Dear ones, we see much more hope and light rising from
the earth. You do not sense this as we do, because you are in the midst
of it. News and media for the most part report only negative events many
of which which when understood on a deeper level, are actually
clearings. The earth, dear Gaia, who is a living soul…carries pockets of
ancient energy still resonating upon her. These must be cleared in
order to allow in the higher Light energies of ascension. All is
proceeding according to plan both within and without, so try not to
judge outer appearances by third dimensional standards. Most news media
outlets still resonate with old ways of delivering information in the
belief that “shock and awe” are necessary to draw viewers or readers. As
mankind evolves there will come a higher type of information gathering
by those who will not work in the old tradition, but will instead work
on the deeper levels of understanding and love.
You are entering what is termed the season of joy and
love, but many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with the
commercial aspects of the season the same way you used to. You are
discovering yourselves to be more aware of the constant push to buy,
buy, buy and are finding it offensive rather than festive because you
have evolved. You now realize that possesions do not equal happininess
or love–a lesson many have been forced to examine through weather
related events. As you increasingly begin to live out from gratitude and
love, you become aware that “more stuff” does not create happiness.
There are some who are very wealthy but live life going from one
accquisition to another in their search for happiniess, never quite
achieving it–this is their lesson in this life.
Many of you are also noticing that some traditional
activities now feel flat and boring–(films, TV shows, advertising,
music, and commercial hype). At first you may try to ignore these
feelings or credit them to tiredness while continuing to push ahead in
the familiar ways. Honor yourselves dear ones, by having the courage to
let go of anything or anyone that no longer resonates with you.
Do not judge or believe something is wrong if you find
you are not able to get into your usual “Christmas mood”, for you are
now living out from a new state of consciousness, one that no longer
fully resonates with consummerism as it is being presented to you under
the colorful wrappings of “holiday spirit”. You are graduating, it is
what you have been asking for.
As you evolve, you begin to experience every facet of
life in new ways. You begin to see beyond the third dimensional
appearnaces and start looking deeper into the real meaning behind life
events. This is true for Christmas as well–you begin celebrate the birth
of Love into Consciousness and the messages of truth given the world
through it. You enjoy the season from a new and higher state of
awarenss, but at the same time do not “throw out the baby with the
bathwater” for the Christmas season is a time of high energy, of joy, of
celebration–powerful energies to embrace and experience.
The Christmas season presents opportunities to practice
living out from your power while still experiencing the joy of this
sacred time. It is an opportunity for you to let go of the tradtitions
that no longer resonate with you while at the same time incorporating
new ones that do. This can cause dissension in families whose traditions
go back many generations–always celebrated in the same way. New ideas
and activies can be incorporated slowly and gently. There need not be
the elimination of traditions still enjoyed, but the elimination of
those that feel old and finished.
It is about looking behind the traditions, rites and
rituals, and examining what these activities represent. It is about no
longer allowing yourselves to be led by family, church, media, etc. into
the blind belief that these things have innate power in and of
themselves for they have only whatever power you chose to give them.
Look deeper. Remember always–you are in charge of you and your choices,
not familiy, friends, or the big box stores.
The intense commercialism you are being increasingly
bombarded with has nothing to do with the truth behind what is being
celebrated. Let any changes you decide to make be changes that represent
the real Christ birth–the birth of Truth and Love. Christmas takes
place any moment the soul begins to understand this. Changes you are
guided to make will encourage others also experiencing these same
feelings to courageously look deeper and make their own changes.
Be aware that commercialism is often presented in hidden
forms, pushing you to give to this or give to that all in the name of
being loving and generous. However much of this is simply a back door
into promothing more buying. Give, but give from the heart, dear ones,
always trusting your intuition as to when it is appropriate and when it
is not. Many gifts don’t need to be bought and you will think of many if
you try.
Deep and profound completeness can only come from the
awareness that you are Divine beings having human experiences of
separation in order to at some point discover the truth of this.
Christmas celebrations represent third dimensional interpretations of
the birth of Light and truth. There are many who are unaware of this,
and in their ignorance continue to see and promote the season in ever
more commercial ways, however what you do with it is your choice.
Enjoy the high frequencies of Light and joy present
during the holiday season for the energy of joy most closely resonates
with Divine energy– let the joyful child within you escape and be free.
See and enjoy the festivities in whatever ways make your heart sing, but
begin to SEE and KNOW the deeper truths behind every celebration, every
tradition, every rite or ritual.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/8/13