Dear Mytrian, it is true that we shall guide you back into Gaia’s
core to recalibrate the Cornerstone Crystals within that NOW. However,
first we need to give you some more information about our
multidimensional inter-galactic group mind and about the timeline you
are entering.
Before you entered the timeline in which Gaia was first manifesting
Her New Earth. You greatly assisted that manifestation by supporting
the Lemurians to heal the psychic scar caused the sinking of their
civilization. Now you will enter Gaia’s core during the timeline of year
two of New Earth.
First, we wish to tell you more about the team of our
inter-galactic group mind. Because we resonate to the fifth dimension
and above, we meld our minds in total unity with each other and with the
ONE. It is this fifth-dimensional unity consciousness that we are
teaching to our many emissaries on Earth during the timeline you will be
You are called upon to assist in re-calibrating Gaia’s core
crystals to activate her multidimensional matrix. This re-calibration
will facilitate the transition from a third dimensional planet into a
multidimensional planet with multidimensional inhabitants.
Our inter-galactic team has many emissaries who have volunteered to
wear a physical form to assist with this process of planetary
ascension. We are in constant communication with the emissaries who have
awakened to their SELF, and more of them are awakening every day.
Once fully awake to their true multidimensional nature, our
emissaries are able to consciously receive the light messages that we
are sending. Some of the emissaries will translate our messages into
words. Others will translate our light messages into ideas, actions,
writing and other forms of creative expression.
Some of our emissaries will receive our messages from others who
have translated them, but they will instantly resonate to the
information. Then they will want to know more because it will awaken
them to the knowing that they, too, are emissaries of light.
Many of our emissaries will also become involved in the
communications and actions, which other emissaries have stepped down
into the third dimension. However humanity receives our message and in
whichever way they share it was predetermined before they merged their
essence into an earth vessel.
It is your mission to assist our “away team” who has downloaded
their essence into one, or several, of their third dimensional
expressions of SELF. The cetaceans and many members of the ‘animal
kingdom’ are also receiving their higher dimensional essence of SELF.
Once these earth-bound expressions have fully integrated their higher expressions of SELF, it
is vital that they become involved in Gaia’s ascension, which is
occurring NOW. The caterpillar inside the cocoon does not see a
difference in its outer world until it becomes a butterfly. In this new
form the world can be perceived from a vastly different perspective than
it was from the viewpoint of a caterpillar.
Many of the members of our brave away team have become trapped in
the perspective of their grounded self who must walk upon the land
rather than beam through dimensions. Fortunately, as they awaken to
their Multidimensional SELF, they will be able to experience their
physical form on Gaia’s landed surface while they simultaneously
experience their ascended form as members of our inter-galactic family.
Just as their human self may be French, German and Italian, their
Galactic SELF may be Sirian, Pleiadian and/or Arcturian. If our
emissaries are able to connect with one of the many higher expressions
of their Multidimensional SELF, they will be able to serve us as a
translator of our message.
We are aware that Earth’s culture has been separated into many
different languages, beliefs and spiritual/religious ideations. However,
planetary unity consciousness is vital for the planetary ascension.
The remaining forces of darkness have created propaganda to create
myriad wars and conflicts to avoid the inevitable planetary unity
consciousness, as they know ascension will end their reign of fear. The
end of their reign will NOT come about through yet another war, but via
worldwide unconditional love and unity consciousness.
In fact, unity consciousness creates unconditional love and
unconditional love creates unity consciousness. Humanity begins this
process when they unite with their Multidimensional SELF. As they unify
their consciousness with more and more of their multidimensional
expressions of SELF, their consciousness will expand beyond the
illusions of the physical world.
Once they are fully aware that they are also a higher dimensional
galactic or celestial being, their human identity will no longer be
bound by 3D illusions. In other words, once they are fully aware of
their inner multidimensional identity, their third dimensional earth
vessel will be perceived as their anchor into the body of Gaia. Through
this “anchor” they can pull the multidimensional light of their SELF
through their earth vessel and into the core of Gaia’s Earth.
Therefore, Mytrian, do you see why you are so important. You are a
prototype for a physically grounded multidimensional being. Your inner
expressions of 3D Sandy and Jason also hold two separate physical bodies
on ascending Earth.
Your inner expressions of Mytria and Mytre hold expressions that
appear “separate” from the perspective of your third-dimensional
thinking. However, you have fully integrated these components of your
inner and extended Pleiadian SELF. On the other hand, you inner
Arcturian SELF still appears to be far beyond the being that you
perceive as YOU.
All members of our inter-galactic team have merged into this unity
consciousness with higher expressions of their Multidimensional SELF. It
is through their connected multidimensional consciousness that they can
receive our higher-dimensional light message and translate them into a
manner which can be received and understood by the awakened members of
Our inter-galactic group mind unites myriad dimensional expressions
of SELF as well as our human expressions on ascending Earth.
Unfortunately, many of our third dimensional expressions have forgotten
that they are already ascended within the higher octaves of their
Multidimensional SELF.
Therefore, they may have forgotten that they did not take an earth
vessel in order to ascend that vessel. They volunteered to assist Gaia
with the ascension of Her planetary form. This planetary ascension will
occur via unity consciousness of Gaia’s inhabitants.
The lost ones who have become trapped in their own darkness are
terrified of unity. Many of these lost ones cannot ascend into the
higher realms because their actions were so vicious that they separated
themselves from their Multidimensional Soul.
However, they are still on the fourth dimensional Wheel of Birth
and Death. Therefore, when they “die” in the third dimension they go
into the lower worlds of the fourth dimension to later be “born” back
into the physical plane.
This group of lost ones is actually quite small and ranks only in
the thousands. However, they have been in power for so many millennia
that they have created a huge network of others who were brainwashed to follow the lost ones orders.
To be afraid of any of these lost ones only feeds them, as they
actually devour fear. On the other hand, unconditional love is quite
terrifying to them, as that frequency of light can actually damage them.
Of course, once anyone would have the intention of using unconditional
love to damage another, their frequency would drop, and they would no be
able to send such a high frequency of light.
Instead, unconditional love serves as a shield, which actually
makes you invisible to the lost ones. Just as many of our away team
cannot perceive their higher expressions of SELF while wearing their
third/fourth form, the lost ones cannot perceive any thing that
resonates beyond the mid-fourth dimension.
Mytrian, before you return to the lower dimensions, we want to
remind you that unconditional love infinitely protects you from all
darkness. You do not need to send out that unconditional love. Instead,
just hold it within your consciousness. Keeping unconditional love
focused in your consciousness will assure protection against adversity.
Before entering Gaia’s core you will visit your earthy expressions
of Mytre and Mytria to fully integrate that frequency of your
Multidimensional SELF. This integration may be a challenge. However,
once you call upon your higher expressions, you rise above any
difficulty to regain your higher perspective.