Acknowledge that you are great and you will know that you are an eternal being.
When did you think to pad yourself on your very shoulder? You do not remember this moment? How should you since this has been so long ago?
Just permit yourself to note that you may pad yourself on your shoulder too! Since when you consciously go through such activity of self-acknowledgement accepting your true greatness you also will accept the very fact that you are much more than others may want you to believe.
There is no description whatever in this language to express your true greatness. And there is about it so much more than words may describe it. There also is much more at stake than you may be able normally to imagine at all.
When you wake up – and I really mean – when you truly awake – you will note for the first time in your life which is the true greatness of yours.
Introduction to “Inspirations from my Higher Self” <Link>__
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.