My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking to you.
Today I am coming to you through this channel-medium before he will go on vacation. Afterwards I shall take a break for a little while and resume my messages to you again at some time later.
Today I’d like to raise some issue again which I did already several times before which apparently until now has not been completely understood by you. We do regard these matters as “V I M” (Very Important Matters) and therefore believe it very essential that you comprehend also these matters as being so important so that they are not to be overlooked nor neglected. By repeating it again and again we do hope that one or the other topic will be glued into your hearts and minds. This is what we hope for and it is wholly up to you whether you will remain in such state of lacking understanding or whether finally you will truly take it to your heart!
The topic we are raising today is “You – Yourselves” and how you are dealing with yourselves – each one being some individual. Please, understand that you are so much more than you are able to perceive and be aware of. This is also what our channel-medium here had to learn and – until now – still has not succeeded wholly to integrate it as an actual fact. This will show you that it is not only you but also some so-called channel-medium of mine finds it difficult to accept such facts.
This again is to show you that you all are equal. In the eyes of God, the Creator, and of mine as well as of all of us you are treated equally. Please, always keep this in your minds, beloved Humans here on earth!
Always consider that you are bearing in yourselves some eternal part – some part which you named “Your Soul”! It is your soul outlasting and outliving your physical body and each evening of your life when you are fast asleep it is it going on some excursion leaving your body at that time. Your soul abandons you and all your limitations and the only link of it to you is by some silver cord. And on its “Journey through the Night” your soul will go through a large variety of experiences. This depends always on the mission you are endowed with here on earth.
I’d suggest urgently to you to always bear this in your mind and comprehend that your soul living in your body always wants the very best for you – meaning your soul is caring for you and your well-being and it is your soul which wants to safeguard that you will truly follow the route you once have chosen before your incarnation. Only in such way some special safeguarding is ensured that your soul in your actual incarnation may be able to experience the maximum of life here on earth.
If there is some considerable deviation from your contracted route it is your soul who will interfere. And there are differing possible ways to do so in order to attain your attention. Some of these ways are pains, irritations, and diseases – just to name only some of them. Basically it is not what your soul is wishing. Yet in order to gain your attention there is no else possibility for it to resort to.
In case you have to cope with pains, illness or other burdensome “matters” please contemplate what could be the cause for such ailments. Each and every pain and illness may be traced back to its always underlying message destined for you. Once you will understand to read this message you will be given the possibility to change your “Way of Life”, your attitude towards your life, and to correct how you are dealing with life in general.
As soon as your soul will have recognized that you comprehend its lessons all your pains – illness will disappear – since you did understand its messages. It is this channel-medium who may tell you some nice story of the above. (chuckles)
And thus we are arriving nearly to the end now: “Go out and forward into your life and live it out bearing in your mind all that I submitted to you through this channel-medium. Be prepared and set to listen to your soul! It is your soul being a part of you wanting only the best for you and going to its utmost to make you follow your individually contracted route of your life. And if you will be able to manage it in such way – I can assure you – you will have a happy and successful life here on earth my beloved human beings!
Yours Archangel Raphael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.