la verdad.
Cada cosa expuesta ayuda a elevar los velos de la ilusión de la conciencia de la humanidad.
La Tierra continúa su incesante limpieza y despeje, preparándose a sí misma para la ascensión.
El ritmo de esta limpiza aumentará en intensidad. Quienes permanezcan dormidos e inconscientes de que está sucediendo un cambio todo a su alrededor recibirán otro ‘empujoncito’ para despertarlos de su sueño.
Las revelaciones que están surgiendo están derrumbando todas las ilusiones, y la humanidad se encuentra al borde de una encrucijada.
El poder de los pueblos está muy en evidencia en todo el mundo, y se volverá una fuerza aún mayor que antes.
Cada ser elegirá si desea continuar en la senda que se está disolviendo ante sus mismos ojos o si desea abrazar una manera mejor y más amorosa.


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Si vuestro objetivo es mismo ser felices, entonces por qué viven vuestras vidas corriendo detrás de otras cosas? Por qué precisan?

No, porque aún no aprendieron que cuando se es feliz verdaderamente se vibra en un patrón bien elevado y todas las cosas que ustedes necesitan o juzgan necesitar irán a ocurrir detrás de ustedes.
Ustedes caen en contradicción en relación a ser felices, dicen muchas veces que ser feliz es cuando tienen esto, o aquello, y cuando se tienen posesiones, dinero, fama, éxito!
Y los observamos muchas veces teniendo todo esto y prosiguiendo en la infelicidad, también muchas veces los observamos tomando un simple helado en un día de sol e invadidos por una sensación enorme de bienestar!
Y aún así, ustedes no perciben que el Estado de ser felices, viene de adentro hacia afuera, viene de vuestra naturaleza y de vuestra elección de ser felices!


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Mis Amados, YO SOY el Arcángel Sandalphon!

1. Cerca de Mil años han pasado dese que encarné por primera vez en un cuerpo humano en esta Tierra.
Esto sucedió con una buena consideración reflejada sobre los tiempos por venir los cuales serían un gran desafío para la Humanidad.
No obstante, existo simultáneamente como el Arcángel etérico en la corriente del Fuego y la Luz, quien es el que distribuye este mensaje a esta escriba.
Y así, desde mi punto de vista, ya que vivo en las dimensiones más elevadas como un sirviente directo de Dios y Su Extensión como Humanidad, el tiempo no tiene significado para mí.
Así que por favor entiendan “la ventana de tiempo de Mil años” como una descripción que les permite imaginarse el cuidado atemporal del sufrimiento y los desafíos de la Humanidad que se están experimentando ahora en la Tierra como si nunca hubiesen existido antes en su larga historia.

SaluSa - Estamos con ustedes todo el tiempo y queremos ayudar…- MADAD - 16-07-2013

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Estamos con ustedes todo el tiempo y queremos ayudar en todo lo que podamos, sin interferir con su libre albedrío. Acepten todo como es y muy pronto descubrirán que ha sido cambiado.

Estamos aquí para ayudarles y si eso es lo que desean, sin duda, estarán conscientes de nuestra energía de amor y alegría que estamos compartiendo con mucho gusto con ustedes.
No hay límites para el amor y la luz y una vez que hayan decidido qué camino tomar y seguir su plan de vida, nada se interpone en el camino para que sean expresadas en toda su potencia.
La mayoría de ustedes vinieron a la Tierra para aprender estas lecciones de la mejor manera para ustedes y ahora es el momento de realmente entender y aceptar todo lo que queda por aprender.
Cuanto más pronto sigan su guía interna sobre esto, más pronto serán libres de sentir y vivir la vida alegre y feliz que todos ustedes han planeado, ya que como se dice “primero es lo primero” tan pronto esto puede suceder, como en todos los reinos superiores es la dicha y la felicidad y lo que necesita para que ustedes acepten este tipo de vida sin ningún pensamiento de desvalorización de sí mismo y sentimientos de que son menos de lo que realmente son – los maravillosos seres de Luz y creados del amor del Creador.

Arcángel Gabriel – La Cualidad del Amor Conocida Como La Constructividad/Ser Constructivo - Marlene Swetlishoff - 04-07-2013

angel as being of light dos
  Queridos míos: Deseo hablarles sobre la cualidad del Amor conocida como la ‘constructividad’/ser constructivo. 

Esta cualidad aparece en las acciones y reacciones de la humanidad cuando el mundo a su entorno parece estar fuera de control.
Esta cualidad trae el orden de regreso a aquello que parece ser caótico y que es de una naturaleza positiva.
Cuando las cosas salen mal, esta cualidad regresa una situación a una perspectiva mejoradora de la vida.
Todo lo que sucede en el mundo en estos tiempos es de naturaleza dualística y siempre debe tomarse una elección.
La cualidad de la ‘constructividad’ en alguien siempre elige aquello que mantendrá a una persona o personas conectada/s con su Dios Fuente, y por lo tanto, con la senda del Amor, sin dañar a nadie y en paz.

Cierran las instalaciones de HAARP en Alaska/Todo listo para el gigantesco cambio político en el Planeta

071613h dos
Si bien es cierto que existen otras 25 instalaciones similares repartidas en el mundo, la noticia de que el sistema de antenas HAARP de Alaska cerró el pasado mes de mayo no deja de ser una excelente novedad.
Y lo es por lo que significa: aunque se cuenta que se ha cerrado por causas medioambientales, el hecho de que fueran los militares (fuerza aérea y naval) quienes lo gestionaran, es una prueba de que el nuevo ministro de Defensa, Chuck Hagel, está claramente de parte del Bien.
Aunque, como digo, quedan otros sistemas similares todavía en funcionamiento, podremos cotejar en los próximos meses si los sistemas de geoterrorismo (ataques climatológicos) se han puesto bajo control.

Jesús - Estas despertando felizmente de una pesadilla que ya está desapareciendo de tus recuerdos - John Smallman - 12-07-2013

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Cuando la humanidad despierte a la realidad – lo cual no se puede evitar- van a experimentar un ambiente tan completamente diferente de aquel al que están acostumbrados, que, para decirlo claramente, será muy alucinante para todos ustedes.

El momento del despertar es algo por lo que han estado orando y esperando en cada una de sus vidas terrenas, algo por lo que han estado trabajando constantemente desde el momento de la aparente separación del Padre celestial.

Desde el centro de tu ser siempre has sabido que ésta iba a ser la vida en la que ocurriría tu despertar y, en consecuencia, muchos de ustedes están ahora sintiendo comezón, sintiéndose impacientes, irritables, incluso agitados, mientras esperan la finalización de su proceso de despertar.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Ustedes son más sabios en su totalidad de lo que creen - 17-07-13

Psiconeuroinmunologia  dos
Ustedes son más sabios en su totalidad de lo que creen. Es tiempo de que entiendan esto en formas más profundas como nunca antes.
Miguel: Hoy hablaremos una vez más por un rato sobre el continuo surgimiento de eventos importantes en su planeta.
Hay un creciente flujo de cambios visibles e invisibles que están cambiando toda su civilización en formas que incluso aquellos involucrados no pueden percibir el alcance.
Tal vez la única manera de empezar a vislumbrar las tendencias involucradas sería separándose e intentar alcanzar una perspectiva alejados de la “refriega” cotidiana, por así decirlo.
De hecho no hay ninguna faceta de su existencia que no esté tocada. ¿Por qué esto? Es porque cada faceta de su existencia es creada por su propia consciencia colectiva.

Convesaciones con SaLuSa - Mensaje Corto de los Ángeles - Océano Multidimensional - 14-07-13

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Como humanos a menudo están condicionados a preguntar a otros lo que deberían pensar, hacer o incluso sentir.
Desde una edad muy temprana han sido entrenados para preguntarles a sus padres, a su clérigo, a su maestro o a su doctor lo que deberían hacer o pensar.
Confiar en su intuición es algo que deberían desarrollar y apoyarse más a menudo.
Confíen en que ya tienen las respuestas dentro, solo deténganse, escuchen a su ser interno darles la dirección que mejor se ajusta con ustedes.
Nunca tengan miedo de cometer errores en su vida ya que esto los capacitará para aprender e incrementar su propia intuición.
Sean amables y perdonen a su ser encarnado, sean amorosos con ello, diríjanse en la dirección correcta y andando, las fichas caerán en su lugar por sí mismas.
Con amor y gratitud, los Ángeles.
Canal: Laura / Océano Multidimensional
Copyright © Laura / Océano Multidimensional. Todos los derechos reservados.
Se otorga el permiso de copiar y distribuir éste material gratis, con todo el contenido incluyendo el título copiado en su totalidad y sin alteraciones, se distribuya libremente y se incluyan ésta notificación de derechos de autor y los vínculos.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Captan OVNI sobre el Popocatépetl

ARCANGEL GABRIEL - SOBRE LA SINCERIDAD - Marlene Swetlishoff - 18-07-2013


Amados: Me gustaría darles un discurso sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como sinceridad.
Esta cualidad viene de lo profundo del corazón de cada alma y es como una luz pura, brillante que irradia hacia el exterior.
Cuando se habla con sinceridad, se siente de inmediato en el espacio del corazón la verdad en el que escucha.
Esta cualidad cuando se manifiesta dentro de un individuo es a la cual otros responden de una manera positiva.
Ellos saben que son confiables, honestos y sinceros. Cualquiera que sea lo que una persona dice y hace, es esta cualidad la que le da el resplandor de la luz.

Carne de supermercados está cubierta de bacteria resistente a antibióticos

pollo dos


La resistencia a los antibióticos se ha vuelto un problema enorme, y uno que continuará creciendo gracias a su uso excesivo.

Más preocupante aún es que las “súperbacterias” que se han vuelto resistentes a  tratamientos antibióticos ahora se encuentran en nuestros alimentos.  E

stas son el resultado del uso irresponsable de medicamentos en granjas de cría de animales, en las cuales los productores con frecuencia dan dosis muy altas de antibióticos a los animales bajo poca supervisión.

En un estudio reciente de la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) de Estados Unidos analizó todos los tipos de carne que se venden en los grandes supermercados y sus resultados fueron escandalosos.

Lady Nada: You Are the Roses of Love, Spreading Throughout the Garden of the Universes ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 21, 2013

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:

Hello my dear ones. Greetings from the Celestial Realm and All-That-Is, available to you right now with just your intention. For it is becoming clear to you that all is merging on a deeper level within you and much is opening for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.
Expansion, dear ones; that is the name of the game: Expansion of your Golden Christed Self, your Ascended Self, your connection with the deeper parts of you, that connection with your Higher Self and higher. You are learning to live and survive and be within a much more enlightened place of indwelling and this is the point of center that you will emerge from and merge with forever more; see if you can push out from that point to infinity, to encompass All-That-Is. Dwell there, dear ones. That is your rightful place.

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward: July 21, 2013

Matthew Ward as received via Suzy Ward,  July 21, 2013 –
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
We are happy to address the questions of many readers about two situations that also are of interest to a multitude of others. Both involve United States citizens, and while it may appear that they have no connection whatsoever, these two highly publicized issues are the same at the core and both are examples of long strides in your society’s progress.
First: Will Edward Snowden’s release of confidential documents lead to more transparency about his government’s activities or just further complicate tenuous international relations?

WakingTimes – Angela Pritchard – We’re Here In This Reality To Learn About Who We Are – 21 July 2013

 What is life for? So many things seem important; there are so many things to do. All of them are vying for our attention, and our interests drive our lives via the many seemingly small and insignificant choices we make each day.
But what is it that is ultimately important? Why does this world, with all its limitations, struggle, opposition, and darkness exist?
I believe the answer is fundamentally quite simple—that this world exists for us (consciousness) to learn about who we are. The ancients called this self-knowledge.
The ever increasing number of recorded near-death experiences (NDEs) provide some of the most compelling evidence for this.
Floating away from their bodies, no longer constrained by the physical world and soaring into the majesty of an eternal and spiritual realm, the experiences of those who have died and been sent back share many consistent and common themes.
All of a sudden, the career, the kids, the TV, the projects they were working on are totally gone, and many are faced with what is called a “life review” in which they experience every moment of their life all over again, but feeling in a profound way not only what they went through, but also how their own actions made others feel.
This learning is the sum total of what they took from the life they’d left behind. What was important was not what they’d learnt from reading or degrees, or watching videos or the news, but from their interactions with others.
Most of all—how they had treated those around them. It’s easy to get caught in the events of life and to miss what is really important; it’s easy to go off on tangents of just acquiring intellectual knowledge and information (even of a spiritual kind), and feel a sense of progress.
But an intellectual knowledge is totally different from self-knowledge, which is based on conscious experience. In NDEs there are no congratulations for becoming a bestseller, and no one else to blame for whatever they did or didn’t do.
There is no special treatment for the famous or the expert – everyone is graded by their level of consciousness.
Many who’ve had an NDE also describe experiencing an understanding and knowledge of the universe from a spiritual perspective that was beyond words, and that this understanding was instantaneous. It becomes apparent then, that the understanding they had to get in life was not even about the universe itself, but about who they are. This video interviews a number of people who had an near-death experience, with many of them recalling a life review and being guided as to what was important in their lives. Life is a school for consciousness; sometimes people from NDEs are told to go back to learn and do more.
The higher part of our being has chosen for us to be here, whatever our circumstance, and our job while we’re here is to learn about ourselves and realize our full inner potential.
It is the one type of understanding that can’t be gained anywhere else or in any other way, and is what this world is for. The understanding of the world around us only serves as a mirror in which we can see ourselves more clearly.
Like any school, life has different grades and levels, and someone can progress to higher and higher levels of learning the more they grow in consciousness (and all its qualities like love and peace); graduation from this school of life is called enlightenment, but the learning is infinite.
The interactions we have each day are what we are being graded on. How we spend our day, is how we spend our year, and how we spend our life; it’s important to get it right and actively determine where we are headed through our own learning.
The struggle against darkness in the world, and the wish to spread the light of truth, brings even greater opportunities for learning as well as creating them for others too. Someone working for truth in the world, for example, is going to learn more about who they are as well as help others to realize the same, than someone who spends hours in front of a television and even shut away in a meditation room. Today, is an important day.
There is something each of us has to take from it right now and use in the eternal journey of our consciousness. [Jesus said] Now, since it has been said that you are my twin and true companion, examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be. Since you will be called my brother, it is not fitting that you be ignorant of yourself.
And I know that you have understood, because you had already understood that I am the knowledge of the truth. So while you accompany me, although you are uncomprehending, you have (in fact) already come to know, and you will be called ‘the one who knows himself’.
For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all. ~ Jesus to Thomas from The Book of Thomas the Contender His disciples asked him and said to him, “Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?” Jesus said, “Don’t lie, and don’t do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven.
After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed.” ~ The Gospel of Thomas About the Author Angela Pritchard is the author of a number of books on out-of-body experiences, dreams, self-knowledge, and esoteric wisdom including A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams which became a bestseller in its genre. His book Gazing into the Eternal was finalist in the Best Book Awards 2009 in spirituality, and he has appeared on over 60 radio and television programs internationally. Please visit her excellent website, / link to original article

Law of Attraction – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 21, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, I have already told you, that you create your reality with your thoughts. But I see that you need a reminder. When you don’t like your life so change your thoughts, because that what you send out you will receive from the universe. It is law. Think beauty and you will receive more beauty. Think loneliness, disease and abandonment and you will receive more of exactly this. Think always positive and in love and your life will change in so much more. You will then attract and receive what you REALLY want, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Archeia Lady Faith: When There is Faith, There is Hope Channeled by Julie Miller 21 Sunday Jul 2013

omEven within the most unaware of circumstances Beautiful Ones, Faith infiltrates each day of your splendid life. Realize that everything that you believe to be true is based even remotely on Faith; whether that faith is in yourself, in someone else, in God or even in the life that you are currently occupying. Faith has had a way to deepen your life, and bind together all that you hold as true and at the same time providing a never-ending of change that helps to guide you into newer ways of being and doing.

Archangel Haniel. “Love And Gratitude.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 21, 2013.

971898_204928102989953_2074267248_n~ Gratitude is simple.  It is an exchange of energy from one form of life to another, as one being uplifts another so does the other uplift that one in return.  To be thankful is to be awake and aware.  For to be thankful, you must possess the ability to recognize goodness and to be brought to your knees in awe of it’s value.  A kind deed is more precious than the finest jewels in the kingdom, and to be truthful, it’s value cannot be methodically calculated or assessed.  Such is also true of blessings.  Dearest Hearts, you are so blessed!  You are blessed because you are loved more than you possibly can know, and you never, ever walk this Earth alone.  For each one of you there are a multitude of US – watching you, guiding you, listening to and assisting you in the manifestation of your deepest wishes and desires, should they be positively aligned with your chosen path.  You are passionately loved by your Source Creator, who seeks only to experience through you and with you.  Be ever grateful for the gifts you are given, and they shall be multiplied a thousandfold.

Hilarion -You Are the Ambassadors Upon This Planet - Marlene Swetlishoff - July 21-28 , 2013

Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily activities and perform your earthly duties, know that you are also, on a higher level, serving in a capacity as the divine changemakers. By your high and positive intentions which you set each day, you set the template for the world to follow. As you each read or hear these words, you absorb the energies that are embedded in each word and integrate these into your five body system. These times call for individuals to be adaptable and flexible, to go with the flow of events, both in their personal lives and in the greater world around them and to remain firmly grounded into the earth with peaceful serenity and calm.

In Bringing Heaven to Earth, be Yourself – A Message from the Angels, 21 July 2013, by Tazjima

Channeler: Tazjima
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.
There are some among you that question the need for such transmissions. We continue to address these messages through this scribe and many others, simply because your fellow human beings are at various levels of their own journey. Some are still asleep. Some are awakening and becoming aware of the apparent injustices existing within the remnants of the old paradigm. Others are well-awake and coming into an awareness of their own inner connections. Still, many in the course of their transition from the limiting world of the third dimension and the soaring possibilities of the fifth and higher dimensions are struggling with day to day issues, moments of regret and disappointment, physical issues and issues of supply. Many of your brothers and sisters are also dealing with the onslaught of unexpected physical and emotional clearings, as the astral plane of the earth is being cleansed through your bodies. They are perhaps not aware of the work that has been done by the older starseeds, the wayshowers, and the scarred veterans who have been consciously clearing ancient karmic and ancestral lines for decades.

AA Michael - You are more connected than you yet understand. – Ron Head - July 21, 2013

Photo by Beni Benstead

Photo by Beni Benstead
 Today we bring you a message of hope and encouragement.  The changes you are waiting for are emerging on all fronts.  However, we hasten to point out, as we always do, that this is, merely the natural outcome of what is happening within yourselves.

Mary Magdalene via Natalie Glasson: Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber - July 21, 2013

marymagdaleneMary Magdalene: Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber, channeled by Natalie Glasson, July 19, 2013 at
In waves of love I transport my consciousness to reunite with your consciousness and vibration. Let us exist in a peaceful state of oneness so that the will and divine love of the Creator may pulsate throughout our entire beings, magnifying with each sacred aspect and vibration within our beings that we resonate with.
The vibration and purpose I hold is focused and stems from the love of the Creator. This seems such a general statement and yet it is the most wondrous and true experience for me. Love is everything that I experience and everything that I give to you. It is a conscious love filled with wise consciousness and meanings of the Creator’s love, a love that often only momentarily meets with you in your physical body, bringing an inspired breath of freedom, knowingness and inner warmth.

FBI Under Investigation – and Exposed - July 21, 2013

sage:  This is a two-story compilation exposing some of the latest FBI shenanigans.  In Story 1, the agency is under investigation for exaggerating forensic testimony in death penalty cases, possible sending innocent people to death row.  Story 2 exposes their tactics of faking terrorist attacks to be hyped by mainstream media in order to spread fear and initiate more police state security.  More and more the truth is being revealed.Willie Jerome Manning had been sentenced to death in Mississippi for the 1992 murder of two studentsPhoto: Willie Jerome Manning had been sentenced to death in Mississippi for the 1992 murder of two students

Blossom Goodchild: July 21, 2013 – The Point IS! Juyl 21 - 2013

blossom-blog-new short
JULY 21st 2013
Hello … again.  Yesterday we tried did we not?  Yet the minute you wished me Happy Human Day, I dissolved into tears.  Yesterday I was not a very happy human … today I am. So may we try again?
That is most suitable for us. Our willingness to serve is as great as many of you upon the Earth plane. We would care to address a particular matter. It has been said throughout these times that ‘channelled messages’ are ‘going out of fashion.’
From our point of view we would like to make it quite clear that we have no intention of ‘Leaving one in the lurch’. We have come to assist you in all ways that we possibly can … to bring about this Golden Age. This was an agreement between us all. Why would we suddenly decide not to continue?

Ann Albers: Message from the Angels - July 21, 2013

Take your time as you are considering options for your future. Unless everything in you says, “Yes! This is a direction I want to take,” try to avoid creating from a sense of urgency, for urgency is born of fear, not love. You want to create all your dreams because you are in love with them, not because you need them to pacify your fears.
Allow God to help you clarify your intentions. Higher power knows why you came to earth, what you wish to learn, and who/what will serve your spirit in the best fashion. Maybe that person you want to be in relationship with isn’t so perfect for you after all. Maybe the job you are longing for isn’t what it seems to be. Maybe you are not yet ready to fully enjoy something you are asking for. God in infinite wisdom always wants the most loving outcome for your life.

You Belong to All Worlds – through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - July 20, 2013

imageYou Belong to All Worlds as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, July, 2013 at:
You are a multi-dimensional universe within your cell structure, your biology, as well as your emotional and mental being. This year has escorted you into doorways of thoughts beyond your earthly perception of time, space, light and sound. This year shows you the worlds within worlds in which you reside simultaneously. For your true spirit is not limited and linear, your soul belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all particles of light. You are not just a universe – you are a multi-verse.
The light is your brethren and the asteroids your distant cousins. Everything in your existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot. You came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial lineage. Every Being that exists between time, within time, around time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe and the Multi- Verse.

Ellie Miser: Look at the Genius Children! July 20, 2013

Steve Beckow: How many people ask me of a day how Ellie is doing. Well, as good as can be expected in an older model of this wet suit we all must wear. Ellie Miser – or Amppa as she is known back home – is the equivalent on the Pleiades of what we would think of as royalty. My own take on her starseed mission this lifetime was that she was like a Pleiadian anthropologist who sent back information to people on the ships of just what we were into.
I’ve told the story many times that Ellie’s was one of the first distribution lists I got on back in 2008 and I couldn’t figure what she was up to – the Darwin awards, Far Side jokes, Maxine cartoons, articles on our foibles and fancies. If she was a Pleiadian, why was she writing on things like these?
And then she explained what her job was this lifetime – to help the newcomers on board ship understand what made us tick – and I started to get off on a Pleiadian’s view of terrestrials.
So for all who’ve asked about her, here is Ellie’s appreciation of the new crop of geniuses she sees around her, which had her get that we are the ascended masters we’ve been waiting for.

Embodying Your Higher Self Meditation - SolaraAnRa

sábado, julio 20, 2013

The Inspiration of Humanity Sunday - Owen Waters - 14 July, 2013 (posted 19 July, 2013)

The universe is designed to be reflective. Whatever you put out comes back to you. This is called the Law of Action and Reaction, the Law of Karma, or is simply referred to using the phrase, "What goes around comes around."

However, in spiritual work, there is a way to increase what comes around. What goes around can actually come back as more than you gave, and this involves a paradox. In your spiritual practices, you can generate a deep feeling of peace and inspiration; one which brings a wonderful sense of spiritual upliftment. For example, in your meditations, you may become inspired with a vision of a future world filled with peace and freedom for all.

You may see, in your mind's eye, a future world where everyone on the planet is safe, and where you can journey to anywhere on the planet with ease. In this future, you see that everyone is consciously aware of their heart's connection to the hearts of each and every other human being on the planet. In this supportive environment, everyone has complete freedom to express their unique creativity as their contribution to a loving society.


Del Caos a la Limpieza – Ciclo Giratorio Energético - Aurora - 15-07-13

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A nivel energético, las cosas han estado cambiando rápidamente. Es como si la Tierra estuviera en un ciclo giratorio.
Sí, todo será limpiado, renovado y refrescado, pero mientras tanto, se siente como si la vida estuviera “patas arriba”.
Éste último cambio en energía no solo está afectando eventos de vida sino también artículos físicos.
Muchos individuos están experimentando cambios de residencia o de trabajo, problemas con electrónicos, aparatos eléctricos y vehículos (lo cual Mercurio retrogrado le agrega su toque especial), y la liberación de sentimientos profundos de tristeza y desesperanza.
Si pudieran ver en su propio futuro en éste momento, la mayoría de ustedes vería una nube de incertidumbre; sabiendo que hay algo ahí, pero que aún se está formando y está oculto de su visión.
Ésta nube contiene todas las posibilidades disponibles después de que éste ciclo giratorio se complete.

Arcángel Gabriel – via Shelley Young - 20-07-2013

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Queridos míos: ¿Pueden ver que si desean un cambio de todo corazón y luego se resisten al flujo que les trae esos mismos cambios ustedes están enviando mensajes mixtos al universo?
También se están poniendo a sí mismos en unas energías muy incómodas puesto que la resistencia crea siempre incomodidades.
Es muy importante tener una claridad energética para manifestar de la manera más directa posible.
Piensen sobre un diapasón. Si lo tocan y hay otros elementos que ensordecen su vibración, es difícil de oír.
Pero si lo tocan sin impedimento, su tono resuena en alto, larga y puramente. Así sucede con su energética.
El ser un cocreador maestro viene teniendo una clara intención y el saber inquebrantable de que el universo siempre, siempre responde a su llamado, y cuando lo haga, abrázenlo con gozosa anticipación y deleite. ~Arcángel Gabriel
Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach


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Con cálidos y amorosos saludos desde todas las facetas de nosotros, almas hablando con ustedes, Yo Soy Saan del Consejo Arcturiano de la Federación Galáctica.
La Federación Galáctica como han percibido es una organización de miríada de razas y sociedades ascendidas, que han evolucionado desde sus respectivos planetas y buscan ayudar a que muchas civilizaciones dimensionales inferiores evolucionen tanto como sea posible.
Mantenemos reuniones rutinarias entre la totalidad de nuestra Federación, y nuestro Concilio opera en facciones unidas, ya que cada raza y cada comité trabajan juntos en la ascensión de varios planetas y civilizaciones.
Trabajamos en servicio a la Fuente, al Creador, que se ha canalizado Él/ Ella Misma hacia abajo desde los reinos puros para experimentar una faceta diferente de su última omnipotencia. Todo es la Fuente, es Dios, es Amor.

UFO Sighting Over Castle Ruins TULUM, Mexico, July 2013

Jesús - ¿Qué puede ser más importante que experimentar una vez más la absoluta alegría de ser tu mismo? - John Smallman - 14-07-2013

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La humanidad está corriendo hacia el momento de su despertar y su impulso es imparable.

Muchos de ustedes sienten que nada importante está pasando cuando ven o escuchan las noticias todos los días en los medios de comunicación y lo que encuentran es más del mismo tipo de historias que han venido escuchando durante años.

Pero más allá del nivel de sus conciencias están pasando muchas cosas, de las que son conscientes a un nivel interno profundo.

Esto se hace evidente en tu vida cotidiana, ya sea como elementos que surgen para llamar tu atención para que los liberes o como una sensación de que algo de importancia, de gran importancia, está cerca pero no sabes lo que es.

Arcángel Uriel – Sean la Energía para una Tierra Ascendida – por Jennifer Hoffman - Julio 15, 2013 |

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La energía de la tercera dimensión es emoción, la cual conocen como “sentimiento” y ésta también es la energía de la Tierra.

La Tierra es una colección de energía emocional que se expresa como volcanes, incendios, tornados, huracanes, relámpagos y truenos, belleza, quietud y caos.

Como familia de la humanidad ustedes integran y expresan ésta energía emocional dentro de sus cuerpos 3D.

Y ahora al ir ascendiendo y asistiendo a la Tierra en la Ascensión, están activando viejas energías emocionales para liberarlas, al retener estas marcas en sus cuerpos energéticos y preparando nuevos caminos de frecuencias y alineaciones para la Ascensión.

The Expanding Heart ~ You Have Landed! - Steve Rother - 15 July, 2013 (posted 19 July, 2013)

You can watch the video version of this message here.
Greetings from Home, dear ones.
I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it.
You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Emerald Tablet 1, The History of Thoth

Listen to your soul since it is the eternal part of you! – Archangel Raphael trough M. Gamma ~ 20.07.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking to you.
Today I am coming to you through this channel-medium before he will go on vacation. Afterwards I shall take a break for a little while and resume my messages to you again at some time later.

Today I’d like to raise some issue again which I did already several times before which apparently until now has not been completely understood by you. We do regard these matters as “V I M”  (Very Important Matters) and therefore believe it very essential that you comprehend also these matters as being so important so that they are not to be overlooked nor neglected. By repeating it again and again we do hope that one or the other topic will be glued into your hearts and minds. This is what we hope for and it is wholly up to you whether you will remain in such state of lacking understanding or whether finally you will truly take it to your heart!

The Beginning Of The End For The Mainstream Media!

The Bases Project 27 Ascension Frequencies with Anne Hess Part 1

Selacia – When The Past Becomes The Present – How To Work With Multiple Timelines And Dimensions – 20 July 2013

SelaciaHave you ever experienced something in the past – this life or another one – bleeding into your present?
This kind of timeline interaction has always occurred, yet now in the more quantum energies, people like you with expanded awareness are beginning to have more tangible knowing of these things.
Meeting Someone Very Familiar
Most likely, for example, these days you can sense possible past life connections when first meeting someone who seems very familiar. The person you meet may be brand new in a linear way, yet your comfort or discomfort when first seeing him or her is sourced from the quantum realms.

Bee Keepers Unite Against EPA and FDA over Approval of Toxic Bee-Killing Neonicotinoid

bee yellow flower 263x164 Bee Keepers Unite Against EPA and FDA over Approval of Toxic Bee Killing Neonicotinoid
Christina Sarich, Natural Society
The National Beekeeping organizations and the National Honey Bee Advisory Board have joined forces to protect bee keepers and the food supply in an appeal against the EPA for its approval of a highly toxic pesticide called Sulfoxaflor. This toxin has been classed a fourth generation neonicotinoid which scientists worldwide have linked to colony collapse disorder (CCD), resulting in the massive and widespread death of so many bees. Even NASA has said that this particular pesticide is ‘highly toxic’ to bees and other pollinators. Dow Chemical Company, Inc. makes this chemical and currently sprays it on cotton. It is meant to be used on other crops soon.

The House of Rothschild - Dean Henderson

by Dean Henderson
(Excerpted from my book, Big Oil & Their Bankers)

The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600’s as the world’s first private central bank.  Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II’s daughter Mary as his bride.  The Orange Order Brotherhood, which more recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain.  In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England.

WARNING Radioactive Chemtrails Rain Killing All Foliage

viernes, julio 19, 2013

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Deaf Ears – Part II - July 19, 2013

Asana Mahatari
channelled Jahn J Kassl on July 17, 2013
first published in English on July 19, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Report I:
Before going to bed, I read the message, “Deaf Ears – Part I” for the first time after I have received it and with my daily consciousness, and an infinite sadness overwhelms me. Images as to how the entire humanity that will not wake up, is killed by the dark forces, are running in front of my inner eye … I go to bed and I have the following dream:
I see numerous prominent faces from politics and the aristocracy. All those entities of the most corrupt kind, some of whom are currently under a pending lawsuit. They all have something to celebrate and scurry excited together to a press conference. They all laugh, it is a cynical, sardonic laughter, one, which is typical for those who are aware to have landed a big coup or to have successfully completed a great crime. I am completely lost in the middle of the scene, when in front of me a queen rushes over. I welcome befitting, but I seem to have done something wrong and she punishes me with a glance full of disdain. (End of dream).
Report II:
Immediately after waking up I get on my scooter and go for a swim. In front of me drives a large black Mercedes van, a diplomatic car, whereupon the car number is 314. Immediately I am made aware what this means, and I now hand over to Master ASANA MAHATARI, so that all people can share with him the deeper meaning of these descriptions.
Welcome to life, welcome to the kingdom of peace, welcome at the table of the Lord, welcome you, sacred people.