This article is less about uplifting the readers and more about galvanizing us to address and mend the problems our planet faces. I write this keeping the presence of our Universal Family in mind, as well as the idea that said presence shouldn’t breed complacency or inaction in us.
My goal isn’t to descend into “negativity” but to bring awareness to the things discussed here with the belief that addressing what’s wrong with our planet doesn’t have to equate to being negative.
In this crucial time in our growth and evolution as a species, we’re faced with two possible futures: a utopian one or a destructive one.
Most people in the communities of spiritual websites and forums believe that we’re heading into a heavenly reality of harmony and bliss, and I don’t aim to put down this idea, but understanding the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into makes it clear that action is in need of being taken before we can reach that point.
I’ll give an example. If your car is dirty and you want it cleaned, you can talk and dream about it being clean all you want. Start a blog about it if you want! But the problem itself won’t go away until action is taken to solve it.
More people are becoming aware every day of the fact that the condition our planet and civilization is in just isn’t sustainable if we want our children’s children to inherit any kind of positive future, and the growing level of awareness is certainly a good thing.
Now that so many of us have and continue to awaken and seek to build a new planetary paradigm for ourselves and our future generations, I think that it’s time for peaceful yet assertive social action to take a huge upturn.
Revolutionary ideas have been criticized more recently because of the bloody nature of most revolutions, and likewise, peaceful social action like protest is believed not to achieve very much. I think that our entire populace, instead of just a few conscious people, could peacefully and easily orient our society toward prosperity and sustainability.
A small group of GMO protesters marching in front of a Monsanto building might not achieve much in the long run, but the entire public peacefully demanding GMOS be purged from our food supply and refusing to buy products that contain them can achieve a lot.
If even those of us who understand the hazardous health effects of GMOs stop buying products containing them in an effort to defund big biotech, I think we can make a significant dent in their sales.
The point I want to drive home is that we can take effective and peaceful social action. It’s actually very important for us to, in my opinion, because with everything polluting our health and that of our planet with the complacent consent of the public, we could very easily head down a much worse route than most people are comfortable thinking about.
As you read this, the Earth’s resources are being ravaged so that humans can keep making money. Carcinogenic chemicals are being pressure-blasted with tons of water into oil reserves to break up rock around them, and are making their way back into the environment and our water supply, causing flammable tap water and a host of unstudied and unknown potential environmental effects.
Foreign genes and bacteria that have never been in our food supply are being crudely inserted into the DNA of an unfortunate percentage of American crops, and what little tests of the resulting products have been done on animals have produced tumors bigger than golf balls in rats. This stuff should not be in our food.
A large and growing percentage of the population is abandoned and left to economical oblivion while the one percent make more money than ever and have far more than they need. Some people in the one percent even push genetically modified foods on third world nations under the guise of “feeding” them.
Bill Gates & company have been especially active in this.
Unmarked airplanes spray thick trails in our skies day and night, and strange illnesses are reported almost immediately after. And yet, people who talk about these things are labeled loonies; conspiracy theorists, and the problems continue to be ignored.
We can change this, and I think that we need to before we learn the hard way what can happen if we remain complacent.
I think that all of us will need to soften our tendency to close ourselves off from concepts and ideas that are outside of our current, comfortable paradigm if we want to solve the greatest problems we face. It’s important for us to recognize that, in some senses, our planet and civilization is spiraling downward, but it’s also important to recognize that our situation isn’t unfixable.
Despite the condition our planet’s in, we’re actually more than capable of entering a utopian future. It takes our mobilization and addressing of the problems of natural resource drilling and fracking; GMOs and big biotech’s corporate domination; the rising inequality between the lower and upper classes; chemtrails; and various other things, for us to do so.
I think that it’s important for us to visualize a positive future, but it’s equally important to take solid steps to build our future. An understanding of our inherent and infallible spiritual connection with each other can help us come together and start various important projects and campaigns that can blossom into real solutions to the very real problems facing us.
I don’t think that solutions to these problems are going to present themselves to an unwilling and divided humanity, but they can be found relatively easily if we start making the effort now.
Believing that humanity is entering the positive future so discussed in spiritual circles, I don’t want to enter a future where our environment and natural resources have been ravaged to the point of no return or where our health is equally dismal because of GMOs and artificial food in general.
I want to see third world countries thrive with growth and prosperity, and it’d be great to see collective awareness facilitate the building of a new paradigm that operates in the best interest of every sovereign and prosperous citizen. In peaceful, defunding-based ways, I want to see the people bring the corporations ravaging our planet, our health and our wallets to their knees.
Even if the unity of mankind and the breaking of our dependence on corporations seems unattainable, with big numbers nothing is impossible. When collectively unified with a clear goal in mind, we can create a model of living and sustaining ourselves that’s far more progressive than our current, and I think we’ll find that the fruits of our efforts far outweigh the difficulty of changing our rigid and deeply ingrained ways.
The late conscious comedian Bill Hicks said that it only takes a choice between fear and love. In this case, it only takes the choice to love ourselves and everyone else on our planet, and to address and fix the aspects of our society keeping us from entering a positive future.
My choice is to unite with you and help heal the planet, and it’ll be interesting to see how many others take this route as the planetary consciousness grows. / link to original article