viernes, diciembre 13, 2013

Wes Annac – You Carry The Love Of Source At All Times – 13 December 2013

wes-annac-300x229Message from my higher self, conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Your society has been taught to believe that an embrace of inner and outer liberation is impossible, and this is reflected with the manner in which many go about daily jobs and experience ways of Living and being that don’t resonate with the experiences they’d really like to have.
The idea is taught that you must accept your fate instead of looking beyond your current experience into something much more expanded and infinite.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspective – Book 4 Returning To Gaia – Part 2 – Integrating The Arcturian – 13 December 2013

Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension, Book One and Two available as ebooks at:
We were still in a deep trance when the inter-galactic team concluded their message. We were ready to return to the Lemurian inner world when the Arcturian came into our awareness. It was as though the members of the inter-galactic group mind expected the Arcturian to join us, as they seemed to move their consciousness away to highlight the Arcturian’s communication.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather – Yearly Forecast for 2014, Part II - Dec 13, 2013 - Pronóstico Anual del Clima Cósmico para el 2014: Mantengan la Calma, Dejen ir y ¡Vayan Tras su Dicha! por Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Hello friends. There has been more information coming through for 2014 that I decided to add a Part II to my initial forecast. (Follow this link for part I.) I think part of this is due to the fact that it is a “7″ Universal Year which is not only auspicious in many ways, but very important too in my opinion.
The reason why is this: so many people have been through what I call the “Cosmic Blender” in 2013 including myself, and may be feeling a little less than shiny and happy right now. This is perfectly understandable. For those who have had a stable and even positive year count yourselves among the exception, and don’t forget to put some of that good mojo back out on the Grid daily. We thank you.
A “7″ frequency invites us all to look past appearances and tune into the deeper, more spiritual and even cosmic side of life. I feel that especially for the first quarter of 2014 we still may be processing 2013′s energies and experiences a bit, and that is to be expected. The key is to understand that traveling right alongside despair, dis-ease, hopelessness and frustration are joy, freedom, healing, acceptance and faith.

I Am Losing My Mind Galactic Ascension Symptoms Alert 333 - Shekina Rose / Blue Ray Friday, 13 December, 2013

Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission.
You are truly in an evolutionary moment of the New Earth as all is shifting at once. In these unprecedented times, no one knows for sure exactly how it will culminate. For there are many in the mix of speculators and players, the Gods, the watchers, the overseers, the ones in fighting, the controllers, inner earthlings, the many star angelic galactic realms and legions. Know within your being that YOU, the star beings, Ligthworkers, Blue Rays, Angelics, New Forerunner Code Carriers, will determine how it will be.

SaLuSa – Hope and Discernment - Gabriel Raio Lunar - Dec 13, 2013

 Gabriel: Dear friends, at the time that SaLuSa approached of me to give this message, I was listening to this melody. I hope you enjoy reading the message while listening to that:

SaLuSa: "Hope is the last one to die", you usually say this beautiful phrase sometimes.

Oh yes, dear ones, you are beings of wonderful energy, full of Hope and Faith And Faith inside you never dies, because you are moved by the power of your I AM. So, you are all the time being tested in situations where your Faith in God is ridiculed by those who own independent opinions.

Suzanne Lie - Gaia Greetings 2

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Month Of December 2013 – 13 December 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs the light lines up for this special holiday season all aspects of stellar light seems to be a little brighter, a little more magical. The Spirit of love seems to be alive knocking upon the hearts of lots of closet scrooges. If you were given one day to live over what would it be?
Would it be this very day that is the true presence? We are architects of our life and it can be no other way. Sometimes you are given a project to infuse with light, healing the land and people and then you are asked to release it like a fledging eagle. Allowing it to be something else entirely, trusting the universe will take care of it.

jueves, diciembre 12, 2013

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: 12:12 Portal – Activating your MerKaBa - Dec 12, 2013

tetrahedron_earthArchangel Gabriel: 12:12 Portal – Activating your MerKaBa, channeled by Shanta Gabriel, December 10, 2013 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Dear Ones,
Through the Grace of the ever-living Divine Presence within you, a portal opens on December 12 offering a new initiation into Light. As the vibrational frequency of the 12:12 resonates, your Merkabic field is activated. The MerKaBa is a vehicle for your ascension as a Light Being in human form.
The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron will be activated around you by the codes at the 12:12 portal. This Star Tetrahedron will create a powerfully-shining starry shield of Light that holds the resonance of your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. The building of your MerKaBa will be completed on the Solstice, December 21, 2013. Throughout those 9 magical days, an increasing resonant frequency will be present in your energy systems. You will feel moments of Brightness and Clarity, as if your very cells are radiating Light, and this indeed will be the Truth.

Selacia – Wise Use Of December Energies – 5 Questions For Self-Reflection – 12 December 2013 - Un Uso Sabio de las Energías de DiciembrePor Selacia 11 de diciembre del 2013 Traducción: Fara González Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo Diciembre es un momento perfecto para ubicarse en dónde están y considerar lo que quieren crear el próximo año. El entendimiento de las energías de diciembre puede ayudarles a aprovechar al máximo esta ubicación y planificación. Después de todo, cada ciclo de tiempo tiene sus propias energías. Para hacer un uso óptimo de los recursos, querrán prestar atención a las oportunidades de este mes y a los obstáculos potenciales. Los antiguos conocían el poder de la auto-reflexión y contemplación interna en esta época del año. Ellos tenían una comprensión profunda de la necesidad de conectarse y trabajar con los ciclos naturales de la Tierra. Ellos apreciaban el valor implícito en dedicar un tiempo antes del cierre de un año para detenerse y fluir según lo que recibían del espíritu. La invitación a recibir del espíritu es algo que quisieran hacer regularmente, por supuesto. Sin embargo, al final del año, ustedes se benefician al expandir sus contemplaciones para abarcar niveles más profundos de cuestionamiento y niveles más profundos de escucha. Ustedes no pueden escuchar profundamente cuando su mente está ocupada y atenta a otras cosas. El espíritu siempre está ahí, justo al lado de ustedes – pero en este momento del año ustedes quieren que su conexión vaya a mayor profundidad. Lograr esto implica encontrar momentos de quietud en los cuales puedan apagar el ruido y el caos del mundo. Encuentren tantos momentos de esos como puedan en diciembre – ¡se sentirán felices de haberlo hecho cuando comiencen el 2014! Antecedentes de las energías de diciembre del 2013

SelaciaDecember is a perfect time to take stock of where you are and consider what you want to create next year.
Your understanding of December’s energies can help you make the most of this taking stock and planning. After all, each time cycle has its own energies. To be optimally resourced, you want to become mindful of this month’s opportunities and potential roadblocks.
The ancients knew about the power of self-reflection and inner contemplation this time of year. They had a deep understanding of the need to connect and work with the Earth’s natural cycles. They appreciated the value of taking a time-out before the close of a year to slow down and go on input from spirit.

Brenda Hoffman – Grab Your Emotional Star Power – 12 December 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s December 8, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re discovering those emotions created by society may be shifting for you. Somewhat like wearing the color red for eons and suddenly discovering that gray looks lovely on you also. You’re melting your box of emotional shoulds and experimenting with new feelings. Feelings society often indicates shouldn’t be in your repertoire.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Deep Within, We Want it All”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

About me ! – 12- 12- 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Hi guys! 
A few people have asked me on private questions about me, my channeling work and technique, or had other discussions. Usually, I don’t have enough time to have one to one email with people and friends. This is because I work and study at the same time, and try to run 2 websites, and channel as well.. and with a slow broadband and windows 8.1 .. this is tricky.. and painful at times, not to mention the 3 hours daily travel time, the preparation for the next day’s work and classes (takes up to 5 hours per night), and the exams and readings I have to do for my post grad course.
So I am sorry if I can’t reply to emails or chats til roughly June, when I will be busy applying for a job… !
Such is my path in life, I have to work hard to make a living for me and help my family as well. No other way of surviving for us otherwise. So I thought I would say a little about me and my channeling work and try to hit on a few readers’ questions while I am home sick for the day… 
- I was born in East Europe on a farm. I have traveled from age 7 with my family in a few countries in Europe and since I am an adult I have lived in 2 European countries.
- I have always recalled living on Mars and on the Moon, in previous lives of course. I used to tell of those things to my family, but they always told me that there is no one living on other planets and that there is no extra- terrestrial life in the Universe. Which made me sad and scared, and I have always told them that that was not true, that life was plentiful in the universe, otherwise why would the universe be so big, if it was just all for our planet. We agreed on that.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 378 – 12 December 2013

AishaNorthWe think you will all feel a sort of quickening in the air now, like a slight shift in the pressure or the temperature, and we gather many of your animal friends will exhibit symptoms of noticing the same. For there is something approaching indeed, and you are just about to pick up on the first signals coming in from this rainstorm of light that we have referred to so many times in earlier missives. For it is indeed approaching you, and now you will all feel these faint stirrings coming in, just like those magnificent beasts, the elephants, can pick up signals through the soles of their feet.

miércoles, diciembre 11, 2013

Suzanne Lie – The Final Sinking Of Atlantis From Visions From Venus – 11 December 2013

SuzanneLieThe Final Sinking of Atlantis from Visions From Venus
We begin at the beginning of the end…
The others, who had chosen to stay behind to assist the crossing over of the many who would die, realized that something had happened to these four.  They began to come to each of the four with their problems, and mostly with their fears.  Those who remained in the Temple were very brave indeed.  
They knew that they would all die, but they had volunteered to stay behind to assist the many dead and dying at the time of the cataclysm.  When so many people die at once in a violent and terrifying manner, the Lower Astral Planes become very turbulent.  This turbulence can ricochet back to the Physical Plane and actually make the cataclysm worse.  All those who remained realized that none of the continent would survive, but they were hoping to save the planet.  If the disaster were too tremendous, the Earth could actually become disengaged from its gravitational field and be spun off into space.  As awful as it is for a continent to be destroyed, it is far worse to lose an entire planet.

Supermassive Galactic Plasma Ray

20/04/2013 Galactic Synchronization Ray or Super-massive Black Hole; Excerpt clips from the movie: SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION by renowned German biophysicist, Dieter Broers. The current Consciousness Shifts correspond to a super-massive Galactic Synchronization Plasma Ray originating from Sagittarius A - reaching us through our Sun. Its ongoing influence on us will be ending by mid-2013. Humanity and planet Earth is being upgraded at this very moment! Please visit the Solar (R)evolution web site, buy or rent the Full movie: ...and pass this important information on to everyone you can. Thank you ~.~

Karen Doonan - Finding FOCUS in the Chaos - December 11, 2013

At this time upon and within planet earth the chaos that is the dissolving of the old 3d earth is now unfolding rapidly. At any one time you will be faced with BOTH realities, that is the reality that you are personally creating and the reality that was CREATED FOR you overlaid one on top of the other. This presents various challenges for the human logical mind for within the CREATED old 3d earth reality the human logical mind was TAUGHT how to solve “puzzles”. It is no co-incidence that  ”puzzles”, “crosswords” and other “cryptic” mind material is encouraged, the more the human logical mind is invoked the STRONGER it becomes and it moves out of the balance that IS the human vehicle in TRUTH.

Les Brown Physics Of Crystals Full Documentary. ( Age of Lucidity )

3D Printing : New Series : Introduction : Parts 1 to 5 : The basic needs for a complete 3D printing workshop: - Dec 11, 2013

Welcome to the new 5 Part series of 3D printing :
We will be holding 3D printing Tuition at our new Light Worker-SXM  Office on Skype when we open in Jan 2014:
Our First Acquisition will be to make Colloidal Silver and Gold Makers on a 3D printer:
In this section we will cover all you need to know about the up and coming series all this week on 3D printing:
Today will be an insight into the series and what to expect from 3D printing using your wildest imagination possible:
Keeping upto speed with what’s on the market can be like driving a fast car past all the best deals in a sale and still not keeping up with what is new.

Starseed Evolution

martes, diciembre 10, 2013

Sheldan Nidle - Dec 1, 2013

4 Ix, 17 Yaxk'in, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We return with much to explain! During the last few weeks much progress was made legally to force a number of important things to happen. The major monetary organizations that monitor the world's currencies were told to prepare for a monumental reset that was to conclude with new banking regulations and eventually a series of precious metal currencies. This vast change is to be the prelude to the delivery of the prosperity funds and the rise of new governance. This process continues. The several groups that form our Earth allies have forced a number of ground shattering agreements to be signed and several critical memos to be issued. These items are now causing the desired change to occur in a timely and divine manner. We fully expect these things to manifest shortly. The most important forward movement began on American Thanksgiving when Europe fundamentally committed itself to a worldwide currency reset. This sets up the dates for a release of newly revalued currencies. The next steps are underway!

Aisha North – The Greatness Within – 10 December 2013

AishaNorthDear friends! I have been guided to share this film with you, because it has given me a very different perspective on “the greatness within”. For this film shows the unbelievable complexity that is within just one single cell in our body, and when you think of the fact that every one of us are made up of billions of these diverse cells, all collaborating and communicating with each other, it makes you realize that this intelligence, this Creator that we are a part of, is capable of creating wonders that our human mind cannot even begin to understand.

Blossom Goodchild – 10 December 2013

bloss_270711Good morning! Are you well? Quite a lot of things going round in my head so we will get going straight away if we may?
This is perfectly in order and we are happy to oblige you in answering matters that may be quizzically in the forefront of your mind.
Okedokey. It came to me that many people are attuned to different things and dare I say different Truths regarding the Ascension and The Event. Yet each one is of good intent I am sure … and therefore coming from ‘their Truth’. Yet surely someone / some channels have to be wrong? I mean it could even be you! For instance … either the Comet ISON is or is not a space ship … some are saying it is … and The Event either is or is not going to take place … could we have some clarification on this please?
We are in full understanding of that which you are putting forth. And yet, could it be that each one is a Truth for the one KNOWING it as a TRUTH?

Suzanne Lie - New Gaia Greetings Inner Time

Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – Expansion Is NOT A Linear Process! – 10 December 2013

judithHi, its Judith. Just got a “download” to share with you all–but I first have to share that I use the word “download” only because its become common vernacular. As far as I’m concerned, its a concept that has well served its purpose in expanding awareness of our constant cosmic interconnection, and is NOW obsolete. Once we “got” (or “get”) that basic awareness, we also realize (or will realize), that “downloads” are nothing special. They’re not something that “only a few special ones among us” are deemed worthy of receiving. They’re communications that every one of us receive, all the time! We are ALL interconnected. We are ALL “that special.” It is only the the human leap into believing that–which is miniscule, in the big picture–that we need to take, in order to realize how “cosmically connected” we’ve been all along.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Mother Gaia: Calling Humanity! – 10 December 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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I will not allow my children to be abused much longer.
Cosmic forces will intervene. And I will intervene, if necessary.
I Am your Mother, the Mother of your body and your  energy. Both is precious! But without My support you could not live. Many have forgotten this in their artificial life circumstances. They try to survive with their little spark of personal energy, separated from my embracing power. So they can never be truly happy.

Suzanne Lie – Returning To Gaia – An Inter-Galactic Message – 10 December 2013

Dear Mytrian, it is true that we shall guide you back into Gaia’s core to recalibrate the Cornerstone Crystals within that NOW. However, first we need to give you some more information about our multidimensional inter-galactic group mind and about the timeline you are entering.
Before you entered the timeline in which Gaia was first manifesting Her New Earth. You greatly assisted that manifestation by supporting the Lemurians to heal the psychic scar caused the sinking of their civilization. Now you will enter Gaia’s core during the timeline of year two of New Earth.
First, we wish to tell you more about the team of our inter-galactic group mind. Because we resonate to the fifth dimension and above, we meld our minds in total unity with each other and with the ONE. It is this fifth-dimensional unity consciousness that we are teaching to our many emissaries on Earth during the timeline you will be visiting.

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages – The 12:12 Portal – Activation Of Your MerKaBa – 10 December 2013

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideDear Ones,
Through the Grace of the ever-living Divine Presence within you, a portal opens on December 12 offering a new initiation into Light. As the vibrational frequency of the 12:12 resonates, your Merkabic field is activated. The MerKaBa is a vehicle for your ascension as a Light Being in human form. The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron will be activated around you by the codes at the 12:12 portal. This Star Tetrahedron will create a powerfully-shining starry shield of Light that holds the resonance of your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. The building of your MerKaBa will be completed on the Solstice, December 21, 2013. Throughout those 9 magical days, an increasing resonant frequency will be present in your energy systems. You will feel moments of Brightness and Clarity, as if your very cells are radiating Light, and this indeed will be the Truth.

It’s Time for Love Now- Jennifer Hoffman - December 8, 2013 (posted 10 December, 2013)

It’s time for us to get serious about love now. And before you remind me that it has been years or longer since your last relationship and you have not been able to create one during that time, no matter how hard you have tried, let me say that help is on the way and we will see a big opening and change in this area in 2014. We need to be paired up, as I said on the December 3, the Love and Forgiveness Paradigm call (the link to the recording is provided at the end of this article) and our divine partnerships and kindred spirit connections, which are free of karma, are forming now.

lunes, diciembre 09, 2013

Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871 - December 1st, 2013

Pope meeting with the board of directors of The Vatican (Crown) Bank

Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies.  The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States.  The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776.  On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope)  and Democracy was born.  And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent.  That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

New Documents Show How Power Moved to Wall Street, Via the New York Fed - December 9, 2013

By Pam Martens: December 9, 2013

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Outside the New York Fed, September 17, 2012

The Federal Reserve will celebrate its 100th anniversary on December 23 of this year. But the Federal Reserve did not function as the nation’s central bank until 1922 when it fumbled and stumbled its way into an awareness of the power of a centralized mechanism for buying and selling U.S. government securities as a means of carrying out monetary policy. Thanks to a trove of historic documents recently released by the St. Louis Fed, we are now able to see how the New York Fed, a bastion of Wall Street interests, maneuvered itself into control of that process.

Denise Le Fay - “Gimme Three Steps…” - December 9, 2013
1) Since the 2010 fall Equinox I’ve noticed that the fall quarter of each year (September Equinox through December Solstice) has greatly amplified negativity like there’s a big rush and push to the end of the year each year by what’s left of Team Dark in this world and timeline. And from their point of view it has been one big rush every fall quarter to grab (‘Smash & Grab’) as many and as much as they can before it all, before we all, disappear entirely from their influences and ability to reach us or even See us.
Like the negativity that’s still here and functioning in and through whoever it can in whatever ways it can, it goes into hyper mode during the last three months of the year (every year since 2010) in a great hurried and desperate attempt to cause as much individual and collective confusion, fear, doubt, personal self-doubt, emotional and mental pain, distraction, derailment and so on as absolutely possible. Unfortunately it’s been working every year since I first noticed in 2010, and this 2013 fall quarter has been even worse than 2012 which is really something when you think about it. But, as with all things including this, the important focal-point should be on why.

ORGONITE Pyramid -How to make

“The Event” Part 3 ~ From Suzanne Spooner And Ron Head Of Speaking With Self - December 9, 2013

[youtube=] More questions, more answers, more questions! :) Enjoy!
Ron and Suzanne's Website:
Ron Head's Blog:
Suzanne's QHHT Website:
TAUK Website:
Dolores Cannon's website: Dolores developed the process of QHHT
Copyright© Ronald Head and Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include these copyright notice links:

Sarah Varcas - 9th December 2013: Uranus Preparing to Station Direct

    Uranus is now in the final week of its retrograde phase before stationing direct on 17thDecember. Between now and then it encourages us to reflect upon the past five months to discern its action in our lives. Uranus is the great awakener, the cosmic alarm clock which shatters our cosy sleep to remind us there are places to go, people to meet, things to experience which can never be encounter if we stay where we are.
    When retrograde, those encounters occur within ourselves, with parts of our psyche we have failed to acknowledge or honour. The experiences are difficult to share with others because they are so personal and yet so breath-taking, plucking us out of our everyday consciousness into something altogether different, whether it be different in terms of emotion, thought or level of awareness.

    Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 377 – 9 December 2013

    As you have perhaps already noticed, the speed with which things are happening now has increased exponentially, and many of you will find yourself holding your breath at times now, as the view from within will seem to be one of motion blur. Let us explain. As we told you, utilize that small breather you were given over the weekend, for now, things will once again take on a new speed, and indeed direction. For now, you will all feel compelled to stop hanging around as it were, and even if the view from your current station may be construed as a pleasant one, it is not the view you have come to see. For you have far loftier goals, dear ones, and as such, resting on your laurels will be a thing of the past.

    M.Gamma - Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 27 - Dec 9, 2013

    inspiration[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
    Acknowledge that you are great and you will know that you are an eternal being.
    When did you think to pad yourself on your very shoulder? You do not remember this moment? How should you since this has been so long ago?
    Just permit yourself to note that you may pad yourself on your shoulder too! Since when you consciously go through such activity of self-acknowledgement accepting your true greatness you also will accept the very fact that you are much more than others may want you to believe.
    There is no description whatever in this language to express your true greatness. And there is about it so much more than words may describe it. There also is much more at stake than you may be able normally to imagine at all.
    When you wake up – and I really mean – when you truly awake – you will note for the first time in your life which is the true greatness of yours.
    Introduction to “Inspirations from my Higher Self” <Link>
    Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

    Méline Lafont – The Amazing Trip To Stonehenge And The Heart Chakra Of Gaia (Glastonbury Tor) – Some Great Footage Of Fairies And Violet Lightbeam – 9 December 2013

    MélineSo finally I got some time to write something down about my experiences during my short trip to England to connect with Sacred spaces. I am going to keep it as short as possible and will share some pictures and footage I have captured that are just amazing to me and you can even see special things on it…

    Natalie Glasson – Illusion And Beyond By El Morya – 9 December 2013
    I am Master El Morya, Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light upon the inner planes of the Creator’s universe.
    It is my purpose to decipher and distribute the will of the Creator into the many levels of the Earth and consciousness of humanity. You may call upon my energies to aid you in understanding and deciphering the will of the Creator for your own being, reality and purpose upon the Earth. I am here to be of service, I am already assisting you in receiving the divine will of the Creator but you may call upon my energies to aid you in truly understanding the guidance and insights that flow to you and activate from within you always.

    DEBUNK THIS- 40 reasons to believe in E.T. life brought to you by Dougall2020 UFO proof evidence

    Jonathan Goldman - AH Training Wave - Dec 9, 2013

    Drunvalo Melchizedek - THE WAY TO DO IS TO BE ANNOUNCEMENT 12 04 2013

    domingo, diciembre 08, 2013

    Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 8 December 2013

    marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
    Change continues to take place in every corner of your world. That which has been hidden continues to be exposed to the light of humanity’s awareness and discernment. All that was once kept from the masses can no longer be controlled and the dissemination of enlightening information flies through the airwaves across the planet in mere seconds. All manner of secret activities are coming up to be looked at with awareness and acknowledgment and this will continue to be so until all is transparent in all interactions between humans on their world. This enables each person to become better informed about the many activities that take place so that they can input their choice of how they wish their world and the workings of it to be conducted.

    John Smallman – Saul – Humanity Has Collectively Made The Choice To Open To The Light – 8 December 2013
    As the Christmas and New Year holiday season approaches really focus on being peaceful, being compassionate, and being loving, as Jesus always was. He is your guiding Light, the Way, and the Path, and he demonstrated to you by his attitude and behavior how to follow It. Yes, all paths are individualized because you all have your own lessons to learn, no two are the same. Nevertheless, when you intend to live lovingly as Jesus did, and as you focus your attention on being loving like him much of the energy that you channel and share will be similar to his, and that is what is healing humanity and preparing it for the great shift in awareness, in consciousness, and in intent. That is why you are on Earth at this time, to enable humanity to shift away from conflict and mistrust and move towards Love. Remember every single one of you without exception channels energy constantly because you are all, always, conduits directly connected to the Source! Make it positive loving energy by holding only that intent.

    Fran Zepeda – Sananda – You Are in the Midst of a Culmination of Such Immense Individual Unfoldment – December 8, 2013

    spiritual-unfoldment4Sananda, (Received December 7, 2013):
    Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love. I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia. For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from.
    It is indeed my honor to greet you today and always with so much love in my heart for you all, with so much gratitude and appreciation for you all. You may not yet fully realize it, but you are in the midst of awakening so many aspects of yourself not yet touched on, not yet fully utilized, and not yet fully appreciated.
    And in that awakening comes responsibility to integrate all those aspects of yourself, and this you are doing presently for the full realization of your true selves and for the benefit of all those still coming online. However, it is becoming epidemic now. You have touched so many and now you are sparking within them all the deep knowing of their true nature.

    We are the Bridge between Two Merging Worlds ~ DL Zeta - December 8, 2013
    Our movement into the new time has delivered us to a space between two worlds where we attempt to merge the world of our past and the world of our future through harmonic resonance. This resonance is created when we combine gratitude for all that has been with skillfully-programmed intentions designed to activate the future timelines where our highest visions reside.
    Establishing Outposts in the New Time
    This synergistic formula of profound appreciation for the life we have lived and conscious creation of a future beyond what we have imagined will allow us to establish new outposts in the expanding landscape of the new time.

    Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 8 December 2013

    marilynraffaeleDECEMBER 8, 2013
    Dear ones, we see much more hope and light rising from the earth. You do not sense this as we do, because you are in the midst of it. News and media for the most part report only negative events many of which which when understood on a deeper level, are actually clearings. The earth, dear Gaia, who is a living soul…carries pockets of ancient energy still resonating upon her. These must be cleared in order to allow in the higher Light energies of ascension. All is proceeding according to plan both within and without, so try not to judge outer appearances by third dimensional standards. Most news media outlets still resonate with old ways of delivering information in the belief that “shock and awe” are necessary to draw viewers or readers. As mankind evolves there will come a higher type of information gathering by those who will not work in the old tradition, but will instead work on the deeper levels of understanding and love.

    AA Michael - You really are doing better than you realize. – Ron Head - December 8, 2013

    Let us discuss with you today the ways in which you interpret the channeled messages which you are given.  We of course know that these will be received in the manner that they are.  But it will be helpful, perhaps, for you to see the things which we see.
    Many channels and their messages are influenced more than others by their own belief systems, by their pre-disposition toward one interpretation of information or another.  This may be slight or it may not.  All messages are, because of the methods involved, meaning telepathy, subject to greater or lesser degrees of accuracy.  This is not to convey, nor is it meant to, any disapproval of anyone who is trying very hard to provide the best information they can to you in these times.  Every sincere effort is appreciated.

    Wes Annac – Two Possible Futures – 8 December 2013

    wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
    This article is less about uplifting the readers and more about galvanizing us to address and mend the problems our planet faces. I write this keeping the presence of our Universal Family in mind, as well as the idea that said presence shouldn’t breed complacency or inaction in us.
    My goal isn’t to descend into “negativity” but to bring awareness to the things discussed here with the belief that addressing what’s wrong with our planet doesn’t have to equate to being negative.
    In this crucial time in our growth and evolution as a species, we’re faced with two possible futures: a utopian one or a destructive one.

    The Sirians: We Welcome You Home! - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - December 8, 2013

    Vine Maple
    The Sirians:  Welcome Home!
    We come to you tonight, beloved, to welcome you back into the arms of your soul family, for you have spent many lifetimes upon planets within the solar system of Sirius.
    When you look at the night skies of your northern latitudes, you can pick out one of the brightest stars in the heavens, the Dog Star, known to the ancient Egyptians and one of the starry homes of the human race, as part of their sojourn across the Universe.
    We are here to continue to assist you in releasing the lower vibrational memories of lifetimes spent in Sirius, especially on one of the planets revolving around Sirius B.  It is not necessary to remember all the lifetimes or to dredge up the trauma experienced there; just know that these lifetimes were / are part of your preparation for understanding what has happened to the human race, throughout their long and tragic history.

    Karen Bishop - AVANZANDO - Dic 8, 2013

    .Traducción: Margarita López
    .Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


    sábado, diciembre 07, 2013

    Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 7 December 2013

    AishaNorthYou have perhaps noticed a little lull in the proceedings, a small pause for breath if you will, a chance to sit back and really start see yourself in all of your glory? For again, this is what this is all about, a chance to step back from the hubbub of your everyday life and step within, close the door and enter your own inner sanctuary, where you can begin to get acquainted with the real essence of who you really are. For you are so much more than what you think, and even if this is a message we have repeated again and again, it is one we will continue to preach until the last one of you have fallen down on your knees in awe from seeing the real you for the very first time. And yes, this will take time, but it will indeed happen sooner than many of you think, for now, this process of you opening up those doors within has certainly taken on a whole new meaning.

    John Smallman – Jesus – Very Many Of You Have Been Extremely Dissatisfied With Your Earthly Lives – 7 December 2013 is eternal, you are alive, and therefore you too are eternal beings.  There truly is no death.  Yes, of course you lay down your illusory bodies as you leave the dream environment and return Home from your “travels,” but that is a glorious awakening into the brilliance of Reality.  Your forthcoming human awakening or ascension is different because it will be a mass awakening in which you retain your bodies which are then restored to full vitality and perfection, with an age or physical appearance and abilities appropriate to it that suits your wishes.
    In “A Course In Miracles” I talked of moving from the nightmare into a happy dream, and that is what is about to occur.  Very many of you have been extremely dissatisfied with your earthly lives, and to move into a “Happy Dream” is the next stage on your journey back to Reality.  You cannot move fully into Reality while holding on to any energies, attitudes, or beliefs that are not in complete alignment with our Source, God, our heavenly Father, Love.

    Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

    Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.
    Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to the reality that instead of something there could be nothing at all, i.e. why is there a universe (poignantly aware of itself through us) and not some void completely unconscious of itself?
    Consider that from light, air, water, basic minerals within the crust of the earth, and the at least 3 billion year old information contained within the nucleus of one diploid zygote cell, the human body is formed, and within that body a soul capable of at least trying to comprehend its bodily and spiritual origins.
    Given the sheer insanity of our existential condition, and bodily incarnation as a whole, and considering that our earthly existence is partially formed from sunlight and requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form of food, it may not sound so farfetched that our body emits light.

    viernes, diciembre 06, 2013

    Lena Stevens - December Forecast 2013 - PRONÓSTICO PARA DICIEMBRE DEL 2013 por Lena Stevens

    Written by Lena Stevens


    Monthly forecasts will be posted on the first of every month on our website. To receive Moon updates and other information please sign up for email notices on the upper right corner of our website.

    A monthly support audio Mp3 with Anna and Lena will help you with further discussion, suggestions, exercises, shamanic support, icaros and guided visualizations. THIS MONTH AT A REDUCED PRICE FOR A HOLIDAY SPECIAL (link here).

    December 2013

    The theme for December is ADJUSTMENT.

    This month is about adjusting and realigning your life in a way that works better for you. It is about modifying, correcting, removing, adding, clarifying, accommodating, altering, revising and rectifying anything that needs adjustment based on YOUR TRUTH. It is about making small alterations and fine-tuning your intentions and action plans and paying attention to what is working and what is not. It is about moving everything into a better fit.

    SaLuSa, Lord Ahstar and my other guardian angels, and guides – 6 Dec. 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean.

    imagesAtlantis / Other planets life span
    We encourage you to continue keep the faith in these increasingly difficult times, dear ones.
    You are coming to a time when your true identity will be revealed to you at last. It will come to you as evident that so many among you are not from this beautiful planet originally.
    You will receive communications from us, through dreams, or through your higher self about your star origins.
    Many of you already know of their star families, and of the many lives that you have lead among the immense and powerful Galactic Community of love and light beings.
    In actual fact, the majority of you had many lives on many planets, among various species, and have chosen to let go of those lives when the time for you to leave the planet felt right.

    All over the World SPINNING ICE CIRCLES appearing !

    MADAD - SaLuSa - 6. 12. 2013

     SaLuSa (1)

    There are so many questions within your mind right now, and we know you wish them to be answered. The answers are already in your heart Dear Ones, all of them, and the moment when you will clearly hear them is quickly approaching with your finishing change. Remember no one can provide answers for you, we all can only show you the way that leads to this knowing, because it is always you who decide when is the perfect moment for receiving the answer and with acceptance of that experience of knowing you gain the most from the understanding that is there, hidden within each experience. So when you still feel that your mind is occupied with so many questions, simply ask yourself what do you need to do to be ready, to be prepared to move into the New and with certainty the answer will come and leave you with no doubts about what should be done. At that moment of your own realization, most of the answers will be revealed through your heart, and you will be no longer held back and when you decide to finish all that is necessary, it is always upon your free will choice.

    Message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark - 2014 - Overview - December 3, 2013

    My friends 2014 will be a year for all Light workers to step forward and to be accountable. No more hiding in the shadows allowing others to shoulder the great emotional instability surrounding the planet. All must now play a part in honoring the soul self. It is a year when unity must prevail. Unity with fellow Light workers of similar minds and ways - unity en mass.
    It is through unity that a great step of transition can be achieved in 2014. The higher heart must also be acknowledged which will further expand your DNA strands enabling you to come closer to the Light, expanded and glowing with inner peace and unconditional love. I have said this repeatedly, however it is essential for all in the coming year. This will enable great strides to take place on your journey upward.

    The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry - Dec 2, 2013

    If there was an award for the less Christmas-y Christmas card in the History of the world, I believe that the 2013 Kardashian Christmas card would take the prize. Shot by elite fashion photographer David Lachapelle, the card is a rather grim and depressing summation of the entertainment world – an industry ruled by a shadowy elite that is turning popular culture into a toxic wasteland populated with vacuous celebs such as the Kardashians. The wide panoramic card is filled with symbolism and references describing everything that the Illuminati entertainment industry is about. The shot takes place in an abandoned movie theater, one that appears to destroyed and vandalized. 

    Wes Annac – Our Universal Family: Unity Provides The Foundation – 6 December 2013 through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
    Note from Wes: As you can see, I don’t intend to fully stop channeling but to channel every now and then at whatever length the messages end up when the inspiration hits. You’ll notice that this message is shorter than usual, and this may become routine.
    I feel drawn to pursue other, similar aspects of service, but channeling is still a wonderful and enjoyable practice and I’ll simply offer what I feel led to offer.
    As your inner-perception is growing, more revelations that are rooted in such perception will continue to make their way to you. The goal of many of you is to expand to new heights that you perhaps wouldn’t expect yourselves to expand to, as your ascension is a process that continually refines you and your perception of the realms you’re growing back toward.

    Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Changes In Store For Humanity” – 6 December 2013

    Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.DjwhalKhul
    Alright. The channel lost her voice during the week so the channeling will be a little bit softer than normal but still the energy is here.
    What I want to address during this time period would be the changes in store for Humanity. We’re going through quite a time period with weather changes and probably you’re having storms right now in certain parts of the world.
    Your comet Ison, looping back around, is going to shake up more weather. There’s some, I think, real danger that its trajectory has changed and could in fact at least graze the earth or if not make a bigger impact and have some fallout.