Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alto Consejo de Orión. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alto Consejo de Orión. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, noviembre 04, 2013


Transcribed by Paul Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
The energy of change abounds on your planet right now. Some of you are experiencing dramatic change on many levels in your life. Some of you are feeling unsettled about the change for you feel it and life feels uncertain. Yet the evidence of it might not have impacted your life at this point in time. There are many others on your planet who are not aware of any changes happening and that is all perfectly fine.

viernes, octubre 04, 2013

F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real - THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION - October 3, 2013. - Holly Hawkins Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today’s message is one of FEAR, but fear we are going to talk about it in a positive sense.
We’ve spoken before in prior channelings about how you have evidence on your planet, and all you need on your planet to thrive and survive, and transcend and ascend. All of the raw materials are on the planet now, and again we spoken about it in prior channelings, and so we are going to take it another step further.
There is a saying that’s prevalent in certain parts of your consciousness, that people on your planet some people talk about FEAR as an acronym “False Evidence Appearing Real,” and this is another example of the ones we’ve given before, of how you have evidence hiding in plain sight.
For there has been a constriction and a reality of fear on the planet, yet this word fear as it has been named for that emotion, and even more than the emotion it’s naming the constriction of energy that happens, when something that is false is appearing real to you. So this word fear, and then people tapping into the acronym of false evidence appearing real, is giving you the key to unlocking energetic construction in your life.

lunes, septiembre 16, 2013

High Council of Orion ~ INVEST IN YOUR ENERGETIC RELATIONSHIP OF YOUR LIFE ~ via Holly Hawkins Marwood - Sep 15, 2013

“Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the High Council of Orion.

Our message today is about the most important thing you can do every day.

From our place of observation of your planet, we see that as energies are shifting and changing, more and more of humanity is trying to manage the unconscious and unknown, un-understood energies that show up just as feeling unsettled or uncertain, and so what better thing to do when you are feeling unsettled and uncertain, but hang on to the things that help you feel stable, help you feel like you're hanging on to what's known, as what's known is shifting and changing.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2013

Karen Doonan: Orion Message to the Peoples of Planet Earth Sep 4, 2013 beloved ones, we are the BEings from the star system constellation of ORION, We come to communicate through our channel and to add our voice to ALL at this time of major transition upon and within planet earth. The universe will now begin to respond to ALL as ALL respond to the universe and we send out this message in order to make contact with you all energetically as we now prepare to make contact individually with our children in their human form.
For too long the voice of ALL has been silenced and now the voice will begin to grow louder and louder as ALL begin to communicate and to send out their message of support and LOVE across and within planet earth to the peoples of ALL for it is not only the human race who inhabit planet earth in TRUTH. ALL who have been incarnate onto and within planet earth have been bound by the frequencies of the old 3d earth and now these are dissolving then the expansion of ALL with ALL can unfold in TRUTH.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2013

El Alto Consejo de Orión - Buenas y Malas Energía de Orión en Tiempos Pasados - 23-08-13 - Holly Hawkins Marwood

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Saludos queridos, Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión

Hay una variedad de opiniones sobre los seres de Orión, y muchos de ustedes puede que sepan eso.
En tiempos pasados hubo facciones guerreras y lo que llamarían, facciones positivas y negativas, buenas y malas del sistema estelar de Orión o atribuidas al sistema estelar de Orión que están en todas partes.
Discutiremos esto hoy esperando darle fin a algunos comentarios que se han hecho, a alguna preocupación que está en el planeta.
Hay varios que están trayendo estos mensajes del Alto Concejo de Orión y mientras que seamos neutrales desde nuestra posición sobre su opinión, lo que nos gustaría compartir hoy es algo de verdad.
Vamos a usar ejemplos de su historia para aterrizar ese punto hoy.

domingo, agosto 25, 2013

El Alto Consejo de Orión - Conectándose con su Cuerpo de Energía Pte. 1 - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 16-08-13

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Saludos, queridos. Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión. El mensaje de hoy es sobre cuidar su cuerpo de energía.

Se habla mucho hoy en día en su planeta sobre cuidar su cuerpo físico el cual es muy importante ya que es el vehículo y el albergue de su Alma.
Igualmente de importante es su cuerpo de energía. Nos gustaría discutir lo que eso significa y cómo cuidar de su cuerpo de energía hoy, al menos al inicio y regresaremos con éste tema en otro momento, ya que hay mucho qué decir al respecto.
Es muy fácil en su mundo en éste momento no pensar mucho en un cuerpo de energía y qué tan grande o pequeño es y qué clase de forma pudiera tener.

Alto Consejo de Orión - Háganlo Para Ustedes Mismos - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 11-08-13

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Saludos, queridos, Somos el Alto Concejo de Orión. Hoy empezamos con la frase, “Háganlo para ustedes mismos”.

¿Hay veces cuando hay cosas que saben que necesitan hacer, o cosas que tienen que hacer o incluso cosas que creen que tienen que hacer y con ello viene una sensación de temor, de no querer, de resistencia?
Es fácil encontrar excusas, cosas en qué ocupar su tiempo, en qué ocupar su energía, e-mails que de repente necesitan escribirse, casas que tiene que limpiarse, cualquier cosa que se interponga en su camino, se interpondrá en su camino cuando sientan una resistencia a ello.
Pero como muchos saben, todo ese quehacer cancela lo inevitable, ¿verdad?

Holly Hawkins Marwood - EL Alto Consejo de Orión - Ayuda con sus Asociaciones - 20-08-13

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Saludos, queridos, Somos el Alto Concejo de Orión.
El mensaje de hoy es de asociaciones y éste es un mensaje que es muy terrenal en su haber y lo traemos a la luz porque muchas asociaciones están cambiando y se están transformando en el mundo que están experimentando en éste momento.
Las asociaciones pueden presentarse en términos de sus relaciones de pareja comprometidas como esposo y esposa, o podría ser en términos de relaciones de negocios, amistades e incluso las asociaciones familiares significando las relaciones de familia.
En éste momento muchos de ustedes pueden estar experimentando una variedad de cambios en su percepción, en su entendimiento, en su voluntad de participar en situaciones que puede que hayan sido el status quo por años; pueden encontrarse sintiendo intolerancia a las cosas que han sido muy familiares, puede que se encuentren viendo la misma situación desde un punto de vista completamente diferente en el momento, de repente, y de forma sorpresiva.

sábado, agosto 03, 2013

Alto Consejo de Orión - Encontrando Su Par Vibratorio - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 25-07-13

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Saludos, queridos. Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión.
Al avanzar el tiempo, más y más de ustedes se están relacionando, y acercando, y experimentando el conocimiento, saber e información de muchas fuentes más allá de su planeta.
Muchos de ustedes escuchan información canalizada y resuenan firmemente con algunas, y no tan fuerte con otras, y estamos aquí para hablar de esto hoy.
Mucha de la información que está por ahí es precisa y mucha de ella es imprecisa, ¿y cómo saben cuál es verdadera?
Lo que les pedimos que hagan, primero que todo, es que al estar escuchando la información:
¿Cómo se siente su cuerpo?
¿Cómo se siente su energía?

lunes, julio 29, 2013

Alto Consejo de Orión - Su Conexión Personal ¿Qué están esperando? - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 18-07-13

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Alto Consejo de Orión – Su Conexión Personal ¿Qué están esperando?
Hoy el título de nuestro mensaje es, “¿Qué están esperando?” Saludos, queridos. Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión.
Hoy el título de nuestro mensaje es, “¿Qué están esperando?” Observen su vida y observen cómo interactúan con el mundo a su alrededor y les preguntamos, ¿qué están esperando?
Si empiezan a darle importancia a la forma cómo piensan acerca de su vida, e incluso comienzan a hacer una lista, por así decirlo, encontrarán que muchos de sus pensamientos son acerca de lo que está a la vuelta de la esquina, “Qué perfectas las cosas serán cuando”, y lo que se dan cuenta es de que su mente se mueve constantemente hacia el futuro, y esperan que algo más sea mejor, esperan algo que sea diferente y que ese punto de vida puede comenzar, la vida puede disfrutarse, la vida será más fácil, la vida será entendida, sentirán paz, sentirán felicidad, sentirán menos estrés, o lo que sea.

viernes, julio 26, 2013

High Council of Orion –FINDING YOUR VIBRATIONAL MATCH - Holly Hawkins Marwood – 25th July 2013


“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
As time is moving forward, more and more of you are relating to and reaching out to, and experiencing the knowledge, wisdom and information from many sources beyond your planet. Many of you listen to channeled information and resonate quite strongly with some, and not so strongly with others, and we’re here to talk about this today.
For much of the information out there is accurate and much of it is inaccurate, and how do you know what is true? What we ask you to do, first of all, is as you’re listening to the information:
               How does your body feel?
               How does your energy feel?
Does it feel like it’s creating openness, a greater level of understanding, a greater level of peace? This can happen even if the information isn’t necessarily all happy and flowery. But there’s that sense of knowingness, of the rightness of this information for you. If you’re experiencing that as you’re listening to information from some of us from the realms beyond, who are sharing information to your planet at this time, then you know it’s right for you.
What if your best friend or somebody you know and respect really listens to one channeled source or another. They really like it. It uplifts them. It’s meaningful to them. Because of how you love and respect that person you choose to listen too. You may not have the same reaction. You may not feel comfortable or uplifted or reassured, or coming to a greater level of understanding about your life.
That does not make one of you right and one wrong. The information is not resonating with one and not the other because it is black or white. It is because of resonance and vibrational resonance. Allow the information to come forward as it will, and allow each individual to resonate with it, as they will. A lot of it is about vibrational match. It’s not about judgment. It’s not about better or worse. It’s about vibrational match.
As you are exploring the world of channeled information, of which there is much that is accessible this day, we ask you to find your vibrational match within that information system. Understanding that some of it will match for you and some of it won’t. Just because it’s “channeled information” does not mean that it will be a vibrational match for everyone.
We ask you not to go down the rabbit hole of information if it doesn’t feel right, if what’s being said doesn’t feel resonant with you, and just because it’s channeled information you decide “I have to follow it.” No you don’t! You go on your internal compass, which we’ve spoken about before, which will guide you. Your heart and your Soul will guide you to what’s resonant with you, and that’s your decision point. Does it make the other ones wrong or incorrect that you aren’t resonant with? No. The information is available for those whom it is resonant with.
That being said we ask now that you also tune in to an even higher level; a higher level of resonance in terms of where your Soul wants you to go. For there is the vibrational match of where you might be right in this moment, and then there’s the vibrational match with where your Soul is going. There’s also that piece of feeling into your future, “is this the type of information, is this uplifting me and allowing me to see where my future might be going, where I feel resonant in in my future”? Then that’s the source you want to align with.
For truth be told there are sources out there of information, that are working to keep humanity in fear and smallness and worry and concern, which are constricting emotions. They, in a sense, put bars around your consciousness, around your trust in your own inner guidance, and instill fear about the future.
If you’re living in a place of fear, and feeling constricted, we ask you to understand without judgment that there are some channeled sources who are out there who are working to maintain the status quo, to slow down or put brakes on the ascension process that’s happening now. So, please, we ask you to use your internal compass to see how you’re feeling about it, and if it’s creating fear and constriction, which by the way are very addictive emotions, we ask that you evaluate whether that’s for you in your highest good.
We make no judgment about where you feel that you need to be, but what we ask is to check in with your internal compass about how it feels.
Are those the emotions that you feel are moving you into a future that, on the other side of ascension, is one of open energies, without the fear and the constriction, where humanity is living in a state of Oneness and trust of one another, and trust in the bigger picture of life?
This is the first time we’ve spoken about this as an aspect, yet it comes up often, and it is important to address now. We say this for you are your ultimate judge. Your Soul is the ultimate judge of the information that’s appropriate for you. We ask you not to deify channeled language, channeled information, just because it’s a newer part of your consciousness on your planet. We ask you to look at it as any other information source and be judicious about your interaction with it.
Just as you would choose whether or not you turn the television off if there’s too much bad news, we ask you to tune in to the channeled sources that you feel are moving you in a direction that is appropriate to your Soul’s progress.
We’ll leave you with that thought now, Dear Ones, knowing and trusting that your inner guidance, that inner compass that’s fueled by your Soul, will always lead you in the right direction.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”

© 2013 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood 

jueves, julio 11, 2013

High Council of Orion ~ YOUR PERSONAL CONNECTION ~ via Holly Hawkins Marwood - July 11, 2013

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Audio file is available at


“Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the High Council of Orion.

Today we would like to encourage each one of you to create a daily or regular routine of “Personal Connection”. And that Personal Connection in some realms might be called meditation, but we would like to call it “Personal Connection.”

jueves, julio 04, 2013

El Alto Consejo de Orión - Actualizando el vehículo humano a la Luz - Karen Doonan - 28-06-13

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Las actualizaciones a su vehículo humano se están anclando en nuevos niveles y en éste proceso está la nueva realidad de la Tierra.

Saludos queridos, Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión. Y venimos a guiar y a apoyar en un tiempo que puede ser para ustedes desafiante y siendo desafiado por todo lo que se les presenta como una realidad conscientizadora aquí en el planeta Tierra.

Las actualizaciones a su vehículo humano se están anclando en nuevos niveles y en éste proceso está la nueva realidad de la Tierra.

martes, julio 02, 2013

High Council of Orion Message - EVERYTHING IS RIGHT AND PERFECT? - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 2nd July 2013
Transcribed by Paul Marwood      
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today we start out with a thought-provoking question.
                  What if everything you are experiencing right now is right,
                  what if everything you're experiencing in your life is perfect?
And we pause for a moment with that to allow the thought of the rightness, and the perfection of all that your experiencing in your life right now to settle in to your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences, and many of you may say “No I disagree, this doesn't feel right and this isn’t perfect.”
We are just going to lead you into this idea that if you believe there is a higher power, if there is God consciousness, if there is a universal mind, if there is a Soul animating your human experiences, and if you feel the Soul transcends the human experiences, and your Soul is the animating force providing you the experiences that you're having in your life.

miércoles, junio 19, 2013

El Alto Consejo de Orión - Cómo resistir a las transiciones - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 09-06-13

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Saludos, queridos, somos el Alto Consejo de Orión.

Hoy nuestro mensaje se trata de no tomar la vida tan en serio en éste momento en el tiempo, ya que hay muchos cambios en su planeta de los que han oído y de los que muchos están conscientes en éste momento.

Sin embargo, ¿lo que es difícil de entender es lo que hay que hacer?

Muchos de ustedes están sintiendo los efectos del flujo de energías del cambio y la transición que provienen del sol.

Muchos sienten que son afectados por eso sin saber que hay impulsos energéticos que vienen del sol, y ya sea que estén conscientes de ellos o no, la realidad es que están siendo emitidos hacia su planeta y son parte del proceso de ascensión.

lunes, junio 17, 2013

Holly Hawkins Marwood – High Council of Orion Message: Greater Manifesting Alignment - June 17, 2013 Ascension Message from the High Council of Orion June 14th 2013.
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Audio file is available at
“Greetings Dear Ones,   We are the High Council of Orion.
What we would like to speak with you about today is this idea of living your future reality as we are often speaking about, yet with the specific area of focus today being that of really connecting to what it is that “You feel that you want and you need, and your desire to have what you would consider an ideal life.”
For as we observe many of you on your planet, there are lots of thoughts and dreams and desires that are always out there, they are always outside of you.

jueves, junio 13, 2013

Alto Consejo de Orión - Meditación para liberar el Miedo - Karen Doonan - 06-06-13

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Queridos, somos el Alto Consejo de Orión y venimos a guiarlos y a apoyarlos a TODOS en éste tiempo sobre y dentro del planeta Tierra.

Venimos a través de nuestro canal con una meditación para dirigir las bajas frecuencias energéticas dimensionales que están elevándose dentro de muchos sobre el planeta Tierra en su forma humana.

Les pedimos que hagan éste ejercicio tan a menudos como deseen y que se guíen todo el tiempo por cómo se SIENTEN.

La liberación de las frecuencias dimensionales bajas del miedo puede que los desafíen inicialmente ya que muchos se han acostumbrado a almacenar estas frecuencias dentro de sus vehículos humanos.

Les pedimos que beban suficiente agua limpia y honren el requerimiento de su vehículo humano por sueño para poder procesar la liberación de dichas frecuencias y el anclaje de las nuevas frecuencias elevadas de la tierra todo el tiempo.

domingo, junio 09, 2013

THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 9th June 2013.
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood


“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today our message is about not taking life too seriously at this moment in time, for there are many changes on your planet as you’ve heard about, and many are aware of at this time.
However what’s hard to understand is what to do about it?
Many of you are feeling the effects of the influx of energies of change and transition that are coming from the sun. Many are feeling affected by it without knowing that there are these energetic impulses that are coming from the sun, and whether you are aware of them not, the reality is that they are being pulsed towards your planet and they are part of the ascension process. The result of this can sometimes allow individuals to feel uncomfortable.
How does that discomfort show up?

Alto Consejo de Orión - Desintoxicación de las energías al movernos a niveles de existencia más elevados - Abigail Wainwright - 01-06-13

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Saludos, queridos.n Muchos de ustedes están experimentando periodos intensos de desintoxicación justo ahora mientras la vibración de la Tierra continúa elevándose a mayor velocidad.

En verdad hay un flujo de luz entrando en la atmosfera de la Tierra que es extremadamente intenso y esto significa que estarán liberando eso el cual ya no les sirve en proporción más rápida que antes en éste reino de existencia.

Pueden estar sintiendo energías muy inusuales e incomodas dentro de su cuerpo. Los patrones de sueño se alteran, problemas digestivos, calambres en el cuerpo y dolor, irritaciones en la piel, cambios de humor, depresión, etc.…

En otros momentos puede que se sientan el otro extremo del espectro o que brota una alegría, amor, gratitud, calma, paz, conocimiento y sabiduría interna.

jueves, junio 06, 2013

Karen Doonan: High Coucil of Orion Meditation to Release Fear - June 6, 2013 ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time upon and within planet earth. We come through our channel with a meditation to address the lower dimensional energetic frequencies that are now arising within many upon planet earth in their human form. We ask for you to use this exercise as often as you wish and to be guided at all times by how you FEEL. The release of the lower dimensional frequencies of fear may leave you challenged initially as many of you have become accustomed to the storage of these frequencies within your human vehicles. We ask for you to drink plenty of clear water and to honour your human vehicle’s requirement for extra sleep in order to process the release of said frequencies and the anchoring of the higher new earth frequencies at this time. Dear ones ALL is perfect for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.