Dear ones, you have been under the spell of this huge influx of energy for quite a while now, but still, some of you will struggle to find your balance in all of this shifting and rearranging. That is only to be expected, for as you all have your own indiviual setup, your physical body and indeed your emotional one will act accordingly. In other words, you might find yourself sailing in a slightly different direction than those around you at the moment, but do not let that worry you. For you will feel within just what is right and what is not, and there is no need to try to force yourself against the wind. Or in other words, even if many around you report much of the same, there is no cause for alarm if you feel yourself drifting off in a very different direction. For these winds will take you just where it is meant for you to go, and as such, as long as you follow your inner guidance, you too will find that safe harbour you seem to seek so futilely for at the moment.
For remember, you are all heading for port after a very, very long journey, but even if your destination is the same, the route getting there will vary according to what you bring to this whole operation. For you all carry different seeds to be sown, and just like Mother Nature, you need to spread your seeds where the conditions for them to grow are favourable. So again we say, all is well, and follow your gut feeling, as you like to call it. And know that whatever you do, it will indeed be beneficial, both in the short term, but mostly in the long term. For you are the sowers of the seeds of love, and these seeds must be spread far and wide, in all sorts of conditions and in all the directions of the compass. For some of you, most of your seeding will be done close to home, while for others, your work will perhaps start a little bit later, and will bring you even further afield. So again we say, your journey is like no one else’s, so do not make the mistake of panicking if you at times lose sight of your fellow travellers. For you are all moving towards that same goal, but you are doing so at slightly different angles.
So rest assured that whatever happens next, and wherever you might suddenly find yourself called to go – or to stay put – you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do, and you are doing so in the right location. For some, it will be a little like the busy bee, buzzing to and fro, never at rest, while for others, they will feel much more sedentary and even idle. But again we say, both of you will be doing the same job, but you will do it in the manner and at the speed that has been deemed as the perfect one for you. And the results will be the same, so no need to worry about not ”contributing” your part. For you are all giving everything you have to this, and we do mean that in a very literal sense, as it is your very presence on this planet in this phyiscal body that is ensuring the success of this whole endeavour. So again we thank you all, and we say to you keep sailing, and know that these winds, no matter how hard they blow or from what direction they come, will bring you to your designated port at the designated time.