We are now in Earth orbit, due to your wanting us to resume our fly bye in your solar system.
We are happy that many of you have done a good job at navigting on your own, using your intention and imagination alone; and what power of imagination you have dear ones!
We have observed that more and more among you have the power of creation now, indeed you can create just by thinking something, which many of you I am sure have already noticed.
Tonight we welcome you all, new comers and visitors included, all you need is to set your intention on us, and to protect yourself by asking to be connected to only the beings of the higherst level of consciousness and love.
Astral travel is simple, but at certain times of the year the Earth athmosphere is surrounded by negative beings, ready to confuse, interfere and create chaos among you.
Do not let this discourge you, and take a few minutes to read over the welcome note on the Auroradreamflight2.0 blog if you feel any doubt or concerns before setting off to bed tonight.
We have missed oyur presence onboard, and we certainly look forward to reconnecting with you, and with the Earth collective.
During your meditation, before bed, ask to be shown what you will be doing during your dreamflight, if you have not already prepared your flight plan so to speak.
The special project i had for this evening was to take some of you who are interested in the records chamber and there to allow you explore your own past, present and future.
Also due to the extra stress taking place at the moment for many of you, the healing chambers should be in high demand tonight.
Let me tell you know about our own adventures since we last spoke.
We took part in many relocation operations, in many rescue missions, and also in interdimensional journeys and encounters. Our journeys through time, galaxies and dimensions makes Aurora a unique ship. Her size is also an advantage, as as many beings as the souls of planet Earth can be relocated when necessary.
And I hear you ask already: why do you not relocate us? Earth Humans, many of us would like to return home, and to be safe.
Just remember that your mission here on Earth is not as yet over, that you still have much to do.
Many of you have concerns about their loved ones well being, about their own health. Once again, we would like to remind you that your life plan is already pre-determined before birth, and that under no circumstances can we alter it in any way.
We are just here to reconnect with you, our brothers and sisters from the stars, with our home planet’s family, with our soul group. We are not here to alter history in any shape or form.
Your planet is going through her regular cycle of changes, and she is aligned with all the other planets, and is under the laws of other cosmic influences, just like us.
We are here to give you and courage to continue your journey back home, back to the stars, and back to rediscover who you are.
We are here because of our love for you, and because we wish to bring whatever support we can offer to you.
I hope that many of you will visit us tonight and report onyour adventure with us, onboard Aurora.
In blessing peace and joy, Adrial.
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean
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