“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
As time is moving forward, more and more of you are relating to and
reaching out to, and experiencing the knowledge, wisdom and information
from many sources beyond your planet. Many of you listen to channeled
information and resonate quite strongly with some, and not so strongly
with others, and we’re here to talk about this today.
For much of the information out there is accurate and much of it is
inaccurate, and how do you know what is true? What we ask you to do,
first of all, is as you’re listening to the information:
How does your body feel?
How does your energy feel?
Does it feel like it’s creating openness, a greater level of
understanding, a greater level of peace? This can happen even if the
information isn’t necessarily all happy and flowery. But there’s that
sense of knowingness, of the rightness of this information for you. If
you’re experiencing that as you’re listening to information from some of
us from the realms beyond, who are sharing information to your planet
at this time, then you know it’s right for you.
What if your best friend or somebody you know and respect really
listens to one channeled source or another. They really like it. It
uplifts them. It’s meaningful to them. Because of how you love and
respect that person you choose to listen too. You may not have the same
reaction. You may not feel comfortable or uplifted or reassured, or
coming to a greater level of understanding about your life.
That does not make one of you right and one wrong. The information is
not resonating with one and not the other because it is black or white.
It is because of resonance and vibrational resonance. Allow the
information to come forward as it will, and allow each individual to
resonate with it, as they will. A lot of it is about vibrational match.
It’s not about judgment. It’s not about better or worse.
It’s about vibrational match.
As you are exploring the world of channeled information, of which there is much that is accessible this day, we ask you to
find your vibrational match
within that information system. Understanding that some of it will
match for you and some of it won’t. Just because it’s “channeled
information” does not mean that it will be a vibrational match for
We ask you not to go down the rabbit hole of information if it
doesn’t feel right, if what’s being said doesn’t feel resonant with you,
and just because it’s channeled information you decide “I have to
follow it.” No you don’t! You go on your internal compass, which we’ve
spoken about before, which will guide you. Your heart and your Soul
will guide you to what’s resonant with you, and that’s your decision
point. Does it make the other ones wrong or incorrect that you aren’t
resonant with? No. The information is available for those whom it is
resonant with.
That being said we ask now that you also tune in to an even higher
level; a higher level of resonance in terms of where your Soul wants you
to go. For there is the vibrational match of where you might be right
in this moment, and then there’s the vibrational match with where your
Soul is going. There’s also that piece of feeling into your future, “is
this the type of information, is this uplifting me and allowing me to
see where my future might be going, where I feel resonant in in my
Then that’s the source you want to align with.
For truth be told there are sources out there of information, that
are working to keep humanity in fear and smallness and worry and
concern, which are constricting emotions. They, in a sense, put bars
around your consciousness, around your trust in your own inner guidance,
and instill fear about the future.
If you’re living in a place of fear, and feeling constricted, we ask
you to understand without judgment that there are some channeled sources
who are out there who are working to maintain the status quo, to slow
down or put brakes on the ascension process that’s happening now. So,
please, we ask you to use your internal compass to see how you’re
feeling about it, and if it’s creating fear and constriction, which by
the way are very addictive emotions, we ask that you evaluate whether
that’s for you in your highest good.
We make no judgment about where you feel that you need to be, but
what we ask is to check in with your internal compass about how it
Are those the emotions that you feel are moving you into a future that,
on the other side of ascension, is one of open energies, without the
fear and the constriction, where humanity is living in a state of
Oneness and trust of one another, and trust in the bigger picture of
This is the first time we’ve spoken about this as an aspect, yet it
comes up often, and it is important to address now. We say this for you
are your ultimate judge. Your Soul is the ultimate judge of the
information that’s appropriate for you. We ask you not to deify
channeled language, channeled information, just because it’s a newer
part of your consciousness on your planet. We ask you to look at it as
any other information source and be judicious about your interaction
with it.
Just as you would choose whether or not you turn the television off if
there’s too much bad news, we ask you to tune in to the channeled
sources that you feel are moving you in a direction that is appropriate
to your Soul’s progress.
We’ll leave you with that thought now, Dear Ones, knowing and
trusting that your inner guidance, that inner compass that’s fueled by
your Soul, will always lead you in the right direction.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2013 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is
kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with
the Author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed
as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood
Tagged as:
Akasha Healing Studio,
finding you vibrational match,
High Council of Orion,
Holly Hawkins Marwood,
Paul Marwood,
Personal development,
San Diego,
Soul Genesis,
ultimate judge,
vibrational match