martes, noviembre 05, 2013

Karen Bishop - Updates

Activation: Awakening Codes..By Dwaine Hartman

Suzanne Lie – Checking IN – 5 November 2013
Hello dear readers,
Many other expressions of my SELF have been speaking through my Sue Lie self. However, recently I have been feeling a need to speak through the very human I just wrote about releasing. I will call these messages “Checking In” because the best way for me to check in with my SELF is to write and share. Also, I feel a need to share my experience because I know that many of you are having similar experiences and may want to share them in the comments section.
It is important that we “come out” as our true SELF, at least with the people who can take it. I have found that my inner SELF lets me know if someone is a person who can handle that information. I am so happy that I took the Arcturian’s advice long ago to start a website.  Because of that I can hear from people all over the world, as I am not hearing from people in my area.

THE NEW FLUID REALITY - Ute Posegga-Rudel - November 5, 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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The new light and energy has indeed brought a new level of reality into our world. This is a new experience since we had the game-changing solar eclipse on November 3. While the influx continues it needs our growing awareness so that it can become more and more a tangible reality, ultimately for everybody.

The density and 3dimensional solidity is being gently pushed into the background, to still be used only in the moments when we need to manage our daily life that is still grounded in the old ways.

Are Extraterrestrial Races living with us on Earth ?

lunes, noviembre 04, 2013

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of November - Las Energías de Noviembre 2013 por Jennifer Hoffman 3 de Noviembre de 2013

November is a month whose energies lend themselves to tying up loose ends, cleaning out our emotional, mental and spiritual closets, and taking a long look at what we want to change in our lives.
That doesn’t mean we can’t start new things, but the energy may not be there to support new beginnings in an easy or graceful way right now, partly because of a pesky Mercury retrograde which is going to keep us on the path of clearing out our stuff all month. We’ll be making lots of changes this month but they may not be outwardly visible until December.
Remember that density (3D) is the last place that changes become visible, not the first. By the time they trickle down to 3D so we can ‘see’ them, they have been propagated everywhere else energetically.

Karen Doonan - TRUTH and the new human reality - November 4, 2013

For many of you the last 3 linear days or even longer may have been a time when you felt at a loss of who you were and what was happening. The 3d overlay in place being the full moon and solar eclipse.  The influx of the higher dimensional energies will have seen many of you release lifetimes of pain and trauma and this may have been in various ways, from the very physical being sick to the emotional response of tears/ anger. No matter how you chose at a human conscious waking mind level to let go the letting go may have been intense. The reason for this release is to help you move fully into the new higher dimensional timeline of TRUTH. Unlike the timelines in which you have lived for aeons the NEW EARTH timeline is ONE timeline that exists in multiple dimensions.

Christine Meleriessee – Lord Adama Discourses: A New Portal of Light - Nov 4, 2013

Greetings! It is I Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.  Thank you so much for being here with us this evening.
The energies this week are preparing us for this Portal of Light which represents every individual upon the planet to step into a new part of their essence. It is an opportunity and the most essential part is that whatever element you are dealing with presently must be purged in order to have a much better experience of going through the portal as it will intensify energies within you that don’t align with the frequency of your higher self that has been deemed appropriate for you.

Owen K. Waters: The Dawn of Self-Empowerment - Nov 4, 2013

 Owen K Waters
In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.
One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects.

The guidance of your heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 04, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Surrender to the guidance of your heart, my child. It knows the way exactly and will not lead you astray. Your heart is the seat of your soul – likewise it surrounds your body – and your higher self will take his place of residence there before your ascension. That’s why we tell you all and again, go into your heart, listen to your heart and let your heart guide you. As long as you let youself be led by your ego, you can run into the void, but never with your heart. You know, there is a great knowledge and great wisdom available. The key is your heart, my child. Entrust yourself to it. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 4 November 2013

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already ascertained, the aftermath of these sojourns into that collective field of energy will at times be rather burdensome as you may feel less than enthusiastic whenever this connection is severed. For as you sit down to connect to this grid in such a huge effort as was carried out yesterday, you all get a huge boost from the energies that accompanies this simultaneous journey into this vast field of energetic particles. And so, whenever you have become so deeply embedded within this grid that so many of you did during that collective event, it might become slightly difficult whenever you come out of this again.

AA Michael - You will amaze yourselves when this is all over. – Ron Head - November 4, 2013

Are there others with you, Michael?
Yes, Yeshua, Mary, all the Archangels, all of your guides… we are all involved in all of these messages.  We always have been and we will continue to be.  We have used my name because more people respond to the messages when they can identify a source that they know.  And so, we will remain Michael for most of these.  Know however that I speak for all.
Thank you.
Let us move on to today’s topic.  We will speak to the new energetic field in which you find yourselves and how it will evolve from here in the near future.  Some of this information has been given, but we will restate it here to clarify.

New Light Waves ~ The Silence and Pure Light for Pure Conduits

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~ 15 de octubre de 2013

~ La Energía del salón ~

La voz colectiva de la tercera ola

Los Faros de Luz, Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y publicadas aquí los días 15 de cada mes. La traducción al español se publica entre el 25 y 30 del mismo mes.La próxima emisión de Lightworker será el
Sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013 a las 11:00 a.m. – hora del Pacífico en EE.UU.

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~
*Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado en algunos puntos y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr mayor claridad en este formato

De: El Grupo

Saludos desde el Hogar,

Ustedes son imperfecciones hermosas

Saludos, Yo soy Elrah del Servicio Rítmico

Estoy aquí para que todos se serenen por un instante y para ofrecerles mi gran sonrisa - una de mis sonrisas... ¡Aquí va! A ustedes les parece divertido que esté sentado aquí, hablándoles con esta voz extraña, sonriendo y actuando como un tonto, pero, ¿acaso comprenden lo que estoy haciendo? Estoy asentando la energía, porque si cierran sus ojos por un momento y extienden su mano hacia adelante energéticamente, casi podrían palpar el nivel energético del salón. Muchos de ustedes lo sintieron cuando entraron hoy por primera vez, y algunos tuvieron que salir y volver a entrar un par de veces para poder adaptarse a la energía. Saben que se está volviendo real. Es lo hermoso de todo esto, porque durante mucho tiempo no pudo formar parte de su realidad. Verán, existe en los mundos más pequeños de su niñez. Pero, a medida que van creciendo dejan de re-cordar que pueden percibir la energía del salón; incluso tampoco creen que pueden sentir el corazón de las demás personas, pero es así. Cuando el Guardián era pequeño, sus padres eran muy religiosos y siempre lo llevaban a la iglesia y en algún momento él quiso ser predicador por lo que preguntaba constantemente: "¿Cómo lo consigo? ¿Cómo puedo llegar a ser lo mejor que pueda ser?". Ellos le respondían: "Sé bueno. Sé bueno. Sólo sé bueno sin importar lo que suceda". Bien, ¿qué es lo bueno en realidad? Eso lo confundía mucho hasta que lo pillaron siendo malo y entonces logró comprenderlo un poco mejor. A veces necesitan la polaridad para saber dónde están sus límites y eso no tiene nada de malo, queridos. Están en la Tierra por una razón. Número uno: No se les pide que sean perfectos, ¿lo sabían? En otras palabras, no podrían ser perfectos aunque lo intentasen. Forma parte de las reglas del planeta Tierra. Aquí solo existe la imperfección. La perfección está en el Hogar. Cuando llegan a la Tierra, dividen toda su perfección en distintos niveles dimensionales para así poder jugar y fingir que son perfectos. Ahora les pediremos que irradien su luz sobre todas sus bellas imperfecciones, porque esa es la verdadera luz que trajeron del Hogar. Esa es la esencia del sabor de luz que ustedes le dan.


Transcribed by Paul Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
The energy of change abounds on your planet right now. Some of you are experiencing dramatic change on many levels in your life. Some of you are feeling unsettled about the change for you feel it and life feels uncertain. Yet the evidence of it might not have impacted your life at this point in time. There are many others on your planet who are not aware of any changes happening and that is all perfectly fine.

domingo, noviembre 03, 2013

Jesus - Your true nature is Love, so make a point of being Love in every moment November 3, 2013 by John Smallman
The enthusiasm to awaken and to know God is intensifying daily as more and more of you add your intent to the human collective intent that God be known and honored all across the planet.  You are going to achieve this by living lovingly and compassionately and by cooperating peacefully and harmoniously to change yourselves, thus letting go of any egoic self-serving agendas to which you may have been attached, and by so doing changing the world into a place of holy joy.  This is not a pipe dream, this is an environment that you are working constantly and most effectively to bring into being, and success in your divine venture is inevitable, because it is the divine Will.

Suzanne Lie – Releasing The Habit Of Being Human – Message From The Arcturians – 3 November 2013 found this message hidden in another file. It seemed so familiar that I searched my recent messages to find it, but I could not. Thus, I have decided to post, or re-post it, as it is information that we cannot hear too often.)
In order to return to the higher frequencies of reality you will need to release our habit of being human. YOU are not your human body. However, YOU are wearing your human body. This body is not YOU. It is merely the form that you must wear in order to engage in third dimensional life.
You do not even wear this form when you sleep and enter the fourth dimensional astral plane. You do not wear this body when you meditate and experience higher frequencies of reality. Of course, you do save and protect this body so that you can return to the third dimensional experience. Therefore, you would not sleep in the middle of the street or meditate while driving your car.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 3 November 2013

Beloved Ones,
The world teems with newness amidst the crumbling ashes of the old. Every living being and consciousness is being blessed with healing and renewing energies that come from the cosmos. Along the path of each soul, miracles are abounding! Everywhere one looks there is evidence of the higher realms being felt and in many cases, being seen. The greatest miracles are taking place within each soul as they are being filled with the spirit of love from the higher dimensions. Each soul is beginning to express their higher version of themselves and this is having a wondrous effect upon the whole planet. Humanity as a whole is realizing the power for positive change that they carry and are utilizing and mobilizing into positive works that benefit the higher good of all.

Don’t fight – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 03, 2013

(Translated from original language german
My child, do not oppose and do not fight against that, you do not like. No matter what it is. All that which you resist will persist, and will at the most only get stronger because you give it energy. If you want something to get rid of or change, then send your love into it. Look at it, send your unconditional love into the situation and let go. This is the only reasonable method to really change something. The more you fight and struggle against, the more stronger however the resistance of that you’re fighting against will grow. Do you understand this? You know now, love heals everything. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Wes Annac – Who Am I? I Am A Child Of The Universe – 3 November 2013

At one time, you might have read a writing from me that boasted “Incarnate Representative of the Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian High Council” at the end.
Having awakened in so many ways and opened up to channeling the energy and guidance of our Universal Family, I subtly rooted my perception of my identity in what I perceived was a higher place.
This wasn’t something I did intentionally; I embraced the idea of actively representing the Pleiadians in what I felt was a positive move, but looking back on it, I see that I was really aggrandizing myself and presenting myself in a light that didn’t match me as much as I thought it did.
Reading about walk-ins and noting the parallels between events in my Life and those in the Lives of people who were said to have experienced them, saw me genuinely believe that I had experienced a braided walk-in and that the “former” part of me was steadily exiting as the “newer” walk-in soul came to the forefront of my perception.


CELLRESONANCEANDRESTRUCTURINGPLEIADESMERKABA…What we are trying to say to you is the fear that many of you are experiencing at this moment in time, is nothing more than the remnants of civilizations past, the remnants of you bodies remembrance, and the celebration of your hearts’ knowing.
All of this is but a normal reaction to the universal truth that your bodies are being bombarded with at this very moment in time. The universal truth of Freedom, Self Power and Self Reliance. The universal truth of Love, Light and Peace. The universal truth of ONENESS with each other, the universe and the eternal OM. The energies that your bodies were and still are affected with are such as to allow the rapid transformation of your psyche for more and more of us, your galactic brothers and sisters are entering GAIA’s planetary system. And so, another massive awakening of the sleeping souls and the penetration of the outer layers of the atmospheric convergence is about to be experienced by you all…

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – The Arrival Of The New Light – 3 November 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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While the new energies of light are arriving, carrying a further expanded consciousness of cosmic proportions, it is important, to open up to their magnificence.
Because without us receiving and utilizing them, they cannot propel forward the planetary evolution and our own ascension.
As we receive them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light body.

Luna Nueva / Eclipse Solar - Lena Stevens y Pat Liles - 3 de Noviembre 2013

Traducción: Margarita López

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva con un eclipse solar parcial/híbrido es el domingo 3 de noviembre a las 12:50 pm GMT. Éste es un momento verdaderamente poderoso para establecer nuevas intenciones, reglas y compromisos disciplinados, especialmente acerca de lo que no quieren. Podría ser más difícil obtener claridad acerca de lo que desean manifestar, pero en ese momento deben tener claro lo que no les sirve. Es suficiente fijar el límite contra lo que ya no desean experimentar y en lo que no quieren participar. Permitan que el espíritu les traiga la sincronía y la claridad del cómo y cuándo. Y luego confíen en que así será.

Welcome to the seventh Gathering around the Pond, Sunday November 3

Dear friends!
Tomorrow we have another Gathering at 21:00 Oslo time. It has been an intense period for many of us, and I think we are all looking forward to this chance to sit down and BE together, united with the magnificent energies that surround this Pond. Here is what the CCs have to say about it:
“As you all know, tomorrow will be an important day in so many ways. The celestial signs will be more than ready to tell you so, and you will all in some way be touched by this magnificent display in the heavens. However, there are other things we would like to focus on now, and that is your role in the about-turn of this precious planet that you all call home, and tomorrow, this will be highlighted for you all. For as you sit down to connect with this human grid of light you call the Pond, you will all be called upon to give your contribution to this display of love and light that will start to rain down on you all. For you are an intrinsic part of this process, and as you have already seen, you all function as hubs in a wheel. For from each and every one of you there radiate out so much power in the form of enlightened energy, and tomorrow, the force of this power will multiply manifold.

The Cosmic Dance of the Twin Flames - Judith Kusel - November 3, 2013

images (33)The Cosmic dance of the Twins.
The soul itself is not bound by time and space, but lives eternally. It lives as sheer Light energy, which emits not only light, but sound and colours. It vibrates in harmony with the light frequencies and sound (tonal chord) frequency band of the soul group, or Over soul. This in essence is the I AM presence, which is present in all of us.
When the soul is fully activated, it has 12 distinct flames, and these flames then form part and particle of the 13th flame, which in essence is the flame of the Holy Spirit, or the flame of the Oversoul, as embodied in soul group spirit – that collective, which in turn forms part of the greater cosmic flame – the threefold flame, of LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM.

November Forecast 2013 - Pronóstico Para Noviembre Del 2013 por Lena Stevens

Monthly forecasts will be posted on the first of every month on our website. To receive Moon updates and other information please sign up for email notices on the top right corner of our website.

A monthly support audio Mp3 with Anna and Lena will help you with further discussion, suggestions, exercises, shamanic support, icaros and guided visualizations. (link here)

The theme for November is DISCIPLINE.
Many of you are still in the throws of October's letting go and reset themes. But what follows is the need for discipline in order to continue on and anchor whatever is being reset. DISCIPLINE this month will be for committing to your new intentions, not taking things personally, following through with determination, setting daily practices and continuing forward despite difficulty, doubt and obstacles.

sábado, noviembre 02, 2013

Matthew’s Message: November 1, 2013

Matthew Ward 222Matthew Ward as received by Suzy Ward, November 1, 2013 –
[NOTE from Suzy: When this message was ready to send out, I discovered that I had no Internet connection—the problem couldn’t be fixed on-line and Comcast’s technician couldn’t come until today. I changed the message’s original October 27th date to November 1st, the distribution date.]
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You would feel greatly uplifted about the state of your world if you could see Earth as we do, sparkling and glowing ever more brightly as her balance improves with each release of negativity. Although the extremes of duality still are in play on the planet, many positive scenarios are unfolding.

Irma Kaye Sawyer: Cosmic Weather – New Moon Report for 11.3.13: This Magic Moment Oct 31, 2013 - El Clima Cósmico – Informe de Luna Nueva para el 3.11.13: Este Momento Mágico De Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer 31 de Octubre 2013 perception is my filter through which I create my reality. I choose to see endless possibilities before me. ~ Sue Krebs
Hello friends. Welcome to the next in our Fall “eclipse season,” – the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. I’ve been reading reports on this upcoming New Moon that have been rather all over the map, with an inclination however, to be rather “doom and gloom.” That’s not exactly my take on the energies, as challenging as they may be for some.

Patricia Cota-Robles – A Victorious Shift Of Consciousness – 5 September 2013 Republicado Nov 2, 2013

Traducción Incluida
patriciacotaroblesAs you read this article, please withdraw your attention from the outer-world chaos that is bombarding Humanity’s hearts and minds at this time. What we are witnessing in the media is being orchestrated by a few people’s fallen human egos. The human ego is a fear-based, fragmented aspect of Humanity’s consciousness that is doing everything it can to maintain control and to prevent us from manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Know that regardless of what may temporarily manifest in the outer world of illusion, any attempt to block our Ascension in the Light will fail. The tangible manifestation of the New Earth is our Divine Destiny and has already been accomplished in the Realms of Cause. The patterns of Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, and Transfiguring Divine Love associated with the New Earth are daily and hourly being magnetized into the world of effects by an Awakened Humanity.

Patricia Cota-Robles – Let’s Take Advantage Of This Very Powerful Time –Aprovechemos Este Momento Sumamente Poderoso - 27 Sept 2013 Republicado Nov 2, 2013

Traducción Incluida
patriciacotaroblesAs we move through this first year of the New Earth at warp speed, we are being presented with amazing opportunities to add to the Light of the world. The Earth is deeply affected by the movements and alignments of all of the Celestial Bodies surrounding this planet. During the Shift of the Ages that was God Victoriously accomplished on December 21-22, 2012, the Earth reclaimed her rightful place in our Solar System and Ascended out of our long exile in separation and duality. Now the influx of Light that bathes the Earth through various Celestial events is being amplified beyond anything we have ever experienced.

Be A Peace Commanding Presence In The Midst Of Chaos by Patricia Cota-Roblesn - November 2, 2013

 Patricia CotaRobles
The New Moon Solar Eclipse that is taking place November 3rd will bring to fruition the greatest collective purging of the obsolete patterns and human miscreations associated with the old Earth that Humanity has ever endured. This is occurring in our individual lives and in our collective lives as the Family of Humanity. The Company of Heaven has assured us that with the intervention of our I AM Presence, this facet of the Divine Plan is being God Victoriously accomplished. Now, we can more easily move forward with the next step of our Ascension into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Solara - FROM THE OCTOBER 2013 SURF REPORT ~ Converging ~ Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Octubre 2013 ~ Convergiendo ~

Solara in Tongariki

The New Landscape of the expanded realm of the Diamond of the Unseen is
a TOTALLY NEW REALITY, completely different from what we have known before.
It is amazing. It is wondrous. And it is here, NOW....

To fully inhabit the New Landscape we need to become totally new, fresh beings. It's more than simply letting go of the traumas, heartbreaks and expired behaviors of our past; it's allowing these parts of our past to crumble into dust. It's like burning a piece of paper until the words written upon it disappear and there are no more old stories to read.

Be prepared to receive the great Wave and set to hold tight – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 02.11.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans, another week has passed by and I, Archangel Raphael have another message for you. As my brother, Archangel Michael has announced already, we shall adapt our messages to each other. This is being repeated here so all of those just having joined us recently will be in the know.
Everything announced here by my brother last weekend will be followed now subsequently here:
Your planet and all of you humans on it – presently you have arrived at some sort of fault – and what is meant by it has been explained to you respectively some of you had to look it up in the Internet. I do agree that we do make it easy always for you when it comes to reading our messages.

Suzanne Lie – Life Within New Earth – Part 2 – Being Multidimensional – 2 November 2013

As we flowed across the surface of the great inner lake, we remembered the Arcturian’s final message, “Go down there and let go.” Since this was our first chance to ponder these words, we realized that “let go” could mean many things. As we crossed lake hidden deep within the core of some frequency of Earth the mist of the cool water danced across our loose representation of our feet. It was then that we had to “let go” of all former restrictions of a form.
Our body, was somewhat humanoid, but it seemed to shift and waft with our every thought and emotion. We could feel our essence of Mytre and Mytria as our dominant being, but our Arcturian nature shined a light on us that provided great calm and confidence. We also felt Sandy and Jason, our third dimensional expressions of SELF, deep within us.

Consejos para el Portal de Energía del 1 al 3 de noviembre - Una ventana de oportunidad de 3 días – Por Selacia - Oct 31, 2013
Traducción: Fara González López
Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La administración de sus energías se convierte en preocupación vital durante el portal de energía del 1 al 3 ahora justo al doblar de la esquina. 

En este artículo explico por qué esto es importante y brindo algunos consejos prácticos espiritualmente conectados a tierra para estar en equilibrio durante este portal. También explico la conexión entre el eclipse que ocurre el 3 de noviembre y otros factores de elevada energía que influyen en nosotros durante este período de 3 días.   

ScienceCasts: The Sounds of Interstellar Space

viernes, noviembre 01, 2013

Our Universal Family: Rivers of Energy are Pouring into your Chakras - Wes Annac - Nov 1, 2013

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Humanity is finding and rediscovering endless and bountiful joy and bliss with your reality and the experiences that play out before you, and as we have in the past, we reiterate that allowing your existence to simply be and to play out in the manner it’s intended to will see you able to navigate your experience and the lessons you’re being given much easier.
One of your aims in incarnating on the Earth has been to learn and grow from within the lower vibrations, while for many of you, subsequently lifting up the collective and helping show the way for the rest of your planet to see the Light and evolve.

Wes Annac – The Way Of The Wayshower – 1 November 2013

wes-annac-300x229The wayshower seeks to impart the Love and knowledge they’ve gained unto as many fellow seekers as possible. The wayshower humbly makes their way through Life, constantly seeking and sharing what they’ve learned.
They’ve gained a perspective that they strongly feel every person should be able to enjoy, and they aptly go about their work in obscurity or fame.
The wayshower who’s reached a certain stage in their growth doesn’t want to be seen as a guru, an authority or a figure to be put up on a pedestal. The wayshower acknowledges the enormity of what they’re doing, but seeks only to show the way and motivate everybody to understand the reality of our existence as spiritual beings.

What you are – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 01, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
What are you, my child?
You are love, you are unconditional love, born out of my essence. You are part of my creation, a part of my Self. You are a beautiful immortal being. Your soul may be young or old, but it is immortal and will “someday” re-merge with me. Sometime in the infinity of Being, we will both completely be also energetically and physically ONE again. You are not separate from me. All separation is only an illusion. In truth as a part of me you are connected as with invisible threads inseparable from me. Enjoy your earthly life, my child. Make your experiences, let your light and your love so beautifully illuminate the Earth, and later, in all eternity, come back to me, my Beloved. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 27 de Octubre al 3 de Noviembre, 2013 - Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


El mundo que los rodea está lleno de muchas distracciones que demandan su atención y concentración. Es muy fácil quedar atrapado en los juegos de polaridad que se despliegan y es importante que los Portadores de la Luz mantengan sus posiciones. Como ya lo han experimentado muchas veces, los titulares de las noticias en los medios de comunicación se generan para atraer seguidores. Recuerden que donde centran sus pensamientos y enfoque será lo que, a su vez, harán que se manifieste. Es aconsejable mantener sus pensamientos y centrarse en lo que quieren experimentar en su mundo personal y no en lo que se disuelve y desintegra en las frecuencias más altas. Los viejos paradigmas del mundo ya no están trabajando a pesar de que hay un esfuerzo frenético para retenerlos.

Karen Doonan - Energetic update for the New Earth - November 1, 2013

The unfolding of the New Earth energies over the past few linear weeks has been at an ever increasing expansive rate and this rate is now expanding and growing once more. Unlike the very “chaotic” energies of the linear month of October, the New Earth energies will now increase in frequency in order to help support the DREAMS that reside within YOUr heart space.  The heart space is seeded with TRUTH and that TRUTH has lain dormant within the heart space for your entire incarnations upon this planet. Only now as Mother Earth heightens her frequency have these seeds begun to grow and sprout, supported at all times by the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

MADAD - SaLuSa - 1. 11. 2013 - SaLuSa 1 de noviembre de 2013

The higher reality is upon those who chose to experience it as soon as they complete the necessary transformation of their beings, into those aligned with higher energy flow. Throughout their first experiences in their higher realities in this process of Ascension, all others will have great source of information when they decide to finish their own preparations. It will be stored in collective consciousness of all Humanity on Mother Earth and every one that desires to experience more will be guided to connect to them, it will be very easy to find these energy patterns as they will be of pure Love and Light, and they will create powerful attraction for all those searching for upliftment and change. All previous learning experiences do not carry such strong energy, except those that you already know from your history, and you already found out the true purpose for them. They were guiding you all that time needed for your growth and were showing you the path of Love and Light. Although they were connected with very hard life experiences, they were also the choice of all those who decided to be the ones that will show the way, as you are doing now.

Melquisedek - Estírate Hacia Arriba Como Un Árbol Y CRECE – Julie Miller - Semana del 20 al 27-10-2013

postura_yoga_vriksasana_arbol dos
La vida en la que ustedes están actualmente trabajando continúa creciendo, trayendo consigo muchas sendas diferentes a lo largo del camino, y su crecimiento queridos míos es similar al de un árbol.

Es lento y gradual, ustedes deben enraizarse y asentarse firmemente y permitir que la Luz y los Elementos los nutran para crecer a nuevos niveles y una nueva fuerza.
Al igual que el crecimiento de un árbol, gran parte de su desarrollo se hace desde el interior.
El lado espiritual de su desarrollo es agudizado e impulsado gentilmente hacia la conciencia, la semilla de su potencial espiritual permanece en un estado latente hasta que hayan despertado, y dependiendo de cada persona esto puede sentirse como una repentina ocurrencia o como un desarrollo gradual, de cualquier modo, tan pronto como su yo despierto se abra, empieza su florecimiento.
El crecer en su senda espiritual es nutrido por unos profundos anhelos dentro de sus hermosos corazones.


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Nosotros del Grupo Arcturiano deseamos darles la bienvenida a todos en este mensaje. 

Venimos a enseñar y a informar, nunca a predicar o empujarlos hacia el entendimiento de algo que ustedes no pueden aceptar aún.
El foco principal de estos mensajes es ayudarlos a entender que ustedes están a cargo de ustedes mismos… nadie más, y a ayudarlos a recordar y a reclamar el poder que han mantenido siempre como seres espirituales, pero que han olvidado.
Todos estamos en y somos de lo Divino y por eso todo lo que han estado buscando, está ya dentro suyo.
Este es un concepto difícil de entender si es oído con oídos tridimensionales.

Karen Doonan ~ Avanzando a la CREACIÓN dentro de la Nueva Tierra - Oct 28, 2013

AVATAR-Inspired Land Coming to Disney’s Animal Kingdom
Para muchos de ustedes la semana (en un contexto lineal) a los 10 días pasados pudieran haberlos encontrado cuestionándose su existencia misma.
Las energías han incrementado considerablemente y ahora tienen el NO TIEMPO para sentarse y posponer aquello que ustedes han venido aquí a hacer.
Esto se me ha mostrado una y otra vez, y las conexiones con las razas/los reinos han acanzado ahora casi un punto de manifestación física.
Esto es deliberado, aquellos de ustedes trabajando con la energía pudieran estar experimentando esta acrecentada conexión en estos momentos.

MADAD - SaLuSa - Estamos observando cuidadosamente su progreso … “del otro lado” - 29-10-2013

Estamos observando cuidadosamente su progreso y estamos intensificando las energías que les estamos enviando. “del otro lado”

La transformación de ustedes mismos se está acelerando y están empezando a sentir las energías más altas dentro y alrededor de ustedes, no importa cuál sea la situación en la que se encuentran.
A pesar de que el viejo sistema sigue jugando su juego con cierta intensidad, ustedes siempre sienten las mayores vibraciones y no se quedan encerrados en la rueda de las bajas vibraciones.
Esta es su elección y estamos mirando ansiosamente a todos los que se están elevando a sí mismos muy alto y les están dando cada vez menos posibilidades a las energías bajas de influir en su ser.
Cada vez más se están enfocando en su mundo interior y son guiados a sentir y experimentar plenamente todos los cambios en su interior, ya que nada de lo que sucede en el resto del mundo pueda satisfacer su petición de conocimiento superior.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Ustedes pidieron un nuevo mundo, ¿Por qué esperarían incluir sus viejas vidas? - 27-10-13

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Después de todo no esperaban estar donde están ahora hace algunos años, ¿o sí? Ustedes pidieron un nuevo mundo. ¿Por qué esperarían incluir sus viejas vidas?

Arcángel Miguel: Hablamos hoy por la aparente calma que muchos de ustedes sienten estar experimentando en éste momento.
Muchos de ustedes se sienten desconectados, como si hubieran perdido el camino, sienten como si de repente la meta estuviera cambiando y no pueden percibirla.
Venimos a decirles que en verdad están en lo correcto en algún sentido. Y decirles que no hay nada de qué preocuparse.
Están recibiendo un corta pausa, un descanso en sí, después de varios meses arduos cambios internos, muchos de los cuales aún no están conscientes.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Semillas Estelares - 25-10-13

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Mi hija(o), tú eres como todos los seres humanos en la tierra, ultimadamente una Semilla Estelar. 

El hombre como tal fue creado con material genético de otras personas de otros planetas y estrellas y traído a la Tierra hace eones.
En especial los Pleyadianos y los Sirianos decisivamente estuvieron involucrados en esto.
Unas eras atrás, el material genético fue renovado y complementado con características seleccionadas de seres humanoides.
Como ves no estás solo en el universo como ser humano. Esto también explica tu melancolía cuando ves el cielo estrellado en la noche.
Tus células saben que su origen es originalmente del espacio exterior. Hay viejas semillas estelares encarnando en la tierra desde tiempos inmemoriales, Semillas Estelares encarnando por solo unos cuantos miles de años, o relativamente jóvenes que han tenido unas cuantas o una sola encarnación en la tierra.
Sin embargo esto no dice la edad del alma. Un día te unirás con tu familia estelar de nuevo y ese día se aproxima rápidamente. Tú eres amada(o), mi hija(o), por ellos y por mí.
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

El Amor TRASCIENDE Todas Las Cosas – por Julie Miller - 19-10-2013

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Está entendido queridos míos que el Amor va más allá de la necesidad de sobrevivir; no es heredado ni es un rasgo genético que se haya puesto en ustedes para su supervivencia.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que vine a través de este vehículo. Un gran placer llena mi corazón, y yo comparto a la vez este placer con cada uno de ustedes en forma de Amor Divino, envolviéndolos de cabeza a pies – trayendo un calorcito que toca cada parte de sus fibras.
Ustedes son amados, mis queridos, por mí y por muchos que están siempre con ustedes.
Está bien entendido que ninguno de ustedes está solo nunca, ni siquiera el hermita que se oculta en la parte más profunda del bosque.
Una falta de contacto humano no significa que ustedes están solos, hay tantos queridos seres a su lado en espíritu haciéndoles compañía, Dios siempre está con ustedes y a cualquier momento que requieran apoyo o una guía adicional ustedes tienen la habilidad de invocar la presencia de un Ángel, un Maestro, o una Deidad.

Sheldan Nidle -... fin oficial del infame “encubrimiento OVNI”. – “revolución silenciosa” - 29-10-2013

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…… ya estáis preparados para acontecimientos sorprendentes que incluyen el fin oficial del infame “encubrimiento OVNI”. “revolución silenciosa” 

1 Eb, 15 Tzec, 10 Caban
¡Dratzo! ¡Volvemos con algunas noticias maravillosas! El movimiento hacia vuestra nueva realidad se está acelerando.
Varias conferencias secretas alrededor de este globo han producido resultados positivos que se harán evidentes en los importantes encuentros que van a tener lugar la semana que viene.
Está llegando el momento de acciones colectivas que puedan catapultar fácilmente los esfuerzos hacia adelante.
Esperamos el avance final de acontecimientos que van a manifestar nuevos gobiernos y a crear una nueva moneda.


Es con un gran placer que les traigo mi Luz para estar en comunión con la propia de ustedes, permitiendo una resonancia más profunda y la familiaridad para formar. 

Vengo no sólo como Guía y querida amiga, sino como la Chohan y supervisora del Décimo Rayo de Luz a nivel planetario.
Hay una gran belleza en el Universo del Creador y es un deleite ver que cada uno de ustedes se está dando cuenta y conectando con la belleza del Creador, recordando quiénes son ustedes, sus orígenes espirituales o energéticos, y la Presencia Divina del Creador dentro de ustedes.
La remembranza es un cambio y experiencia clave en esta etapa de la ascensión, y va a traer una gran iluminación, seguridad y despertar.

Celia Fenn - El Eclipse Solar – Reestructurando hacia la Luz…África Emerge ..24-10-2013

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El Eclipse Solar del 3 de Noviembre
Reestructurando hacia la Luz…
África Emerge

Estamos ahora justo en la transición de un Eclipse Lunar (18 de octubre) a un Eclipse Solar (3 de noviembre).
En los talones de la poderosa ola de energía de julio/agosto, esto ha creado algún ‘clima’ energético muy intenso.
El Eclipse Lunar en octubre fue en Aries, y fue impactado por Urano en Aries, significando que se liberó mucha energía impredecible hacia las Rejillas.
Como saben, los eclipses son siempre un tiempo en el que las Rejillas de la Tierra se recalibran con nuevos Códigos de Luz entrantes, y aunque esto pueda ser turbulento en el momento, el resultado siempre es positivo.

Jesús- John Smallman - Sus egos son como adolescentes - 19-10-2013


Sus egos son como adolescentes, siempre expresando con fuerza sus derechos, su individualidad, exigiendo gratificación y satisfacción inmediata…

Todos son uno, y todos los días esta verdad se filtra cada vez más en la conciencia de la humanidad, ya que todos ustedes – la gran mayoría de ustedes – se aproximan a su despertar.
Es un hecho, van a despertar, es inevitable y nada lo puede impedir, así que céntrense en su paz interior y en la alegría que encuentran cuando van al silencio, hacia su interior en la relajación, la oración o la meditación, sabiendo que esta es la divina Voluntad para todos ustedes.

John Smallman – Saul – Your Collective Intent Is The Determening Factor – 1 November 2013

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms we are watching with joy as humanity’s progress towards the moment of awakening becomes ever more powerfully focused.  We have told you many times that it is a done deal, which indeed it is, but your collective intent is the determining factor, the force driving you forwards and homewards so purposefully.  It has always been your collective intent to awaken, ever since the moment of apparent separation, but of course the distractions and enticements of the illusion that you had conceived and built were quite fascinating, and for all practical purposes you had forgotten that ineradicable intent and became lost and distracted in the vast maze that is the illusion.

Jim Self - Planetary Update - November 2013