Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejos Arcturianos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejos Arcturianos. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, octubre 07, 2016

Asara - Adama of Telos, Archangel Michael The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - October 7, 2016

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future to assist you on your path.

With great joy we are witnessing humanity's journey into the higher dimensional reality of anticipated ascension.

Indeed, your soul knew all along that you are capable of making this leap into the higher dimension, through your continuing desire to create better.

martes, septiembre 24, 2013

Wes Annac – The Pleiadians And The Arcturians : Your Evolution is Physical And Spiritual – 24 September 2013

wes-annac-300x229-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With Love and appreciation for the continual efforts of the awakening public in helping your Earth to ascend, I am SanJAsKa speaking for the Pleiadian High Council, the Pleiadian Council of Nine and the Company of Heaven overall.
We continue to watch you progress and expand in all Earthly endeavors you find yourselves undergoing, and we encourage you to seek spirit in any moment you feel as if your searches aren’t rendering the results you’d prefer.
In this time of development and expansion in the minds and hearts of each of you, you can find broadened and deepened connections with the spiritual realms if you can only open up to these connections and understand your infinite and uninhibited ability to bring through higher-dimensional energies and impressions.

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2013

Wes Annac-Saan and the Arcturian Councils: Understand the Power and Potency of your Light - September 11, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
You’re coming to find greater and expanded individual and collective understandings about yourselves and this infinite Creation around you.
You’re coming to understand your infinite and unhindered ability to Create a fluid reality you’ve been taught to believe is dense and difficult to move around in, and as you do this, you refine and lighten the vibration around you and help to Create wondrous change for every person on your world to be able to get behind.

sábado, agosto 17, 2013


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Las energías alimentadas por el colectivo están iluminando tanto como las energías que les están siendo entregadas desde las dimensiones superiores, a medida que cada uno de ustedes está aprendiendo a refinar sus vibraciones y encontrándose a ustedes y sus experiencias iluminándolos también.
Tienen tanta maravilla y asombro para experimentar aún mientras ascienden hacia los estados bienaventurados y puros de la conciencia, y las vibraciones meditativas a las que accederán después de sentir los efectos de los últimos alineamientos importantes por los que ha pasado su colectivo y que liberarán nuevos reinos de percepción y entendimiento en ustedes.
En efecto, su propósito como chispas Divinas de la Fuente ha sido siempre descubrir y exponer nuevos reinos y ventanas de conciencia perceptual, y esto es lo que están haciendo ahora al ascender hacia tan grandes percepciones.
Su proceso de ascensión física está siendo dirigido por y en los reinos del Espíritu, y más allá de sus cuerpos físicos, cada uno mantiene múltiples, y activas raíces en varios reinos superiores y con varias Federaciones y Organizaciones.

lunes, agosto 12, 2013

Saan and the Arcturian Councils: You’re Spiritual Explorers by Nature - Wes Annac - August 12, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The energies fed by the collective are lightening as much as the energies you’re being given from the higher dimensions, as you each learn to refine your vibrations and find yourselves and your experiences lightening as well.
You have so much wonder and amazement to experience still as you ascend into truly blissful and pure states of consciousness, and the meditative vibrations you’ll access upon feeling the effects of the latest important alignments your collective has passed through will unlock new realms of perception and understanding in you.

sábado, agosto 03, 2013

“Who Are You, Truly?” – A Message from the Angels, et al – 3 August 2013, by Tazjima

Evening Blues
“Who are you (or “Hu R U” in text!)?” asked the Caterpillar of Alice in “Through the Looking Glass”. Many of you are now deep into the process of discovering the answer that Alice was seeking.
Today, several of us, as ascended masters, angelic beings and divine mentors have joined together to address you through our scribe:
I AM Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, also known affectionately as “Raj” by many.
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
We are the Divine Mother and Father.
We are You, part of your Multidimensional nature, which you are now in the process of rediscovering and opening up to the realization that you are greater than you know.

sábado, julio 20, 2013


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Con cálidos y amorosos saludos desde todas las facetas de nosotros, almas hablando con ustedes, Yo Soy Saan del Consejo Arcturiano de la Federación Galáctica.
La Federación Galáctica como han percibido es una organización de miríada de razas y sociedades ascendidas, que han evolucionado desde sus respectivos planetas y buscan ayudar a que muchas civilizaciones dimensionales inferiores evolucionen tanto como sea posible.
Mantenemos reuniones rutinarias entre la totalidad de nuestra Federación, y nuestro Concilio opera en facciones unidas, ya que cada raza y cada comité trabajan juntos en la ascensión de varios planetas y civilizaciones.
Trabajamos en servicio a la Fuente, al Creador, que se ha canalizado Él/ Ella Misma hacia abajo desde los reinos puros para experimentar una faceta diferente de su última omnipotencia. Todo es la Fuente, es Dios, es Amor.

viernes, julio 19, 2013

Saan and the Arcturian Councils: The Galactic Headquarters that will be the Earth - Channeled through Wes Annac - July 19, 2013

With warm and Loving greetings from every facet of we souls speaking with you, I am Saan of the Arcturian Councils of the Galactic Federation.
The Galactic Federation as you’ve perceived of it is an organization of myriad ascended races and societies, who’ve evolved from our respective planets and seek to help as many lower-dimensional civilizations to evolve as possible.
We hold routine meetings amongst the entirety of our Federation, and our Councils operate in united factions as each race and each Council works together on the ascension of various planets and civilizations.